64-bit support for Adobe PDF IFilter finally available.
Finally Adobe has come up with an interim solution to address the non-availability of a 64 bit ifilter. Now one can use the 32-bit Adobe IFilter on 64-bit platforms after installing a DCOM addin from Adobe. The installation instructions can be found on the Adobe Labs Wiki .
This is a great oppurtunity for folks who have a 64-bit installation of Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007 and want to index pdf documents, but do not want to spend money on a 64-bit FOXIT IFilter.
November 14, 2007
Finally Adobe has come up with an interim solution to address the non-availability of a 64 bit ifilterAnonymous
November 14, 2007
Finally Adobe has come up with an interim solution to address the non-availability of a 64 bit ifilterAnonymous
November 15, 2007
Hi, I would be interested in creating a general version of the 64 bit 'adapter'. We'd like to support our DWG IFilter 2007 32 bit on 64 bit too. Any thoughts for this? Marco van Schagen / www.dwgigilter.com / ifilter@cadcompany.nlAnonymous
November 28, 2007
Actually, a good place to discuss these deployment and implementation issues is the Adobe discussion forum itself: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/categories.cfm?forumid=72&catid=654&entercat=y cheers, Deb.Anonymous
December 18, 2007
I'm curious to know why Windows Desktop Search is required for the 64 bit implementation of Adobe's iFilter. Any explanations? Thanks.Anonymous
December 21, 2007
any chance this adobe solution can be registered to work with sql server 05? adobe rep seems to indicate this is possible (http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/messageview.cfm?forumid=72&catid=654&threadid=1316196&enterthread=y), but adobe apparently is not planning to release instructions on how this is done :-( any insights?!Anonymous
February 17, 2008
Hi there, I follow the procedures to config the indexer server and something strange. After full crawl, I can search the PDF files by using the filename, metadata in MOSS. However, I cannot search the PDF files by entering the text that inside the PDF files. Any wrong here? Any ideas?Anonymous
February 17, 2008
Paul, what does the crawl log say for the pdf files under consideration? Also, can you use filtdump/ifilttst and filter the pdf files ? If not, then its likely that the filter is not correctly registered.Anonymous
March 24, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 11, 2008
Hi Paul, I have noticed in some cases that the actual PDF file is somhow locked or in some strange format and in that case the text can't be indexed. You can do a test by opening one of the pdf-files copy some text and past it into Notepad. If the pasted text gives you strange letters, then it's probably the files that the problems. I have not been able to dig down in what causes the strange pdf-file format.