Teilen über

DataSet.GetXml Methode


Gibt die XML-Darstellung der im DataSet gespeicherten Daten zurück.

 System::String ^ GetXml();
public string GetXml ();
member this.GetXml : unit -> string
Public Function GetXml () As String

Gibt zurück

Eine Zeichenfolge, die eine Darstellung der im DataSet gespeicherten Daten ist.


Im folgenden Beispiel werden ein DataSet und erstellt, DataTablewerden Beispieldaten hinzugefügt und dann die Daten im XML-Format angezeigt.

private static void DemonstrateGetXml()
    // Create a DataSet with one table containing
    // two columns and 10 rows.
    DataSet dataSet = new DataSet("dataSet");
    DataTable table = dataSet.Tables.Add("Items");
    table.Columns.Add("id", typeof(int));
    table.Columns.Add("Item", typeof(string));

    // Add ten rows.
    DataRow row;
    for(int i = 0; i <10;i++)
        row = table.NewRow();
        row["id"]= i;
        row["Item"]= "Item" + i;

    // Display the DataSet contents as XML.
    Console.WriteLine( dataSet.GetXml() );
Private Shared Sub DemonstrateGetXml()
    ' Create a DataSet with one table 
    ' containing two columns and 10 rows.
    Dim dataSet As New DataSet("dataSet")
    Dim table As DataTable = dataSet.Tables.Add("Items")
    table.Columns.Add("id", Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
    table.Columns.Add("Item", Type.GetType("System.String"))

    ' Add ten rows.
    Dim row As DataRow
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To 9
        row = table.NewRow()
        row("id") = i
        row("Item")= "Item" & i

    ' Display the DataSet contents as XML.
    Console.WriteLine( dataSet.GetXml() )
End Sub

In diesem Beispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie Daten aus einem DataSet in eine XML-Datei geschrieben und Daten aus XML in DataSet gelesen werden. In diesem Beispiel wird ein Dataset mit zwei Tabellen erstellt, zwei Möglichkeiten zum Exportieren eines Datasets in die XML-Dateien (WriteXml und GetXml) verwendet und zwei Methoden (ReadXml und InferXmlSchema) verwendet, um ein Dataset aus den XML-Dateien zu importieren.

Bevor Sie das Beispiel kompilieren und ausführen, müssen Sie vier XML-Dateien im Beispielverzeichnis erstellen. Erstellen Sie zunächst ElementsWithAttributes.xml:

  <Course CourseID="C1045" Year="2012"  Title="Calculus" Credits="4" DepartmentID="7">New</Course>
  <Course CourseID="C1061" Year="2012"  Title="Physics" Credits="4" DepartmentID="1" />
  <Department DepartmentID="1" Name="Engineering" Budget="350000" StartDate="2007-09-01T00:00:00+08:00" Administrator="2" />
  <Department DepartmentID="7" Name="Mathematics" Budget="250024" StartDate="2007-09-01T00:00:00+08:00" Administrator="3">Cancelled</Department>

Erstellen Sie als Nächstes ElementsWithChildElementsxml.xml:


Erstellen Sie jetzt ElementsWithOnlyAttributes.xml:

  <Course CourseID="C1045" Year="2012"  Title="Calculus" Credits="4" DepartmentID="7" />
  <Course CourseID="C1061" Year="2012"  Title="Physics" Credits="4" DepartmentID="1" />
  <Department DepartmentID="1" Name="Engineering" Budget="350000" StartDate="2007-09-01T00:00:00+08:00" Administrator="2" />
  <Department DepartmentID="7" Name="Mathematics" Budget="250024" StartDate="2007-09-01T00:00:00+08:00" Administrator="3" />

Erstellen Sie schließlich RepeatingElements.xml:


Jetzt können Sie den folgenden Quellcode kompilieren und ausführen.

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;

// Use WriteXml method to export the dataset.
static class DataTableHelper {
   public static void WriteDataSetToXML(DataSet dataset, String xmlFileName) {
      using (FileStream fsWriterStream = new FileStream(xmlFileName, FileMode.Create)) {
         using (XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(fsWriterStream, Encoding.Unicode)) {
            dataset.WriteXml(xmlWriter, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);
            Console.WriteLine("Write {0} to the File {1}.", dataset.DataSetName, xmlFileName);

   // Use GetXml method to get the XML data of the dataset and then export to the file.
   public static void GetXMLFromDataSet(DataSet dataset, String xmlFileName) {
      using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(xmlFileName)) {
         Console.WriteLine("Get Xml data from {0} and write to the File {1}.", dataset.DataSetName, xmlFileName);

   // Use ReadXml method to import the dataset from the dataset.
   public static void ReadXmlIntoDataSet(DataSet newDataSet, String xmlFileName) {
      using (FileStream fsReaderStream = new FileStream(xmlFileName, FileMode.Open)) {
         using (XmlTextReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(fsReaderStream)) {
            newDataSet.ReadXml(xmlReader, XmlReadMode.ReadSchema);

   // Display the columns and value of DataSet.
   public static void ShowDataSet(DataSet dataset) {
      foreach (DataTable table in dataset.Tables) {
         Console.WriteLine("Table {0}:", table.TableName);

