Teilen über

FileInfo.CopyTo Methode


Kopiert eine vorhandene Datei in eine neue Datei.



Kopiert eine vorhandene Datei in eine neue Datei, ohne das Überschreiben einer vorhandenen Datei zuzulassen.

CopyTo(String, Boolean)

Kopiert eine vorhandene Datei in eine neue Datei und lässt das Überschreiben einer vorhandenen Datei zu.



Kopiert eine vorhandene Datei in eine neue Datei, ohne das Überschreiben einer vorhandenen Datei zuzulassen.

 System::IO::FileInfo ^ CopyTo(System::String ^ destFileName);
public System.IO.FileInfo CopyTo (string destFileName);
member this.CopyTo : string -> System.IO.FileInfo
Public Function CopyTo (destFileName As String) As FileInfo



Der Name der neuen Datei, in die kopiert werden soll.

Gibt zurück

Eine neue Datei mit einem vollqualifizierten Pfad.


.NET Framework- und .NET Core-Versionen älter als 2.1: destFileName ist leer, enthält nur Leerzeichen oder ungültige Zeichen.

Ein Fehler tritt auf, oder die Zieldatei ist bereits vorhanden.

Der Aufrufer verfügt nicht über die erforderliche Berechtigung.

destFileName ist null.

Ein Verzeichnispfad wird an ein anderes Laufwerk übergeben, oder die Datei wird auf ein anderes Laufwerk verschoben.

Das in destFileName angegebene Verzeichnis ist nicht vorhanden.

Der angegebene Pfad und/oder Dateiname überschreiten die vom System definierte maximale Länge.

destFileName enthält einen Doppelpunkt (:) in der Zeichenfolge, gibt aber kein Volume an.


Im folgenden Beispiel werden beide Überladungen der CopyTo -Methode veranschaulicht.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;

int main()
   String^ path = "c:\\MyTest.txt";
   String^ path2 = "c:\\MyTest.txttemp";
   FileInfo^ fi1 = gcnew FileInfo( path );
   FileInfo^ fi2 = gcnew FileInfo( path2 );
      // Create the file and clean up handles.
      FileStream^ fs = fi1->Create();
      if ( fs )
         delete (IDisposable^)fs;
      //Ensure that the target does not exist.
      //Copy the file.
      fi1->CopyTo( path2 );
      Console::WriteLine( "{0} was copied to {1}.", path, path2 );
      //Try to copy it again, which should succeed.
      fi1->CopyTo( path2, true );
      Console::WriteLine( "The second Copy operation succeeded, which is expected." );
   catch ( Exception^ ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "Double copying was not allowed, which is not expected." );
//This code produces output similar to the following; 
//results may vary based on the computer/file structure/etc.:
//The second Copy operation succeeded, which is expected.
using System;
using System.IO;

class Test

    public static void Main()
        string path = @"c:\SoureFile.txt";
        string path2 = @"c:\NewFile.txt";
        FileInfo fi1 = new FileInfo(path);
        FileInfo fi2 = new FileInfo(path2);

            // Create the source file.
            using (FileStream fs = fi1.Create()) { }

            //Ensure that the target file does not exist.
            if (File.Exists(path2))

            //Copy the file.f
            Console.WriteLine("{0} was copied to {1}.", path, path2);
        catch (IOException ioex)
Imports System.IO

Public Class Test

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        'Specify the directories you want to manipulate.
        Dim path As String = "c:\SourceFile.txt"
        Dim path2 As String = "c:\NewFile.txt"
        Dim fi As FileInfo = New FileInfo(path)
        Dim fi2 As FileInfo = New FileInfo(path2)

            Using fs As FileStream = fi.Create()
            End Using

            'Ensure that the target does not exist.
            If File.Exists(path2) Then
            End If
            'Copy the file.
            Console.WriteLine("{0} was copied to {1}.", path, path2)

        Catch ioex As IOException
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class

