Introductory Example Using the COM+ Administration Catalog
When programmatically using the COM+ Administration catalog, you typically carry out the following general steps (not given in a strict order here):
- Open a session with the COM+ catalog on the local machine. Optionally, connect to the COM+ catalog on a remote machine.
- Perform actions such as starting or stopping services—actions that don't pertain to a particular COM+ application.
- Perform actions such as installing or exporting COM+ applications, or installing components into applications—actions that pertain to reading from or writing to files.
- Add new items to collections, such as creating a new COM+ application by adding a new item to the "Applications" collection.
- Set or get properties on an item in a collection.
- Save or discard pending changes to the catalog.
- Handle any errors that might occur.
To show what these steps look like when you use the COMAdmin objects, a Microsoft Visual Basic example is provided below. It briefly illustrates some of the typical steps described above, such as locating collections, enumerating through a collection to retrieve an item, and setting properties on that item.
In the example below you will perform the following actions:
- Create a new COM+ application, "MyHomeZoo".
- Install some components, Cat and Dog, into the application. Both components are contained in a single DLL that must already exist: MyZoo.dll.
- Configure role-based security for the application by defining two roles: ZooKeeper and AllergicToCats.
- Assign the ZooKeeper role access to the entire application.
- Assign the AllergicToCats role access to only the Dog component.
- Turn on security properties so that role checking will be enforced for the application.
- Export the MyHomeZoo application to a file so that it can be installed on other computers.
To use this example from Visual Basic, add a reference to the COM+ Admin Type Library.
Function SetupMyZoo() As Boolean ' Return False if any errors occur.
' Initialize error handling for this function.
SetupMyZoo = False
On Error GoTo My_Error_Handler
' Open a session with the catalog.
' Instantiate a COMAdminCatalog object.
Dim objCatalog As COMAdminCatalog
Set objCatalog = CreateObject("COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog")
' Create a new COM+ application.
' First get the "Applications" collection from the catalog.
Dim objApplicationsColl As COMAdminCatalogCollection
Set objApplicationsColl = objCatalog.GetCollection("Applications")
' Add a new item to this collection.
Dim objZooApp As COMAdminCatalogObject
Set objZooApp = objApplicationsColl.Add
' The "Applications" collection determines the available properties.
' Set the "Name" property of the new application item.
objZooApp.Value("Name") = "MyHomeZoo"
' Set the "Description" property of the new application item.
objZooApp.Value("Description") = "My pets at home"
' Save changes made to the "Applications" collection.
' Install components into the application.
' Use the InstallComponent method on COMAdminCatalog.
' In this case, the last two parameters are passed as empty strings.
objCatalog.InstallComponent "MyHomeZoo","MyZoo.DLL","",""
' Define the roles ZooKeeper and AllergicToCats
' by adding them to the "Roles" collection related to MyHomeZoo.
' First get the "Roles" collection related to MyHomeZoo.
' Use the GetCollection method on COMAdminCatalogCollection,
' passing in the name of the desired collection, "Roles",
' and the Key property value of objZooApp.
' The Key property uniquely identifies the object, serving
' here to distinguish the "Roles" collection related
' to MyHomeZoo from that of any other application.
Dim objRolesColl As COMAdminCatalogCollection
Set objRolesColl = objApplicationsColl.GetCollection("Roles", objZooApp.Key)
' Add new items to this "Roles" collection.
Dim objZooKeeperRole As COMAdminCatalogObject
Dim objAllergicToCatsRole As COMAdminCatalogObject
Set objZooKeeperRole = objRolesColl.Add
Set objAllergicToCatsRole = objRolesColl.Add
' Set the "Name" for the new items.
objZooKeeperRole.Value("Name") = "ZooKeeper"
objAllergicToCatsRole.Value("Name") = "AllergicToCats"
' Save changes made to any items in this "Roles" collection.
' Assign the AllergicToCats role to the Dog component to
' restrict its scope of access. (The ZooKeeper role, if assigned
' only at the application level, can access the whole application.)
' First get the "Components" collection related to MyHomeZoo.
' Use the GetCollection method on COMAdminCatalogCollection,
' passing in the name of the desired collection, "Components", and
' the Key property value of objZooApp.
Dim objZooComponentsColl As COMAdminCatalogCollection
Set objZooComponentsColl = objApplicationsColl.GetCollection("Components", objZooApp.Key)
' Find the Dog component item in this "Components" collection.
' First Populate the collection to read in data for all its items.
' Enumerate through the "Components" collection
' until the Dog component item is located.
Dim objDog As COMAdminCatalogObject
For Each objDog in objZooComponentsColl
If objDog.Name = "Dog" Then
Exit For
End If
' Set the role checking property at the component level for Dog.
objDog.Value("ComponentAccessChecksEnabled") = True
' Save these changes.
' Get the "RolesForComponent" collection related to the
' Dog component, using the Key property of objDog.
Dim objRolesForDogColl As COMAdminCatalogCollection
Set objRolesForDogColl = objZooComponentsColl.GetCollection("RolesForComponent", objDog.Key)
' Add a new item to this "RolesForComponent" collection.
Dim objCatSneezerRole As COMAdminCatalogObject
Set objCatSneezerRole = objRolesForDogColl.Add
' Set the "Name" of the new item to be "AllergicToCats".
objCatSneezerRole.Value("Name") = "AllergicToCats"
' Save changes made to this "RolesForComponent" collection.
' Now set properties to enforce role-based security.
' First set role-based security at the application level.
objZooApp.Value("ApplicationAccessChecksEnabled") = True
objZooApp.Value("AccessChecksLevel") = COMAdminAccessChecksApplicationComponentLevel
' Save these changes.
' Finally, export the new configured MyHomeZoo application to an
' MSI file, used to install the application on other machines.
' Use the ExportApplication method on COMAdminCatalogObject.
objCatalog.ExportApplication "MyHomeZoo", "c:\Program Files\COM applications\MyHomeZoo.MSI", 4
' Exit the function gracefully.
SetupMyZoo = True
If Not SetupMyZoo Then
MsgBox "Error # " & Err.Number & " (Hex: " & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" & vbNewLine & Err.Description
End If
objCatSneezerRole = Nothing
objRolesForDogColl = Nothing
objDog = Nothing
objZooComponentsColl = Nothing
objAllergicToCatsRole = Nothing
objZooKeeperRole = Nothing
objRolesColl = Nothing
objZooApp = Nothing
objApplicationsColl = Nothing
objCatalog = Nothing
Exit Function
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