Teilen über

EncryptedXml Klasse


Stellt das Prozessmodell für die Implementierung von XML-Verschlüsselung dar.

public ref class EncryptedXml
public class EncryptedXml
type EncryptedXml = class
Public Class EncryptedXml


Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie Sie eine einfache Hilfsprogrammklasse erstellen, die den TripleDES Algorithmus zum Verschlüsseln eines XML-Dokuments verwendet.

#using <System.Security.dll>
#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Xml.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography::Xml;

ref class TrippleDESDocumentEncryption
   XmlDocument^ docValue;
   TripleDES^ algValue;

   TrippleDESDocumentEncryption( XmlDocument^ Doc, TripleDES^ Key )
      if ( Doc != nullptr )
         docValue = Doc;
         throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Doc" );

      if ( Key != nullptr )
         algValue = Key;
         throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Key" );

   property XmlDocument^ Doc
      XmlDocument^ get()
         return docValue;

      void set( XmlDocument^ value )
         docValue = value;


   property TripleDES^ Alg
      TripleDES^ get()
         return algValue;

      void set( TripleDES^ value )
         algValue = value;

   void Clear()
      if ( algValue != nullptr )
         throw gcnew Exception( L"No TripleDES key was found to clear." );

   void Encrypt( String^ Element )

      // Find the element by name and create a new
      // XmlElement object.
      XmlElement^ inputElement = dynamic_cast<XmlElement^>(docValue->GetElementsByTagName( Element )->Item( 0 ));

      // If the element was not found, throw an exception.
      if ( inputElement == nullptr )
         throw gcnew Exception( L"The element was not found." );

      // Create a new EncryptedXml object.
      EncryptedXml^ exml = gcnew EncryptedXml( docValue );

      // Encrypt the element using the symmetric key.
      array<Byte>^rgbOutput = exml->EncryptData( inputElement, algValue, false );

      // Create an EncryptedData object and populate it.
      EncryptedData^ ed = gcnew EncryptedData;

      // Specify the namespace URI for XML encryption elements.
      ed->Type = EncryptedXml::XmlEncElementUrl;

      // Specify the namespace URI for the TrippleDES algorithm.
      ed->EncryptionMethod = gcnew EncryptionMethod( EncryptedXml::XmlEncTripleDESUrl );

      // Create a CipherData element.
      ed->CipherData = gcnew CipherData;

      // Set the CipherData element to the value of the encrypted XML element.
      ed->CipherData->CipherValue = rgbOutput;

      // Replace the plaintext XML elemnt with an EncryptedData element.
      EncryptedXml::ReplaceElement( inputElement, ed, false );

   void Decrypt()

      // XmlElement object.
      XmlElement^ encryptedElement = dynamic_cast<XmlElement^>(docValue->GetElementsByTagName( L"EncryptedData" )->Item( 0 ));

      // If the EncryptedData element was not found, throw an exception.
      if ( encryptedElement == nullptr )
         throw gcnew Exception( L"The EncryptedData element was not found." );

      // Create an EncryptedData object and populate it.
      EncryptedData^ ed = gcnew EncryptedData;
      ed->LoadXml( encryptedElement );

      // Create a new EncryptedXml object.
      EncryptedXml^ exml = gcnew EncryptedXml;

      // Decrypt the element using the symmetric key.
      array<Byte>^rgbOutput = exml->DecryptData( ed, algValue );

      // Replace the encryptedData element with the plaintext XML elemnt.
      exml->ReplaceData( encryptedElement, rgbOutput );


int main()

   // Create an XmlDocument object.
   XmlDocument^ xmlDoc = gcnew XmlDocument;

   // Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
      xmlDoc->PreserveWhitespace = true;
      xmlDoc->Load( L"test.xml" );
   catch ( Exception^ e )
      Console::WriteLine( e->Message );
      return 0;

   // Create a new TripleDES key.
   TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider^ tDESkey = gcnew TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider;

   // Create a new instance of the TrippleDESDocumentEncryption object
   // defined in this sample.
   TrippleDESDocumentEncryption^ xmlTDES = gcnew TrippleDESDocumentEncryption( xmlDoc,tDESkey );

      // Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
      xmlTDES->Encrypt( L"creditcard" );

      // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
      Console::WriteLine( L"Encrypted XML:" );
      Console::WriteLine( xmlTDES->Doc->OuterXml );

      // Decrypt the "creditcard" element.

      // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
      Console::WriteLine( L"Decrypted XML:" );
      Console::WriteLine( xmlTDES->Doc->OuterXml );
   catch ( Exception^ e )
      Console::WriteLine( e->Message );

      // Clear the TripleDES key.

   return 1;
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.Xml;

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            // Create an XmlDocument object.
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            // Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
                xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
            catch (Exception e)

            // Create a new TripleDES key.
            TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider tDESkey = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider();

            // Create a new instance of the TrippleDESDocumentEncryption object
            // defined in this sample.
            TrippleDESDocumentEncryption xmlTDES = new TrippleDESDocumentEncryption(xmlDoc, tDESkey);
                // Encrypt the "creditcard" element.

                // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
                Console.WriteLine("Encrypted XML:");

                // Decrypt the "creditcard" element.

                // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
                Console.WriteLine("Decrypted XML:");
            catch (Exception e)
                // Clear the TripleDES key.

class TrippleDESDocumentEncryption
    protected XmlDocument docValue;
    protected TripleDES algValue;

    public TrippleDESDocumentEncryption(XmlDocument Doc, TripleDES Key)
        if (Doc != null)
            docValue = Doc;
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Doc");

        if (Key != null)

            algValue = Key;
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Key");

    public XmlDocument Doc { set { docValue = value; } get { return docValue; } }
    public TripleDES Alg { set { algValue = value; } get { return algValue; } }

    public void Clear()
        if (algValue != null)
            throw new Exception("No TripleDES key was found to clear.");

    public void Encrypt(string Element)
        // Find the element by name and create a new
        // XmlElement object.
        XmlElement inputElement = docValue.GetElementsByTagName(Element)[0] as XmlElement;

        // If the element was not found, throw an exception.
        if (inputElement == null)
            throw new Exception("The element was not found.");

        // Create a new EncryptedXml object.
        EncryptedXml exml = new EncryptedXml(docValue);

        // Encrypt the element using the symmetric key.
        byte[] rgbOutput = exml.EncryptData(inputElement, algValue, false);

        // Create an EncryptedData object and populate it.
        EncryptedData ed = new EncryptedData();

        // Specify the namespace URI for XML encryption elements.
        ed.Type = EncryptedXml.XmlEncElementUrl;

        // Specify the namespace URI for the TrippleDES algorithm.
        ed.EncryptionMethod = new EncryptionMethod(EncryptedXml.XmlEncTripleDESUrl);

        // Create a CipherData element.
        ed.CipherData = new CipherData();

        // Set the CipherData element to the value of the encrypted XML element.
        ed.CipherData.CipherValue = rgbOutput;

        // Replace the plaintext XML elemnt with an EncryptedData element.
        EncryptedXml.ReplaceElement(inputElement, ed, false);

    public void Decrypt()

        // XmlElement object.
        XmlElement encryptedElement = docValue.GetElementsByTagName("EncryptedData")[0] as XmlElement;

        // If the EncryptedData element was not found, throw an exception.
        if (encryptedElement == null)
            throw new Exception("The EncryptedData element was not found.");

        // Create an EncryptedData object and populate it.
        EncryptedData ed = new EncryptedData();

        // Create a new EncryptedXml object.
        EncryptedXml exml = new EncryptedXml();

        // Decrypt the element using the symmetric key.
        byte[] rgbOutput = exml.DecryptData(ed, algValue);

        // Replace the encryptedData element with the plaintext XML elemnt.
        exml.ReplaceData(encryptedElement, rgbOutput);
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Security.Cryptography.Xml

Module Program

    Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)

        ' Create an XmlDocument object.
        Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()

        ' Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
        xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = True

        ' Create a new TripleDES key. 
        Dim tDESkey As New TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider()

        ' Create a new instance of the TrippleDESDocumentEncryption object
        ' defined in this sample.
        Dim xmlTDES As New TrippleDESDocumentEncryption(xmlDoc, tDESkey)

            ' Encrypt the "creditcard" element.

            ' Display the encrypted XML to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Encrypted XML:")

            ' Decrypt the "creditcard" element.

