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How are words read?
Memorization only
Whole word only
Letter by letter
Why is it important to use a multi-sensory approach to phonics?
It aids recall and doesn't just help students with dyslexia to read and it helps ALL students to read
It makes classes fun
It keeps learners busy
Skills to model for comprehension include:
Reading speedily
Making a mental image of the text, visualizing characters, making connections between ideas
Reading carefully and silently
Why is prewriting helpful for students with dyslexia?
It helps them to spell key words correctly
It fires up their imagination (a dyslexic strength) and removes the fear of the blank page
It helps them to use the correct grammar
Why is technology like speech to text a useful tool in the editing process for learners with dyslexia?
It saves time
It's readily available
It helps to spot mistakes because learners with dyslexics sometimes read what they want the words to say rather than the actual words.
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