Teilen über

KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem>.Item[TKey] Eigenschaft


Ruft das Element mit dem angegebenen Schlüssel ab.

 property TItem default[TKey] { TItem get(TKey key); };
public TItem this[TKey key] { get; }
member this.Item('Key) : 'Item
Default Public ReadOnly Property Item(key As TKey) As TItem



Der Schlüssel des abzurufenden Elements.



Das Element mit dem angegebenen Schlüssel. Wenn kein Element mit dem angegebenen Schlüssel gefunden wird, wird eine Ausnahme ausgelöst.


key ist null.

In der Auflistung ist kein Element mit dem angegebenen Schlüssel vorhanden.


Dieses Codebeispiel zeigt den minimalen Code, der zum Ableiten einer Auflistungsklasse von KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem>erforderlich ist: Überschreiben der GetKeyForItem -Methode und Bereitstellen eines öffentlichen Konstruktors, der an einen Basisklassenkonstruktor delegiert. Das Codebeispiel veranschaulicht auch viele der von KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem> und Klassen geerbten Eigenschaften und Collection<T> Methoden.

Im Codebeispiel wird sowohl die KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem>.Item[] -Eigenschaft aufgerufen, die schreibgeschützt ist und per Schlüssel abgerufen wird, als auch die Collection<T>.Item[] Eigenschaft, die nach Index festgelegt und abgerufen wird. Es wird gezeigt, wie auf die letztere Eigenschaft zugegriffen wird, wenn die Objekte in der abgeleiteten Auflistung ganzzahlige Schlüssel aufweisen, die nicht von den ganzen Zahlen zu unterscheiden sind, die für den indizierten Abruf verwendet werden.

Die SimpleOrder -Klasse ist eine sehr einfache Anforderungsliste, die Objekte enthält OrderItem , von denen jedes ein Zeilenelement in der Reihenfolge darstellt. Der Schlüssel von OrderItem ist unveränderlich, ein wichtiger Aspekt für Klassen, die von KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem>abgeleitet werden. Ein Codebeispiel, das veränderbare Schlüssel verwendet, finden Sie unter ChangeItemKey.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
using namespace System::Collections::ObjectModel;

// This class represents a simple line item in an order. All the 
// values are immutable except quantity.
public ref class OrderItem
    int _quantity;
    initonly int PartNumber;
    initonly String^ Description;
    initonly double UnitPrice;
    OrderItem(int partNumber, String^ description, 
        int quantity, double unitPrice)
        this->PartNumber = partNumber;
        this->Description = description;
        this->Quantity = quantity;
        this->UnitPrice = unitPrice;
    property int Quantity    
        int get() { return _quantity; }
        void set(int value)
            if (value < 0)
                throw gcnew ArgumentException("Quantity cannot be negative.");
            _quantity = value;
    virtual String^ ToString() override 
        return String::Format(
            "{0,9} {1,6} {2,-12} at {3,8:#,###.00} = {4,10:###,###.00}", 
            PartNumber, _quantity, Description, UnitPrice, 
            UnitPrice * _quantity);

// This class represents a very simple keyed list of OrderItems,
// inheriting most of its behavior from the KeyedCollection and 
// Collection classes. The immediate base class is the constructed
// type KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>. When you inherit
// from KeyedCollection, the second generic type argument is the 
// type that you want to store in the collection -- in this case
// OrderItem. The first type argument is the type that you want
// to use as a key. Its values must be calculated from OrderItem; 
// in this case it is the int field PartNumber, so SimpleOrder
// inherits KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>.
public ref class SimpleOrder : KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem^>
    // The parameterless constructor of the base class creates a 
    // KeyedCollection with an internal dictionary. For this code 
    // example, no other constructors are exposed.
    SimpleOrder() {}
    // This is the only method that absolutely must be overridden,
    // because without it the KeyedCollection cannot extract the
    // keys from the items. The input parameter type is the 
    // second generic type argument, in this case OrderItem, and 
    // the return value type is the first generic type argument,
    // in this case int.
    virtual int GetKeyForItem(OrderItem^ item) override 
        // In this example, the key is the part number.
        return item->PartNumber;

public ref class Demo
    static void Main()
        SimpleOrder^ weekly = gcnew SimpleOrder();