            ' Display the encrypted XML to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Decrypted XML:")
        Catch e As Exception
            ' Clear the TripleDES key.
        End Try

    End Sub
End Module 'Program

Class TrippleDESDocumentEncryption
    Protected docValue As XmlDocument
    Protected algValue As TripleDES

    Public Sub New(ByVal Doc As XmlDocument, ByVal Key As TripleDES)
        If Not (Doc Is Nothing) Then
            docValue = Doc
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("Doc")
        End If

        If Not (Key Is Nothing) Then

            algValue = Key
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("Key")
        End If

    End Sub

    Public Property Doc() As XmlDocument
            Return docValue
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As XmlDocument)
            docValue = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property Alg() As TripleDES
            Return algValue
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As TripleDES)
            algValue = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Sub Clear()
        If Not (algValue Is Nothing) Then
            Throw New Exception("No TripleDES key was found to clear.")
        End If

    End Sub

    Public Sub Encrypt(ByVal Element As String)
        ' Find the element by name and create a new
        ' XmlElement object.
        Dim inputElement As XmlElement = docValue.GetElementsByTagName(Element)(0)

        ' If the element was not found, throw an exception.
        If inputElement Is Nothing Then
            Throw New Exception("The element was not found.")
        End If

        ' Create a new EncryptedXml object.
        Dim exml As New EncryptedXml(docValue)

        ' Encrypt the element using the symmetric key.
        Dim rgbOutput As Byte() = exml.EncryptData(inputElement, algValue, False)

        ' Create an EncryptedData object and populate it.
        Dim ed As New EncryptedData()

        ' Specify the namespace URI for XML encryption elements.
        ed.Type = EncryptedXml.XmlEncElementUrl

        ' Specify the namespace URI for the TrippleDES algorithm.
        ed.EncryptionMethod = New EncryptionMethod(EncryptedXml.XmlEncTripleDESUrl)

        ' Create a CipherData element.
        ed.CipherData = New CipherData()

        ' Set the CipherData element to the value of the encrypted XML element.
        ed.CipherData.CipherValue = rgbOutput

        ' Replace the plaintext XML elemnt with an EncryptedData element.
        EncryptedXml.ReplaceElement(inputElement, ed, False)

    End Sub

    Public Sub Decrypt()

        ' XmlElement object.
        Dim encryptedElement As XmlElement = docValue.GetElementsByTagName("EncryptedData")(0)

        ' If the EncryptedData element was not found, throw an exception.
        If encryptedElement Is Nothing Then
            Throw New Exception("The EncryptedData element was not found.")
        End If

        ' Create an EncryptedData object and populate it.
        Dim ed As New EncryptedData()

        ' Create a new EncryptedXml object.
        Dim exml As New EncryptedXml()

        ' Decrypt the element using the symmetric key.
        Dim rgbOutput As Byte() = exml.DecryptData(ed, algValue)

        ' Replace the encryptedData element with the plaintext XML elemnt.
        exml.ReplaceData(encryptedElement, rgbOutput)

    End Sub
End Class

Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie ein XML-Dokument mithilfe eines symmetrischen Schlüssels verschlüsselt wird. Dieses Beispiel enthält keine Schlüsselinformationen im verschlüsselten XML-Dokument.

#using <System.Security.dll>
#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Xml.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography::Xml;
static void Encrypt( XmlDocument^ Doc, String^ ElementToEncrypt, SymmetricAlgorithm^ Alg )

   // Check the arguments.
   if ( Doc == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Doc" );

   if ( ElementToEncrypt == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"ElementToEncrypt" );

   if ( Alg == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Alg" );

   // Find the specified element in the XmlDocument
   // object and create a new XmlElemnt object.
   XmlElement^ elementToEncrypt = dynamic_cast<XmlElement^>(Doc->GetElementsByTagName( ElementToEncrypt )->Item( 0 ));

   // Throw an XmlException if the element was not found.
   if ( elementToEncrypt == nullptr )
      throw gcnew XmlException( L"The specified element was not found" );

   // Create a new instance of the EncryptedXml class
   // and use it to encrypt the XmlElement with the
   // symmetric key.
   EncryptedXml^ eXml = gcnew EncryptedXml;
   array<Byte>^encryptedElement = eXml->EncryptData( elementToEncrypt, Alg, false );

   // Construct an EncryptedData object and populate
   // it with the desired encryption information.
   EncryptedData^ edElement = gcnew EncryptedData;
   edElement->Type = EncryptedXml::XmlEncElementUrl;

   // Create an EncryptionMethod element so that the
   // receiver knows which algorithm to use for decryption.
   // Determine what kind of algorithm is being used and
   // supply the appropriate URL to the EncryptionMethod element.
   String^ encryptionMethod = nullptr;
   if ( dynamic_cast<TripleDES^>(Alg) )
      encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml::XmlEncTripleDESUrl;
   if ( dynamic_cast<DES^>(Alg) )
      encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml::XmlEncDESUrl;
   if ( dynamic_cast<Aes^>(Alg) )
      switch ( Alg->KeySize )
         case 128:
            encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml::XmlEncAES128Url;

         case 192:
            encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml::XmlEncAES192Url;

         case 256:
            encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml::XmlEncAES256Url;

      // Throw an exception if the transform is not in the previous categories
      throw gcnew CryptographicException( L"The specified algorithm is not supported for XML Encryption." );

   edElement->EncryptionMethod = gcnew EncryptionMethod( encryptionMethod );

   // Add the encrypted element data to the
   // EncryptedData object.
   edElement->CipherData->CipherValue = encryptedElement;

   // Replace the element from the original XmlDocument
   // object with the EncryptedData element.
   EncryptedXml::ReplaceElement( elementToEncrypt, edElement, false );

static void Decrypt( XmlDocument^ Doc, SymmetricAlgorithm^ Alg )

   // Check the arguments.
   if ( Doc == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Doc" );

   if ( Alg == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Alg" );

   // Find the EncryptedData element in the XmlDocument.
   XmlElement^ encryptedElement = dynamic_cast<XmlElement^>(Doc->GetElementsByTagName( L"EncryptedData" )->Item( 0 ));

   // If the EncryptedData element was not found, throw an exception.
   if ( encryptedElement == nullptr )
      throw gcnew XmlException( L"The EncryptedData element was not found." );

   // Create an EncryptedData object and populate it.
   EncryptedData^ edElement = gcnew EncryptedData;
   edElement->LoadXml( encryptedElement );

   // Create a new EncryptedXml object.
   EncryptedXml^ exml = gcnew EncryptedXml;

   // Decrypt the element using the symmetric key.
   array<Byte>^rgbOutput = exml->DecryptData( edElement, Alg );

   // Replace the encryptedData element with the plaintext XML element.
   exml->ReplaceData( encryptedElement, rgbOutput );

int main()

   // Create an XmlDocument object.
   XmlDocument^ xmlDoc = gcnew XmlDocument;

   // Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
      xmlDoc->PreserveWhitespace = true;
      xmlDoc->Load( L"test.xml" );
   catch ( Exception^ e )
      Console::WriteLine( e->Message );
      return 0;

   // Create a new TripleDES key.
   TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider^ tDESkey = gcnew TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider;

      // Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
      Encrypt( xmlDoc, L"creditcard", tDESkey );

      // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
      Console::WriteLine( L"Encrypted XML:" );
      Console::WriteLine( xmlDoc->OuterXml );

      // Decrypt the "creditcard" element.
      Decrypt( xmlDoc, tDESkey );

      // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
      Console::WriteLine( L"Decrypted XML:" );
      Console::WriteLine( xmlDoc->OuterXml );
   catch ( Exception^ e )
      Console::WriteLine( e->Message );

      // Clear the TripleDES key.

using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.Xml;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

        // Create an XmlDocument object.
        XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

        // Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
            xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
        catch (Exception e)

        // Create a new TripleDES key.
        TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider tDESkey = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider();

            // Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
            Encrypt(xmlDoc, "creditcard", tDESkey);

            // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Encrypted XML:");

            // Decrypt the "creditcard" element.
            Decrypt(xmlDoc, tDESkey);

            // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Decrypted XML:");
        catch (Exception e)
            // Clear the TripleDES key.

    public static void Encrypt(XmlDocument Doc, string ElementToEncrypt, SymmetricAlgorithm Alg)
        // Check the arguments.
        if (Doc == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Doc");
        if (ElementToEncrypt == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("ElementToEncrypt");
        if (Alg == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Alg");

        // Find the specified element in the XmlDocument
        // object and create a new XmlElemnt object.

