Product Ingestion API for containers

The Product Ingestion API is a modernized API that unifies all existing submission APIs across all commercial marketplace products. Refer to Product Ingestion API for details on how to get started.

This article provides guidance on how to use the APIs specifically for containers.

Retrieve existing resource configurations

Retrieve all resources within a specific product in a single API call.

GET resource-tree/<product-durableID>?$version=<schema-version>

You can retrieve all resource configurations within a specific product by using the "resource-tree" resource type along with the product's durable ID. The schema version you provide is used as the max supported version for each of the applicable resources of the requested product.


If you don't know the product's durable ID, you can retrieve the product resource first by using the product's external ID instead and running. To learn more, see Product API: Method 1: resource tree.

Sample GET call:


Sample response:

  "$schema": "",
  "root": "product/12345678-abcd-efgh-1234-12345678901",
  "target": {
    "targetType": "preview"
  "resources": [
    "$schema": "",
    "id": "product/12345678-abcd-efgh-1234-12345678901",
    "identity": {
      "externalID": "product_external_id_example"
    "type": "azureContainer",
    "alias": "product_example"
    "$schema": "",
    "id": "commercial-marketplace-setup/12345678-abcd-efgh-1234-12345678901",
    "product": "product/12345678-abcd-efgh-1234-12345678901",
    "sellThroughMicrosoft": true
    "$schema": "",
    "id": "plan/12345678-abcd-efgh-1234-12345678901/98756328-04e9-55ae-9403-52b6c971a956
     // The response would include all existing resources within this product.

Sync private audiences

For a live product, updates to private audiences in the draft, preview, and live environments can be performed at the same time without requiring a publish. You can sync the private audience using the "price-and-availability-update-private-audiences" resource by specifying which audiences you want to add or remove from a specific plan. This will sync the draft, preview, and live environments to have the same private audience values. You don't need to provide the submission resource when syncing the private audience.

To edit the draft audiences, use the "price-and-availability-plan" resource and the "privateAudiences" property. This will need to go through the regular publish flow for the values to be set in preview and live.


If your product supports more than one type of identifier to configure the private audience (for example, both tenant IDs and subscription IDs), you must perform a full publish if providing a new identifier type for the first time. You can't sync the private audience in this case.

Sample request to sync the private audience configuration:


  "$schema": ""
  "resources": [
    "$schema": "",
    "product": "product/12345678-abcd-efgh-1234-12345678901", // product durable ID
    "plan": "plan/12345678-abcd-efgh-1234-12345678901/7e70b11f-809e-4c45-ae2f-1fb3ceaca33b", //plan durable ID 
      "add ":
   "type": "tenant",
           "id": " c0cab000-5c00-2ae9-acbe-f5f0bb264498 ",
           "label": "test 1"
      "remove ":
    "type": "tenant",
           "id": " d1cab000-6c06-4ae9-acbe-b5f0bb264498 ",
           "label": "test 2"

Configure Properties

Define the categories and industries applicable to your container product, your app version, and legal contracts. Be sure to provide complete and accurate details about your product in the Properties resource, so that it's displayed appropriately and offered to the right set of customers. To learn more, see Appsource categories.

Sample request body configuring properties:


  "$schema": ""
  "resources": [
      "$schema": "",
      "id": "property/a8b48be1-a630-41b5-b5a5-c2a9f7789922/public/main",
      "product": "product/a8b48be1-a630-41b5-b5a5-c2a9f7789922",
      "kind": "azureContainer",
      "termsConditions": "standardMicrosoft",
      "categories": {
        "containers": [

Configure listing

The information you provide through listing resources is displayed in the Microsoft commercial marketplace online stores. This includes the descriptions of your product, screenshots, and your marketing assets.

Sample request body configuring listing:


  "$schema": ""
  "resources": [
      "$schema": "",
      "id": "listing/6d50c7bd-eb19-4d4c-b2f0-beb14aee084b/public/main/default/en-us",
      "product": "product/6d50c7bd-eb19-4d4c-b2f0-beb14aee084b",
      "kind": "azureContainer",
      "title": "ContainerCM0815",
      "description": "<div>This offer is in the early stages of development and not for general public consumption. Use is restricted to a limited audience, and has no commercial purpose beyond the testing for which it is intended.</div>",
      "searchResultSummary": "Container product",
      "shortDescription": "This offer is in the early stages of development and not for general public consumption",
      "privacyPolicyLink": "",
      "generalLinks": [
   "displayText": "Product link",
   "link": "",
      "globalSupportWebsite": "",
      "governmentSupportWebsite": "",
      "supportContact": {
        "name": "Support",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "4255555555"
      "engineeringContact": {
        "name": "Engineering",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "4255555555"
      "cloudSolutionProviderContact": {
        "name": "CSP",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "4255555555"
      "languageID": "en-us"
      "$schema": "",
      "product": "product/6d50c7bd-eb19-4d4c-b2f0-beb14aee084b",
      "kind": "azure",
      "listing": "listing/6d50c7bd-eb19-4d4c-b2f0-beb14aee084b/public/main/default/en-us",
      "type": "azureLogoScreenshot",
      "languageID": "en-us",
      "description": "Image caption",
      "displayOrder": 0,
      "fileName": "test.png",
      "friendlyName": "test.png",
      "url": ""
      "$schema":  "",
      "product": "product/6d50c7bd-eb19-4d4c-b2f0-beb14aee084b",
      "kind": "azure",
      "listing": "listing/6d50c7bd-eb19-4d4c-b2f0-beb14aee084b/public/main/default/en-us",
      "type": "azureLogoLarge",
      "languageID": "en-us",
      "description": "",
      "displayOrder": 0,
      "fileName": "216x216.png",
      "friendlyName": "216x216.png",
      "url": ""
      "$schema": "",
      "product": "product/6d50c7bd-eb19-4d4c-b2f0-beb14aee084b",
      "kind": "azure",
      "listing": "listing/6d50c7bd-eb19-4d4c-b2f0-beb14aee084b/public/main/default/en-us",
      "streamingUrl": "",
      "assets": {
        "en-us": {
          "title": "Video",
          "imageList": [
              "url": ""

Configure preview audience

If your container product sells through the Microsoft marketplace, you need to define a preview audience, via subscription IDs, who can review your product listing before it goes live.

Sample request body configuring preview audience:


  "$schema": ""
  "resources": [
      "$schema": "",
     "id": "price-and-availability-offer/a8b48be1-a630-41b5-b5a5-c2a9f7789922",
     "product": "product/a8b48be1-a630-41b5-b5a5-c2a9f7789922",
     "previewAudiences": [
        "type": "subscription",
        "id": "c2d12fa0-c012-33b0-b0a0-c0a0a0011222",
        "label": "Test Subscription"

Configure a plan - technical configuration

Provide a cluster extension type name in the format of 'PublisherName.ApplicationName'. The name should be unique across all your offers and plans. You can't modify this value once the plan is published to Preview. To learn more, see Set plan technical configuration for a Kubernetes application based Container offer. To learn more, see Azure container technical assets.

Sample request body configuring transactable technical configuration:


  "$schema": ""
  "resources": [
      "$schema": "",
      "id": "container-plan-technical-configuration/a8b48be1-a630-41b5-b5a5-c2a9f7789922",
      "product": "product/a8b48be1-a630-41b5-b5a5-c2a9f7789922",
      "plan": "plan/a8b48be1-a630-41b5-b5a5-c2a9f7789922/4db792e6-8e10-439d-9db2-a0e98fa7e174",
      "payloadType": " cnab",
      "clusterExtensionType": " unique.extension.type",
      "cnabReferences": [
          "tenantID": "421c00000-ac12-451e-b3ff-c5b469a13e2d",
          "subscriptionID": "aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e",
          "resourceGroupName": "TestResources",
          "registryName": "testregistry",
          "repositoryName": "containerrepo",
   "tag": "1.0.4",
          "digest": "sha256:000193bfefde1e9"

Configure a plan - price and availability

Sample request body configuring a hidden plan:


  "$schema": ""
  "resources": [
      "$schema": "",
      "product": "product/a8b48be1-a630-41b5-b5a5-c2a9f7789922",
      "plan": "plan/a8b48be1-a630-41b5-b5a5-c2a9f7789922/0abbe45b-c405-4c08-bb14-ec485002084e",
      "visibility": "hidden",
      "audience": "public"

Container offers support various billing options. To learn more about the supported billing models, see Licensing options.

API versions and updates

Update What has changed?
1-2024 All schema endpoints have been updated from to