        // The Add method, inherited from Collection, takes OrderItem.
        weekly->Add(gcnew OrderItem(110072674, "Widget", 400, 45.17));
        weekly->Add(gcnew OrderItem(110072675, "Sprocket", 27, 5.3));
        weekly->Add(gcnew OrderItem(101030411, "Motor", 10, 237.5));
        weekly->Add(gcnew OrderItem(110072684, "Gear", 175, 5.17));
        // The Contains method of KeyedCollection takes the key, 
        // type, in this case int.
        Console::WriteLine("\nContains(101030411): {0}", 

        // The default Item property of KeyedCollection takes a key.
        Console::WriteLine("\nweekly(101030411)->Description: {0}", 

        // The Remove method of KeyedCollection takes a key.

        // The Insert method, inherited from Collection, takes an 
        // index and an OrderItem.
        Console::WriteLine("\nInsert(2, New OrderItem(...))");
        weekly->Insert(2, gcnew OrderItem(111033401, "Nut", 10, .5));

        // The default Item property is overloaded. One overload comes
        // from KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>; that overload
        // is read-only, and takes Integer because it retrieves by key. 
        // The other overload comes from Collection<OrderItem>, the 
        // base class of KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>; it 
        // retrieves by index, so it also takes an Integer. The compiler
        // uses the most-derived overload, from KeyedCollection, so the
        // only way to access SimpleOrder by index is to cast it to
        // Collection<OrderItem>. Otherwise the index is interpreted
        // as a key, and KeyNotFoundException is thrown.
        Collection<OrderItem^>^ coweekly = weekly;
        Console::WriteLine("\ncoweekly[2].Description: {0}", 
        Console::WriteLine("\ncoweekly[2] = gcnew OrderItem(...)");
        coweekly[2] = gcnew OrderItem(127700026, "Crank", 27, 5.98);

        OrderItem^ temp = coweekly[2];

        // The IndexOf method inherited from Collection<OrderItem> 
        // takes an OrderItem instead of a key
        Console::WriteLine("\nIndexOf(temp): {0}", weekly->IndexOf(temp));

        // The inherited Remove method also takes an OrderItem.


    static void Display(SimpleOrder^ order)
        for each( OrderItem^ item in order )

void main()

/* This code example produces the following output:

110072674    400 Widget       at    45.17 =  18,068.00
110072675     27 Sprocket     at     5.30 =     143.10
101030411     10 Motor        at   237.50 =   2,375.00
110072684    175 Gear         at     5.17 =     904.75

Contains(101030411): True

weekly(101030411)->Description: Motor


110072674    400 Widget       at    45.17 =  18,068.00
110072675     27 Sprocket     at     5.30 =     143.10
110072684    175 Gear         at     5.17 =     904.75

Insert(2, New OrderItem(...))

110072674    400 Widget       at    45.17 =  18,068.00
110072675     27 Sprocket     at     5.30 =     143.10
111033401     10 Nut          at      .50 =       5.00
110072684    175 Gear         at     5.17 =     904.75

coweekly(2)->Description: Nut

coweekly[2] = gcnew OrderItem(...)

IndexOf(temp): 2


110072674    400 Widget       at    45.17 =  18,068.00
110072675     27 Sprocket     at     5.30 =     143.10
110072684    175 Gear         at     5.17 =     904.75


110072675     27 Sprocket     at     5.30 =     143.10
110072684    175 Gear         at     5.17 =     904.75
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

// This class represents a very simple keyed list of OrderItems,
// inheriting most of its behavior from the KeyedCollection and
// Collection classes. The immediate base class is the constructed
// type KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>. When you inherit
// from KeyedCollection, the second generic type argument is the
// type that you want to store in the collection -- in this case
// OrderItem. The first type argument is the type that you want
// to use as a key. Its values must be calculated from OrderItem;
// in this case it is the int field PartNumber, so SimpleOrder
// inherits KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>.
public class SimpleOrder : KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>

