
Sdílet prostřednictvím

MLOperatorTensorDataType enum

Specifies the data type of a tensor. Each data type numerically matches the corresponding ONNX type.


Name Value Description
Undefined 0 Undefined (unused).
Float 1 IEEE 32-bit floating point.
UInt8 2 8-bit unsigned integer.
Int8 3 8-bit signed integer.
UInt16 4 16-bit unsigned integer.
Int16 5 16-bit signed integer.
Int32 6 32-bit signed integer.
Int64 7 64-bit signed integer.
String 8 String (unsupported).
Bool 9 8-bit boolean. Values other than zero and one result in undefined behavior.
Float16 10 IEEE 16-bit floating point.
Double 11 64-bit double-precision floating point.
UInt32 12 32-bit unsigned integer.
UInt64 13 64-bit unsigned integer.
Complex64 14 64-bit complex type (unsupported).
Complex128 15 128-bit complex type (unsupported).


Minimum supported client Windows 10, build 17763
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2019 with Desktop Experience
Header MLOperatorAuthor.h


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