Policies in cloud-scale analytics

Before considering a deployment, it's important for your organization to put guardrails in place. By using Azure policies, you can implement governance for resource consistency, regulatory compliance, security, cost, and management.


A core principle of cloud-scale analytics is to make it easy to create, read, update, and delete resources as needed. However, while giving unrestricted resource access to developers can make them agile, it can also lead to unintended cost consequences. The solution to this problem is resource access governance. This governance is the ongoing process of managing, monitoring, and auditing the use of Azure resources to meet the goals and requirements of your organization.

The Start with Cloud Adoption Framework enterprise-scale landing zones already uses this concept. Cloud-scale analytics adds Custom Azure policies to build on these standards. The standards are then applied to our data management landing zones and data landing zones.

Diagram that shows how Azure governance works.

Azure Policy is important when ensuring security and compliance within cloud-scale analytics . It helps to enforce standards and to assess compliance at scale. Policies can be used to evaluate resources in Azure and compare them to the wanted properties. Several policies, or business rules, can be grouped into an initiative. Individual policies or initiatives can be assigned to different scopes in Azure. These scopes might be management groups, subscriptions, resource groups, or individual resources. The assignment applies to all resources within the scope, and subscopes can be excluded with exceptions if necessary.

Design considerations

Azure policies in cloud-scale analytics were developed with the following design considerations in mind:

  • Use Azure policies to implement governance and enforce rules for resource consistency, regulatory compliance, security, cost, and management.
  • Use available prebuilt policies to save time.
  • Assign policies to the highest level possible in the management group tree to simplify policy management.
  • Limit Azure Policy assignments made at the root management group scope to avoid managing through exclusions at inherited scopes.
  • Only use policy exceptions if necessary, and they require approval.

Azure policies for cloud-scale analytics

Implementing custom policies allows you to do more with Azure Policy. Cloud-scale analytics comes with a set of pre-created policies to help you implement any required guardrails in your environment.

Azure Policy should be the core instrument of the Azure (Data) Platform team to ensure compliance of resources within the Data management landing zone, data landing zones as well as other landing zones within the organization's tenant. This platform feature should be used to introduce guardrails and enforce adherence to the overall approved service configuration within the respective management group scope. The platform teams can use Azure Policy to, for example, enforce private endpoints for any storage accounts that are being hosted within the data platform environment or enforce TLS 1.2 encryption in transit for any connections being made to the storage accounts. When done right, this will prohibit any data application teams from hosting services in an incompliant state within the respective tenant scope.

The responsible IT teams should use this platform feature to address their security and compliance concerns and open up for a self-service approach within (Data) Landing Zones.

Cloud-scale analytics contains custom policies related to resource and cost management, authentication, encryption, network isolation, logging, resilience, and more.


The policies provided are not applied by default during deployment. They should be viewed as guidance only, and can be applied depending on business requirements. Policies should always be applied to the highest level possible. In most cases, this is a management group. All of the policies are available in our GitHub repository.


The policies provided below are not applied by default during deployment. They should be viewed as guidance-only and can be applied depending on business requirements. Policies should always be applied to the highest level possible and in most cases this will be a management group. All the policies are available in our GitHub repository.

All services

Policy name Policy area Description
Deny-PublicIp Network Isolation Restrict deployment of public IPs.
Deny-PrivateEndpoint-PrivateLinkServiceConnections Network Isolation Deny private endpoints to resources outside of the Microsoft Entra tenant and subscription.
Deploy-DNSZoneGroup-{Service}-PrivateEndpoint Network Isolation Deploys the configurations of a Private DNS Zone Group by a parameter for service's private endpoint. Used to enforce the configuration to a single Private DNS Zone.
DiagnosticSettings-{Service}-LogAnalytics Logging Send diagnostic settings for Azure Cosmos DB to log analytics workspace.


Policy name Policy area Description
Append-Storage-Encryption Encryption Enforce encryption for storage accounts.
Deny-Storage-AllowBlobPublicAccess Network Isolation Enforces no public access to all blobs or containers in the storage account.
Deny-Storage-ContainerDeleteRetentionPolicy Resilience Enforce container delete retention policies larger than seven days for storage account.
Deny-Storage-CorsRules Network Isolation Deny cors rules for storage account.
Deny-Storage-InfrastructureEncryption Encryption Enforce infrastructure (double) encryption for storage accounts.
Deny-Storage-MinimumTlsVersion Encryption Enforces minimum TLS version 1.2 for storage account.
Deny-Storage-NetworkAclsBypass Network Isolation Enforces network bypass to none for storage account.
Deny-Storage-NetworkAclsIpRules Network Isolation Enforces network ip rules for storage account.
Deny-Storage-NetworkAclsVirtualNetworkRules Network Isolation Denies virtual network rules for storage account.
Deny-Storage-Sku Resource Management Enforces storage account SKUs.
Deny-Storage-SupportsHttpsTrafficOnly Encryption Enforces https traffic for storage account.
Deploy-Storage-BlobServices Resource Management Deploy blob services default settings for storage account.
Deny-Storage-RoutingPreference Network Isolation
Deny-Storage-Kind Resource Management
Deny-Storage-NetworkAclsDefaultAction Network Isolation