Das folgende Beispiel veranschaulicht das Kopieren einer Datei in eine andere Datei und löst eine Ausnahme aus, wenn die Zieldatei bereits vorhanden ist.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
int main()
      // Create a reference to a file, which might or might not exist.
      // If it does not exist, it is not yet created.
      FileInfo^ fi = gcnew FileInfo( "temp.txt" );
      // Create a writer, ready to add entries to the file.
      StreamWriter^ sw = fi->AppendText();
      sw->WriteLine( "Add as many lines as you like..." );
      sw->WriteLine( "Add another line to the output..." );
      // Get the information out of the file and display it.
      StreamReader^ sr = gcnew StreamReader( fi->OpenRead() );
      Console::WriteLine( "This is the information in the first file:" );
      while ( sr->Peek() != -1 )
            Console::WriteLine( sr->ReadLine() );
      // Copy this file to another file. The file will not be overwritten if it already exists.
      FileInfo^ newfi = fi->CopyTo( "newTemp.txt" );
      // Get the information out of the new file and display it.* sr = new StreamReader(newfi->OpenRead());
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}This is the information in the second file:", Environment::NewLine );
      while ( sr->Peek() != -1 )
            Console::WriteLine( sr->ReadLine() );
   catch ( Exception^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( e->Message );

//This code produces output similar to the following; 
//results may vary based on the computer/file structure/etc.:
//This is the information in the first file:
//Add as many lines as you like...
//Add another line to the output...
//This is the information in the second file:
using System;
using System.IO;

public class CopyToTest
    public static void Main()
            // Create a reference to a file, which might or might not exist.
            // If it does not exist, it is not yet created.
            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo("temp.txt");
            // Create a writer, ready to add entries to the file.
            StreamWriter sw = fi.AppendText();
            sw.WriteLine("Add as many lines as you like...");
            sw.WriteLine("Add another line to the output...");
            // Get the information out of the file and display it.
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fi.OpenRead());
            Console.WriteLine("This is the information in the first file:");
            while (sr.Peek() != -1)
            // Copy this file to another file. The file will not be overwritten if it already exists.
            FileInfo newfi = fi.CopyTo("newTemp.txt");
            // Get the information out of the new file and display it.
            sr = new StreamReader(newfi.OpenRead());
            Console.WriteLine("{0}This is the information in the second file:", Environment.NewLine);
            while (sr.Peek() != -1)
        catch(Exception e)
//This code produces output similar to the following;
//results may vary based on the computer/file structure/etc.:
//This is the information in the first file:
//Add as many lines as you like...
//Add another line to the output...

//This is the information in the second file:
//Add as many lines as you like...
//Add another line to the output...
Imports System.IO

Public Class CopyToTest
    Public Shared Sub Main()
            ' Create a reference to a file, which might or might not exist.
            ' If it does not exist, it is not yet created.
            Dim fi As New FileInfo("temp.txt")
            ' Create a writer, ready to add entries to the file.
            Dim sw As StreamWriter = fi.AppendText()
            sw.WriteLine("Add as many lines as you like...")
            sw.WriteLine("Add another line to the output...")
            ' Get the information out of the file and display it.
            Dim sr As New StreamReader(fi.OpenRead())
            Console.WriteLine("This is the information in the first file:")
            While sr.Peek() <> -1
            End While
            ' Copy this file to another file.
            Dim newfi As FileInfo = fi.CopyTo("newTemp.txt")
            ' Get the information out of the new file and display it.
            sr = New StreamReader(newfi.OpenRead())
            Console.WriteLine("{0}This is the information in the second file:", Environment.NewLine)
            While sr.Peek() <> -1
            End While
        Catch e As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class
'This code produces output similar to the following; 
'results may vary based on the computer/file structure/etc.:
'This is the information in the first file:
'Add as many lines as you like...
'Add another line to the output...
'This is the information in the second file:
'Add as many lines as you like...
'Add another line to the output...


Verwenden Sie die CopyTo(String, Boolean) -Methode, um das Überschreiben einer vorhandenen Datei zuzulassen.


Vermeiden Sie nach Möglichkeit die Verwendung kurzer Dateinamen (z. B. XXXXXX~1.XXX) mit dieser Methode. Wenn zwei Dateien gleichwertige kurze Dateinamen aufweisen, schlägt diese Methode möglicherweise fehl und löst eine Ausnahme aus und/oder führt zu unerwünschtem Verhalten.

Weitere Informationen

Gilt für:

CopyTo(String, Boolean)


Kopiert eine vorhandene Datei in eine neue Datei und lässt das Überschreiben einer vorhandenen Datei zu.

