
Sdílet prostřednictvím

Adaptive tile templates: schema and guidance

Here are the elements and attributes you use to create adaptive tiles. For instructions and examples, see Create adaptive tiles.

tile element

  <!-- Child elements -->

visual element

  version? = integer
  lang? = string
  baseUri? = anyURI
  branding? = "none" | "logo" | "name" | "nameAndLogo"
  addImageQuery? = boolean
  contentId? = string
  displayName? = string >
  <!-- Child elements -->


binding element

  template = tileTemplateNameV3
  fallback? = tileTemplateNameV1
  lang? = string
  baseUri? = anyURI
  branding? = "none" | "logo" | "name" | "nameAndLogo"
  addImageQuery? = boolean
  contentId? = string
  displayName? = string
  hint-textStacking? = "top" | "center" | "bottom"
  hint-overlay? = [0-100] >

  <!-- Child elements -->
  ( image
  | text
  | group


image element

  src = string
  placement? = "inline" | "background" | "peek"
  alt? = string
  addImageQuery? = boolean
  hint-crop? = "none" | "circle"
  hint-removeMargin? = boolean
  hint-align? = "stretch" | "left" | "center" | "right" />

text element

  lang? = string
  hint-style? = textStyle
  hint-wrap? = boolean
  hint-maxLines? = integer
  hint-minLines? = integer
  hint-align? = "left" | "center" | "right" >

  <!-- text goes here -->


textStyle values: caption captionSubtle body bodySubtle base baseSubtle subtitle subtitleSubtle title titleSubtle titleNumeral subheader subheaderSubtle subheaderNumeral header headerSubtle headerNumeral

group element


  <!-- Child elements -->


subgroup element

  hint-weight? = [0-100]
  hint-textStacking? = "top" | "center" | "bottom" >

  <!-- Child elements -->
  ( text
  | image
