
Sdílet prostřednictvím

Monitor background task progress and completion

Important APIs

Learn how your app can recognize progress and completion reported by a background task that runs out-of-process. (For in-process background tasks, you can set shared variables to signify progress and completion.)

Background task progress and completion can be monitored by app code. To do so, the app subscribes to events from the background task(s) it has registered with the system.

Create an event handler to handle completed background tasks

Step 1

Create an event handler function to handle completed background tasks. This code needs to follow a specific footprint, which takes an IBackgroundTaskRegistration object and a BackgroundTaskCompletedEventArgs object.

Use the following footprint for the OnCompleted background task event handler method.

private void OnCompleted(IBackgroundTaskRegistration task, BackgroundTaskCompletedEventArgs args)
    // TODO: Add code that deals with background task completion.
auto completed{ [this](
        Windows::ApplicationModel::Background::BackgroundTaskRegistration const& /* sender */,
        Windows::ApplicationModel::Background::BackgroundTaskCompletedEventArgs const& /* args */)
    // TODO: Add code that deals with background task completion.
} };
auto completed = [this](BackgroundTaskRegistration^ task, BackgroundTaskCompletedEventArgs^ args)
    // TODO: Add code that deals with background task completion.

Step 2

Add code to the event handler that deals with the background task completion.

For example, the background task sample updates the UI.

private void OnCompleted(IBackgroundTaskRegistration task, BackgroundTaskCompletedEventArgs args)
auto completed{ [this](
        Windows::ApplicationModel::Background::BackgroundTaskRegistration const& /* sender */,
        Windows::ApplicationModel::Background::BackgroundTaskCompletedEventArgs const& /* args */)
} };
auto completed = [this](BackgroundTaskRegistration^ task, BackgroundTaskCompletedEventArgs^ args)

Create an event handler function to handle background task progress

Step 1

Create an event handler function to handle completed background tasks. This code needs to follow a specific footprint, which takes in an IBackgroundTaskRegistration object and a BackgroundTaskProgressEventArgs object:

Use the following footprint for the OnProgress background task event handler method:

private void OnProgress(IBackgroundTaskRegistration task, BackgroundTaskProgressEventArgs args)
    // TODO: Add code that deals with background task progress.
auto progress{ [this](
    Windows::ApplicationModel::Background::BackgroundTaskRegistration const& /* sender */,
    Windows::ApplicationModel::Background::BackgroundTaskProgressEventArgs const& /* args */)
    // TODO: Add code that deals with background task progress.
} };
auto progress = [this](BackgroundTaskRegistration^ task, BackgroundTaskProgressEventArgs^ args)
    // TODO: Add code that deals with background task progress.

Step 2

Add code to the event handler that deals with the background task completion.

For example, the background task sample updates the UI with the progress status passed in via the args parameter:

private void OnProgress(IBackgroundTaskRegistration task, BackgroundTaskProgressEventArgs args)
    var progress = "Progress: " + args.Progress + "%";
    BackgroundTaskSample.SampleBackgroundTaskProgress = progress;
auto progress{ [this](
    Windows::ApplicationModel::Background::BackgroundTaskRegistration const& /* sender */,
    Windows::ApplicationModel::Background::BackgroundTaskProgressEventArgs const& args)
    winrt::hstring progress{ L"Progress: " + winrt::to_hstring(args.Progress()) + L"%" };
    BackgroundTaskSample::SampleBackgroundTaskProgress = progress;
} };
auto progress = [this](BackgroundTaskRegistration^ task, BackgroundTaskProgressEventArgs^ args)
    auto progress = "Progress: " + args->Progress + "%";
    BackgroundTaskSample::SampleBackgroundTaskProgress = progress;

Register the event handler functions with new and existing background tasks

Step 1

When the app registers a background task for the first time, it should register to receive progress and completion updates for it, in case the task runs while the app is still active in the foreground.

For example, the background task sample calls the following function on each background task that it registers:

private void AttachProgressAndCompletedHandlers(IBackgroundTaskRegistration task)
    task.Progress += new BackgroundTaskProgressEventHandler(OnProgress);
    task.Completed += new BackgroundTaskCompletedEventHandler(OnCompleted);
void SampleBackgroundTask::AttachProgressAndCompletedHandlers(Windows::ApplicationModel::Background::IBackgroundTaskRegistration const& task)
    auto progress{ [this](
        Windows::ApplicationModel::Background::BackgroundTaskRegistration const& /* sender */,
        Windows::ApplicationModel::Background::BackgroundTaskProgressEventArgs const& args)
        winrt::hstring progress{ L"Progress: " + winrt::to_hstring(args.Progress()) + L"%" };
        BackgroundTaskSample::SampleBackgroundTaskProgress = progress;
    } };


    auto completed{ [this](
        Windows::ApplicationModel::Background::BackgroundTaskRegistration const& /* sender */,
        Windows::ApplicationModel::Background::BackgroundTaskCompletedEventArgs const& /* args */)
    } };

void SampleBackgroundTask::AttachProgressAndCompletedHandlers(IBackgroundTaskRegistration^ task)
    auto progress = [this](BackgroundTaskRegistration^ task, BackgroundTaskProgressEventArgs^ args)
        auto progress = "Progress: " + args->Progress + "%";
        BackgroundTaskSample::SampleBackgroundTaskProgress = progress;

    task->Progress += ref new BackgroundTaskProgressEventHandler(progress);

    auto completed = [this](BackgroundTaskRegistration^ task, BackgroundTaskCompletedEventArgs^ args)

    task->Completed += ref new BackgroundTaskCompletedEventHandler(completed);

Step 2

When the app launches, or navigates to a new page where background task status is relevant, it should get a list of background tasks currently registered and associate them with the progress and completion event handler functions. The list of background tasks currently registered by the application is kept in the BackgroundTaskRegistration.AllTasks property.

For example, the background task sample uses the following code to attach event handlers when the SampleBackgroundTask page is navigated to:

protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
    foreach (var task in BackgroundTaskRegistration.AllTasks)
        if (task.Value.Name == BackgroundTaskSample.SampleBackgroundTaskName)
            BackgroundTaskSample.UpdateBackgroundTaskStatus(BackgroundTaskSample.SampleBackgroundTaskName, true);

void SampleBackgroundTask::OnNavigatedTo(Windows::UI::Xaml::Navigation::NavigationEventArgs const& /* e */)
    // A pointer back to the main page. This is needed if you want to call methods in MainPage such
    // as NotifyUser().
    m_rootPage = MainPage::Current;

    // Attach progress and completed handlers to any existing tasks.
    auto allTasks{ Windows::ApplicationModel::Background::BackgroundTaskRegistration::AllTasks() };

    for (auto const& task : allTasks)
        if (task.Value().Name() == SampleBackgroundTaskName)

void SampleBackgroundTask::OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs^ e)
    // A pointer back to the main page.  This is needed if you want to call methods in MainPage such
    // as NotifyUser().
    rootPage = MainPage::Current;

    // Attach progress and completed handlers to any existing tasks.
    auto iter = BackgroundTaskRegistration::AllTasks->First();
    auto hascur = iter->HasCurrent;
    while (hascur)
        auto cur = iter->Current->Value;

        if (cur->Name == SampleBackgroundTaskName)

        hascur = iter->MoveNext();
