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StartupTask Class


Represents a UWP app or a desktop application background task that runs at system startup or when the user logs in to their device.

public ref class StartupTask sealed
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Windows.ApplicationModel.StartupTaskContract, 65536)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingBehavior(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingType.Agile)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Threading(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ThreadingModel.Both)]
class StartupTask final
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.ApplicationModel.StartupTaskContract), 65536)]
public sealed class StartupTask
Public NotInheritable Class StartupTask
Object Platform::Object IInspectable StartupTask

Windows requirements

Device family
Windows Desktop Extension SDK (introduced in 10.0.14393.0)
API contract
Windows.ApplicationModel.StartupTaskContract (introduced in v1.0)


This functionality is supported on desktop versions of Windows in both UWP apps and desktop applications in a Windows app package. For more information on packaged desktop applications (also known as Desktop Bridge Apps), see Package desktop applications. Support for packaged desktop applications was introduced in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update (version 1607), and for UWP apps in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (version 1709).

An app must add the windows.startup extension category to its app package manifest in order to be activated at startup or when the user logs in. Adding this extension will not, by itself, automatically cause the app start.

UWP apps must call RequestEnableAsync from a UI thread to trigger a user-consent dialog. If the user consents, the UWP app will then start on startup or user log in. Note that UWP startup apps will start minimized.

If RequestEnableAsync is called from a packaged desktop app, no user-consent dialog is shown. Desktop apps can set their startup tasks to Enabled in the manifest, in which case they do not need to call RequestEnableAsync.

In both cases, to enable startup functionality, the user must either launch the app at least once, or they must enable startup functionality for the app on the Startup page in Settings. Once enabled, the user is in control and can change the enabled state of your app at any time via the Startup page in Settings or the Startup tab in Task Manager.

The following extension declaration goes in the app package manifest. The declaration that you use depends on whether your startup task will be a UWP app or desktop app background task.

Packaged desktop app startup task extension

<Package xmlns:uap5=""...>
    <Application ...>
              DisplayName="My Desktop App" />
Attribute Description
xmlns:uap5 Specifies the general UAP contract version 5 namespace.

Note: for the Fall Creators update (Windows version 1703) use the Windows Desktop specific XML namespace instead, xmlns:desktop="", and replace occurrences of uap5: with desktop: in the example above.
Category Must have the value "windows.startupTask".
Executable The relative path to the .exe to start.
EntryPoint Must have the value "Windows.FullTrustApplication".
TaskId A unique identifier for your task. Using this identifier, your app can call the APIs in this class to programmatically enable or disable a startup task.
Enabled May be set to true for packaged desktop apps to indicate that the app is enabled for startup without first needing to call RequestEnableAsync.
DisplayName The name of the task that appears in Task Manager.

For packaged desktop apps, multiple startupTask extensions are permitted, and each one can specify a different executable.

UWP app startup task extension

<Package xmlns:uap5="" ...>
    <Application ...>
          <uap5:Extension Category="windows.startupTask">
              DisplayName="Test startup" />
Attribute Description
xmlns:uap5 UWP apps use the general UAP contract version 5 namespace.
Category Must have the value "windows.startupTask"
TaskId The unique identifier for your task. Using this identifier, your app can call the APIs in this class to programmatically enable or disable a startup task.
Enabled For UWP apps, this attribute is ignored and the feature is implicitly disabled until the user first launches the app and the user confirms the app's request to enable activation at startup.
DisplayName The name of the UWP app that appears in Task Manager.
Executable Ignored. If provided, it cannot be empty or null. The app this Package.appxmanifest file belongs to is the implied executable.
EntryPoint Ignored. If provided, it cannot be empty or null. The entry point is implied.

UWP apps should only have one Executable entry and windows.startupTask extension.
The windows.startupTask extension is only available for UWP apps that run on Windows Desktop.

Windows Web App (WWA) startup task extension

<Package xmlns:uap5="" .m..>
    <Application ...>
          <uap5:Extension Category="windows.startupTask" StartPage="EntryPage">
              DisplayName="Test startup"/>
Attribute Description
xmlns:uap5 UWP apps use the general UAP contract version 5 namespace.
StartPage The name of the page to display when the WWA starts.
Category Must have the value "windows.startupTask"
TaskId The unique identifier for your task. Using this identifier, your app can call the APIs in this class to programmatically enable or disable a startup task.
DisplayName The name of the UWP app that appears in Task Manager.

For WWA apps, Executable, EntryPoint, and Enables are ignored and may be either missing or null.


The following code creates a StartupTask:

StartupTask startupTask = await StartupTask.GetAsync("MyStartupId"); // Pass the task ID you specified in the appxmanifest file
switch (startupTask.State)
    case StartupTaskState.Disabled:
        // Task is disabled but can be enabled.
        StartupTaskState newState = await startupTask.RequestEnableAsync(); // ensure that you are on a UI thread when you call RequestEnableAsync()
        Debug.WriteLine("Request to enable startup, result = {0}", newState);
    case StartupTaskState.DisabledByUser:
        // Task is disabled and user must enable it manually.
        MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(
            "You have disabled this app's ability to run " +
            "as soon as you sign in, but if you change your mind, " +
            "you can enable this in the Startup tab in Task Manager.",
        await dialog.ShowAsync();
    case StartupTaskState.DisabledByPolicy:
        Debug.WriteLine("Startup disabled by group policy, or not supported on this device");
    case StartupTaskState.Enabled:
        Debug.WriteLine("Startup is enabled.");



Gets the state (enabled, disabled, or disabled by user) of the startup task.


Gets the Id of the startup task.



Disables the startup task.


Gets a startup task by Id.


Gets all startup tasks for the current app package.


Requests that the startup task be enabled. If the task was disabled by the user using Task Manager, this method will not override their choice and the user must re-enable the task manually.

Applies to

See also