(CHN) BOM comparison (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Click Inventory management > Inquiries > BOM comparison.

Use this form to select products and bill of materials (BOM) versions for comparison, and then view the differences in component quantities and price details. You can also print a report of the comparison results. Click Inventory > Dimensions display to include additional product and storage dimensions in the comparison report.

Task that uses this form

(CHN) Compare BOM versions and print the BOM comparison report

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




BOM versions

Select products and BOM versions for comparison. You can compare up to five BOMs.


Select the parameters for comparing BOM versions.

BOM comparison

View information about the individual BOMs and item details.


View the BOM comparison details.


Based on the BOM versions that you select on the BOM versions FastTab, the BOM component details are displayed on the tabs that are adjacent to the Overview tab.





Generate the comparison details on the BOM comparison tab.


Open the BOM comparison report to print the BOM comparison report. This button is available only if you run the BOM comparison.


Open the Dimensions display form, where you can select inventory dimensions to display in the BOM component details.





Select the product to compare. You can select products to be compared in the BOM version 1, BOM version 2, BOM version 3, BOM version 4, and BOM version 5 field groups.

BOM version

Select the BOM version of the product to compare.


Select only one BOM identification code for a BOM version.

Compare field

Select BOM quantity to compare the component quantities for the various BOM versions.

Cost type

Select the cost type to compare from the following options:

  • Inventory cost – The inventory unit cost is displayed as the cost in the comparison result and report.

  • Purchase price – The latest purchase price is displayed as the cost in the comparison result and report.

Item number

The list of items or components.

Product name

The description of the items or components.


The inventory unit of the item.


The inventory cost or purchase price of the item in the default currency of the legal entity.

See also

Stykliste (form)

Oprette en stykliste og styklisteversion

(CHN) About BOM comparison

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).