    // This is the only method that absolutely must be overridden,
    // because without it the KeyedCollection cannot extract the
    // keys from the items. The input parameter type is the
    // second generic type argument, in this case OrderItem, and
    // the return value type is the first generic type argument,
    // in this case int.
    protected override int GetKeyForItem(OrderItem item)
        // In this example, the key is the part number.
        return item.PartNumber;

public class Demo
    public static void Main()
        SimpleOrder weekly = new SimpleOrder();

        // The Add method, inherited from Collection, takes OrderItem.
        weekly.Add(new OrderItem(110072674, "Widget", 400, 45.17));
        weekly.Add(new OrderItem(110072675, "Sprocket", 27, 5.3));
        weekly.Add(new OrderItem(101030411, "Motor", 10, 237.5));
        weekly.Add(new OrderItem(110072684, "Gear", 175, 5.17));


        // The Contains method of KeyedCollection takes the key,
        // type, in this case int.
        Console.WriteLine("\nContains(101030411): {0}",

        // The default Item property of KeyedCollection takes a key.
        Console.WriteLine("\nweekly[101030411].Description: {0}",

        // The Remove method of KeyedCollection takes a key.

        // The Insert method, inherited from Collection, takes an
        // index and an OrderItem.
        Console.WriteLine("\nInsert(2, New OrderItem(...))");
        weekly.Insert(2, new OrderItem(111033401, "Nut", 10, .5));

        // The default Item property is overloaded. One overload comes
        // from KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>; that overload
        // is read-only, and takes Integer because it retrieves by key.
        // The other overload comes from Collection<OrderItem>, the
        // base class of KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>; it
        // retrieves by index, so it also takes an Integer. The compiler
        // uses the most-derived overload, from KeyedCollection, so the
        // only way to access SimpleOrder by index is to cast it to
        // Collection<OrderItem>. Otherwise the index is interpreted
        // as a key, and KeyNotFoundException is thrown.
        Collection<OrderItem> coweekly = weekly;
        Console.WriteLine("\ncoweekly[2].Description: {0}",

        Console.WriteLine("\ncoweekly[2] = new OrderItem(...)");
        coweekly[2] = new OrderItem(127700026, "Crank", 27, 5.98);

        OrderItem temp = coweekly[2];

        // The IndexOf method inherited from Collection<OrderItem>
        // takes an OrderItem instead of a key
        Console.WriteLine("\nIndexOf(temp): {0}", weekly.IndexOf(temp));

        // The inherited Remove method also takes an OrderItem.


    private static void Display(SimpleOrder order)
        foreach( OrderItem item in order )

// This class represents a simple line item in an order. All the
// values are immutable except quantity.
public class OrderItem
    public readonly int PartNumber;
    public readonly string Description;
    public readonly double UnitPrice;

    private int _quantity = 0;

    public OrderItem(int partNumber, string description,
        int quantity, double unitPrice)
        this.PartNumber = partNumber;
        this.Description = description;
        this.Quantity = quantity;
        this.UnitPrice = unitPrice;

    public int Quantity
        get { return _quantity; }
            if (value<0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Quantity cannot be negative.");

            _quantity = value;

    public override string ToString()
        return String.Format(
            "{0,9} {1,6} {2,-12} at {3,8:#,###.00} = {4,10:###,###.00}",
            PartNumber, _quantity, Description, UnitPrice,
            UnitPrice * _quantity);

/* This code example produces the following output:

110072674    400 Widget       at    45.17 =  18,068.00
110072675     27 Sprocket     at     5.30 =     143.10
101030411     10 Motor        at   237.50 =   2,375.00
110072684    175 Gear         at     5.17 =     904.75

Contains(101030411): True

weekly[101030411].Description: Motor


110072674    400 Widget       at    45.17 =  18,068.00
110072675     27 Sprocket     at     5.30 =     143.10
110072684    175 Gear         at     5.17 =     904.75

Insert(2, New OrderItem(...))

