Teilen über

ConsoleCancelEventArgs.Cancel Eigenschaft


Ruft einen Wert ab, der angibt, ob gleichzeitiges Drücken von Control-Zusatztaste und C-Konsolentaste (STRG+C) oder STRG+UNTBR den aktuellen Vorgang beendet, oder legt diesen Wert fest. Der Standardwert ist false, der den aktuellen Prozess beendet.

 property bool Cancel { bool get(); void set(bool value); };
public bool Cancel { get; set; }
member this.Cancel : bool with get, set
Public Property Cancel As Boolean


true, wenn der aktuelle Vorgang fortgesetzt werden soll, wenn der Ereignishandler abgeschlossen wird; false, wenn der aktuelle Vorgang beendet werden soll. Der Standardwert ist false; der aktuelle Prozess wird beendet, wenn der Ereignishandler zurückkehrt. Wenn true, wird der aktuelle Prozess fortgesetzt.


Im folgenden Beispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie die Cancel -Eigenschaft zum Behandeln eines Ereignisses verwendet wird.

using namespace System;

void OnCancelKeyPressed(Object^ sender, 
    ConsoleCancelEventArgs^ args)
    Console::WriteLine("{0}The read operation has been interrupted.",

    Console::WriteLine("  Key pressed: {0}", args->SpecialKey);

    Console::WriteLine("  Cancel property: {0}", args->Cancel);

    // Set the Cancel property to true to prevent the process from 
    // terminating.
    Console::WriteLine("Setting the Cancel property to true...");
    args->Cancel = true;

    // Announce the new value of the Cancel property.
    Console::WriteLine("  Cancel property: {0}", args->Cancel);
    Console::WriteLine("The read operation will resume...{0}",

int main()
    // Clear the screen.

    // Establish an event handler to process key press events.
    Console::CancelKeyPress += 
        gcnew ConsoleCancelEventHandler(OnCancelKeyPressed);

    while (true)
        // Prompt the user.
        Console::Write("Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or ");
        Console::WriteLine("CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:");

        // Start a console read operation. Do not display the input.
        ConsoleKeyInfo^ keyInfo = Console::ReadKey(true);

        // Announce the name of the key that was pressed .
        Console::WriteLine("  Key pressed: {0}{1}", keyInfo->Key, 

        // Exit if the user pressed the 'X' key.
        if (keyInfo->Key == ConsoleKey::X)
// The example displays output similar to the following:
//    Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
//    Key pressed: J
//    Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
//    Key pressed: Enter
//    Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
//    The read operation has been interrupted.
//    Key pressed: ControlC
//    Cancel property: False
//    Setting the Cancel property to true...
//    Cancel property: True
//    The read operation will resume...
//    Key pressed: Q
//    Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
//    Key pressed: X
using System;

class Sample
    public static void Main()
        ConsoleKeyInfo cki;


        // Establish an event handler to process key press events.
        Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler(myHandler);
        while (true)
            Console.Write("Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or ");
            Console.WriteLine("CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:");

            // Start a console read operation. Do not display the input.
            cki = Console.ReadKey(true);

            // Announce the name of the key that was pressed .
            Console.WriteLine($"  Key pressed: {cki.Key}\n");

            // Exit if the user pressed the 'X' key.
            if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.X) break;

    protected static void myHandler(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs args)
        Console.WriteLine("\nThe read operation has been interrupted.");

        Console.WriteLine($"  Key pressed: {args.SpecialKey}");

        Console.WriteLine($"  Cancel property: {args.Cancel}");

        // Set the Cancel property to true to prevent the process from terminating.
        Console.WriteLine("Setting the Cancel property to true...");
        args.Cancel = true;

        // Announce the new value of the Cancel property.
        Console.WriteLine($"  Cancel property: {args.Cancel}");
        Console.WriteLine("The read operation will resume...\n");
// The example displays output similar to the following:
//    Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
//      Key pressed: J
//    Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
//      Key pressed: Enter
//    Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
//    The read operation has been interrupted.
//      Key pressed: ControlC
//      Cancel property: False
//    Setting the Cancel property to true...
//      Cancel property: True
//    The read operation will resume...
//      Key pressed: Q
//    Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
//      Key pressed: X
open System

let myHandler sender (args: ConsoleCancelEventArgs) =
    printfn "\nThe read operation has been interrupted."

    printfn $"  Key pressed: {args.SpecialKey}"

    printfn $"  Cancel property: {args.Cancel}"

    // Set the Cancel property to true to prevent the process from terminating.
    printfn "Setting the Cancel property to true..."
    args.Cancel <- true

    // Announce the new value of the Cancel property.
    printfn $"  Cancel property: {args.Cancel}"
    printfn "The read operation will resume...\n"

// Establish an event handler to process key press events.
Console.CancelKeyPress.AddHandler(ConsoleCancelEventHandler myHandler)

let mutable quit = false
while not quit do
    printf "Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or "
    printfn "CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:"

    // Start a console read operation. Do not display the input.
    let cki = Console.ReadKey true

    // Announce the name of the key that was pressed .
    printfn $"  Key pressed: {cki.Key}\n"

    // Exit if the user pressed the 'X' key.
    if cki.Key = ConsoleKey.X then
        quit <- true

// The example displays output similar to the following:
//    Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
//      Key pressed: J
//    Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
//      Key pressed: Enter
//    Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
//    The read operation has been interrupted.
//      Key pressed: ControlC
//      Cancel property: False
//    Setting the Cancel property to true...
//      Cancel property: True
//    The read operation will resume...
//      Key pressed: Q
//    Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
//      Key pressed: X
Class Sample
    Public Shared Sub Main() 
        Dim cki As ConsoleKeyInfo
        ' Establish an event handler to process key press events.
        AddHandler Console.CancelKeyPress, AddressOf myHandler

        While True
            Console.Write("Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or ")
            Console.WriteLine("CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:")
            ' Start a console read operation. Do not display the input.
            cki = Console.ReadKey(True)
            ' Announce the name of the key that was pressed .
            Console.WriteLine($"  Key pressed: {cki.Key}{vbCrLf}")
            ' Exit if the user pressed the 'X' key.
            If cki.Key = ConsoleKey.X Then Exit While
        End While
    End Sub

    Protected Shared Sub myHandler(ByVal sender As Object, _
                                   ByVal args As ConsoleCancelEventArgs) 
        Console.WriteLine($"{vbCrLf}The read operation has been interrupted.")
        Console.WriteLine($"  Key pressed: {args.SpecialKey}")
        Console.WriteLine($"  Cancel property: {args.Cancel}")
        ' Set the Cancel property to true to prevent the process from terminating.
        Console.WriteLine("Setting the Cancel property to true...")
        args.Cancel = True
        ' Announce the new value of the Cancel property.
        Console.WriteLine($"  Cancel property: {args.Cancel}")
        Console.WriteLine($"The read operation will resume...{vbCrLf}")
    End Sub
End Class
' The example diplays output similar to the following:
'    Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
'     Key pressed: J
'    Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
'     Key pressed: Enter
'    Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
'    The read operation has been interrupted.
'     Key pressed: ControlC
'     Cancel property: False
'    Setting the Cancel property to true...
'     Cancel property: True
'    The read operation will resume...
'     Key pressed: Q
'    Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
'     Key pressed: X


Die Cancel -Eigenschaft wird automatisch mit initialisiert false , wenn der Handler für das CancelKeyPress Ereignis aufgerufen wird. Der Wert der Cancel -Eigenschaft nach Abschluss des Ereignishandlers bestimmt, ob der aktuelle Prozess fortgesetzt oder beendet wird.

Geben Sie true in einem Set-Vorgang nach Drücken von STRG+C an, um anzugeben, dass der aktuelle Prozess fortgesetzt werden soll, wenn der Ereignishandler beendet wird, oder false um anzugeben, dass der aktuelle Prozess beendet werden soll.

Hinweise für Aufrufer

Im .NET Framework 3.5 und .NET Framework 4 hat der Versuch, die Cancel Eigenschaft auf true festzulegen, wenn das CancelKeyPress Ereignis durch Drücken von STRG+Umbruch aufgerufen wurde, eine InvalidOperationException Ausnahme ausgelöst. Im .NET Framework 4.5 können Sie die Cancel -Eigenschaft auf true festlegen, nachdem der Benutzer STRG+Break gedrückt und die Beendigung der Anwendung abgebrochen hat.

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