        XmlElement elementToEncrypt = Doc.GetElementsByTagName(ElementToEncrypt)[0] as XmlElement;

        // Throw an XmlException if the element was not found.
        if (elementToEncrypt == null)
            throw new XmlException("The specified element was not found");

        // Create a new instance of the EncryptedXml class
        // and use it to encrypt the XmlElement with the
        // symmetric key.

        EncryptedXml eXml = new EncryptedXml();

        byte[] encryptedElement = eXml.EncryptData(elementToEncrypt, Alg, false);

        // Construct an EncryptedData object and populate
        // it with the desired encryption information.

        EncryptedData edElement = new EncryptedData();
        edElement.Type = EncryptedXml.XmlEncElementUrl;

        // Create an EncryptionMethod element so that the
        // receiver knows which algorithm to use for decryption.
        // Determine what kind of algorithm is being used and
        // supply the appropriate URL to the EncryptionMethod element.

        string encryptionMethod = null;

        if (Alg is TripleDES)
            encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncTripleDESUrl;
        else if (Alg is DES)
            encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncDESUrl;
        else if (Alg is Aes)
            switch (Alg.KeySize)
                case 128:
                    encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES128Url;
                case 192:
                    encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES192Url;
                case 256:
                    encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES256Url;
            // Throw an exception if the transform is not in the previous categories
            throw new CryptographicException("The specified algorithm is not supported for XML Encryption.");

        edElement.EncryptionMethod = new EncryptionMethod(encryptionMethod);

        // Add the encrypted element data to the
        // EncryptedData object.
        edElement.CipherData.CipherValue = encryptedElement;

        // Replace the element from the original XmlDocument
        // object with the EncryptedData element.

        EncryptedXml.ReplaceElement(elementToEncrypt, edElement, false);

    public static void Decrypt(XmlDocument Doc, SymmetricAlgorithm Alg)
        // Check the arguments.
        if (Doc == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Doc");
        if (Alg == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Alg");

        // Find the EncryptedData element in the XmlDocument.
        XmlElement encryptedElement = Doc.GetElementsByTagName("EncryptedData")[0] as XmlElement;

        // If the EncryptedData element was not found, throw an exception.
        if (encryptedElement == null)
            throw new XmlException("The EncryptedData element was not found.");

        // Create an EncryptedData object and populate it.
        EncryptedData edElement = new EncryptedData();

        // Create a new EncryptedXml object.
        EncryptedXml exml = new EncryptedXml();

        // Decrypt the element using the symmetric key.
        byte[] rgbOutput = exml.DecryptData(edElement, Alg);

        // Replace the encryptedData element with the plaintext XML element.
        exml.ReplaceData(encryptedElement, rgbOutput);
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Security.Cryptography.Xml

Module Program

    Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)

        ' Create an XmlDocument object.
        Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()

        ' Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
            xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = True
        Catch e As Exception
        End Try

        ' Create a new TripleDES key. 
        Dim tDESkey As New TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider()

            ' Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
            Encrypt(xmlDoc, "creditcard", tDESkey)

            ' Display the encrypted XML to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Encrypted XML:")

            ' Decrypt the "creditcard" element.
            Decrypt(xmlDoc, tDESkey)

            ' Display the encrypted XML to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Decrypted XML:")
        Catch e As Exception
            ' Clear the TripleDES key.
        End Try

    End Sub

    Sub Encrypt(ByVal Doc As XmlDocument, ByVal ElementToEncrypt As String, ByVal Alg As SymmetricAlgorithm)
        ' Check the arguments.  
        If Doc Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("Doc")
        End If
        If ElementToEncrypt Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("ElementToEncrypt")
        End If
        If Alg Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("Alg")
        End If
        ' Find the specified element in the XmlDocument
        ' object and create a new XmlElemnt object.
        Dim elementEncrypt As XmlElement = Doc.GetElementsByTagName(ElementToEncrypt)(0)

        ' Throw an XmlException if the element was not found.
        If ElementToEncrypt Is Nothing Then
            Throw New XmlException("The specified element was not found")
        End If

        ' Create a new instance of the EncryptedXml class 
        ' and use it to encrypt the XmlElement with the 
        ' symmetric key.
        Dim eXml As New EncryptedXml()

        Dim encryptedElement As Byte() = eXml.EncryptData(elementEncrypt, Alg, False)

        ' Construct an EncryptedData object and populate
        ' it with the desired encryption information.

        Dim edElement As New EncryptedData()
        edElement.Type = EncryptedXml.XmlEncElementUrl

        ' Create an EncryptionMethod element so that the 
        ' receiver knows which algorithm to use for decryption.
        ' Determine what kind of algorithm is being used and
        ' supply the appropriate URL to the EncryptionMethod element.
        Dim encryptionMethod As String = Nothing

        If TypeOf Alg Is TripleDES Then
            encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncTripleDESUrl
        ElseIf TypeOf Alg Is DES Then
            encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncDESUrl
        ElseIf TypeOf Alg Is Aes Then
            Select Case Alg.KeySize
                Case 128
                    encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES128Url
                Case 192
                    encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES192Url
                Case 256
                    encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES256Url
            End Select
            ' Throw an exception if the transform is not in the previous categories
            Throw New CryptographicException("The specified algorithm is not supported for XML Encryption.")
        End If

        edElement.EncryptionMethod = New EncryptionMethod(encryptionMethod)

        ' Add the encrypted element data to the 
        ' EncryptedData object.
        edElement.CipherData.CipherValue = encryptedElement

        ' Replace the element from the original XmlDocument
        ' object with the EncryptedData element.
        EncryptedXml.ReplaceElement(elementEncrypt, edElement, False)

    End Sub

    Sub Decrypt(ByVal Doc As XmlDocument, ByVal Alg As SymmetricAlgorithm)
        ' Check the arguments.  
        If Doc Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("Doc")
        End If
        If Alg Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("Alg")
        End If
        ' Find the EncryptedData element in the XmlDocument.
        Dim encryptedElement As XmlElement = Doc.GetElementsByTagName("EncryptedData")(0)

        ' If the EncryptedData element was not found, throw an exception.
        If encryptedElement Is Nothing Then
            Throw New XmlException("The EncryptedData element was not found.")
        End If

        ' Create an EncryptedData object and populate it.
        Dim edElement As New EncryptedData()

        ' Create a new EncryptedXml object.
        Dim exml As New EncryptedXml()

        ' Decrypt the element using the symmetric key.
        Dim rgbOutput As Byte() = exml.DecryptData(edElement, Alg)

        ' Replace the encryptedData element with the plaintext XML element.
        exml.ReplaceData(encryptedElement, rgbOutput)

    End Sub
End Module

Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie ein XML-Dokument mithilfe eines symmetrischen Schlüssels verschlüsselt wird. In diesem Beispiel wird ein Schlüsselname in das verschlüsselte XML-Dokument eingebettet, das die Entschlüsselungsmethode verwendet, um den entsprechenden Entschlüsselungsschlüssel zu finden.

#using <System.Security.dll>
#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Xml.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography::Xml;
static void Encrypt( XmlDocument^ Doc, String^ ElementToEncrypt, SymmetricAlgorithm^ Alg, String^ KeyName )

   // Check the arguments.
   if ( Doc == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Doc" );

   if ( ElementToEncrypt == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"ElementToEncrypt" );

   if ( Alg == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Alg" );

   // Find the specified element in the XmlDocument
   // object and create a new XmlElemnt object.
   XmlElement^ elementToEncrypt = dynamic_cast<XmlElement^>(Doc->GetElementsByTagName( ElementToEncrypt )->Item( 0 ));

   // Throw an XmlException if the element was not found.
   if ( elementToEncrypt == nullptr )
      throw gcnew XmlException( L"The specified element was not found" );

   // Create a new instance of the EncryptedXml class
   // and use it to encrypt the XmlElement with the
   // symmetric key.
   EncryptedXml^ eXml = gcnew EncryptedXml;
   array<Byte>^encryptedElement = eXml->EncryptData( elementToEncrypt, Alg, false );

   // Construct an EncryptedData object and populate
   // it with the desired encryption information.
   EncryptedData^ edElement = gcnew EncryptedData;
   edElement->Type = EncryptedXml::XmlEncElementUrl;