110072674    400 Widget       at    45.17 =  18,068.00
110072675     27 Sprocket     at     5.30 =     143.10
111033401     10 Nut          at      .50 =       5.00
110072684    175 Gear         at     5.17 =     904.75

coweekly[2].Description: Nut

coweekly[2] = new OrderItem(...)

IndexOf(temp): 2


110072674    400 Widget       at    45.17 =  18,068.00
110072675     27 Sprocket     at     5.30 =     143.10
110072684    175 Gear         at     5.17 =     904.75


110072675     27 Sprocket     at     5.30 =     143.10
110072684    175 Gear         at     5.17 =     904.75
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel

' This class represents a very simple keyed list of OrderItems,
' inheriting most of its behavior from the KeyedCollection and 
' Collection classes. The immediate base class is the constructed
' type KeyedCollection(Of Integer, OrderItem). When you inherit
' from KeyedCollection, the second generic type argument is the 
' type that you want to store in the collection -- in this case
' OrderItem. The first generic argument is the type that you want
' to use as a key. Its values must be calculated from OrderItem; 
' in this case it is the Integer field PartNumber, so SimpleOrder
' inherits KeyedCollection(Of Integer, OrderItem).
Public Class SimpleOrder
    Inherits KeyedCollection(Of Integer, OrderItem)

    ' This is the only method that absolutely must be overridden,
    ' because without it the KeyedCollection cannot extract the
    ' keys from the items. The input parameter type is the 
    ' second generic type argument, in this case OrderItem, and 
    ' the return value type is the first generic type argument,
    ' in this case Integer.
    Protected Overrides Function GetKeyForItem( _
        ByVal item As OrderItem) As Integer

        ' In this example, the key is the part number.
        Return item.PartNumber   
    End Function

End Class

Public Class Demo
    Public Shared Sub Main() 
        Dim weekly As New SimpleOrder()

        ' The Add method, inherited from Collection, takes OrderItem.
        weekly.Add(New OrderItem(110072674, "Widget", 400, 45.17))
        weekly.Add(New OrderItem(110072675, "Sprocket", 27, 5.3))
        weekly.Add(New OrderItem(101030411, "Motor", 10, 237.5))
        weekly.Add(New OrderItem(110072684, "Gear", 175, 5.17))
        ' The Contains method of KeyedCollection takes TKey.
        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Contains(101030411): {0}", _

        ' The default Item property of KeyedCollection takes the key
        ' type, Integer.
        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "weekly(101030411).Description: {0}", _

        ' The Remove method of KeyedCollection takes a key.
        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Remove(101030411)")

        ' The Insert method, inherited from Collection, takes an 
        ' index and an OrderItem.
        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Insert(2, New OrderItem(...))")
        weekly.Insert(2, New OrderItem(111033401, "Nut", 10, .5))

        ' The default Item property is overloaded. One overload comes
        ' from KeyedCollection(Of Integer, OrderItem); that overload
        ' is read-only, and takes Integer because it retrieves by key. 
        ' The other overload comes from Collection(Of OrderItem), the 
        ' base class of KeyedCollection(Of Integer, OrderItem); it 
        ' retrieves by index, so it also takes an Integer. The compiler
        ' uses the most-derived overload, from KeyedCollection, so the
        ' only way to access SimpleOrder by index is to cast it to
        ' Collection(Of OrderItem). Otherwise the index is interpreted
        ' as a key, and KeyNotFoundException is thrown.
        Dim coweekly As Collection(Of OrderItem) = weekly
        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "coweekly(2).Description: {0}", _
        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "coweekly(2) = New OrderItem(...)")
        coweekly(2) = New OrderItem(127700026, "Crank", 27, 5.98)

        Dim temp As OrderItem = coweekly(2)

        ' The IndexOf method, inherited from Collection(Of OrderItem), 
        ' takes an OrderItem instead of a key.
        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "IndexOf(temp): {0}", _

        ' The inherited Remove method also takes an OrderItem.
        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Remove(temp)")

        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "RemoveAt(0)")

    End Sub
    Private Shared Sub Display(ByVal order As SimpleOrder) 
        For Each item As OrderItem In  order
        Next item
    End Sub
End Class

' This class represents a simple line item in an order. All the 
' values are immutable except quantity.
Public Class OrderItem
    Public ReadOnly PartNumber As Integer
    Public ReadOnly Description As String
    Public ReadOnly UnitPrice As Double
    Private _quantity As Integer = 0
    Public Sub New(ByVal partNumber As Integer, _
                   ByVal description As String, _
                   ByVal quantity As Integer, _
                   ByVal unitPrice As Double) 
        Me.PartNumber = partNumber
        Me.Description = description
        Me.Quantity = quantity
        Me.UnitPrice = unitPrice
    End Sub
    Public Property Quantity() As Integer 
            Return _quantity
        End Get
            If value < 0 Then
                Throw New ArgumentException("Quantity cannot be negative.")
            End If
            _quantity = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Overrides Function ToString() As String 
        Return String.Format( _
            "{0,9} {1,6} {2,-12} at {3,8:#,###.00} = {4,10:###,###.00}", _
            PartNumber, _quantity, Description, UnitPrice, _
            UnitPrice * _quantity)
    End Function
End Class

' This code example produces the following output:
'110072674    400 Widget       at    45.17 =  18,068.00
'110072675     27 Sprocket     at     5.30 =     143.10
'101030411     10 Motor        at   237.50 =   2,375.00
'110072684    175 Gear         at     5.17 =     904.75
'Contains(101030411): True
'weekly(101030411).Description: Motor
'110072674    400 Widget       at    45.17 =  18,068.00
'110072675     27 Sprocket     at     5.30 =     143.10
'110072684    175 Gear         at     5.17 =     904.75
'Insert(2, New OrderItem(...))
'110072674    400 Widget       at    45.17 =  18,068.00
'110072675     27 Sprocket     at     5.30 =     143.10
'111033401     10 Nut          at      .50 =       5.00
'110072684    175 Gear         at     5.17 =     904.75
'coweekly(2).Description: Nut
'coweekly(2) = New OrderItem(...)
'IndexOf(temp): 2
'110072674    400 Widget       at    45.17 =  18,068.00
'110072675     27 Sprocket     at     5.30 =     143.10
'110072684    175 Gear         at     5.17 =     904.75
'110072675     27 Sprocket     at     5.30 =     143.10
'110072684    175 Gear         at     5.17 =     904.75


Diese Eigenschaft bietet die Möglichkeit, mithilfe der folgenden Syntax auf ein bestimmtes Element in der Auflistung zuzugreifen: myCollection[key] (myCollection(key) in Visual Basic).


Diese Eigenschaft unterscheidet sich von der geerbten Collection<T>.Item[] Eigenschaft, die Elemente nach numerischem Index abruft und festlegt. Wenn TKey jedoch vom Typ Int32ist, maskiert diese Eigenschaft die geerbte Eigenschaft. In diesem Fall können Sie auf die geerbte Eigenschaft zugreifen, indem Sie die in ihren KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem> Basistyp umwandeln. Beispielsweise KeyedCollection<int, MyType> kann (KeyedCollection(Of Integer, MyType) in Visual Basic in KeyedCollection<int, MyType^> C++) in Collection<MyType> (Collection(Of MyType) in Visual Basic, Collection<MyType^> in C++) umgewandelt werden.

Wenn das KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem> über ein Nachschlagewörterbuch verfügt, wird verwendet, key um das Element aus dem Wörterbuch abzurufen. Wenn kein Nachschlagewörterbuch vorhanden ist, wird der Schlüssel jedes Elements mithilfe der GetKeyForItem -Methode extrahiert und mit dem angegebenen Schlüssel verglichen.

Die C#-Sprache verwendet die Schlüsselwort (keyword), um die Indexer zu definieren, anstatt die Item[] -Eigenschaft zu implementieren. Visual Basic implementiert Item[] als Standardeigenschaft, die die gleiche Indizierungsfunktion bereitstellt.

Das Abrufen des Werts dieser Eigenschaft ist ein O(1)-Vorgang, wenn der KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem> über ein Nachschlagewörterbuch verfügt. Andernfalls handelt es sich um einen O(n)-Vorgang, wobei n ist Count.

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