Key Vault

Policy name Policy area Description
Audit-KeyVault-PrivateEndpointId Network Isolation Audit public endpoints that are created in other subscriptions for key vault.
Deny-KeyVault-NetworkAclsBypass Network Isolation Enforces bypass network level rules for key vault.
Deny-KeyVault-NetworkAclsDefaultAction Network Isolation Enforces default network acl level action for key vault.
Deny-KeyVault-NetworkAclsIpRules Network Isolation Enforces network ip rules for key vault.
Deny-KeyVault-NetworkAclsVirtualNetworkRules Network Isolation Denies virtual network rules for key vault.
Deny-KeyVault-PurgeProtection Resilience Enforces purge protection for key vault.
Deny-KeyVault-SoftDelete Resilience Enforces soft delete with minimum number of retention days for key vault.
Deny-KeyVault-TenantId Resource Management Enforce tenant ID for key vault.

Azure Data Factory

Policy name Policy area Description
Append-DataFactory-IdentityType Authentication Enforces use of system assigned identity for data factory.
Deny-DataFactory-ApiVersion Resource Management Denies old API version for data factory V1.
Deny-DataFactory-IntegrationRuntimeManagedVirtualNetwork Network Isolation Denies Integration Runtimes that are not connected to the Managed Virtual Network.
Deny-DataFactory-LinkedServicesConnectionStringType Authentication Denies non Key Vault stored secrets for linked services.
Deny-DataFactory-ManagedPrivateEndpoints Network Isolation Denies external private endpoints for linked services.
Deny-DataFactory-PublicNetworkAccess Network Isolation Denies public access to data factory.
Deploy-DataFactory-ManagedVirtualNetwork Network Isolation Deploy managed virtual network for data factory.
Deploy-SelfHostedIntegrationRuntime-Sharing Resilience Share self-hosted integration runtime hosted in the Data Hub with Data Factories in the Data Nodes.

Azure Synapse Analytics

Policy name Policy area Description
Append-Synapse-LinkedAccessCheckOnTargetResource Network Isolation Enforce LinkedAccessCheckOnTargetResource in managed vnet settings when Synapse Workspace is created.
Append-Synapse-Purview Network Isolation Enforce connection between central purview instance and Synapse Workspace.
Append-SynapseSpark-ComputeIsolation Resource Management When a Synapse Spark Pool is created without compute isolation then this will add it.
Append-SynapseSpark-DefaultSparkLogFolder Logging When a Synapse Spark Pool is created without logging then this will add it.
Append-SynapseSpark-SessionLevelPackages Resource Management When a Synapse Spark Pool is created without session level packages then this will add it.
Audit-Synapse-PrivateEndpointId Network Isolation Audit public endpoints that are created in other subscriptions for Synapse.
Deny-Synapse-AllowedAadTenantIdsForLinking Network Isolation
Deny-Synapse-Firewall Network Isolation Setup firewall of Synapse.
Deny-Synapse-ManagedVirtualNetwork Network Isolation When a Synapse Workspace is created without managed virtual network then this will add it.
Deny-Synapse-PreventDataExfiltration Network Isolation Enforced prevention of data exfiltration for Synapse managed virtual network.
Deny-SynapsePrivateLinkHub Network Isolation Denies Synapse Private Link Hub.
Deny-SynapseSpark-AutoPause Resource Management Enforces auto pause for Synapse Spark Pools.
Deny-SynapseSpark-AutoScale Resource Management Enforces auto scale for Synapse Spark Pools.
Deny-SynapseSql-Sku Resource Management Denies certain Synapse SQL Pool SKUs.
Deploy-SynapseSql-AuditingSettings Logging Send auditing logs for Synapse SQL pools to log analytics.
Deploy-SynapseSql-MetadataSynch Resource Management Setup metadata sync for Synapse SQL pools.
Deploy-SynapseSql-SecurityAlertPolicies Logging Deploy Synapse SQL pool security alert policy.
Deploy-SynapseSql-TransparentDataEncryption Encryption Deploy Synapse SQL transparent data encryption.
Deploy-SynapseSql-VulnerabilityAssessment Logging Deploy Synapse SQL pool vulnerability assessments.