   // Create an EncryptionMethod element so that the
   // receiver knows which algorithm to use for decryption.
   // Determine what kind of algorithm is being used and
   // supply the appropriate URL to the EncryptionMethod element.
   String^ encryptionMethod = nullptr;
   if ( dynamic_cast<TripleDES^>(Alg) )
      encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml::XmlEncTripleDESUrl;
   if ( dynamic_cast<DES^>(Alg) )
      encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml::XmlEncDESUrl;
   if ( dynamic_cast<Aes^>(Alg) )
      switch ( Alg->KeySize )
         case 128:
            encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml::XmlEncAES128Url;

         case 192:
            encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml::XmlEncAES192Url;

         case 256:
            encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml::XmlEncAES256Url;

      // Throw an exception if the transform is not in the previous categories
      throw gcnew CryptographicException( L"The specified algorithm is not supported for XML Encryption." );

   edElement->EncryptionMethod = gcnew EncryptionMethod( encryptionMethod );

   // Set the KeyInfo element to specify the
   // name of a key.
   // Create a new KeyInfo element.
   edElement->KeyInfo = gcnew KeyInfo;

   // Create a new KeyInfoName element.
   KeyInfoName^ kin = gcnew KeyInfoName;

   // Specify a name for the key.
   kin->Value = KeyName;

   // Add the KeyInfoName element.
   edElement->KeyInfo->AddClause( kin );

   // Add the encrypted element data to the
   // EncryptedData object.
   edElement->CipherData->CipherValue = encryptedElement;

   // Replace the element from the original XmlDocument
   // object with the EncryptedData element.
   EncryptedXml::ReplaceElement( elementToEncrypt, edElement, false );

static void Decrypt( XmlDocument^ Doc, SymmetricAlgorithm^ Alg, String^ KeyName )

   // Check the arguments.
   if ( Doc == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Doc" );

   if ( Alg == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Alg" );

   if ( KeyName == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"KeyName" );

   // Create a new EncryptedXml object.
   EncryptedXml^ exml = gcnew EncryptedXml( Doc );

   // Add a key-name mapping.
   // This method can only decrypt documents
   // that present the specified key name.
   exml->AddKeyNameMapping( KeyName, Alg );

   // Decrypt the element.

int main()

   // Create an XmlDocument object.
   XmlDocument^ xmlDoc = gcnew XmlDocument;

   // Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
      xmlDoc->PreserveWhitespace = true;
      xmlDoc->Load( L"test.xml" );
   catch ( Exception^ e )
      Console::WriteLine( e->Message );
      return 0;

   // Create a new TripleDES key.
   TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider^ tDESkey = gcnew TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider;

      // Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
      Encrypt( xmlDoc, L"creditcard", tDESkey, L"tDESKey" );

      // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
      Console::WriteLine( L"Encrypted XML:" );
      Console::WriteLine( xmlDoc->OuterXml );

      // Decrypt the "creditcard" element.
      Decrypt( xmlDoc, tDESkey, L"tDESKey" );

      // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
      Console::WriteLine( L"Decrypted XML:" );
      Console::WriteLine( xmlDoc->OuterXml );
   catch ( Exception^ e )
      Console::WriteLine( e->Message );

      // Clear the TripleDES key.
   return 1;
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.Xml;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

        // Create an XmlDocument object.
        XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

        // Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
            xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
        catch (Exception e)

        // Create a new TripleDES key.
        TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider tDESkey = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider();

            // Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
            Encrypt(xmlDoc, "creditcard", tDESkey, "tDESKey");

            // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Encrypted XML:");

            // Decrypt the "creditcard" element.
            Decrypt(xmlDoc, tDESkey, "tDESKey");

            // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Decrypted XML:");
        catch (Exception e)
            // Clear the TripleDES key.

    public static void Encrypt(XmlDocument Doc, string ElementToEncrypt, SymmetricAlgorithm Alg, string KeyName)
        // Check the arguments.
        if (Doc == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Doc");
        if (ElementToEncrypt == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("ElementToEncrypt");
        if (Alg == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Alg");

        // Find the specified element in the XmlDocument
        // object and create a new XmlElemnt object.

        XmlElement elementToEncrypt = Doc.GetElementsByTagName(ElementToEncrypt)[0] as XmlElement;

        // Throw an XmlException if the element was not found.
        if (elementToEncrypt == null)
            throw new XmlException("The specified element was not found");

        // Create a new instance of the EncryptedXml class
        // and use it to encrypt the XmlElement with the
        // symmetric key.

        EncryptedXml eXml = new EncryptedXml();

        byte[] encryptedElement = eXml.EncryptData(elementToEncrypt, Alg, false);

        // Construct an EncryptedData object and populate
        // it with the desired encryption information.

        EncryptedData edElement = new EncryptedData();
        edElement.Type = EncryptedXml.XmlEncElementUrl;

        // Create an EncryptionMethod element so that the
        // receiver knows which algorithm to use for decryption.
        // Determine what kind of algorithm is being used and
        // supply the appropriate URL to the EncryptionMethod element.

        string encryptionMethod = null;

        if (Alg is TripleDES)
            encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncTripleDESUrl;
        else if (Alg is DES)
            encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncDESUrl;
        else if (Alg is Aes)
            switch (Alg.KeySize)
                case 128:
                    encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES128Url;
                case 192:
                    encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES192Url;
                case 256:
                    encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES256Url;
            // Throw an exception if the transform is not in the previous categories
            throw new CryptographicException("The specified algorithm is not supported for XML Encryption.");

        edElement.EncryptionMethod = new EncryptionMethod(encryptionMethod);

        // Set the KeyInfo element to specify the
        // name of a key.

        // Create a new KeyInfo element.
        edElement.KeyInfo = new KeyInfo();

        // Create a new KeyInfoName element.
        KeyInfoName kin = new KeyInfoName();

        // Specify a name for the key.
        kin.Value = KeyName;

        // Add the KeyInfoName element.

        // Add the encrypted element data to the
        // EncryptedData object.
        edElement.CipherData.CipherValue = encryptedElement;

        // Replace the element from the original XmlDocument
        // object with the EncryptedData element.

        EncryptedXml.ReplaceElement(elementToEncrypt, edElement, false);

    public static void Decrypt(XmlDocument Doc, SymmetricAlgorithm Alg, string KeyName)
        // Check the arguments.
        if (Doc == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Doc");
        if (Alg == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Alg");
        if (KeyName == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("KeyName");

        // Create a new EncryptedXml object.
        EncryptedXml exml = new EncryptedXml(Doc);

        // Add a key-name mapping.
        // This method can only decrypt documents
        // that present the specified key name.
        exml.AddKeyNameMapping(KeyName, Alg);

        // Decrypt the element.
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Security.Cryptography.Xml

Module Program

    Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)

        ' Create an XmlDocument object.
        Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()

        ' Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
            xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = True
        Catch e As Exception
        End Try

        ' Create a new TripleDES key. 
        Dim tDESkey As New TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider()

            ' Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
            Encrypt(xmlDoc, "creditcard", tDESkey, "tDESKey")

            ' Display the encrypted XML to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Encrypted XML:")

            ' Decrypt the "creditcard" element.
            Decrypt(xmlDoc, tDESkey, "tDESKey")

            ' Display the encrypted XML to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Decrypted XML:")
        Catch e As Exception
            ' Clear the TripleDES key.
        End Try

    End Sub

    Sub Encrypt(ByVal Doc As XmlDocument, ByVal ElementToEncrypt As String, ByVal Alg As SymmetricAlgorithm, ByVal KeyName As String)
        ' Check the arguments.  
        If Doc Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("Doc")
        End If
        If ElementToEncrypt Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("ElementToEncrypt")
        End If
        If Alg Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("Alg")
        End If
        ' Find the specified element in the XmlDocument
        ' object and create a new XmlElemnt object.
        Dim elementEncrypt As XmlElement = Doc.GetElementsByTagName(ElementToEncrypt)(0)

        ' Throw an XmlException if the element was not found.
        If elementToEncrypt Is Nothing Then
            Throw New XmlException("The specified element was not found")
        End If

        ' Create a new instance of the EncryptedXml class 
        ' and use it to encrypt the XmlElement with the 
        ' symmetric key.
        Dim eXml As New EncryptedXml()

        Dim encryptedElement As Byte() = eXml.EncryptData(elementEncrypt, Alg, False)

        ' Construct an EncryptedData object and populate
        ' it with the desired encryption information.

