Teilen über

Console.CursorVisible Eigenschaft


Ruft einen Wert ab, der angibt, ob der Cursor sichtbar ist, oder legt diesen fest.

 static property bool CursorVisible { bool get(); void set(bool value); };
public static bool CursorVisible { [System.Runtime.Versioning.SupportedOSPlatform("windows")] get; [System.Runtime.Versioning.UnsupportedOSPlatform("browser")] set; }
public static bool CursorVisible { [System.Runtime.Versioning.SupportedOSPlatform("windows")] get; [System.Runtime.Versioning.UnsupportedOSPlatform("browser")] [System.Runtime.Versioning.UnsupportedOSPlatform("android")] [System.Runtime.Versioning.UnsupportedOSPlatform("ios")] [System.Runtime.Versioning.UnsupportedOSPlatform("tvos")] set; }
public static bool CursorVisible { get; set; }
[<get: System.Runtime.Versioning.SupportedOSPlatform("windows")>]
[<set: System.Runtime.Versioning.UnsupportedOSPlatform("browser")>]
static member CursorVisible : bool with get, set
[<get: System.Runtime.Versioning.SupportedOSPlatform("windows")>]
[<set: System.Runtime.Versioning.UnsupportedOSPlatform("browser")>]
[<set: System.Runtime.Versioning.UnsupportedOSPlatform("android")>]
[<set: System.Runtime.Versioning.UnsupportedOSPlatform("ios")>]
[<set: System.Runtime.Versioning.UnsupportedOSPlatform("tvos")>]
static member CursorVisible : bool with get, set
static member CursorVisible : bool with get, set
Public Shared Property CursorVisible As Boolean


true, wenn der Cursor sichtbar ist, andernfalls false.



Der Benutzer verfügt nicht über die erforderlichen Berechtigung, um diese Aktion durchzuführen.


Der get-Vorgang wird unter einem anderen Betriebssystem als Windows aufgerufen.


In diesem Beispiel wird die CursorVisible -Eigenschaft veranschaulicht. Das Beispiel macht den Cursor sichtbar, wenn die erste Spalte der Eingabe ein "+"-Zeichen oder unsichtbar ist, wenn die Eingabe ein "-" Zeichen ist.

// This example demonstrates the Console.CursorVisible property.
using namespace System;

int main()
   String^ m1 = "\nThe cursor is {0}.\nType any text then press Enter. "
   "Type '+' in the first column to show \n"
   "the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, "
   "or lowercase 'x' to quit:";
   String^ s;
   bool saveCursorVisibile;
   int saveCursorSize;
   Console::CursorVisible = true; // Initialize the cursor to visible.
   saveCursorVisibile = Console::CursorVisible;
   saveCursorSize = Console::CursorSize;
   Console::CursorSize = 100; // Emphasize the cursor.
   for ( ; ;  )
      Console::WriteLine( m1, ((Console::CursorVisible == true) ? (String^)"VISIBLE" : "HIDDEN") );
      s = Console::ReadLine();
      if ( String::IsNullOrEmpty( s ) == false )
            if ( s[ 0 ] == '+' )
            Console::CursorVisible = true;
      if ( s[ 0 ] == '-' )
            Console::CursorVisible = false;
      if ( s[ 0 ] == 'x' )

   Console::CursorVisible = saveCursorVisibile;
   Console::CursorSize = saveCursorSize;

This example produces the following results. Note that these results
cannot depict cursor visibility. You must run the example to see the 
cursor behavior:

The cursor is VISIBLE.
Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:
The quick brown fox

The cursor is VISIBLE.
Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:

The cursor is HIDDEN.
Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:
jumps over

The cursor is HIDDEN.
Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:

The cursor is VISIBLE.
Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:
the lazy dog.

The cursor is VISIBLE.
Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:

// This example demonstrates the Console.CursorVisible property.

using System;

class Sample
    public static void Main()
    string m1 = "\nThe cursor is {0}.\nType any text then press Enter. " +
                "Type '+' in the first column to show \n" +
                "the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, " +
                "or lowercase 'x' to quit:";
    string s;
    bool saveCursorVisibile;
    int  saveCursorSize;
    Console.CursorVisible = true; // Initialize the cursor to visible.
    saveCursorVisibile = Console.CursorVisible;
    saveCursorSize  = Console.CursorSize;
    Console.CursorSize = 100;     // Emphasize the cursor.

