Teilen über

ResXResourceReader.GetEnumerator Methode


Gibt einen Enumerator für das aktuelle ResXResourceReader-Objekt zurück.

 virtual System::Collections::IDictionaryEnumerator ^ GetEnumerator();
public System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator ();
abstract member GetEnumerator : unit -> System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator
override this.GetEnumerator : unit -> System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator
Public Function GetEnumerator () As IDictionaryEnumerator

Gibt zurück

Ein Enumerator für das aktuelle ResourceReader-Objekt.



Im folgenden Beispiel wird die GetEnumerator -Methode verwendet, um ein IDictionaryEnumerator -Objekt abzurufen, das zum Auflisten der Ressourcen in einer RESX-Datei verwendet wird. Das Beispiel enthält eine CreateResourceFile Routine, die die erforderliche Ressourcendatei erstellt.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Resources;

public class Example
   private const string resxFilename = @".\CountryHeaders.resx";
   public static void Main()
      // Create a resource file to read.
      // Enumerate the resources in the file.
      ResXResourceReader rr = new ResXResourceReader(resxFilename);
      IDictionaryEnumerator dict = rr.GetEnumerator();
      while (dict.MoveNext())
         Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", dict.Key, dict.Value);   

   private static void CreateResourceFile()
      ResXResourceWriter rw = new ResXResourceWriter(resxFilename);
      string[] resNames = {"Country", "Population", "Area", 
                           "Capital", "LCity" };
      string[] columnHeaders = { "Country Name", "Population (2010}", 
                                 "Area", "Capital", "Largest City" };
      string[] comments = { "The localized country name", "", 
                            "The area in square miles", "", 
                            "The largest city based on 2010 data" };
      rw.AddResource("Title", "Country Information");
      rw.AddResource("nColumns", resNames.Length);
      for (int ctr = 0; ctr < resNames.Length; ctr++) {
         ResXDataNode node = new ResXDataNode(resNames[ctr], columnHeaders[ctr]);
         node.Comment = comments[ctr];
// The example displays the following output:
//       Title: Country Information
//       nColumns: 5
//       Country: Country Name
//       Population: Population (2010}
//       Area: Area
//       Capital: Capital
//       LCity: Largest City
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Resources

Module Example
   Private Const resxFilename As String = ".\CountryHeaders.resx"
   Public Sub Main()
      ' Create a resource file to read.
      ' Enumerate the resources in the file.
      Dim rr As New ResXResourceReader(resxFilename)
      Dim dict As IDictionaryEnumerator = rr.GetEnumerator()
      Do While dict.MoveNext()
         Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", dict.Key, dict.Value)   
   End Sub
   Private Sub CreateResourceFile()
      Dim rw As New ResxResourceWriter(resxFilename)
      Dim resNames() As String = {"Country", "Population", "Area", 
                                  "Capital", "LCity" }
      Dim columnHeaders() As String = { "Country Name", "Population (2010}", 
                                        "Area", "Capital", "Largest City" }
      Dim comments() As String = { "The localized country name", "", 
                                   "The area in square miles", "", 
                                   "The largest city based on 2010 data" }
      rw.AddResource("Title", "Country Information")
      rw.AddResource("nColumns", resNames.Length)
      For ctr As Integer = 0 To resNames.Length - 1
         Dim node As New ResXDataNode(resNames(ctr), columnHeaders(ctr))
         node.Comment = comments(ctr)
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       Title: Country Information
'       nColumns: 5
'       Country: Country Name
'       Population: Population (2010}
'       Area: Area
'       Capital: Capital
'       LCity: Largest City


Die GetEnumerator -Methode ruft die Name-Wert-Paare im XML-Ressourcenstrom (RESX) oder der Zeichenfolge ab, die dem aktuellen ResXResourceReader Objekt zugeordnet sind. Wenn die UseResXDataNodes Eigenschaft jedoch auf true festgelegt ist, bevor Sie aufrufen GetEnumerator, werden die Ressourcenelemente als ResXDataNode -Objekte abgerufen. In diesem Fall werden alle Ressourcenknoten unabhängig vom Typ zurückgegeben.

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