        Dim edElement As New EncryptedData()
        edElement.Type = EncryptedXml.XmlEncElementUrl

        ' Create an EncryptionMethod element so that the 
        ' receiver knows which algorithm to use for decryption.
        ' Determine what kind of algorithm is being used and
        ' supply the appropriate URL to the EncryptionMethod element.
        Dim encryptionMethod As String = Nothing

        If TypeOf Alg Is TripleDES Then
            encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncTripleDESUrl
        ElseIf TypeOf Alg Is DES Then
            encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncDESUrl
        ElseIf TypeOf Alg Is Aes Then
            Select Case Alg.KeySize
                Case 128
                    encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES128Url
                Case 192
                    encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES192Url
                Case 256
                    encryptionMethod = EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES256Url
            End Select
            ' Throw an exception if the transform is not in the previous categories
            Throw New CryptographicException("The specified algorithm is not supported for XML Encryption.")
        End If

        edElement.EncryptionMethod = New EncryptionMethod(encryptionMethod)

        ' Set the KeyInfo element to specify the
        ' name of a key.
        ' Create a new KeyInfo element.
        edElement.KeyInfo = New KeyInfo()

        ' Create a new KeyInfoName element.
        Dim kin As New KeyInfoName()

        ' Specify a name for the key.
        kin.Value = KeyName

        ' Add the KeyInfoName element.

        ' Add the encrypted element data to the 
        ' EncryptedData object.
        edElement.CipherData.CipherValue = encryptedElement

        ' Replace the element from the original XmlDocument
        ' object with the EncryptedData element.
        EncryptedXml.ReplaceElement(elementEncrypt, edElement, False)

    End Sub

    Sub Decrypt(ByVal Doc As XmlDocument, ByVal Alg As SymmetricAlgorithm, ByVal KeyName As String)
        ' Check the arguments.  
        If Doc Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("Doc")
        End If
        If Alg Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("Alg")
        End If
        If KeyName Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("KeyName")
        End If
        ' Create a new EncryptedXml object.
        Dim exml As New EncryptedXml(Doc)

        ' Add a key-name mapping.
        ' This method can only decrypt documents
        ' that present the specified key name.
        exml.AddKeyNameMapping(KeyName, Alg)

        ' Decrypt the element.

    End Sub
End Module

Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie ein XML-Dokument mithilfe eines asymmetrischen Schlüssels verschlüsselt wird. In diesem Beispiel wird ein symmetrischer Sitzungsschlüssel zum Verschlüsseln des Dokuments erstellt, und anschließend wird der asymmetrische Schlüssel verwendet, um eine verschlüsselte Version des Sitzungsschlüssels in das XML-Dokument einzubetten.

#using <System.Xml.dll>
#using <System.Security.dll>
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography::Xml;
static void Encrypt( XmlDocument^ Doc, String^ ElementToEncrypt, RSA^ Alg, String^ KeyName )

   // Check the arguments.
   if ( Doc == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Doc" );

   if ( ElementToEncrypt == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"ElementToEncrypt" );

   if ( Alg == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Alg" );

   // Find the specified element in the XmlDocument
   // object and create a new XmlElemnt object.
   XmlElement^ elementToEncrypt = dynamic_cast<XmlElement^>(Doc->GetElementsByTagName( ElementToEncrypt )->Item( 0 ));

   // Throw an XmlException if the element was not found.
   if ( elementToEncrypt == nullptr )
      throw gcnew XmlException( L"The specified element was not found" );

   // Create a new instance of the EncryptedXml class
   // and use it to encrypt the XmlElement with the
   // a new random symmetric key.
   // Create a 256 bit Aes key.
   Aes^ sessionKey = Aes::Create();
   sessionKey->KeySize = 256;
   EncryptedXml^ eXml = gcnew EncryptedXml;
   array<Byte>^encryptedElement = eXml->EncryptData( elementToEncrypt, sessionKey, false );

   // Construct an EncryptedData object and populate
   // it with the desired encryption information.
   EncryptedData^ edElement = gcnew EncryptedData;
   edElement->Type = EncryptedXml::XmlEncElementUrl;

   // Create an EncryptionMethod element so that the
   // receiver knows which algorithm to use for decryption.
   edElement->EncryptionMethod = gcnew EncryptionMethod( EncryptedXml::XmlEncAES256Url );

   // Encrypt the session key and add it to an EncryptedKey element.
   EncryptedKey^ ek = gcnew EncryptedKey;
   array<Byte>^encryptedKey = EncryptedXml::EncryptKey( sessionKey->Key, Alg, false );
   ek->CipherData = gcnew CipherData( encryptedKey );
   ek->EncryptionMethod = gcnew EncryptionMethod( EncryptedXml::XmlEncRSA15Url );

   // Set the KeyInfo element to specify the
   // name of the RSA key.
   // Create a new KeyInfo element.
   edElement->KeyInfo = gcnew KeyInfo;

   // Create a new KeyInfoName element.
   KeyInfoName^ kin = gcnew KeyInfoName;

   // Specify a name for the key.
   kin->Value = KeyName;

   // Add the KeyInfoName element to the
   // EncryptedKey object.
   ek->KeyInfo->AddClause( kin );

   // Add the encrypted key to the
   // EncryptedData object.
   edElement->KeyInfo->AddClause( gcnew KeyInfoEncryptedKey( ek ) );

   // Add the encrypted element data to the
   // EncryptedData object.
   edElement->CipherData->CipherValue = encryptedElement;

   // Replace the element from the original XmlDocument
   // object with the EncryptedData element.
   EncryptedXml::ReplaceElement( elementToEncrypt, edElement, false );

static void Decrypt( XmlDocument^ Doc, RSA^ Alg, String^ KeyName )

   // Check the arguments.
   if ( Doc == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Doc" );

   if ( Alg == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Alg" );

   if ( KeyName == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"KeyName" );

   // Create a new EncryptedXml object.
   EncryptedXml^ exml = gcnew EncryptedXml( Doc );

   // Add a key-name mapping.
   // This method can only decrypt documents
   // that present the specified key name.
   exml->AddKeyNameMapping( KeyName, Alg );

   // Decrypt the element.

int main()

   // Create an XmlDocument object.
   XmlDocument^ xmlDoc = gcnew XmlDocument;

   // Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
      xmlDoc->PreserveWhitespace = true;
      xmlDoc->Load( L"test.xml" );
   catch ( Exception^ e )
      Console::WriteLine( e->Message );
      return 0;

   // Create a new RSA key.  This key will encrypt a symmetric key,
   // which will then be imbedded in the XML document.
   RSA^ rsaKey = RSA::Create();

      // Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
      Encrypt( xmlDoc, L"creditcard", rsaKey, L"rsaKey" );

      // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
      Console::WriteLine( L"Encrypted XML:" );
      Console::WriteLine( xmlDoc->OuterXml );
      xmlDoc->Save( L"test.xml" );

      // Decrypt the "creditcard" element.
      Decrypt( xmlDoc, rsaKey, L"rsaKey" );

      // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
      Console::WriteLine( L"Decrypted XML:" );
      Console::WriteLine( xmlDoc->OuterXml );
      xmlDoc->Save( L"test.xml" );
   catch ( Exception^ e )
      Console::WriteLine( e->Message );

      // Clear the RSA key.

   return 1;
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.Xml;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

        // Create an XmlDocument object.
        XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

        // Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
            xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
        catch (Exception e)

        // Create a new RSA key.  This key will encrypt a symmetric key,
        // which will then be imbedded in the XML document.
        RSA rsaKey = RSA.Create();

            // Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
            Encrypt(xmlDoc, "creditcard", rsaKey, "rsaKey");

            // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Encrypted XML:");

            // Decrypt the "creditcard" element.
            Decrypt(xmlDoc, rsaKey, "rsaKey");

            // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Decrypted XML:");
        catch (Exception e)
            // Clear the RSA key.

    public static void Encrypt(XmlDocument Doc, string ElementToEncrypt, RSA Alg, string KeyName)
        // Check the arguments.
        if (Doc == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Doc");
        if (ElementToEncrypt == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("ElementToEncrypt");
        if (Alg == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Alg");

        // Find the specified element in the XmlDocument
        // object and create a new XmlElemnt object.

        XmlElement elementToEncrypt = Doc.GetElementsByTagName(ElementToEncrypt)[0] as XmlElement;

        // Throw an XmlException if the element was not found.
        if (elementToEncrypt == null)
            throw new XmlException("The specified element was not found");

        // Create a new instance of the EncryptedXml class
        // and use it to encrypt the XmlElement with the
        // a new random symmetric key.

        // Create a 256 bit Aes key.
        Aes sessionKey = Aes.Create();
        sessionKey.KeySize = 256;

        EncryptedXml eXml = new EncryptedXml();

        byte[] encryptedElement = eXml.EncryptData(elementToEncrypt, sessionKey, false);

        // Construct an EncryptedData object and populate
        // it with the desired encryption information.

        EncryptedData edElement = new EncryptedData();
        edElement.Type = EncryptedXml.XmlEncElementUrl;

        // Create an EncryptionMethod element so that the
        // receiver knows which algorithm to use for decryption.

        edElement.EncryptionMethod = new EncryptionMethod(EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES256Url);

        // Encrypt the session key and add it to an EncryptedKey element.
        EncryptedKey ek = new EncryptedKey();

        byte[] encryptedKey = EncryptedXml.EncryptKey(sessionKey.Key, Alg, false);

        ek.CipherData = new CipherData(encryptedKey);

        ek.EncryptionMethod = new EncryptionMethod(EncryptedXml.XmlEncRSA15Url);

        // Set the KeyInfo element to specify the
        // name of the RSA key.

        // Create a new KeyInfo element.
        edElement.KeyInfo = new KeyInfo();

        // Create a new KeyInfoName element.
        KeyInfoName kin = new KeyInfoName();

        // Specify a name for the key.
        kin.Value = KeyName;

        // Add the KeyInfoName element to the
        // EncryptedKey object.

        // Add the encrypted key to the
        // EncryptedData object.

        edElement.KeyInfo.AddClause(new KeyInfoEncryptedKey(ek));

        // Add the encrypted element data to the
        // EncryptedData object.
        edElement.CipherData.CipherValue = encryptedElement;

        // Replace the element from the original XmlDocument
        // object with the EncryptedData element.

        EncryptedXml.ReplaceElement(elementToEncrypt, edElement, false);

    public static void Decrypt(XmlDocument Doc, RSA Alg, string KeyName)
        // Check the arguments.
        if (Doc == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Doc");
        if (Alg == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Alg");
        if (KeyName == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("KeyName");

        // Create a new EncryptedXml object.
        EncryptedXml exml = new EncryptedXml(Doc);

        // Add a key-name mapping.
        // This method can only decrypt documents
        // that present the specified key name.
        exml.AddKeyNameMapping(KeyName, Alg);

        // Decrypt the element.
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Security.Cryptography.Xml

Module Program

    Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)

        ' Create an XmlDocument object.
        Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()

        ' Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
            xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = True
        Catch e As Exception
        End Try

        ' Create a new RSA key.  This key will encrypt a symmetric key,
        ' which will then be imbedded in the XML document.  
        Dim rsaKey = RSA = RSA.Create()

            ' Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
            Encrypt(xmlDoc, "creditcard", rsaKey, "rsaKey")

            ' Display the encrypted XML to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Encrypted XML:")

            ' Decrypt the "creditcard" element.
            Decrypt(xmlDoc, rsaKey, "rsaKey")

            ' Display the encrypted XML to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Decrypted XML:")
        Catch e As Exception
            ' Clear the RSA key.
        End Try

    End Sub

    Sub Encrypt(ByVal Doc As XmlDocument, ByVal ElementToEncrypt As String, ByVal Alg As RSA, ByVal KeyName As String)
        ' Check the arguments.  
        If Doc Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("Doc")
        End If
        If ElementToEncrypt Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("ElementToEncrypt")
        End If
        If Alg Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("Alg")
        End If
        ' Find the specified element in the XmlDocument
        ' object and create a new XmlElemnt object.
        Dim elementEncrypt As XmlElement = Doc.GetElementsByTagName(ElementToEncrypt)(0)

        ' Throw an XmlException if the element was not found.
        If elementToEncrypt Is Nothing Then
            Throw New XmlException("The specified element was not found")
        End If

        ' Create a new instance of the EncryptedXml class 
        ' and use it to encrypt the XmlElement with the 
        ' a new random symmetric key.
        ' Create a 256 bit Aes key.
        Dim sessionKey As Aes = Aes.Create()
        sessionKey.KeySize = 256

        Dim eXml As New EncryptedXml()

        Dim encryptedElement As Byte() = eXml.EncryptData(elementEncrypt, sessionKey, False)

        ' Construct an EncryptedData object and populate
        ' it with the desired encryption information.

        Dim edElement As New EncryptedData()
        edElement.Type = EncryptedXml.XmlEncElementUrl

        ' Create an EncryptionMethod element so that the 
        ' receiver knows which algorithm to use for decryption.
        edElement.EncryptionMethod = New EncryptionMethod(EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES256Url)

        ' Encrypt the session key and add it to an EncryptedKey element.
        Dim ek As New EncryptedKey()

        Dim encryptedKey As Byte() = EncryptedXml.EncryptKey(sessionKey.Key, Alg, False)

        ek.CipherData = New CipherData(encryptedKey)

        ek.EncryptionMethod = New EncryptionMethod(EncryptedXml.XmlEncRSA15Url)

        ' Set the KeyInfo element to specify the
        ' name of the RSA key.
        ' Create a new KeyInfo element.
        edElement.KeyInfo = New KeyInfo()

        ' Create a new KeyInfoName element.
        Dim kin As New KeyInfoName()

        ' Specify a name for the key.
        kin.Value = KeyName

        ' Add the KeyInfoName element to the 
        ' EncryptedKey object.

        ' Add the encrypted key to the 
        ' EncryptedData object.
        edElement.KeyInfo.AddClause(New KeyInfoEncryptedKey(ek))

        ' Add the encrypted element data to the 
        ' EncryptedData object.
        edElement.CipherData.CipherValue = encryptedElement

        ' Replace the element from the original XmlDocument
        ' object with the EncryptedData element.
        EncryptedXml.ReplaceElement(elementEncrypt, edElement, False)

    End Sub

    Sub Decrypt(ByVal Doc As XmlDocument, ByVal Alg As RSA, ByVal KeyName As String)
        ' Check the arguments.  
        If Doc Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("Doc")
        End If
        If Alg Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("Alg")
        End If
        If KeyName Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("KeyName")
        End If
        ' Create a new EncryptedXml object.
        Dim exml As New EncryptedXml(Doc)

        ' Add a key-name mapping.
        ' This method can only decrypt documents
        ' that present the specified key name.
        exml.AddKeyNameMapping(KeyName, Alg)

        ' Decrypt the element.

    End Sub
End Module

Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie ein XML-Dokument mithilfe eines X.509-Zertifikats verschlüsselt wird. In diesem Beispiel wird ein symmetrischer Sitzungsschlüssel zum Verschlüsseln des Dokuments erstellt, und anschließend wird das X.509-Zertifikat verwendet, um eine verschlüsselte Version des Sitzungsschlüssels in das XML-Dokument einzubetten.

#using <System.Security.dll>
#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Xml.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography::Xml;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography::X509Certificates;
static void Encrypt( XmlDocument^ Doc, String^ ElementToEncrypt, X509Certificate2^ Cert )

   // Check the arguments.
   if ( Doc == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Doc" );

   if ( ElementToEncrypt == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"ElementToEncrypt" );

   if ( Cert == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Cert" );

   // Find the specified element in the XmlDocument
   // object and create a new XmlElemnt object.
   XmlElement^ elementToEncrypt = dynamic_cast<XmlElement^>(Doc->GetElementsByTagName( ElementToEncrypt )->Item( 0 ));

   // Throw an XmlException if the element was not found.
   if ( elementToEncrypt == nullptr )
      throw gcnew XmlException( L"The specified element was not found" );

   // Create a new instance of the EncryptedXml class
   // and use it to encrypt the XmlElement with the
   // X.509 Certificate.
   EncryptedXml^ eXml = gcnew EncryptedXml;

   // Encrypt the element.
   EncryptedData^ edElement = eXml->Encrypt( elementToEncrypt, Cert );

   // Replace the element from the original XmlDocument
   // object with the EncryptedData element.
   EncryptedXml::ReplaceElement( elementToEncrypt, edElement, false );

static void Decrypt( XmlDocument^ Doc )

