You can use Azure Cloud Shell to deploy an Azure Resource Manager template (ARM template). You can deploy either an ARM template that is stored remotely, or an ARM template that is stored on the local storage account for Cloud Shell.
You can deploy to any scope. This article shows deploying to a resource group.
Required permissions
To deploy a Bicep file or ARM template, you need write access on the resources you're deploying and access to all operations on the Microsoft.Resources/deployments resource type. For example, to deploy a virtual machine, you need Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/write and Microsoft.Resources/deployments/* permissions. The what-if operation has the same permission requirements.
To deploy an external template, provide the URI of the template exactly as you would for any external deployment. The external template could be in a GitHub repository or and an external storage account.
Open the Cloud Shell prompt.
To deploy the template, use the following commands:
az group create --name ExampleGroup --location"South Central US"az deployment group create \
--resource-group ExampleGroup \
--template-file azuredeploy.json \
--parameters storageAccountType=Standard_GRS
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Learn how to use Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell to securely deploy a private ARM template with a SAS token. Protect and manage access to your templates.
Create your first Azure Resource Manager template (ARM template). In the tutorial, you learn about the template file syntax and how to deploy a storage account.