Teilen über

Char.IsSurrogatePair Methode


Gibt an, ob zwei angegebene Char-Objekte ein Ersatzzeichenpaar bilden.


IsSurrogatePair(String, Int32)

Gibt an, ob zwei aufeinander folgende Char-Objekte an einer angegebenen Position in einer Zeichenfolge ein Ersatzzeichenpaar bilden.

IsSurrogatePair(Char, Char)

Gibt an, ob die beiden angegebenen Char-Objekte ein Ersatzzeichenpaar bilden.


Im folgenden Codebeispiel werden die IsHighSurrogate IsLowSurrogate Methoden , und IsSurrogatePair veranschaulicht.

// This example demonstrates the Char.IsLowSurrogate() method
//                                    IsHighSurrogate() method
//                                    IsSurrogatePair() method
using namespace System;
int main()
   Char cHigh = L'\xD800';
   Char cLow = L'\xDC00';
   array<Char>^temp0 = {L'a',L'\xD800',L'\xDC00',L'z'};
   String^ s1 = gcnew String( temp0 );
   String^ divider = String::Concat( Environment::NewLine, gcnew String( '-',70 ), Environment::NewLine );
   Console::WriteLine( "Hexadecimal code point of the character, cHigh: {0:X4}", (int)cHigh );
   Console::WriteLine( "Hexadecimal code point of the character, cLow:  {0:X4}", (int)cLow );
   Console::WriteLine( "Characters in string, s1: 'a', high surrogate, low surrogate, 'z'" );
   Console::WriteLine( "Hexadecimal code points of the characters in string, s1: " );
   for ( int i = 0; i < s1->Length; i++ )
      Console::WriteLine( "s1[{0}] = {1:X4} ", i, (int)s1[ i ] );
   Console::WriteLine( divider );
   Console::WriteLine( "Is each of the following characters a high surrogate?" );
   Console::WriteLine( "A1) cLow?  - {0}", Char::IsHighSurrogate( cLow ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "A2) cHigh? - {0}", Char::IsHighSurrogate( cHigh ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "A3) s1[0]? - {0}", Char::IsHighSurrogate( s1, 0 ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "A4) s1[1]? - {0}", Char::IsHighSurrogate( s1, 1 ) );
   Console::WriteLine( divider );
   Console::WriteLine( "Is each of the following characters a low surrogate?" );
   Console::WriteLine( "B1) cLow?  - {0}", Char::IsLowSurrogate( cLow ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "B2) cHigh? - {0}", Char::IsLowSurrogate( cHigh ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "B3) s1[0]? - {0}", Char::IsLowSurrogate( s1, 0 ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "B4) s1[2]? - {0}", Char::IsLowSurrogate( s1, 2 ) );
   Console::WriteLine( divider );
   Console::WriteLine( "Is each of the following pairs of characters a surrogate pair?" );
   Console::WriteLine( "C1) cHigh and cLow?  - {0}", Char::IsSurrogatePair( cHigh, cLow ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "C2) s1[0] and s1[1]? - {0}", Char::IsSurrogatePair( s1, 0 ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "C3) s1[1] and s1[2]? - {0}", Char::IsSurrogatePair( s1, 1 ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "C4) s1[2] and s1[3]? - {0}", Char::IsSurrogatePair( s1, 2 ) );
   Console::WriteLine( divider );

This example produces the following results:

Hexadecimal code point of the character, cHigh: D800
Hexadecimal code point of the character, cLow:  DC00

Characters in string, s1: 'a', high surrogate, low surrogate, 'z'
Hexadecimal code points of the characters in string, s1:
s1[0] = 0061
s1[1] = D800
s1[2] = DC00
s1[3] = 007A


Is each of the following characters a high surrogate?
A1) cLow?  - False
A2) cHigh? - True
A3) s1[0]? - False
A4) s1[1]? - True


Is each of the following characters a low surrogate?
B1) cLow?  - True
B2) cHigh? - False
B3) s1[0]? - False
B4) s1[2]? - True


Is each of the following pairs of characters a surrogate pair?
C1) cHigh and cLow?  - True
C2) s1[0] and s1[1]? - False
C3) s1[1] and s1[2]? - True
C4) s1[2] and s1[3]? - False


// This example demonstrates the Char.IsLowSurrogate() method
//                                    IsHighSurrogate() method
//                                    IsSurrogatePair() method
using System;

class Sample
    public static void Main()
    char cHigh = '\uD800';
    char cLow  = '\uDC00';
    string s1  = new String(new char[] {'a', '\uD800', '\uDC00', 'z'});
    string divider = String.Concat( Environment.NewLine, new String('-', 70),