Azure Purview

Policy name Policy area Description
Deny-Purview Resource Management Restrict deployment of Purview accounts to avoid proliferation.

Azure Databricks

Policy name Policy area Description
Append-Databricks-PublicIp Network Isolation Enforces no public access on Databricks workspaces.
Deny-Databricks-Sku Resource Management Deny non-premium Databricks SKU.
Deny-Databricks-VirtualNetwork Network Isolation Deny non-virtual network deployment for databricks.

Additional policies that are applied in the Databricks workspace through cluster policies:

Cluster policy name Policy area
Restrict Spark version Resource Management
Restrict cluster size and VM types Resource Management
Enforce Cost Tagging Resource Management
Enforce Autoscale Resource Management
Enforce AutoPause Resource Management
Restrict DBUs per hour Resource Management
Deny public SSH Authentication
Cluster credential passthrough enabled Authentication
Enable process isolation Network isolation
Enforce Spark monitoring Logging
Enforce cluster logs Logging
Allow only SQL, Python Resource management
Deny additional setup scripts Resource management

Azure IoT Hub

Policy name Policy area Description
Append-IotHub-MinimalTlsVersion Encryption Enforces minimal TLS version for iot hub.
Audit-IotHub-PrivateEndpointId Network Isolation Audit public endpoints that are created in other subscriptions for iot hubs.
Deny-IotHub-PublicNetworkAccess Network Isolation Denies public network access for iot hub.
Deny-IotHub-Sku Resource Management Enforces iot hub SKUs.
Deploy-IotHub-IoTSecuritySolutions Security Deploy Microsoft Defender for IoT for IoT Hubs.

Azure Event Hubs

Policy name Policy area Description
Deny-EventHub-Ipfilterrules Network Isolation Deny adding ip filter rules for Azure Event Hubs.
Deny-EventHub-MaximumThroughputUnits Network Isolation Denies public network access for my SQL servers.
Deny-EventHub-NetworkRuleSet Network Isolation Enforces default virtual network rules for Azure Event Hubs.
Deny-EventHub-Sku Resource Management Denies certain AKUs for Azure Event Hubs.
Deny-EventHub-Virtualnetworkrules Network Isolation Deny adding virtual network rules for Azure Event Hubs.

Azure Stream Analytics

Policy name Policy area Description
Append-StreamAnalytics-IdentityType Authentication Enforces use of system assigned identity for stream analytics.
Deny-StreamAnalytics-ClusterId Resource Management Enforces use of Stream Analytics cluster.
Deny-StreamAnalytics-StreamingUnits Resource Management Enforces number of stream analytics streaming units.

Azure Data Explorer

Policy name Policy area Description
Deny-DataExplorer-DiskEncryption Encryption Enforces use of disk encryption for data explorer.
Deny-DataExplorer-DoubleEncryption Encryption Enforces use of double encryption for data explorer.
Deny-DataExplorer-Identity Authentication Enforces use of system or user assigned identity for data explorer.
Deny-DataExplorer-Sku Resource Management Enforces data explorer SKUs.
Deny-DataExplorer-TrustedExternalTenants Network Isolation Denies external tenants for data explorer.
Deny-DataExplorer-VirtualNetworkConfiguration Network Isolation Enforces virtual network ingestion for data explorer.

Azure Cosmos DB

Policy name Policy area Description
Append-Cosmos-DenyCosmosKeyBasedMetadataWriteAccess Authentication Deny key based metadata write access for Azure Cosmos DB accounts.
Append-Cosmos-PublicNetworkAccess Network Isolation Enforces no public network access for Azure Cosmos DB accounts.
Audit-Cosmos-PrivateEndpointId Network Isolation Audit public endpoints that are created in other subscriptions for Azure Cosmos DB.
Deny-Cosmos-Cors Network Isolation Denies CORS rules for Azure Cosmos DB accounts."
Deny-Cosmos-PublicNetworkAccess Network Isolation Denies public network access for Azure Cosmos DB accounts.

Azure Container Registry

Policy name Policy area Description
Audit-ContainerRegistry-PrivateEndpointId Network Isolation Audit public endpoints that are created in other subscriptions for cognitive services.
Deny-ContainerRegistry-PublicNetworkAccess Network Isolation Denies public network access for container registry.
Deny-ContainerRegistry-Sku Resource Management Enforces premium Sku for container registry.