 System::IO::FileInfo ^ CopyTo(System::String ^ destFileName, bool overwrite);
public System.IO.FileInfo CopyTo (string destFileName, bool overwrite);
member this.CopyTo : string * bool -> System.IO.FileInfo
Public Function CopyTo (destFileName As String, overwrite As Boolean) As FileInfo



Der Name der neuen Datei, in die kopiert werden soll.


true, um das Überschreiben einer vorhandenen Datei zuzulassen, andernfalls false.

Gibt zurück

Eine neue Datei oder eine Überschreibung einer vorhandenen Datei, wenn overwritetrue ist. Wenn die Datei vorhanden und overwritefalse ist, wird eine IOException ausgelöst.


.NET Framework- und .NET Core-Versionen älter als 2.1: destFileName ist leer, enthält nur Leerzeichen oder ungültige Zeichen.

Ein Fehler tritt auf, oder die Zieldatei ist bereits vorhanden, und overwrite ist false.

Der Aufrufer verfügt nicht über die erforderliche Berechtigung.

destFileName ist null.

Das in destFileName angegebene Verzeichnis ist nicht vorhanden.

Ein Verzeichnispfad wird an ein anderes Laufwerk übergeben, oder die Datei wird auf ein anderes Laufwerk verschoben.

Der angegebene Pfad und/oder Dateiname überschreiten die vom System definierte maximale Länge.

destFileName enthält einen Doppelpunkt (:) innerhalb der Zeichenfolge.


Im folgenden Beispiel werden beide Überladungen der CopyTo -Methode veranschaulicht.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;

int main()
   String^ path = "c:\\MyTest.txt";
   String^ path2 = "c:\\MyTest.txttemp";
   FileInfo^ fi1 = gcnew FileInfo( path );
   FileInfo^ fi2 = gcnew FileInfo( path2 );
      // Create the file and clean up handles.
      FileStream^ fs = fi1->Create();
      if ( fs )
         delete (IDisposable^)fs;
      //Ensure that the target does not exist.
      //Copy the file.
      fi1->CopyTo( path2 );
      Console::WriteLine( "{0} was copied to {1}.", path, path2 );
      //Try to copy it again, which should succeed.
      fi1->CopyTo( path2, true );
      Console::WriteLine( "The second Copy operation succeeded, which is expected." );
   catch ( Exception^ ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "Double copying was not allowed, which is not expected." );
//This code produces output similar to the following; 
//results may vary based on the computer/file structure/etc.:
//The second Copy operation succeeded, which is expected.
using System;
using System.IO;

class Test

    public static void Main()
        string path = @"c:\SoureFile.txt";
        string path2 = @"c:\NewFile.txt";
        FileInfo fi1 = new FileInfo(path);
        FileInfo fi2 = new FileInfo(path2);

            // Create the source file.
            using (FileStream fs = fi1.Create()) { }

            //Ensure that the target file does not exist.
            if (File.Exists(path2))

            //Copy the file.f
            Console.WriteLine("{0} was copied to {1}.", path, path2);
        catch (IOException ioex)
Imports System.IO

Public Class Test

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        'Specify the directories you want to manipulate.
        Dim path As String = "c:\SourceFile.txt"
        Dim path2 As String = "c:\NewFile.txt"
        Dim fi As FileInfo = New FileInfo(path)
        Dim fi2 As FileInfo = New FileInfo(path2)

            Using fs As FileStream = fi.Create()
            End Using

            'Ensure that the target does not exist.
            If File.Exists(path2) Then
            End If
            'Copy the file.
            Console.WriteLine("{0} was copied to {1}.", path, path2)

        Catch ioex As IOException
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class

Das folgende Beispiel veranschaulicht das Kopieren einer Datei in eine andere Datei, wobei angegeben wird, ob eine bereits vorhandene Datei überschrieben werden soll.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
int main()
   // Create a reference to a file, which might or might not exist.
   // If it does not exist, it is not yet created.
   FileInfo^ fi = gcnew FileInfo( "temp.txt" );
   // Create a writer, ready to add entries to the file.
   StreamWriter^ sw = fi->AppendText();
   sw->WriteLine( "Add as many lines as you like..." );
   sw->WriteLine( "Add another line to the output..." );
   // Get the information out of the file and display it.
   StreamReader^ sr = gcnew StreamReader( fi->OpenRead() );
   Console::WriteLine( "This is the information in the first file:" );
   while ( sr->Peek() != -1 )
      Console::WriteLine( sr->ReadLine() );