    Console.WriteLine("Hexadecimal code point of the character, cHigh: {0:X4}", (int)cHigh);
    Console.WriteLine("Hexadecimal code point of the character, cLow:  {0:X4}", (int)cLow);
    Console.WriteLine("Characters in string, s1: 'a', high surrogate, low surrogate, 'z'");
    Console.WriteLine("Hexadecimal code points of the characters in string, s1: ");
    for(int i = 0; i < s1.Length; i++)
        Console.WriteLine("s1[{0}] = {1:X4} ", i, (int)s1[i]);

    Console.WriteLine("Is each of the following characters a high surrogate?");
    Console.WriteLine("A1) cLow?  - {0}", Char.IsHighSurrogate(cLow));
    Console.WriteLine("A2) cHigh? - {0}", Char.IsHighSurrogate(cHigh));
    Console.WriteLine("A3) s1[0]? - {0}", Char.IsHighSurrogate(s1, 0));
    Console.WriteLine("A4) s1[1]? - {0}", Char.IsHighSurrogate(s1, 1));

    Console.WriteLine("Is each of the following characters a low surrogate?");
    Console.WriteLine("B1) cLow?  - {0}", Char.IsLowSurrogate(cLow));
    Console.WriteLine("B2) cHigh? - {0}", Char.IsLowSurrogate(cHigh));
    Console.WriteLine("B3) s1[0]? - {0}", Char.IsLowSurrogate(s1, 0));
    Console.WriteLine("B4) s1[2]? - {0}", Char.IsLowSurrogate(s1, 2));

    Console.WriteLine("Is each of the following pairs of characters a surrogate pair?");
    Console.WriteLine("C1) cHigh and cLow?  - {0}", Char.IsSurrogatePair(cHigh, cLow));
    Console.WriteLine("C2) s1[0] and s1[1]? - {0}", Char.IsSurrogatePair(s1, 0));
    Console.WriteLine("C3) s1[1] and s1[2]? - {0}", Char.IsSurrogatePair(s1, 1));
    Console.WriteLine("C4) s1[2] and s1[3]? - {0}", Char.IsSurrogatePair(s1, 2));
This example produces the following results:

Hexadecimal code point of the character, cHigh: D800
Hexadecimal code point of the character, cLow:  DC00

Characters in string, s1: 'a', high surrogate, low surrogate, 'z'
Hexadecimal code points of the characters in string, s1:
s1[0] = 0061
s1[1] = D800
s1[2] = DC00
s1[3] = 007A


Is each of the following characters a high surrogate?
A1) cLow?  - False
A2) cHigh? - True
A3) s1[0]? - False
A4) s1[1]? - True


Is each of the following characters a low surrogate?
B1) cLow?  - True
B2) cHigh? - False
B3) s1[0]? - False
B4) s1[2]? - True


Is each of the following pairs of characters a surrogate pair?
C1) cHigh and cLow?  - True
C2) s1[0] and s1[1]? - False
C3) s1[1] and s1[2]? - True
C4) s1[2] and s1[3]? - False


// This example demonstrates the Char.IsLowSurrogate() method
//                                    IsHighSurrogate() method
//                                    IsSurrogatePair() method
open System

let cHigh = '\uD800'
let cLow  = '\uDC00'
let s1 = String [| 'a'; '\uD800'; '\uDC00'; 'z' |]
let divider = String.Concat(Environment.NewLine, String('-', 70), Environment.NewLine)

printfn $"""
Hexadecimal code point of the character, cHigh: {int cHigh:X4}
Hexadecimal code point of the character, cLow:  {int cLow:X4}

Characters in string, s1: 'a', high surrogate, low surrogate, 'z'
Hexadecimal code points of the characters in string, s1: """

for i = 0 to s1.Length - 1 do
    printfn $"s1[{i}] = {int s1[i]:X4} "

printfn $"""{divider}
Is each of the following characters a high surrogate?
A1) cLow?  - {Char.IsHighSurrogate cLow}
A2) cHigh? - {Char.IsHighSurrogate cHigh}
A3) s1[0]? - {Char.IsHighSurrogate(s1, 0)}
A4) s1[1]? - {Char.IsHighSurrogate(s1, 1)}

