Message Context Properties for Receiving IDOCs

For receiving an IDOC using Microsoft BizTalk Server, the SAP adapter supports the following message context properties.

IDOC Control Record properties.

  • TABNAM - Name of table structure

  • MANDT - Client

  • DOCNUM - IDOC number

  • DOCREL - SAP Release for IDOC

  • STATUS - Status of IDOC

  • DIRECT - Direction

  • OUTMOD - Output mode

  • EXPRSS - Overriding in inbound processing

  • TEST - Test flag

  • IDOCTYP - Name of basic type

  • CIMTYP - Extension (defined by customer)

  • MESTYP - Message type

  • MESCOD - Message code

  • MESFCT - Message function

  • STD - EDI standard, flag

  • STDVRS - EDI standard, version and release

  • STDMES - EDI message type

  • SNDPOR - Sender port (SAP System, external subsystem)

  • SNDPRT - Partner type of sender

  • SNDPFC - Partner Function of Sender

  • SNDPRN - Partner Number of Sender

  • SNDSAD - Sender address (SADR)

  • SNDLAD - Logical address of sender

  • RCVPOR - Receiver port

  • RCVPRT - Partner Type of receiver

  • RCVPFC - Partner function of recipient

  • RCVPRN - Partner number of recipient

  • RCVSAD - Recipient address (SADR)

  • RCVLAD - Logical address of recipient

  • CREDAT - Created on

  • CRETIM - Time Created

  • REFINT - Transmission file (EDI Interchange)

  • REFGRP - Message group (EDI Message Group)

  • REFMES - Message (EDI Message)

  • ARCKEY - Key for external message archive

  • SERIAL - Serialization

  • DOCTYP - IDOC type (This is available in EDI_DC only. Should be present in the context property but should be promoted for Version 2 IDOCs only)

    TID – Represents the TID sent by the SAP system for the incoming TRFC call.

    GUID – Represents the GUID which the SAP adapter uses internally. This has a one-to-one mapping with the TID which was received from the SAP system.

See Also

Messages and Message Schemas for BizTalk Adapter for mySAP Business Suite