   // Copy this file to another file. The true parameter specifies
   // that the file will be overwritten if it already exists.
   FileInfo^ newfi = fi->CopyTo( "newTemp.txt", true );
   // Get the information out of the new file and display it.* sr = new StreamReader( newfi->OpenRead() );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0}This is the information in the second file:", Environment::NewLine );
   while ( sr->Peek() != -1 )
      Console::WriteLine( sr->ReadLine() );
//This code produces output similar to the following; 
//results may vary based on the computer/file structure/etc.:
//This is the information in the first file:
//Add as many lines as you like...
//Add another line to the output...
//This is the information in the second file:
using System;
using System.IO;

public class CopyToTest
    public static void Main()
        // Create a reference to a file, which might or might not exist.
        // If it does not exist, it is not yet created.
        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo("temp.txt");
        // Create a writer, ready to add entries to the file.
        StreamWriter sw = fi.AppendText();
        sw.WriteLine("Add as many lines as you like...");
        sw.WriteLine("Add another line to the output...");
        // Get the information out of the file and display it.
        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( fi.OpenRead() );
        Console.WriteLine("This is the information in the first file:");
        while (sr.Peek() != -1)
            Console.WriteLine( sr.ReadLine() );
        // Copy this file to another file. The true parameter specifies
        // that the file will be overwritten if it already exists.
        FileInfo newfi = fi.CopyTo("newTemp.txt", true);
        // Get the information out of the new file and display it.
        sr = new StreamReader( newfi.OpenRead() );
        Console.WriteLine("{0}This is the information in the second file:", Environment.NewLine);
        while (sr.Peek() != -1)
            Console.WriteLine( sr.ReadLine() );
//This code produces output similar to the following;
//results may vary based on the computer/file structure/etc.:
//This is the information in the first file:
//Add as many lines as you like...
//Add another line to the output...
//Add as many lines as you like...
//Add another line to the output...

//This is the information in the second file:
//Add as many lines as you like...
//Add another line to the output...
//Add as many lines as you like...
//Add another line to the output...
Imports System.IO

Public Class CopyToTest
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Create a reference to a file, which might or might not exist.
        ' If it does not exist, it is not yet created.
        Dim fi As New FileInfo("temp.txt")
        ' Create a writer, ready to add entries to the file.
        Dim sw As StreamWriter = fi.AppendText()
        sw.WriteLine("Add as many lines as you like...")
        sw.WriteLine("Add another line to the output...")
        ' Get the information out of the file and display it.
        Dim sr As New StreamReader(fi.OpenRead())
        Console.WriteLine("This is the information in the first file:")
        While sr.Peek() <> -1
        End While
        ' Copy this file to another file. The true parameter specifies 
        ' that the file will be overwritten if it already exists.
        Dim newfi As FileInfo = fi.CopyTo("newTemp.txt", True)
        ' Get the information out of the new file and display it.
        sr = New StreamReader(newfi.OpenRead())
        Console.WriteLine("{0}This is the information in the second file:", Environment.NewLine)
        While sr.Peek() <> -1
        End While
    End Sub
End Class
'This code produces output similar to the following; 
'results may vary based on the computer/file structure/etc.:
'This is the information in the first file:
'Add as many lines as you like...
'Add another line to the output...
'This is the information in the second file:
'Add as many lines as you like...
'Add another line to the output...


Verwenden Sie diese Methode, um das Überschreiben einer vorhandenen Datei zuzulassen oder zu verhindern. Verwenden Sie die CopyTo(String) -Methode, um das Überschreiben einer vorhandenen Datei standardmäßig zu verhindern.


Vermeiden Sie nach Möglichkeit die Verwendung kurzer Dateinamen (z. B. XXXXXX~1.XXX) mit dieser Methode. Wenn zwei Dateien gleichwertige kurze Dateinamen aufweisen, schlägt diese Methode möglicherweise fehl und löst eine Ausnahme aus und/oder führt zu unerwünschtem Verhalten.

Weitere Informationen

Gilt für: