Brug variabler, matrixer og hashtabeller i Windows PowerShell-scripts - Training
I dette læringsforløb forklares det, hvordan du arbejder med variabler, matrixer og hashtabeller i Windows PowerShell-scripts.
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The AnyPath data type is a text string containing either a full path or a relative path. When specifying a relative path, you can include a long file name with the short file name by separating the short and long names with a vertical bar (|). Note that you cannot specify multiple levels of a directory or fully qualified paths in this way. The path may contain properties enclosed within square brackets ([ ]).
Examples of valid AnyPath data:
Examples of invalid AnyPath data:
Brug variabler, matrixer og hashtabeller i Windows PowerShell-scripts - Training
I dette læringsforløb forklares det, hvordan du arbejder med variabler, matrixer og hashtabeller i Windows PowerShell-scripts.