SP:CacheRemove Event Class
Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance
The SP:CacheRemove event class indicates that the stored procedure has been removed from the plan cache.
SP:CacheRemove Event Class Data Columns
Data column name | Data type | Description | Column ID | Filterable |
ApplicationName | nvarchar | Name of the client application that created the connection to an instance of SQL Server. This column is populated with the values passed by the application rather than the displayed name of the program. | 10 | Yes |
ClientProcessID | int | ID assigned by the host computer to the process where the client application is running. This data column is populated if the client provides the client process ID. | 9 | Yes |
DatabaseID | int | ID of the database in which the stored procedure is running. Determine the value for a database by using the DB_ID function. | 3 | Yes |
DatabaseName | nvarchar | Name of the database in which the stored procedure is running. | 35 | Yes |
EventClass | int | Type of event = 36. | 27 | No |
EventSequence | int | Sequence of a given event within the request. | 51 | No |
EventSubClass | int | Type of event subclass. 1=Compplan Remove: A compiled query plan has been removed from the cache. 2=Proc Cache Flush: All entries have been removed from the procedure cache. |
21 | Yes |
GroupID | int | ID of the workload group where the SQL Trace event fires. | 66 | Yes |
HostName | nvarchar | Name of the computer on which the client is running. This data column is populated if the client provides the host name. To determine the host name, use the HOST_NAME function. | 8 | Yes |
IsSystem | int | Indicates whether the event occurred on a system process or a user process. 1 = system, 0 = user. | 60 | Yes |
LoginName | nvarchar | Name of the login of the user (either SQL Server security login or the Microsoft Windows login credentials in the form of DOMAIN\username). | 11 | Yes |
LoginSid | image | Security identification number (SID) of the logged-in user. You can find this information in the sys.server_principals catalog view. Each SID is unique for each login in the server. | 41 | Yes |
NTDomainName | nvarchar | Windows domain to which the user belongs. | 7 | Yes |
NTUserName | nvarchar | Windows user name. | 6 | Yes |
ObjectID | int | System-assigned ID of the stored procedure. | 22 | Yes |
ObjectType | int | Value representing the type of the object involved in the event. This value corresponds to the type column in the sys.objects catalog view. For values, see ObjectType Trace Event Column. | 28 | Yes |
RequestID | int | ID of the request containing the statement. | 49 | Yes |
ServerName | nvarchar | Name of the instance of SQL Server being traced. | 26 | No |
SessionLoginName | nvarchar | Login name of the user who originated the session. For example, if you connect to SQL Server using Login1 and execute a statement as Login2, SessionLoginName shows Login1 and LoginName shows Login2. This column displays both SQL Server and Windows logins. | 64 | Yes |
SPID | int | ID of the session on which the event occurred. | 12 | Yes |
StartTime | datetime | Time at which the event started, if available. | 14 | Yes |
TextData | ntext | Text of the SQL being removed from the cache. | 1 | Yes |
TransactionID | bigint | System-assigned ID of the transaction. | 4 | Yes |
XactSequence | bigint | Token that describes the current transaction. | 50 | Yes |