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ManagementStatus Enum


Describes the enumeration of all WMI error codes that are currently defined.

public enum class ManagementStatus
public enum ManagementStatus
type ManagementStatus = 
Public Enum ManagementStatus


Failed -2147217407

The call failed.

NotFound -2147217406

The object could not be found.

AccessDenied -2147217405

The current user does not have permission to perform the action.

ProviderFailure -2147217404

The provider failed after initialization.

TypeMismatch -2147217403

A type mismatch occurred.

OutOfMemory -2147217402

There was not enough memory for the operation.

InvalidContext -2147217401

The context object is not valid.

InvalidParameter -2147217400

One of the parameters to the call is not correct.

NotAvailable -2147217399

The resource, typically a remote server, is not currently available.

CriticalError -2147217398

An internal, critical, and unexpected error occurred. Report this error to Microsoft Technical Support.

InvalidStream -2147217397

One or more network packets were corrupted during a remote session.

NotSupported -2147217396

The feature or operation is not supported.

InvalidSuperclass -2147217395

The specified superclass is not valid.

InvalidNamespace -2147217394

The specified namespace could not be found.

InvalidObject -2147217393

The specified instance is not valid.

InvalidClass -2147217392

The specified class is not valid.

ProviderNotFound -2147217391

A provider referenced in the schema does not have a corresponding registration.

InvalidProviderRegistration -2147217390

A provider referenced in the schema has an incorrect or incomplete registration.

ProviderLoadFailure -2147217389

COM cannot locate a provider referenced in the schema.

InitializationFailure -2147217388

A component, such as a provider, failed to initialize for internal reasons.

TransportFailure -2147217387

A networking error that prevents normal operation has occurred.

InvalidOperation -2147217386

The requested operation is not valid. This error usually applies to invalid attempts to delete classes or properties.

InvalidQuery -2147217385

The query was not syntactically valid.

InvalidQueryType -2147217384

The requested query language is not supported.

AlreadyExists -2147217383

In a put operation, the wbemChangeFlagCreateOnly flag was specified, but the instance already exists.

OverrideNotAllowed -2147217382

The add operation cannot be performed on the qualifier because the owning object does not permit overrides.

PropagatedQualifier -2147217381

The user attempted to delete a qualifier that was not owned. The qualifier was inherited from a parent class.

PropagatedProperty -2147217380

The user attempted to delete a property that was not owned. The property was inherited from a parent class.

Unexpected -2147217379

The client made an unexpected and illegal sequence of calls.

IllegalOperation -2147217378

The user requested an illegal operation, such as spawning a class from an instance.

CannotBeKey -2147217377

There was an illegal attempt to specify a key qualifier on a property that cannot be a key. The keys are specified in the class definition for an object and cannot be altered on a per-instance basis.

IncompleteClass -2147217376

The current object is not a valid class definition. Either it is incomplete, or it has not been registered with WMI using Put()().

InvalidSyntax -2147217375

Reserved for future use.

NondecoratedObject -2147217374

Reserved for future use.

ReadOnly -2147217373

The property that you are attempting to modify is read-only.

ProviderNotCapable -2147217372

The provider cannot perform the requested operation, such as requesting a query that is too complex, retrieving an instance, creating or updating a class, deleting a class, or enumerating a class.

ClassHasChildren -2147217371

An attempt was made to make a change that would invalidate a derived class.

ClassHasInstances -2147217370

An attempt has been made to delete or modify a class that has instances.

QueryNotImplemented -2147217369

Reserved for future use.

IllegalNull -2147217368

A value of null was specified for a property that may not be null, such as one that is marked by a Key, Indexed, or Not_Null qualifier.

InvalidQualifierType -2147217367

The value provided for a qualifier was not a legal qualifier type.

InvalidPropertyType -2147217366

The CIM type specified for a property is not valid.

ValueOutOfRange -2147217365

The request was made with an out-of-range value, or is incompatible with the type.

CannotBeSingleton -2147217364

An illegal attempt was made to make a class singleton, such as when the class is derived from a non-singleton class.

InvalidCimType -2147217363

The CIM type specified is not valid.

InvalidMethod -2147217362

The requested method is not available.

InvalidMethodParameters -2147217361

The parameters provided for the method are not valid.

SystemProperty -2147217360

There was an attempt to get qualifiers on a system property.

InvalidProperty -2147217359

The property type is not recognized.

CallCanceled -2147217358

An asynchronous process has been canceled internally or by the user. Note that because of the timing and nature of the asynchronous operation, the operation may not have been truly canceled.

ShuttingDown -2147217357

The user has requested an operation while WMI is in the process of closing.

PropagatedMethod -2147217356

An attempt was made to reuse an existing method name from a superclass, and the signatures did not match.

UnsupportedParameter -2147217355

One or more parameter values, such as a query text, is too complex or unsupported. WMI is requested to retry the operation with simpler parameters.

MissingParameterID -2147217354

A parameter was missing from the method call.

InvalidParameterID -2147217353

A method parameter has an invalid ID qualifier.

NonconsecutiveParameterIDs -2147217352

One or more of the method parameters have ID qualifiers that are out of sequence.

ParameterIDOnRetval -2147217351

The return value for a method has an ID qualifier.

InvalidObjectPath -2147217350

The specified object path was invalid.

OutOfDiskSpace -2147217349

There is not enough free disk space to continue the operation.

BufferTooSmall -2147217348

The supplied buffer was too small to hold all the objects in the enumerator or to read a string property.

UnsupportedPutExtension -2147217347

The provider does not support the requested put operation.

UnknownObjectType -2147217346

An object with an incorrect type or version was encountered during marshaling.

UnknownPacketType -2147217345

A packet with an incorrect type or version was encountered during marshaling.

MarshalVersionMismatch -2147217344

The packet has an unsupported version.

MarshalInvalidSignature -2147217343

The packet is corrupted.

InvalidQualifier -2147217342

An attempt has been made to mismatch qualifiers, such as putting [ManagementKey] on an object instead of a property.

InvalidDuplicateParameter -2147217341

A duplicate parameter has been declared in a CIM method.

TooMuchData -2147217340

Reserved for future use.

ServerTooBusy -2147217339

The delivery of an event has failed. The provider may choose to re-raise the event.

InvalidFlavor -2147217338

The specified flavor was invalid.

CircularReference -2147217337

An attempt has been made to create a reference that is circular (for example, deriving a class from itself).

UnsupportedClassUpdate -2147217336

The specified class is not supported.

CannotChangeKeyInheritance -2147217335

An attempt was made to change a key when instances or derived classes are already using the key.

CannotChangeIndexInheritance -2147217328

An attempt was made to change an index when instances or derived classes are already using the index.

TooManyProperties -2147217327

An attempt was made to create more properties than the current version of the class supports.

UpdateTypeMismatch -2147217326

A property was redefined with a conflicting type in a derived class.

UpdateOverrideNotAllowed -2147217325

An attempt was made in a derived class to override a non-overridable qualifier.

UpdatePropagatedMethod -2147217324

A method was redeclared with a conflicting signature in a derived class.

MethodNotImplemented -2147217323

An attempt was made to execute a method not marked with [implemented] in any relevant class.

MethodDisabled -2147217322

An attempt was made to execute a method marked with [disabled].

RefresherBusy -2147217321

The refresher is busy with another operation.

UnparsableQuery -2147217320

The filtering query is syntactically invalid.

NotEventClass -2147217319

The FROM clause of a filtering query references a class that is not an event class.

MissingGroupWithin -2147217318

A GROUP BY clause was used without the corresponding GROUP WITHIN clause.

MissingAggregationList -2147217317

A GROUP BY clause was used. Aggregation on all properties is not supported.

PropertyNotAnObject -2147217316

Dot notation was used on a property that is not an embedded object.

AggregatingByObject -2147217315

A GROUP BY clause references a property that is an embedded object without using dot notation.

UninterpretableProviderQuery -2147217313

An event provider registration query (__EventProviderRegistration) did not specify the classes for which events were provided.

BackupRestoreWinmgmtRunning -2147217312

An request was made to back up or restore the repository while WinMgmt.exe was using it.

QueueOverflow -2147217311

The asynchronous delivery queue overflowed from the event consumer being too slow.

PrivilegeNotHeld -2147217310

The operation failed because the client did not have the necessary security privilege.

InvalidOperator -2147217309

The operator is not valid for this property type.

LocalCredentials -2147217308

The user specified a user name, password, or authority on a local connection. The user must use an empty user name and password and rely on default security.

CannotBeAbstract -2147217307

The class was made abstract when its superclass is not abstract.

AmendedObject -2147217306

An amended object was used in a put operation without the WBEM_FLAG_USE_AMENDED_QUALIFIERS flag being specified.

ClientTooSlow -2147217305

The client was not retrieving objects quickly enough from an enumeration.

RegistrationTooBroad -2147213311

The provider registration overlaps with the system event domain.

RegistrationTooPrecise -2147213310

A WITHIN clause was not used in this query.

NoError 0

The operation was successful.

False 1

This value is returned when no more objects are available, the number of objects returned is less than the number requested, or at the end of an enumeration. It is also returned when the method is called with a value of 0 for the parameter.

ResetToDefault 262146

An overridden property was deleted. This value is returned to signal that the original, non-overridden value has been restored as a result of the deletion.

Different 262147

The compared items (such as objects and classes) are not identical.

Timedout 262148

A call timed out. This is not an error condition; therefore, some results may have been returned.

NoMoreData 262149

No more data is available from the enumeration; the user should terminate the enumeration.

OperationCanceled 262150

The operation was canceled.

Pending 262151

A request is still in progress; however, the results are not yet available.

DuplicateObjects 262152

More than one copy of the same object was detected in the result set of an enumeration.

PartialResults 262160

The user did not receive all of the requested objects because of inaccessible resources (other than security violations).

Applies to