Teilen über

Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars Methode


Ruft ein Array ab, das die Zeichen enthält, die in Dateinamen nicht zulässig sind.

 static cli::array <char> ^ GetInvalidFileNameChars();
public static char[] GetInvalidFileNameChars ();
static member GetInvalidFileNameChars : unit -> char[]
Public Shared Function GetInvalidFileNameChars () As Char()

Gibt zurück


Ein Array, das die Zeichen enthält, die in Dateinamen nicht zulässig sind.


Das folgende Beispiel veranschaulicht die GetInvalidFileNameChars Methode und die GetInvalidPathChars Methode zum Abrufen ungültiger Zeichen.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;

namespace PathExample
    public ref class GetCharExample
        static void Main()
            // Get a list of invalid path characters.
            array<Char>^ invalidPathChars = Path::GetInvalidPathChars();

            Console::WriteLine("The following characters are invalid in a path:");

            // Get a list of invalid file characters.
            array<Char>^ invalidFileChars = Path::GetInvalidFileNameChars();

            Console::WriteLine("The following characters are invalid in a filename:");

        static void ShowChars(array<Char>^ charArray)
            Console::WriteLine("Char\tHex Value");
            // Display each invalid character to the console.
            for each (Char someChar in charArray)
                if (Char::IsWhiteSpace(someChar))
                    Console::WriteLine(",\t{0:X4}", (Int16)someChar);
                    Console::WriteLine("{0:c},\t{1:X4}", someChar, (Int16)someChar);

int main()
// Note: Some characters may not be displayable on the console.
// The output will look something like:
// The following characters are invalid in a path:
// Char    Hex Value
// ",      0022
// <,      003C
// >,      003E
// |,      007C
// ...
// The following characters are invalid in a filename:
// Char    Hex Value
// ",      0022
// <,      003C
// >,      003E
// |,      007C
// ...
using System;
using System.IO;

namespace PathExample
    class GetCharExample
        public static void Main()
            // Get a list of invalid path characters.
            char[] invalidPathChars = Path.GetInvalidPathChars();

            Console.WriteLine("The following characters are invalid in a path:");

            // Get a list of invalid file characters.
            char[] invalidFileChars = Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars();

            Console.WriteLine("The following characters are invalid in a filename:");

        public static void ShowChars(char[] charArray)
            Console.WriteLine("Char\tHex Value");
            // Display each invalid character to the console.
            foreach (char someChar in charArray)
                if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(someChar))
                    Console.WriteLine(",\t{0:X4}", (int)someChar);
                    Console.WriteLine("{0:c},\t{1:X4}", someChar, (int)someChar);
// Note: Some characters may not be displayable on the console.
// The output will look something like:
// The following characters are invalid in a path:
// Char    Hex Value
// ",      0022
// <,      003C
// >,      003E
// |,      007C
// ...
// The following characters are invalid in a filename:
// Char    Hex Value
// ",      0022
// <,      003C
// >,      003E
// |,      007C
// ...
Imports System.IO

Namespace PathExample
    Public Class GetCharExample
        Public Shared Sub Main()
            ' Get a list of invalid path characters.
            Dim invalidPathChars() As Char = Path.GetInvalidPathChars()

            Console.WriteLine("The following characters are invalid in a path:")

            ' Get a list of invalid file characters.
            Dim invalidFileChars() As Char = Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()

            Console.WriteLine("The following characters are invalid in a filename:")
        End Sub

        Public Shared Sub ShowChars(charArray As Char())
            Console.WriteLine("Char" + vbTab + "Hex Value")
            ' Display each invalid character to the console.
            For Each someChar As Char In charArray
                If Char.IsWhiteSpace(someChar)
                    Console.WriteLine("," + vbTab + "{0:X4}", _
                    Console.WriteLine("{0:c}," + vbTab +"{1:X4}", someChar, _
                End If
            Next someChar
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace
' Note: Some characters may not be displayable on the console.
' The output will look something like:
' The following characters are invalid in a path:
' Char    Hex Value
' ",      0022
' <,      003C
' >,      003E
' |,      007C
' ...
' The following characters are invalid in a filename:
' Char    Hex Value
' ",      0022
' <,      003C
' >,      003E
' |,      007C
' ...


Das von dieser Methode zurückgegebene Array enthält nicht garantiert den vollständigen Satz von Zeichen, die in Datei- und Verzeichnisnamen ungültig sind. Der vollständige Satz ungültiger Zeichen kann je nach Dateisystem variieren. Auf Windows-basierten Desktopplattformen können ungültige Pfadzeichen beispielsweise ASCII-/Unicode-Zeichen 1 bis 31 sowie Anführungszeichen ("), kleiner als (<), größer als (>), Pipe (|), Backspace (\b), NULL (\0) und Tabulatorzeichen (\t) enthalten.

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