   // Check the arguments.
   if ( Doc == nullptr )
      throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Doc" );

   // Create a new EncryptedXml object.
   EncryptedXml^ exml = gcnew EncryptedXml( Doc );

   // Decrypt the XML document.

int main()

   // Create an XmlDocument object.
   XmlDocument^ xmlDoc = gcnew XmlDocument;

   // Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
      xmlDoc->PreserveWhitespace = true;
      xmlDoc->Load( L"test.xml" );
   catch ( Exception^ e )
      Console::WriteLine( e->Message );
      return 0;

   // Create a new X509Certificate2 object by loading
   // an X.509 certificate file.  To use XML encryption
   // with an X.509 certificate, use an X509Certificate2
   // object to encrypt, but use a certificate in a certificate
   // store to decrypt.
   // You can create a new test certificate file using the
   // makecert.exe tool.
   // Create an X509Certificate2 object for encryption.
   X509Certificate2^ cert = gcnew X509Certificate2( L"test.pfx" );

   // Put the certificate in certificate store for decryption.
   X509Store^ store = gcnew X509Store( StoreLocation::CurrentUser );
   store->Open( OpenFlags::ReadWrite );
   store->Add( cert );

      // Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
      Encrypt( xmlDoc, L"creditcard", cert );

      // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
      Console::WriteLine( L"Encrypted XML:" );
      Console::WriteLine( xmlDoc->OuterXml );

      // Decrypt the "creditcard" element.
      Decrypt( xmlDoc );

      // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
      Console::WriteLine( L"Decrypted XML:" );
      Console::WriteLine( xmlDoc->OuterXml );
   catch ( Exception^ e )
      Console::WriteLine( e->Message );

   return 1;
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.Xml;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

        // Create an XmlDocument object.
        XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

        // Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
            xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
        catch (Exception e)

        // Create a new X509Certificate2 object by loading
        // an X.509 certificate file.  To use XML encryption
        // with an X.509 certificate, use an X509Certificate2
        // object to encrypt, but use a certificate in a certificate
        // store to decrypt.

        // You can create a new test certificate file using the
        // makecert.exe tool.

        // Create an X509Certificate2 object for encryption.
        X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2("test.pfx");

        // Put the certificate in certificate store for decryption.
        X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreLocation.CurrentUser);




            // Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
            Encrypt(xmlDoc, "creditcard", cert);

            // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Encrypted XML:");

            // Decrypt the "creditcard" element.

            // Display the encrypted XML to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Decrypted XML:");
        catch (Exception e)

    public static void Encrypt(XmlDocument Doc, string ElementToEncrypt, X509Certificate2 Cert)
        // Check the arguments.
        if (Doc == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Doc");
        if (ElementToEncrypt == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("ElementToEncrypt");
        if (Cert == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Cert");

        // Find the specified element in the XmlDocument
        // object and create a new XmlElemnt object.

        XmlElement elementToEncrypt = Doc.GetElementsByTagName(ElementToEncrypt)[0] as XmlElement;

        // Throw an XmlException if the element was not found.
        if (elementToEncrypt == null)
            throw new XmlException("The specified element was not found");

        // Create a new instance of the EncryptedXml class
        // and use it to encrypt the XmlElement with the
        // X.509 Certificate.

        EncryptedXml eXml = new EncryptedXml();

        // Encrypt the element.
        EncryptedData edElement = eXml.Encrypt(elementToEncrypt, Cert);

        // Replace the element from the original XmlDocument
        // object with the EncryptedData element.

        EncryptedXml.ReplaceElement(elementToEncrypt, edElement, false);

    public static void Decrypt(XmlDocument Doc)
        // Check the arguments.
        if (Doc == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Doc");

        // Create a new EncryptedXml object.
        EncryptedXml exml = new EncryptedXml(Doc);

        // Decrypt the XML document.
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Security.Cryptography.Xml
Imports System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates

Module Program

    Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)

        ' Create an XmlDocument object.
        Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()

        ' Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
            xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = True
        Catch e As Exception
        End Try

        ' Create a new X509Certificate2 object by loading
        ' an X.509 certificate file.  To use XML encryption 
        ' with an X.509 certificate, use an X509Certificate2 
        ' object to encrypt, but use a certificate in a certificate
        ' store to decrypt.
        ' You can create a new test certificate file using the 
        ' makecert.exe tool.
        ' Create an X509Certificate2 object for encryption.
        Dim cert As New X509Certificate2("test.pfx")

        ' Put the certificate in certificate store for decryption.  
        Dim store As New X509Store(StoreLocation.CurrentUser)




            ' Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
            Encrypt(xmlDoc, "creditcard", cert)

            ' Display the encrypted XML to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Encrypted XML:")

            ' Decrypt the "creditcard" element.

            ' Display the encrypted XML to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Decrypted XML:")
        Catch e As Exception
        End Try

    End Sub

    Sub Encrypt(ByVal Doc As XmlDocument, ByVal ElementToEncrypt As String, ByVal Cert As X509Certificate2)
        ' Check the arguments.  
        If Doc Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("Doc")
        End If
        If ElementToEncrypt Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("ElementToEncrypt")
        End If
        If Cert Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("Cert")
        End If
        ' Find the specified element in the XmlDocument
        ' object and create a new XmlElemnt object.
        Dim elementEncrypt As XmlElement = Doc.GetElementsByTagName(ElementToEncrypt)(0) 

        ' Throw an XmlException if the element was not found.
        If elementToEncrypt Is Nothing Then
            Throw New XmlException("The specified element was not found")
        End If

        ' Create a new instance of the EncryptedXml class 
        ' and use it to encrypt the XmlElement with the 
        ' X.509 Certificate.
        Dim eXml As New EncryptedXml()

        ' Encrypt the element.
        Dim edElement As EncryptedData = eXml.Encrypt(elementEncrypt, Cert)

        ' Replace the element from the original XmlDocument
        ' object with the EncryptedData element.
        EncryptedXml.ReplaceElement(elementEncrypt, edElement, False)

    End Sub

    Sub Decrypt(ByVal Doc As XmlDocument)
        ' Check the arguments.  
        If Doc Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("Doc")
        End If
        ' Create a new EncryptedXml object.
        Dim exml As New EncryptedXml(Doc)

        ' Decrypt the XML document.

    End Sub
End Module


Die EncryptedXml -Klasse ist die Hauptklasse, die für die XML-Verschlüsselung im .NET Framework verwendet wird. DIE XML-Verschlüsselung ist eine auf Standards basierende, interoperable Methode, um ein XML-Dokument ganz oder teilweise oder beliebige Daten zu verschlüsseln. Die .NET Framework XML-Verschlüsselungsklassen implementieren die Xml-Verschlüsselungssyntax und Verarbeitungsversion 1.0 von World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Verwenden Sie die EncryptedXml -Klasse immer dann, wenn Sie verschlüsselte XML-Daten standardmäßig zwischen Anwendungen oder Organisationen freigeben müssen. Alle mit dieser Klasse verschlüsselten Daten können von jeder Implementierung der W3C-Spezifikation für die XML-Verschlüsselung entschlüsselt werden.

Die XML-Verschlüsselung ersetzt jedes XML-Nur-Text-Element oder -Dokument durch das <EncryptedData> -Element, das eine verschlüsselte (oder verschlüsselte Text)-Darstellung von NUR-Text-XML oder beliebigen Daten enthält. Das <EncryptedData> -Element kann optional Informationen darüber enthalten, wo ein Schlüssel gefunden werden kann, der den Verschlüsselungstext entschlüsseln soll, und darüber, welcher kryptografische Algorithmus zum Verschlüsseln des Nur-Texts verwendet wurde.

Das <EncryptedKey> -Element ähnelt dem <EncryptedData> -Element in Stil und Verwendung, mit der Ausnahme, dass Sie einen Schlüssel verschlüsseln können, der den Wert des <EncryptedData> Elements entschlüsselt. Beachten Sie, dass das <EncryptedKey> Element und das <EncryptedData> Element niemals einen unverschlüsselten Schlüssel enthalten.

Verwenden Sie eine der folgenden Methoden, um Schlüsselinformationen auszutauschen:

  • Geben Sie keine wichtigen Informationen an. Wenn Sie diese Option auswählen, müssen sich beide Parteien auf einen Algorithmus und einen Schlüssel einigen, bevor sie verschlüsselte Daten austauschen.