printfn $"""Is each of the following characters a low surrogate?
B1) cLow?  - {Char.IsLowSurrogate cLow}
B2) cHigh? - {Char.IsLowSurrogate cHigh}
B3) s1[0]? - {Char.IsLowSurrogate(s1, 0)}
B4) s1[2]? - {Char.IsLowSurrogate(s1, 2)}

printfn $"""Is each of the following pairs of characters a surrogate pair?
C1) cHigh and cLow?  - {Char.IsSurrogatePair(cHigh, cLow)}
C2) s1[0] and s1[1]? - {Char.IsSurrogatePair(s1, 0)}
C3) s1[1] and s1[2]? - {Char.IsSurrogatePair(s1, 1)}
C4) s1[2] and s1[3]? - {Char.IsSurrogatePair(s1, 2)}"

// This example produces the following results:
// Hexadecimal code point of the character, cHigh: D800
// Hexadecimal code point of the character, cLow:  DC00
// Characters in string, s1: 'a', high surrogate, low surrogate, 'z'
// Hexadecimal code points of the characters in string, s1:
// s1[0] = 0061
// s1[1] = D800
// s1[2] = DC00
// s1[3] = 007A
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Is each of the following characters a high surrogate?
// A1) cLow?  - False
// A2) cHigh? - True
// A3) s1[0]? - False
// A4) s1[1]? - True
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Is each of the following characters a low surrogate?
// B1) cLow?  - True
// B2) cHigh? - False
// B3) s1[0]? - False
// B4) s1[2]? - True
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Is each of the following pairs of characters a surrogate pair?
// C1) cHigh and cLow?  - True
// C2) s1[0] and s1[1]? - False
// C3) s1[1] and s1[2]? - True
// C4) s1[2] and s1[3]? - False
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
' This example demonstrates the Char.IsLowSurrogate() method
'                                    IsHighSurrogate() method
'                                    IsSurrogatePair() method
Class Sample
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim cHigh As Char = ChrW(&HD800)
      Dim cLow  As Char = ChrW(&HDC00)
      Dim s1 = New [String](New Char() {"a"c, ChrW(&HD800), ChrW(&HDC00), "z"c})
      Dim divider As String = [String].Concat(Environment.NewLine, _
                                              New [String]("-"c, 70), _
      Console.WriteLine("Hexadecimal code point of the character, cHigh: {0:X4}", AscW(cHigh))
      Console.WriteLine("Hexadecimal code point of the character, cLow:  {0:X4}", AscW(cLow))
      Console.WriteLine("Characters in string, s1: 'a', high surrogate, low surrogate, 'z'")
      Console.WriteLine("Hexadecimal code points of the characters in string, s1: ")
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To s1.Length - 1
         Console.WriteLine("s1({0}) = {1:X4} ", i, AscW(s1.Chars(i)))
      Next i
      Console.WriteLine("Is each of the following characters a high surrogate?")
      Console.WriteLine("A1) cLow?  - {0}", [Char].IsHighSurrogate(cLow))
      Console.WriteLine("A2) cHigh? - {0}", [Char].IsHighSurrogate(cHigh))
      Console.WriteLine("A3) s1(0)? - {0}", [Char].IsHighSurrogate(s1, 0))
      Console.WriteLine("A4) s1(1)? - {0}", [Char].IsHighSurrogate(s1, 1))
      Console.WriteLine("Is each of the following characters a low surrogate?")
      Console.WriteLine("B1) cLow?  - {0}", [Char].IsLowSurrogate(cLow))
      Console.WriteLine("B2) cHigh? - {0}", [Char].IsLowSurrogate(cHigh))
      Console.WriteLine("B3) s1(0)? - {0}", [Char].IsLowSurrogate(s1, 0))
      Console.WriteLine("B4) s1(2)? - {0}", [Char].IsLowSurrogate(s1, 2))
      Console.WriteLine("Is each of the following pairs of characters a surrogate pair?")
      Console.WriteLine("C1) cHigh and cLow?  - {0}", [Char].IsSurrogatePair(cHigh, cLow))
      Console.WriteLine("C2) s1(0) and s1(1)? - {0}", [Char].IsSurrogatePair(s1, 0))
      Console.WriteLine("C3) s1(1) and s1(2)? - {0}", [Char].IsSurrogatePair(s1, 1))
      Console.WriteLine("C4) s1(2) and s1(3)? - {0}", [Char].IsSurrogatePair(s1, 2))
   End Sub
End Class
'This example produces the following results:
'Hexadecimal code point of the character, cHigh: D800
'Hexadecimal code point of the character, cLow:  DC00
'Characters in string, s1: 'a', high surrogate, low surrogate, 'z'
'Hexadecimal code points of the characters in string, s1:
's1(0) = 0061
's1(1) = D800
's1(2) = DC00
's1(3) = 007A
'Is each of the following characters a high surrogate?
'A1) cLow?  - False
'A2) cHigh? - True
'A3) s1(0)? - False
'A4) s1(1)? - True
'Is each of the following characters a low surrogate?
'B1) cLow?  - True
'B2) cHigh? - False
'B3) s1(0)? - False
'B4) s1(2)? - True
'Is each of the following pairs of characters a surrogate pair?
'C1) cHigh and cLow?  - True
'C2) s1(0) and s1(1)? - False
'C3) s1(1) and s1(2)? - True
'C4) s1(2) and s1(3)? - False

