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Ugh, I forgot my password

Hey all,

I have been away from the blog world for quite a while now because I forgot my password. Duh!  My last day at Microsoft was in April and in the transition to starting my consulting company Blue Pen Solutions I forgot to switch my blog over to my new email.  I had it automatically logging me into my blog on my computer at Microsoft so I never needed my password.  Now a year since I started my blog it is tough to remember the password I used.  So I sat down and decided it was time to hack my password by going through every password I could think of that I have used and all the possible combinations of upper case and lower case.  I finally figured it out and it was "password"  ha! Just kidding, or am I.

Part of me writing this is to cement in that I am to keep up on my blog and write frequently.  It's kind of like when you are going to stop smoking, you are suppose to tell everyone you know so that they hold you accountable.  Well I really want to blog and share the things I learn so everyone can benefit.  I know I learn from all the other bloggers and would like to give some back.  So please hold me accountable.

If you have topics you would like to hear about, please by all means send me your requests.  I always like to play around with different things and even more so things that would benefit others.

Take care,
