Teilen über

IChannelReceiver Schnittstelle


Stellt erforderliche Funktionen und Eigenschaften für die Empfängerchannel bereit.

public interface class IChannelReceiver : System::Runtime::Remoting::Channels::IChannel
public interface IChannelReceiver : System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannel
public interface IChannelReceiver : System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannel
type IChannelReceiver = interface
    interface IChannel
type IChannelReceiver = interface
    interface IChannel
Public Interface IChannelReceiver
Implements IChannel


ref class MyCustomChannel: public IChannelReceiver
   ChannelDataStore^ myChannelData;
   int myChannelPriority;

   // Set the 'ChannelName' to 'MyCustomChannel'.
   String^ myChannelName;

   // Implement 'ChannelName' property.
   TcpListener^ myTcpListener;
   int myPortNo;
   bool myListening;
   Thread^ myThread;

      : myChannelPriority( 25 ), myChannelName( "tcp" ), myListening( false )

   MyCustomChannel( int portNo )
      myPortNo = portNo;
      array<String^>^myURI = gcnew array<String^>(1);
      myURI[ 0 ] = String::Concat( Dns::Resolve( Dns::GetHostName() )->AddressList[ 0 ], ":", portNo );

      // Store the 'URI' in 'myChannelDataStore'.
      myChannelData = gcnew ChannelDataStore( myURI );

      // Create 'myTcpListener' to listen at the 'myPortNo' port.
      myTcpListener = gcnew TcpListener( myPortNo );

      // Create the thread 'myThread'.
      myThread = gcnew Thread( gcnew ThreadStart( myTcpListener, &TcpListener::Start ) );
      this->StartListening( nullptr );

   property String^ ChannelName 
      virtual String^ get()
         return myChannelName;

   property int ChannelPriority 
      virtual int get()
         return myChannelPriority;
   virtual String^ Parse( String^ myUrl, [Out]String^% objectURI )
      Regex^ myRegex = gcnew Regex( "/",RegexOptions::RightToLeft );
      // Check for '/' in 'myUrl' from Right to left.
      Match^ myMatch = myRegex->Match(myUrl);
      // Get the object URI.
      objectURI = myUrl->Substring( myMatch->Index );
      // Return the channel url.
      return myUrl->Substring( 0, myMatch->Index );

   // Implementation of 'IChannelReceiver' interface.
   property Object^ ChannelData 
      virtual Object^ get()
         return myChannelData;

   // Create and send the object URL.
   virtual array<String^>^ GetUrlsForUri( String^ objectURI )
      array<String^>^myString = gcnew array<String^>(1);
      myString[ 0 ] = String::Concat( Dns::Resolve( Dns::GetHostName() )->AddressList[ 0 ], "/", objectURI );
      return myString;

   // Start listening to the port.
   virtual void StartListening( Object^ data )
      if ( myListening == false )
         myListening = true;
         Console::WriteLine( "Server Started Listening !!!" );

   // Stop listening to the port.
   virtual void StopListening( Object^ data )
      if ( myListening == true )
         myListening = false;
         Console::WriteLine( "Server Stopped Listening !!!" );
class MyCustomChannel : IChannelReceiver
   private ChannelDataStore myChannelData;
   private int myChannelPriority = 25;
   // Set the 'ChannelName' to 'MyCustomChannel'.
   private string myChanneName = "tcp";
   // Implement 'ChannelName' property.
   private TcpListener myTcpListener;
   private int myPortNo;
   private bool myListening = false;
   private Thread myThread;
   public MyCustomChannel(int portNo)
      myPortNo = portNo;
      string [] myURI = new string[1];
      myURI[0] = Dns.Resolve(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList[0] + ":" +
      // Store the 'URI' in 'myChannelDataStore'.
      myChannelData = new ChannelDataStore(myURI);
      // Create 'myTcpListener' to listen at the 'myPortNo' port.
      myTcpListener = new TcpListener(myPortNo);
      // Create the thread 'myThread'.
      myThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(myTcpListener.Start));
   public string ChannelName
         return myChanneName;
   public int ChannelPriority
         return myChannelPriority;
   public string Parse(string myUrl, out string objectURI)
      Regex myRegex = new Regex("/",RegexOptions.RightToLeft);
      // Check for '/' in 'myUrl' from Right to left.
      Match myMatch = myRegex.Match(myUrl);
      // Get the object URI.
      objectURI = myUrl.Substring(myMatch.Index);
      // Return the channel url.
      return myUrl.Substring(0,myMatch.Index);
   // Implementation of 'IChannelReceiver' interface.
   public object ChannelData
         return myChannelData;