Azure Cognitive Services

Policy name Policy area Description
Append-CognitiveServices-IdentityType Authentication Enforces use of system assigned identity for cognitive services.
Audit-CognitiveServices-PrivateEndpointId Network Isolation Audit public endpoints that are created in other subscriptions for cognitive services.
Deny-CognitiveServices-Encryption Encryption Enforces use of encryption for cognitive services.
Deny-CognitiveServices-PublicNetworkAccess Network Isolation Enforces no public network access for cognitive services.
Deny-CognitiveServices-Sku Resource Management Deny cognitive services free SKU.
Deny-CognitiveServices-UserOwnedStorage Network Isolation Enforces user owned storage for cognitive services.

Azure Machine Learning

Policy name Policy area Description
Append-MachineLearning-PublicAccessWhenBehindVnet Network Isolation Deny public access behind vnet for machine learning workspaces.
Audit-MachineLearning-PrivateEndpointId Network Isolation Audit public endpoints that are created in other subscriptions for machine learning.
Deny-MachineLearning-HbiWorkspace Network Isolation Enforce high business impact machine learning workspaces across the environment.
Deny-MachineLearningAks Resource Management Deny AKS creation (not attaching) in machine learning.
Deny-MachineLearningCompute-SubnetId Network Isolation Deny public IP for machine learning compute clusters and instances.
Deny-MachineLearningCompute-VmSize Resource Management Limit allowed vm sizes for machine learning compute clusters and instances.
Deny-MachineLearningComputeCluster-RemoteLoginPortPublicAccess Network Isolation Deny public access of clusters via SSH.
Deny-MachineLearningComputeCluster-Scale Resource Management Enforce scale settings for machine learning compute clusters.

Azure SQL Managed Instance

Policy name Policy area Description
Append-SqlManagedInstance-MinimalTlsVersion Encryption Enforces minimal TLS version for SQL Managed Instance servers.
Deny-SqlManagedInstance-PublicDataEndpoint Network Isolation Denies public data endpoint for SQL Managed Instances.
Deny-SqlManagedInstance-Sku Resource Management
Deny-SqlManagedInstance-SubnetId Network Isolation Enforces deployments to subnets of SQL Managed Instances.
Deploy-SqlManagedInstance-AzureAdOnlyAuthentications Authentication Enforces Microsoft Entra-only authentication for SQL Managed Instance.
Deploy-SqlManagedInstance-SecurityAlertPolicies Logging Deploy SQL Managed Instance security alert policies.
Deploy-SqlManagedInstance-VulnerabilityAssessment Logging Deploy SQL Managed Instance vulnerability assessments.

Azure SQL Database

Policy name Policy area Description
Append-Sql-MinimalTlsVersion Encryption Enforces minimal TLS version for SQL servers.
Audit-Sql-PrivateEndpointId Network Isolation Audit public endpoints that are created in other subscriptions for Azure SQL.
Deny-Sql-PublicNetworkAccess Network Isolation Denies public network access for SQL servers.
Deny-Sql-StorageAccountType Resilience Enforces geo-redundant database backup.
Deploy-Sql-AuditingSettings Logging Deploy SQL auditing settings.
Deploy-Sql-AzureAdOnlyAuthentications Authentication Enforces Microsoft Entra-only authentication for SQL server.
Deploy-Sql-SecurityAlertPolicies Logging Deploy SQL security alert policies.
Deploy-Sql-TransparentDataEncryption Encryption Deploy SQL transparent data encryption.
Deploy-Sql-VulnerabilityAssessment Logging Deploy SQL vulnerability assessments.
Deploy-SqlDw-AuditingSettings Logging Deploy SQL DW auditing settings.

Azure Database for MariaDB

Policy name Policy area Description
Append-MariaDb-MinimalTlsVersion Encryption Enforces minimal TLS version for MariaDB servers.
Audit-MariaDb-PrivateEndpointId Network Isolation Audit public endpoints that are created in other subscriptions for MariaDB.
Deny-MariaDb-PublicNetworkAccess Network Isolation Denies public network access for my MariaDB servers.
Deny-MariaDb-StorageProfile Resilience Enforces geo-redundant database backup with minimum retention time in days.
Deploy-MariaDb-SecurityAlertPolicies Logging Deploy SQL security alert policies for MariaDB

Azure Database for MySQL

Policy name Policy area Description
Append-MySQL-MinimalTlsVersion Encryption Enforces minimal TLS version for MySQL servers.
Audit-MySql-PrivateEndpointId Network Isolation Audit public endpoints that are created in other subscriptions for MySQL.
Deny-MySQL-InfrastructureEncryption Encryption Enforces infrastructure encryption for MySQL servers.
Deny-MySQL-PublicNetworkAccess Network Isolation Denies public network access for MySQL servers.
Deny-MySql-StorageProfile Resilience Enforces geo-redundant database backup with minimum retention time in days.
Deploy-MySql-SecurityAlertPolicies Logging Deploy SQL security alert policies for MySQL.

Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Policy name Policy area Description
Append-PostgreSQL-MinimalTlsVersion Encryption Enforces minimal TLS version for PostgreSQL servers.
Audit-PostgreSql-PrivateEndpointId Network Isolation Audit public endpoints that are created in other subscriptions for PostgreSQL.
Deny-PostgreSQL-InfrastructureEncryption Encryption Enforces infrastructure encryption for PostgreSQL servers.
Deny-PostgreSQL-PublicNetworkAccess Network Isolation Denies public network access for PostgreSQL servers.
Deny-PostgreSql-StorageProfile Resilience Enforces geo-redundant database backup with minimum retention time in days.
Deploy-PostgreSql-SecurityAlertPolicies Logging Deploy SQL security alert policies for PostgreSQL.
Policy name Policy area Description
Append-Search-IdentityType Authentication Enforces use of system assigned identity for Azure AI Search.
Audit-Search-PrivateEndpointId Network Isolation Audit public endpoints that are created in other subscriptions for Azure AI Search.
Deny-Search-PublicNetworkAccess Network Isolation Denies public network access for Azure AI Search.
Deny-Search-Sku Resource Management Enforces Azure AI Search SKUs.

Azure DNS

Policy name Policy area Description
Deny-PrivateDnsZones Resource Management Restrict deployment of private DNS zones to avoid proliferation.

Network security group

Policy name Policy area Description
Deploy-Nsg-FlowLogs Logging Deploy NSG flow logs and traffic analytics.


Policy name Policy area Description
Deny-Batch-InboundNatPools Network Isolation Denies inbound NAT pools for batch account VM pools.
Deny-Batch-NetworkConfiguration Network Isolation Denies public IP addresses for batch account VM pools.
Deny-Batch-PublicNetworkAccess Network Isolation Denies public network access for batch accounts.
Deny-Batch-Scale Resource Management Denies certain scale configurations for batch account VM pools.
Deny-Batch-VmSize Resource Management Denies certain VM sizes for batch account VM pools.

Azure Cache for Redis

Policy name Policy area Description
Deny-Cache-Enterprise Resource Management Denies Redis Cache Enterprise.
Deny-Cache-FirewallRules Network Isolation Denies firewall rules for Redis Cache.
Deny-Cache-MinimumTlsVersion Encryption Enforces minimum TLS version for Redis Cache.
Deny-Cache-NonSslPort Network Isolation Enforces turning off the non-SSL port for Redis Cache.
Deny-Cache-PublicNetworkAccess Network Isolation Enforces no public network access for Redis Cache.
Deny-Cache-Sku Resource Management Enforces certain SkKUs for Redis Cache.
Deny-Cache-VnetInjection Network Isolation Enforces use of private endpoints and denies vnet injection for Redis Cache.

Container instances

Policy name Policy area Description
Deny-ContainerInstance-PublicIpAddress Network Isolation Denies public Container Instances created from Azure Machine Learning.

Azure Firewall

Policy name Policy area Description
Deny-Firewall Resource Management Restrict deployment of Azure Firewall to avoid proliferation.


Policy name Policy area Description
Deny-HdInsight-EncryptionAtHost Encryption Enforce encryption at host for HDInsight clusters.
Deny-HdInsight-EncryptionInTransit Encryption Enforces encryption in transit for HDInsight clusters.
Deny-HdInsight-MinimalTlsVersion Encryption Enforces minimal TLS version for HDInsight clusters.
Deny-HdInsight-NetworkProperties Network Isolation Enforces private link enablement for HDInsight clusters.
Deny-HdInsight-Sku Enforces certain SKUs for HDInsight clusters.
Deny-HdInsight-VirtualNetworkProfile Network Isolation Enforces virtual network injection for HDInsight clusters.

Power BI

Policy name Policy area Description
Deny-PrivateLinkServicesForPowerBI Resource Management Restrict deployment of private link services for Power BI to avoid proliferation.

Next steps