IsSurrogatePair(String, Int32)

Gibt an, ob zwei aufeinander folgende Char-Objekte an einer angegebenen Position in einer Zeichenfolge ein Ersatzzeichenpaar bilden.

 static bool IsSurrogatePair(System::String ^ s, int index);
public static bool IsSurrogatePair (string s, int index);
static member IsSurrogatePair : string * int -> bool
Public Shared Function IsSurrogatePair (s As String, index As Integer) As Boolean



Eine Zeichenfolge.


Die Anfangsposition des innerhalb von s auszuwertenden Zeichenpaars.

Gibt zurück


true, wenn der s-Parameter an der Position index und index + 1 aufeinander folgende Zeichen enthält, der numerische Wert des Zeichens an der Position index zwischen U+D800 und U+DBFF liegt und der numerische Wert des Zeichens an der Position index +1 zwischen U+DC00 und U+DFFF liegt, andernfalls false.


s ist null.

index ist keine Position in s.


Normalerweise wird ein einzelnes Zeichen durch eine einzelne 16-Bit-Unicode-Codeeinheit dargestellt. Die UTF-16-Codierung unterstützt auch Ersatzzeichenpaare, mit denen ein einzelnes abstraktes Zeichen durch zwei 16-Bit-Codeeinheiten dargestellt werden kann. Die erste Codeeinheit, deren Wert von U+D800 bis U+DBFF reichen kann, ist das hohe Ersatzzeichen. Die zweite Codeeinheit, deren Wert von U+DC00 bis U+DFFF reichen kann, ist das niedrige Ersatzzeichen. Einzelne Ersatzcodepunkte haben keine eigene Interpretation. Weitere Informationen zu Ersatzzeichen und zum Unicode-Standard finden Sie auf der Unicode-Startseite.

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Gilt für

IsSurrogatePair(Char, Char)

Gibt an, ob die beiden angegebenen Char-Objekte ein Ersatzzeichenpaar bilden.

 static bool IsSurrogatePair(char highSurrogate, char lowSurrogate);
public static bool IsSurrogatePair (char highSurrogate, char lowSurrogate);
static member IsSurrogatePair : char * char -> bool
Public Shared Function IsSurrogatePair (highSurrogate As Char, lowSurrogate As Char) As Boolean



Das Zeichen, das als das hohe Ersatzzeichen eines Ersatzzeichenpaars ausgewertet werden soll.


Das Zeichen, das als das niedrige Ersatzzeichen eines Ersatzzeichenpaars ausgewertet werden soll.

Gibt zurück


true, wenn der numerische Wert des highSurrogate-Parameters zwischen U+D800 und U+DBFF und der numerische Wert des lowSurrogate-Parameters zwischen U+DC00 und U+DFFF liegt, andernfalls false.


Normalerweise wird ein einzelnes Zeichen durch eine einzelne 16-Bit-Unicode-Codeeinheit dargestellt. Die UTF-16-Codierung unterstützt auch Ersatzzeichenpaare, mit denen ein einzelnes abstraktes Zeichen durch zwei 16-Bit-Codeeinheiten dargestellt werden kann. Die erste Codeeinheit, deren Wert von U+D800 bis U+DBFF reichen kann, ist das hohe Ersatzzeichen. Die zweite Codeeinheit, deren Wert von U+DC00 bis U+DFFF reichen kann, ist das niedrige Ersatzzeichen. Einzelne Ersatzcodepunkte haben keine eigene Interpretation. Weitere Informationen zu Ersatzzeichen und zum Unicode-Standard finden Sie auf der Unicode-Startseite.

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