   // Create and send the object URL.
   public string[] GetUrlsForUri(string objectURI)
      string[] myString = new string[1];
      myString[0] = Dns.Resolve(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList[0]
                                                         + "/" + objectURI;
      return myString;

   // Start listening to the port.
   public void StartListening(object data)
      if(myListening == false)
         myListening = true;
         Console.WriteLine("Server Started Listening !!!");

   // Stop listening to the port.
   public void StopListening(object data)
      if(myListening == true)
         myListening = false;
         Console.WriteLine("Server Stopped Listening !!!");
Class MyCustomChannel
      Implements IChannelReceiver 
      Private myChannelData As ChannelDataStore
      Private myChannelPriority As Integer = 25
      ' Set the 'ChannelName' to 'MyCustomChannel'.
      Private myChanneName As String = "tcp"
      ' Implement 'ChannelName' property.
      Private myTcpListener As TcpListener
      Private myPortNo As Integer
      Private myListening As Boolean = False
      Private myThread As Thread

      Public Sub New(ByVal portNo As Integer)
         myPortNo = portNo
      Dim myURI(0) As String
      myURI(0) = Dns.Resolve(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList(0).ToString() + ":" + _
      ' Store the 'URI' in 'myChannelDataStore'.
      myChannelData = New ChannelDataStore(myURI)
      ' Create 'myTcpListener' to listen at the 'myPortNo' port.
      myTcpListener = New TcpListener(myPortNo)
      ' Create the thread 'myThread'.
      myThread = New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf myTcpListener.Start))
      End Sub

      Public ReadOnly Property ChannelName() As String Implements IChannelReceiver.ChannelName
         Return myChanneName
      End Get
      End Property

      Public ReadOnly Property ChannelPriority() As Integer _
                                          Implements IChannelReceiver.ChannelPriority
         Return myChannelPriority
      End Get
      End Property

      Public Function Parse(ByVal myUrl As String, ByRef objectURI As String) As String _
                                                      Implements IChannelReceiver.Parse
      Dim myRegex As New Regex("/", RegexOptions.RightToLeft)
      ' Check for '/' in 'myUrl' from Right to left.
      Dim myMatch As Match = myRegex.Match(myUrl)
      ' Get the object URI.
      objectURI = myUrl.Substring(myMatch.Index)
      ' Return the channel url.
      Return myUrl.Substring(0, myMatch.Index)
      End Function 'Parse
      ' Implementation of 'IChannelReceiver' interface.

   Public ReadOnly Property ChannelData() As Object Implements IChannelReceiver.ChannelData
         Return myChannelData
      End Get
   End Property

   ' Create and send the object URL.
   Public Function GetUrlsForUri(ByVal objectURI As String) As String() _
                                             Implements IChannelReceiver.GetUrlsForUri
      Dim myString(0) As String
      myString(0) = Dns.Resolve(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList(0).ToString() + "/" + objectURI
      Return myString
   End Function 'GetUrlsForUri

   ' Start listening to the port.
   Public Sub StartListening(ByVal data As Object) Implements IChannelReceiver.StartListening
      If myListening = False Then
          myListening = True
          Console.WriteLine("Server Started Listening !!!")
      End If
   End Sub

   ' Stop listening to the port.
   Public Sub StopListening(ByVal data As Object) Implements IChannelReceiver.StopListening
      If myListening = True Then
          myListening = False
          Console.WriteLine("Server Stopped Listening !!!")
      End If
   End Sub
End Class


Die empfangende Seite von Kanälen muss die IChannelReceiver Schnittstelle verfügbar machen.



Ruft die channelspezifischen Daten ab.


Ruft den Namen des Channels ab.

(Geerbt von IChannel)

Ruft die Priorität des Channels ab.

(Geerbt von IChannel)



Gibt ein Array aller URLs für einen URI zurück.

Parse(String, String)

Gibt den Objekt-URI als Out-Parameter und den URI des aktuellen Channels als Rückgabewert zurück.

(Geerbt von IChannel)

Weist den aktuellen Channel an, mit der Überwachung von Anforderungen zu beginnen.


Weist den aktuellen Channel an, die Überwachung von Anforderungen zu beenden.

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