                         ((Console.CursorVisible == true) ?
                           "VISIBLE" : "HIDDEN"));
        s = Console.ReadLine();
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(s) == false)
            if (s[0] == '+')
                Console.CursorVisible = true;
            else if (s[0] == '-')
                Console.CursorVisible = false;
            else if (s[0] == 'x')
    Console.CursorVisible = saveCursorVisibile;
    Console.CursorSize    = saveCursorSize;
This example produces the following results. Note that these results
cannot depict cursor visibility. You must run the example to see the
cursor behavior:

The cursor is VISIBLE.
Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:
The quick brown fox

The cursor is VISIBLE.
Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:

The cursor is HIDDEN.
Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:
jumps over

The cursor is HIDDEN.
Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:

The cursor is VISIBLE.
Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:
the lazy dog.

The cursor is VISIBLE.
Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:

// This example demonstrates the Console.CursorVisible property.

open System

Console.CursorVisible <- true // Initialize the cursor to visible.
let saveCursorVisibile = Console.CursorVisible
let saveCursorSize = Console.CursorSize
Console.CursorSize <- 100     // Emphasize the cursor.

let mutable quit = false
while not quit do
    printfn $"""\nThe cursor is {if Console.CursorVisible then "VISIBLE" else "HIDDEN"}.\nType any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show 
the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:"""
    let s = Console.ReadLine()
    if not (String.IsNullOrEmpty s) then
        match s[0] with
        | '+' ->
            Console.CursorVisible <- true
        | '-' ->
            Console.CursorVisible <- false
        | 'x' -> 
            quit <- true
        | _ -> ()

Console.CursorVisible <- saveCursorVisibile
Console.CursorSize    <- saveCursorSize

// This example produces the following results. Note that these results
// cannot depict cursor visibility. You must run the example to see the
// cursor behavior:
// The cursor is VISIBLE.
// Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
// the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:
// The quick brown fox
// The cursor is VISIBLE.
// Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
// the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:
// -
// The cursor is HIDDEN.
// Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
// the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:
// jumps over
// The cursor is HIDDEN.
// Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
// the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:
// +
// The cursor is VISIBLE.
// Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
// the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:
// the lazy dog.
// The cursor is VISIBLE.
// Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
// the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:
// x
' This example demonstrates the Console.CursorVisible property.
Class Sample
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim m1 As String = vbCrLf & "The cursor is {0}." & _
                         vbCrLf & "Type any text then press Enter. " & _
                         "Type '+' in the first column to show " & _
                         vbCrLf & "the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, " & _
                         "or lowercase 'x' to quit:"
      Dim s As String
      Dim saveCursorVisibile As Boolean
      Dim saveCursorSize As Integer
      Console.CursorVisible = True ' Initialize the cursor to visible.
      saveCursorVisibile = Console.CursorVisible
      saveCursorSize = Console.CursorSize
      Console.CursorSize = 100 ' Emphasize the cursor.
      While True
         Console.WriteLine(m1, _
            IIf(Console.CursorVisible = True, "VISIBLE", "HIDDEN"))
         s = Console.ReadLine()
         If String.IsNullOrEmpty(s) = False Then
            If s(0) = "+"c Then
               Console.CursorVisible = True
            ElseIf s(0) = "-"c Then
               Console.CursorVisible = False
            ElseIf s(0) = "x"c Then
               Exit While
            End If
         End If
      End While
      Console.CursorVisible = saveCursorVisibile
      Console.CursorSize = saveCursorSize
   End Sub
End Class
'This example produces the following results. Note that these results
'cannot depict cursor visibility. You must run the example to see the 
'cursor behavior:
'The cursor is VISIBLE.
'Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
'the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:
'The quick brown fox
'The cursor is VISIBLE.
'Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
'the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:
'The cursor is HIDDEN.
'Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
'the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:
'jumps over
'The cursor is HIDDEN.
'Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
'the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:
'The cursor is VISIBLE.
'Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
'the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:
'the lazy dog.
'The cursor is VISIBLE.
'Type any text then press Enter. Type '+' in the first column to show
'the cursor, '-' to hide the cursor, or lowercase 'x' to quit:

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