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JsCreateTypedArray Function

Creates a JavaScript typed array object.


STDAPI_(JsErrorCode) JsCreateTypedArray(  
   _In_ JsTypedArrayType arrayType,  
   _In_ JsValueRef baseArray,  
   _In_ unsigned int byteOffset,  
   _In_ unsigned int elementLength,  
   _Out_ JsValueRef *result  


The type of the array to create.

The base array of the new array. Use JS_INVALID_REFERENCE if no base array.

The offset in bytes from the start of baseArray (ArrayBuffer) for result typed array to reference. Only applicable when baseArray is an ArrayBuffer object. Must be 0 otherwise.

The number of elements in the array. Only applicable when creating a new typed array without baseArray (baseArray is JS_INVALID_REFERENCE) or when baseArray is an ArrayBuffer object. Must be 0 otherwise.

The new typed array object.

Return Value

The code JsNoError if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.


The baseArray can be an ArrayBuffer, another typed array, or a JavaScript Array. The returned typed array will use the baseArray if it is an ArrayBuffer, or otherwise create and use a copy of the underlying source array.

Requires an active script context.

This API is supported only in Microsoft Edge mode.


Header: jsrt.h

See Also

Reference (JavaScript Runtime)