  • Schließen Sie den Speicherort des Schlüssels in das URI-Attribut (Uniform Resource Identifier) des <RetrievalMethod> Elements ein. Beide Parteien müssen sich im Voraus auf den Schlüsselstandort einigen, und dieser Standort muss geheim gehalten werden.

  • Fügen Sie einen Zeichenfolgennamen ein, der <KeyName> einem Schlüssel im Element zugeordnet ist. Beide Parteien müssen sich auf die Zuordnung des Schlüsselnamens einigen, bevor sie verschlüsselte Daten austauschen, und diese Zuordnung muss geheim gehalten werden.

  • Schließen Sie einen verschlüsselten Schlüssel in das <EncryptedKey> Element ein. Beide Parteien müssen sich auf den Schlüssel einigen, der den verschlüsselten Schlüssel entschlüsselt, bevor sie verschlüsselte Daten austauschen. Optional können Sie einen Namen oder einen Speicherort des Schlüssels angeben, der den Schlüssel im <EncryptedKey> Element entschlüsselt.



Initialisiert eine neue Instanz der EncryptedXml-Klasse.


Initialisiert eine neue Instanz der EncryptedXml-Klasse mithilfe des angegebenen XML-Dokuments.

EncryptedXml(XmlDocument, Evidence)

Initialisiert eine neue Instanz der EncryptedXml-Klasse unter Verwendung des angegebenen XML-Dokuments und von Beweisen.



Stellt den Namespace-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) für den 128-Bit-AES-Key Wrap-Algorithmus (Advanced Encryption Standard) dar (auch als Rijndael Key Wrap-Algorithmus bezeichnet). Dieses Feld ist konstant.


Stellt den Namespace-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) für den 128-Bit-AES-Algorithmus (Advanced Encryption Standard) dar (auch als Rijndael-Algorithmus bezeichnet). Dieses Feld ist konstant.


Stellt den Namespace-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) für den 192-Bit-AES-Key Wrap-Algorithmus (Advanced Encryption Standard) dar (auch als Rijndael Key Wrap-Algorithmus bezeichnet). Dieses Feld ist konstant.


Stellt den Namespace-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) für den 192-Bit-AES-Algorithmus (Advanced Encryption Standard) dar (auch als Rijndael-Algorithmus bezeichnet). Dieses Feld ist konstant.


Stellt den Namespace-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) für den 256-Bit-AES-Key Wrap-Algorithmus (Advanced Encryption Standard) dar (auch als Rijndael Key Wrap-Algorithmus bezeichnet). Dieses Feld ist konstant.


Stellt den Namespace-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) für den 256-Bit-AES-Algorithmus (Advanced Encryption Standard) dar (auch als Rijndael-Algorithmus bezeichnet). Dieses Feld ist konstant.


Stellt den Namespace-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) für den DES-Algorithmus (Digital Encryption Standard) dar. Dieses Feld ist konstant.


Stellt den Namespace-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) für den Inhalt des XML-Verschlüsselungselements dar. Dieses Feld ist konstant.


Stellt den Namespace-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) für ein XML-Verschlüsselungselement dar. Dieses Feld ist konstant.


Stellt den Namespace-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) für das <EncryptedKey>-XML-Verschlüsselungselement dar. Dieses Feld ist konstant.


Stellt den Namespace-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) für XML-Verschlüsselungssyntax und -Verarbeitung dar. Dieses Feld ist konstant.


Stellt den Namespace-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) für den RSA-PKCS-Algorithmus (Public Key Cryptography Standard), Version 1.5, dar. Dieses Feld ist konstant.


Stellt den Namespace-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) für den RSA-OAEP-Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus (Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding) dar. Dieses Feld ist konstant.


Stellt den Namespace-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) für den SHA-256-Algorithmus dar. Dieses Feld ist konstant.


Stellt den Namespace-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) für den SHA-512-Algorithmus dar. Dieses Feld ist konstant.


Stellt den Namespace-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) für den TRIPLEDES-Key Wrap-Algorithmus dar. Dieses Feld ist konstant.


Stellt den Namespace-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) für den TRIPLEDES-Algorithmus dar. Dieses Feld ist konstant.



Ruft die Beweise des XmlDocument-Objekts ab, aus denen das EncryptedXml-Objekt erstellt wird, oder legt diese fest.


Ruft die Codierung für die XML-Verschlüsselung ab oder legt diese fest.


Ruft den Verschlüsselungsmodus für die XML-Verschlüsselung ab oder legt diesen fest.


Ruft den Füllzeichenmodus für die XML-Verschlüsselung ab oder legt diesen fest.


Ruft den Empfänger der verschlüsselten Schlüsselinformationen ab oder legt diesen fest.


Ruft das XmlResolver-Objekt ab, mit dem das Dokumentobjektmodell (DOM) externe XML-Verweise auflöst, oder legt dieses fest.


Ruft die Rekursionstiefe für digitale XML-Signaturen ab, um unendliche Rekursion sowie Stapelüberlauf zu verhindern, oder legt diese Tiefe fest. Dies kann vorkommen, wenn die digitale XML-Signatur den URI enthält, der dann zurück auf den ursprünglichen XML-Code zeigt.


AddKeyNameMapping(String, Object)

Definiert die Zuordnung zwischen einem Schlüsselnamen und einem symmetrischen Schlüssel oder einem asymmetrischen Schlüssel.


Setzt alle Schlüsselnamenzuordnungen zurück.

DecryptData(EncryptedData, SymmetricAlgorithm)

Entschlüsselt mit dem angegebenen symmetrischen Algorithmus ein <EncryptedData>-Element.


Entschlüsselt alle <EncryptedData>-Elemente des XML-Dokuments, die während der Initialisierung der EncryptedXml-Klasse angegeben wurden.


Bestimmt den durch das EncryptedKey-Element dargestellten Schlüssel.

DecryptKey(Byte[], RSA, Boolean)

Entschlüsselt mit einem asymmetrischen Algorithmus ein <EncryptedKey>-Element.

DecryptKey(Byte[], SymmetricAlgorithm)

Entschlüsselt mit einem symmetrischen Algorithmus ein <EncryptedKey>-Element.

Encrypt(XmlElement, String)

Verschlüsselt das äußere XML eines Elements mit dem in der Schlüsselzuordnungstabelle angegebenen Schlüssel.

Encrypt(XmlElement, X509Certificate2)

Verschlüsselt das äußere XML eines Elements mit dem angegebenen X.509-Zertifikat.

EncryptData(Byte[], SymmetricAlgorithm)

Verschlüsselt Daten im angegebenen Bytearray mit dem angegebenen symmetrischen Algorithmus.

EncryptData(XmlElement, SymmetricAlgorithm, Boolean)

Verschlüsselt mit dem angegebenen symmetrischen Algorithmus das angegebene Element oder dessen Inhalt.

EncryptKey(Byte[], RSA, Boolean)

Verschlüsselt den Schlüssel, mit dem ein Empfänger ein <EncryptedData>-Element entschlüsselt.

EncryptKey(Byte[], SymmetricAlgorithm)

Verschlüsselt einen Schlüssel mit einem symmetrischen Algorithmus, mit dem ein Empfänger ein <EncryptedData>-Element entschlüsselt.


Bestimmt, ob das angegebene Objekt gleich dem aktuellen Objekt ist.

(Geerbt von Object)
GetDecryptionIV(EncryptedData, String)

Ruft den Entschlüsselungsinitialisierungsvektor (IV) von einem EncryptedData-Objekt ab.

GetDecryptionKey(EncryptedData, String)

Ruft den Entschlüsselungsschlüssel aus dem angegebenen EncryptedData-Objekt ab.


Fungiert als Standardhashfunktion.

(Geerbt von Object)
GetIdElement(XmlDocument, String)

Bestimmt, wie interne URI-Verweise (Uniform Resource Identifier) aufgelöst werden.


Ruft den Type der aktuellen Instanz ab.

(Geerbt von Object)

Erstellt eine flache Kopie des aktuellen Object.

(Geerbt von Object)
ReplaceData(XmlElement, Byte[])

Ersetzt ein <EncryptedData>-Element durch eine angegebene entschlüsselte Bytefolge.

ReplaceElement(XmlElement, EncryptedData, Boolean)

Ersetzt das angegebene Element durch das angegebene EncryptedData-Objekt.


Gibt eine Zeichenfolge zurück, die das aktuelle Objekt darstellt.

(Geerbt von Object)

Gilt für: