(BRA) Edit layout (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Click Organization administration > Periodic > Configurator > Configurator layout groups. On the Overview tab, select a layout group, and then click Layout.

Use this form to define a record layout for the selected configurator layout group. You can define a simple or a complex record layout, based on the file structure that is defined for the layout group in the Configurator layout groups form. The Start position, End position, Size, Fill, Justification, and Truncate fields on the Configurator layout fields FastTab are available only if you select Fixed length in the Layout type field in the Configurator layout groups form.

Task that uses this form

(BRA) Set up the configurator layout group

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Configurator layout fields

Define a record layout for the configurator layout group that is selected on the Overview tab in the Configurator layout groups form.





Move the selected record up one row.


Move the selected record down one row.




Record name

Enter a name for the record layout.

Record size

Enter the size of the record layout. The total size that you specify for all of the record lines in the Size field on the Configurator layout fields FastTab cannot be more than the record size.

Configured record size

The configured length of the record. This field is updated with the total value of the sizes that you specify for all record lines in the Size field on the Configurator layout fields FastTab.


This field is available only if you select Fixed length in the Layout type field in the Configurator layout groups form.

Record type

Select the type of record to define the layout for.

If you select Simple in the File structure field in the Configurator layout groups form, the following options are available:

  • Header

  • Detail

  • Trailer

If you select Complex in the File structure field in the Configurator layout groups form, the following options are available:

  • File header

  • Batch header

  • Details

  • Batch trailer

  • File trailer


Select this check box to indicate that the record layout is not printed in the output file. This check box is available only if you select the Complex file structure for the layout group in the Configurator layout groups form.

Register type

Select this check box to activate a register type for the record layout.


If you select this check box, you must define a register type for record layouts that have Header, Detail, and Trailer record types. To define a register type, select Command in the Table name field and Register type in the Field name field, and then specify the register type value in the Content field.

Table name

Select a table to define the layout for. The tables that are defined in the Configurator definition groups form for the configurator definition group that is assigned to the configurator layout group are available.

Field name

Select a field to define the layout for. The fields that are defined for the table that you select in the Table name field are available.


For a record layout line, you can specify either a field in the Field name field or a method in the Method name field.

Summation type

The summation type for the field that you select in the Field name field. The summation type is updated based on the options that you define for the field in the Definition Group Wizard.

Array index

Enter the array index for the array type of the field. For more information, see Arrays.

Method name

Select a method to define the layout for. You can select a method in the list of methods that are available for the table that you select in the Table name field.


For a record line, you can specify either a field in the Field name field or a method in the Method name field.

Start position

The start position of the field in the record layout.

End position

The end position of the field in the record layout. You can update the end position for string, integer, and real data types. When you update the end position for a field, the Size field and the number of characters in the Format field are updated. Any increase or decrease in the end position of the real data type updates the number of characters that are before the decimal point in the format.

For the date and time data types, the end position is updated based on the value that you specify in the Format field.


The total size of the record layout line. The size is equal to the character count from the starting position to the ending position for the field. For example, if the ending position is 20, and the starting position is 10, the size is 11. The record size is updated if you update the value in the End position field or the Format field.


For the date and time data types, the size includes the separator that is used in the format.


The default data type for the selected field or method. This field is updated based on the field that you select in the Field name field.


Update the format of the field, based on the data type. This field is updated based on the field that you select in the Field name field.

  • If the data type is String, the format is X(nnn).

    • X indicates that the value consists of characters.

    • nnn indicates the number of characters.

    You can only modify the number of characters (nnn). For example, X(30) is a string that contains 30 characters.

  • If the data type is Integer, the format is 9(nnn).

    • 9 indicates a numeric value.

    • nnn indicates the number of digits.

    You can only modify the number of digits (nnn).

  • If the data type is Real, the format is 9(nnn) V9(nnn).

    • 9 indicates a numeric value.

    • nnn indicates the number of digits.

    • V indicates the separator between the integer and decimal values, such as a comma or a period. The separator that is used depends on the system setup.

    • The second 9 indicates that the separator is followed by decimal places.

    • The second nnn indicates the number of decimal places after the separator.

    For example, 9(8)V9(5) is an eight-digit number that has five decimal places.


    You can also use the format 9(nnn)9(nnn) when there is no separator between the integer and decimal values of the number.

  • If the data type is Date, the format is any combination of DD, MM, and YY or YYYY. These placeholders represent the date, month, two-digit year, and four-digit year. You can use different combinations of DD, MM, YY, and YYYY, and can include or exclude a separator. For example, the date format can be DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YYYY, or DDMMYY or MMDDYYYY.

  • If the data type is Time, the format is any combination of hh, mm, and ss, which represent hours, minutes, and seconds. A colon (:) is used as the separator. For example, the time format can be hh:mm:ss.


For the string, integer, and real data types, you can only modify the number of characters, which is indicated by nnn. If you modify the number of characters for a field, the values in the End position and Size fields are updated.


Enter a value for the selected field, if any value is required. You must specify a value if you select Command in the Table name field, and Fixed or Register type in the Field name field.


You must enter the value for the register type in the format that is specified in the Format field.


Enter the character that is used to fill empty spaces in the field. For example, if the Name field uses left justification and X as the fill character for a 10-character string, the value is displayed as NameXXXXXX.


Select the justification that is applied to the value of the field that you select in the Field name field. The options are Left justify and Right justify. For example, if the Name field uses right justification and X as the fill character for a 10-character string, the value is displayed as XXXXXXName.


Select one of the following options to indicate the method that is used to truncate the decimal values in the selected field:

  • None – The value is not truncated or rounded.

  • Truncate – The value is truncated.

  • Round – The decimal value is rounded up or down to the nearest whole number, based on whether the number is greater than or less than 00.50.

  • Rounding-up – The decimal value is rounded up to the nearest whole number.

  • Rounding-down – The decimal value is rounded down to the nearest whole number.


Enter any comments. The comments that you enter in this field are used for informational purposes only.

See also

(BRA) Configurator layout groups (form)

(BRA) Export data from definition groups or layout groups using the Configurator export utility

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