What's new in Windows Server 2022

This section describes new features and updates for driver development in Windows Server 2022.


DMA/MDL updates

New API pages:


NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access)

New API pages:




New network driver documentation and features include:

  • The new NDIS packet timestamping feature supports the hardware timestamping capability of a network interface card (NIC) for the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) version 2.

  • The new NDIS Poll Mode feature is an OS controlled polling execution model that drives the network interface datapath.

  • The Virtual Machine Multiple Queues (VMMQ) NIC offload technology extends Native RSS (RSSv1) to a Hyper-V virtual environment.

Windows Driver Frameworks (WDF)

In Windows Server 2022, the Windows Driver Framework (WDF) includes Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) version 1.33 and User-Mode Driver Framework (UMDF) version 2.33.

For info on what's included in these framework versions, see What's New for WDF Drivers in Windows 10. To see what was added in previous versions of WDF, see:


For information on what is new on the WinDbg Preview debugger, see WinDbg Preview - What's New. Highlights include:

Updates and additions to debug transport topics, such as Setting Up KDNET Network Kernel Debugging Automatically, Setting Up Kernel-Mode Debugging over USB EEM on an Arm device using KDNET and Setting Up 2PF Kernel-Mode Debugging using KDNET.

Bugcheck stop code topic additions and updates, including listing live dump codes in a new section - Kernel Live Dump Code Reference.

Driver Quality

New CodeQL and the Static Tools Logo Test and Supplemental Windows Driver CodeQL Queries.

Updates and additions to Driver Verifier rules, for example the new DoubleFetch rule.

Driver Security

Updates to the Driver Security Checklist.


Updated and new topics including:

New online help for the KsStudio Utility.