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(DEPRECATED) Manage an Azure Container Service DC/OS cluster through the Marathon web UI


The Azure Container Service (ACS) is being deprecated. No new features or functionality are being added to ACS. All of the APIs, portal experience, CLI commands and documentation are marked as deprecated.

For more information, see the Azure Container Service deprecation announcement on

We recommend that you deploy one of the following Azure Marketplace solutions:

If you want to use Kubernetes, see Azure Kubernetes Service.

DC/OS provides an environment for deploying and scaling clustered workloads, while abstracting the underlying hardware. On top of DC/OS, there is a framework that manages scheduling and executing compute workloads.

While frameworks are available for many popular workloads, this document describes how to get started deploying containers with Marathon.


Before working through these examples, you need a DC/OS cluster that is configured in Azure Container Service. You also need to have remote connectivity to this cluster. For more information on these items, see the following articles:


This article assumes you are tunneling to the DC/OS cluster through your local port 80.

Explore the DC/OS UI

With a Secure Shell (SSH) tunnel established, browse to http://localhost/. This loads the DC/OS web UI and shows information about the cluster, such as used resources, active agents, and running services.


Explore the Marathon UI

To see the Marathon UI, browse to http://localhost/marathon. From this screen, you can start a new container or another application on the Azure Container Service DC/OS cluster. You can also see information about running containers and applications.

Marathon UI

Deploy a Docker-formatted container

To deploy a new container by using Marathon, click Create Application, and enter the following information into the form tabs:

Field Value
ID nginx
Memory 32
Image nginx
Network Bridged
Host Port 80
Protocol TCP

New Application UI--General

New Application UI--Docker Container

New Application UI--Ports and Service Discovery

If you want to statically map the container port to a port on the agent, you need to use JSON Mode. To do so, switch the New Application wizard to JSON Mode by using the toggle. Then enter the following setting under the portMappings section of the application definition. This example binds port 80 of the container to port 80 of the DC/OS agent. You can switch this wizard out of JSON Mode after you make this change.

"hostPort": 80,

New Application UI--port 80 example

If you want to enable health checks, set a path on the Health Checks tab.

New Application UI--health checks

The DC/OS cluster is deployed with set of private and public agents. For the cluster to be able to access applications from the Internet, you need to deploy the applications to a public agent. To do so, select the Optional tab of the New Application wizard and enter slave_public for the Accepted Resource Roles.

Then click Create Application.

New Application UI--public agent setting

Back on the Marathon main page, you can see the deployment status for the container. Initially you see a status of Deploying. After a successful deployment, the status changes to Running.

Marathon main page UI--container deployment status

When you switch back to the DC/OS web UI (http://localhost/), you see that a task (in this case, a Docker-formatted container) is running on the DC/OS cluster.

DC/OS web UI--task running on the cluster

To see the cluster node that the task is running on, click the Nodes tab.

DC/OS web UI--task cluster node

Reach the container

In this example, the application is running on a public agent node. You reach the application from the internet by browsing to the agent FQDN of the cluster: http://[DNSPREFIX]agents.[REGION], where:

  • DNSPREFIX is the DNS prefix that you provided when you deployed the cluster.

  • REGION is the region in which your resource group is located.

    Nginx from Internet

Next steps