Strategic Migration Assessment and Readiness ToolPrepare for a scale migration to ensure that your project runs smoothly and that your intended benefits are realized.
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Microsoft Assessments
Implementer, optimer og kombiner Microsoft-produkter og -tjenester ved hjælp af en strømlinet spørgeskemaoplevelse, du selv styrer, og som er designet til at hjælpe dig med at identificere forbedringsområder med handlingsrettede anbefalinger. Start din rejse i dag ved at udforske vores vurderinger nedenfor.
Strategic Migration Assessment and Readiness ToolPrepare for a scale migration to ensure that your project runs smoothly and that your intended benefits are realized.
Sustainability | Well-Architected ReviewExamine your workload through the lens of sustainability.
Synapse Link and Dynamics 365 data adoption guidance | Microsoft PartnersThis assessment covers topics pertaining to enablement and raising awareness among partners and customers on working with Dynamics 365 data in Synapse Link for Dataverse. It provides guidance on combining Synapse Link for Dataverse, Dynamics 365 data, Microsoft Fabric, and includes architecture patterns, recommendations, and informative resources for Synapse Link adoption journeys.
Technical Assessment for Generative AI in AzureThis assessment explores your team's (or your organization's) readiness to develop, run and maintain Azure AI solutions in production. The activity is designed for companies and teams of any size and covers both questions about the general readiness of the organization, as well as more detailed questions when it comes to the development of intelligent applications.
Unpacking Defender | Microsoft PartnersEmbark on a transformative journey with Defender for Endpoint, tailored for partners committed to cultivating expertise and crafting offerings around this powerful endpoint security solution. This journey encompasses: Comprehensive Training Resources: Access a rich array of learning materials to enhance your technical proficiency and operational mastery of Defender for Endpoint. Industry Best Practices: Benefit from insights shared by leaders in the field and Defender for Endpoint experts, ensuring that your practices adhere to the highest security standards. Guidance for Offer Development: Receive detailed guidance to assist you in creating compelling offerings that cater to the unique security requirements of your clients. Sales Enablement Content: Utilize a suite of resources designed to strengthen your sales strategy, equipping you with the knowledge to effectively articulate the value of Defender for Endpoint and associated security services. This digital journey serves as your pathway to becoming a leader in security services, delivering unmatched protection and intelligence with Defender for Endpoint as the cornerstone of your solutions.
Windows 11 Pro Migration Readiness AssessmentExamine your organization's readiness to migrate to Windows 11 Pro through this short series of questions that will provide you with the resources you need to take the next step.