   // Display the columns and value of DataTable.
   private static void ShowDataTable(DataTable table) {
      foreach (DataColumn col in table.Columns) {
         Console.Write("{0,-14}", col.ColumnName);
      Console.WriteLine("{0,-14}", "");

      foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) {
         if (row.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted) {
            foreach (DataColumn col in table.Columns) {
               if (col.DataType.Equals(typeof(DateTime))) {
                  Console.Write("{0,-14:d}", row[col, DataRowVersion.Original]);
               else if (col.DataType.Equals(typeof(Decimal))) {
                  Console.Write("{0,-14:C}", row[col, DataRowVersion.Original]);
               else {
                  Console.Write("{0,-14}", row[col, DataRowVersion.Original]);
         else {
            foreach (DataColumn col in table.Columns) {
               if (col.DataType.Equals(typeof(DateTime))) {
                  Console.Write("{0,-14:d}", row[col]);
               else if (col.DataType.Equals(typeof(Decimal))) {
                  Console.Write("{0,-14:C}", row[col]);
               else {
                  Console.Write("{0,-14}", row[col]);
         Console.WriteLine("{0,-14}", "");

   // Display the columns of DataSet.
   public static void ShowDataSetSchema(DataSet dataSet) {
      Console.WriteLine("{0} contains the following tables:", dataSet.DataSetName);
      foreach (DataTable table in dataSet.Tables) {
         Console.WriteLine("   Table {0} contains the following columns:", table.TableName);

   // Display the columns of DataTable
   private static void ShowDataTableSchema(DataTable table) {
      String columnString = "";
      foreach (DataColumn col in table.Columns) {
         columnString += col.ColumnName + "   ";

class Program {
   static void Main(string[] args) {
      // Create the DataSet
      DataSet school = new DataSet("MySchool");
      DataTable course = CreateCourse();
      DataTable department = CreateDepartment();

      // Define the constraint between the tables.
      ForeignKeyConstraint courseDepartFK = new ForeignKeyConstraint("CourseDepartFK", department.Columns["DepartmentID"], course.Columns["DepartmentID"]);
      courseDepartFK.DeleteRule = Rule.Cascade;
      courseDepartFK.UpdateRule = Rule.Cascade;
      courseDepartFK.AcceptRejectRule = AcceptRejectRule.None;


      // Export the dataset to the XML file.
      Console.WriteLine("Data of the whole DataSet {0}", school.DataSetName);

      String xmlWithSchemaFileName = "WriterXMLWithSchema.xml";
      String xmlGetDataFileName = "GetXML.xml";

      // Use two ways to export the dataset to the Xml file.
      DataTableHelper.WriteDataSetToXML(school, xmlWithSchemaFileName);
      DataTableHelper.GetXMLFromDataSet(school, xmlGetDataFileName);

      // Import the dataset from the XML file.
      // Use two ways to import the dataset from the Xml file.
      Console.WriteLine("Read Xml document into a new DataSet:");
      DataSet newSchool = new DataSet("NewSchool");
      DataTableHelper.ReadXmlIntoDataSet(newSchool, xmlWithSchemaFileName);

      Console.WriteLine("Infer a schema for a DataSet from an XML document:");

      Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");

   static DataTable CreateCourse() {
      DataTable course = new DataTable("Course");
      DataColumn[] cols ={
                              new DataColumn("CourseID",typeof(String)),
                              new DataColumn("Year",typeof(Int32)),
                              new DataColumn("Title",typeof(String)),
                              new DataColumn("Credits",typeof(Int32)),
                              new DataColumn("DepartmentID",typeof(Int32))};

      course.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { course.Columns["CourseID"], course.Columns["Year"] };

      return course;

   static DataTable CreateDepartment() {
      DataTable department = new DataTable("Department");
      DataColumn[] cols = {
                                new DataColumn("DepartmentID", typeof(Int32)),
                                new DataColumn("Name",typeof(String)),
                                new DataColumn("Budget",typeof(Decimal)),
                                new DataColumn("StartDate",typeof(DateTime)),
                                new DataColumn("Administrator",typeof(Int32))};

      department.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { department.Columns["DepartmentID"] };

      return department;

   static void InsertDepartments(DataTable department) {
      Object[] rows = {
                            new Object[]{1,"Engineering",350000.00,new DateTime(2007,9,1),2},
                            new Object[]{2,"English",120000.00,new DateTime(2007,9,1),6},
                            new Object[]{4,"Economics",200000.00,new DateTime(2007,9,1),4},
                            new Object[]{7,"Mathematics",250024.00,new DateTime(2007,9,1),3}};

      foreach (Object[] row in rows) {

   static void InsertCourses(DataTable course) {
      Object[] rows ={
                               new Object[]{"C1045",2012,"Calculus",4,7},
                               new Object[]{"C1061",2012,"Physics",4,1},
                               new Object[]{"C2021",2012,"Composition",3,2},
                               new Object[]{"C2042",2012,"Literature",4,2}};

      foreach (Object[] row in rows) {

   // Display the results of inferring schema from four types of XML structures
   private static void InferDataSetSchemaFromXml() {
      String[] xmlFileNames = {

                                    @"ElementsWithChildElements.xml" };

      foreach (String xmlFileName in xmlFileNames) {
         Console.WriteLine("Result of {0}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(xmlFileName));
         DataSet newSchool = new DataSet();
         newSchool.InferXmlSchema(xmlFileName, null);


Das Aufrufen dieser Methode ist identisch mit dem Aufrufen WriteXml von auf XmlWriteMode festgelegt IgnoreSchema.

GetXml gibt XML als Zeichenfolge zurück und erfordert daher mehr Aufwand, als WriteXml XML in eine Datei zu schreiben.

Wenn Sie einen DataSet schemabasierten Rückschluss erstellen und ihn mithilfe von XML- oder Webdiensten serialisieren, kann sich die Spaltenreihenfolge ändern.

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