App and Data Modernization Readiness ToolTake the first step in modernizing your workloads by taking this application and modernization assessment.
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Microsoft Assessments
Use FinOps guidance to assess your organization’s capability gaps. Get recommendations for maximizing cloud business value using FinOps best practices.
40 minutes
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Når vurderingen er afsluttet, modtager du pragmatiske anbefalinger baseret på dine specifikke behov. Med tiden kan du forbedre din score ved at følge disse tilpassede anbefalinger.
App and Data Modernization Readiness ToolTake the first step in modernizing your workloads by taking this application and modernization assessment.
Azure Landing Zone ReviewReview your Azure platform readiness so adoption can begin, assess your plan to create a landing zone to host workloads that you plan to build in or migrate to the cloud. This assessment is designed for customers with two or more years' experience. If you are new to Azure, this assessment will help you identify Invesment areas for your adoption strategy.
Azure Well-Architected ReviewExamine the reliability, security, cost optimization, operational excellence, and performance efficiency of your workload's design. Use the Azure Well-Architected Framework's recommendations to improve your workload.
Cloud Adoption Strategy EvaluatorAssess your cloud adoption strategy and get recommendations for building or advancing your cloud business case.
Cloud Journey TrackerIdentify your cloud adoption path based on your needs with this tracker and navigate to relevant content in the Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure.
Data Services | Well-Architected ReviewExamine your data services through the lenses of reliability, cost management, operational excellence, security and performance efficiency.