Teilen über

Int16.MinValue Feld


Stellt den kleinstmöglichen Wert von Int16 dar. Dieses Feld ist konstant.

public: short MinValue = -32768;
public const short MinValue = -32768;
val mutable MinValue : int16
Public Const MinValue As Short  = -32768


Value = -32768


Im folgenden Beispiel wird die MinValue -Eigenschaft verwendet, um bei der OverflowException Konvertierung in einen Int16 Wert zu verhindern.

array<Int64>^ numbersToConvert = {162345, 32183, -54000};
Int16 newNumber;
for each (Int64 number in numbersToConvert)
   if (number >= Int16::MinValue && number <= Int16::MaxValue)
      newNumber = Convert::ToInt16(number);
      Console::WriteLine("Successfully converted {0} to an Int16.", 
      Console::WriteLine("Unable to convert {0} to an Int16.", number);
// The example displays the following output:
//       Unable to convert 162345 to an Int16.
//       Successfully converted 32183 to an Int16.
//       Unable to convert -54000 to an Int16.
long[] numbersToConvert = {162345, 32183, -54000};
short newNumber;
foreach (long number in numbersToConvert)
   if (number >= Int16.MinValue && number <= Int16.MaxValue)
      newNumber = Convert.ToInt16(number);
      Console.WriteLine($"Successfully converted {newNumber} to an Int16.");
      Console.WriteLine($"Unable to convert {number} to an Int16.");
// The example displays the following output to the console:
//       Unable to convert 162345 to an Int16.
//       Successfully converted 32183 to an Int16.
//       Unable to convert -54000 to an Int16.
open System

let numbersToConvert = [ 162345L; 32183L; -54000L ]

for number in numbersToConvert do
    if number >= int64 Int16.MinValue && number <= int64 Int16.MaxValue then
        let newNumber = Convert.ToInt16 number
        printfn $"Successfully converted {newNumber} to an Int16."
        printfn $"Unable to convert {number} to an Int16."

// The example displays the following output to the console:
//       Unable to convert 162345 to an Int16.
//       Successfully converted 32183 to an Int16.
//       Unable to convert -54000 to an Int16.
Dim numbersToConvert() As Long = {162345, 32183, -54000}
Dim newNumber As Int16
For Each number As Long In NumbersToConvert
   If number >= Int16.MinValue And number <= Int16.MaxValue Then
      newNumber = Convert.ToInt16(number)
      Console.WriteLine("Successfully converted {0} to an Int16.", _
      Console.WriteLine("Unable to convert {0} to an Int16.", number)
   End If                     
' The example displays the following output to the console:
'       Unable to convert 162345 to an Int16.
'       Successfully converted 32183 to an Int16.
'       Unable to convert -54000 to an Int16.


Der Wert dieser Konstante ist -32768; d. h. hexadezimale 0x8000.

Die MinValue -Eigenschaft wird in der Regel verwendet, um zu verhindern OverflowException , dass ein von einem numerischen Typ mit einem größeren unteren Bereich (z. B. ein Int32 oder ein Int64) in einen Int16konvertiert wird. Das Beispiel veranschaulicht diese Verwendung.

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