Accelerated logs feature in Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server (Preview)

APPLIES TO: Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server

This article outlines the accelerated logs feature during its preview phase. It guides you on how to enable or disable this feature for Azure Database for MySQL flexible server based on the Business Critical service tier.


The accelerated logs feature is currently in preview and subject to limitations and ongoing development. This feature is only available for servers based on the Business -Critical service tier. We recommend using it in non-production environments, such as development, testing, or quality assurance, to evaluate its performance and suitability for your specific use cases.


The accelerated logs feature is designed to provide a significant performance boost for users of the Business Critical service tier in Azure Database for MySQL flexible server. It substantially enhances performance by optimizing transactional log-related operations. Enabling this feature allows a server to automatically store transactional logs on faster storage to enhance server throughput without incurring any extra cost.

Database servers with mission-critical workloads demand robust performance, requiring high throughput and substantial IOPS. However, these databases can also be sensitive to latency fluctuations in server transaction commit times. The accelerated logs feature is designed to address these challenges by optimizing the placement of transactional logs on high-performance storage. By separating transaction log operations from database queries and data updates, a significant improvement is achieved in database transaction commit latency times.

Key benefits

  • Enhanced throughput: Experience up to 2x increased query throughput in high concurrency scenarios, resulting in faster query execution. This improvement also comes with reduced latency, reducing latency by up to 50%, for enhanced performance.
  • Cost efficiency: Accelerated logs provide enhanced performance at no extra expense, offering a cost-effective solution for mission-critical workloads.
  • Enhanced scalability: Accelerated logs can accommodate growing workloads, making it an ideal choice for applications that need to scale easily while maintaining high performance. Applications and services on the Business Critical service tier benefit from more responsive interactions and reduced query wait times.


  • During the preview phase, you can't enable the accelerated logs feature on servers that have the following features enabled.

  • Accelerated logs feature in preview is currently available only in specific regions. Learn more about supported regions.

  • After the accelerated logs feature is activated, any previously configured value for the "binlog_expire_seconds" server parameter will be disregarded and not considered.

The accelerated logs feature is available in the following regions

  • Australia East
  • Canada Central
  • Central India
  • China North 3
  • East Asia
  • East US
  • East US 2
  • France Central
  • Japan East
  • Korea Central
  • North Europe
  • Norway East
  • Poland Central
  • South Africa North
  • South Central US
  • Sweden Central
  • Switzerland North
  • UAE North
  • UK South
  • US Gov Virginia
  • West Europe
  • West US 2
  • West US 3

Enable accelerated logs feature (preview)

The enable accelerated logs feature is available during the preview phase. You can enable this feature during server creation or on an existing server. The following sections provide details on how to enable the accelerated logs feature.

Enable accelerated logs during server creation

This section provides details specifically for enabling the accelerated logs feature. You can follow these steps to enable Accelerated logs while creating your flexible server.


The accelerated logs feature is only available for servers based on the Business Critical service tier. It is recommended to disable the feature when scaling down to any other service tier.

  1. In the Azure portal, choose flexible Server and Select Create. For details on how to fill details such as Subscription, Resource group, Server name, Region, and other fields, see how-to documentation for the server creation.

  2. Select the Configure server option to change the default compute and storage.

  3. The checkbox for Accelerated logs under the Storage option is visible only when the server from the Business Critical compute tier is selected.

    Screenshot shows accelerated logs during server create.

  4. Enable the checkbox for Accelerated logs to enable the feature. If the high availability option is checked, the accelerated logs feature isn't available to choose. Learn more about limitations during preview.

  5. Select the Compute size from the dropdown list. Select Save and proceed to deploy your Azure Database for MySQL flexible server instance following instructions from how-to create a server.

Enable accelerated logs on your existing server

During the Public Preview phase, this section details enabling accelerated logs. You can follow these steps to enable accelerated logs on your Azure Database for MySQL flexible server instance.


Your server will restart during the deployment process, so ensure you either pause your workload or schedule it during a time that aligns with your application maintenance or off-hours.

  1. Navigate to the Azure portal.

  2. Under the Settings sections, navigate to the Compute + Storage page. You can enable Accelerated Logs by selecting the checkbox under the Storage section.

    Screenshot shows accelerated logs enable after server create.

  3. Select Save and wait for the deployment process to be completed. Once you receive a successful deployment message, the feature is ready to be used.

Disable accelerated logs feature (preview)

During the public preview phase, disabling the accelerated logs feature is a straightforward process:


Your server will restart during the deployment process, so ensure you either pause your workload or schedule it during a time that aligns with your application maintenance or off-hours.

  1. Navigate to the Azure portal.

  2. Under the Settings sections, navigate to the Compute + Storage page. You find the "Accelerated Logs" checkbox under the Storage section. Uncheck this box to disable the feature.

    Screenshot shows accelerated logs disable after server create.

  3. Select Save and wait for the deployment process to be completed. After you receive a successful deployment message, the feature is disabled.