Teilen über

Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,TRest>.Rest Eigenschaft


Ruft die restlichen Komponenten des aktuellen Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,TRest>-Objekts ab.

 property TRest Rest { TRest get(); };
public TRest Rest { get; }
member this.Rest : 'Rest
Public ReadOnly Property Rest As TRest



Der Wert der restlichen Komponenten des aktuellen Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,TRest>-Objekts.


Im folgenden Beispiel wird ein 17-Tupelobjekt erstellt, das Einwohnerdaten für die Stadt Detroit, Michigan, von 1860 bis 2000 enthält. Die siebte Komponente des 17-Tupels ist die Bevölkerung im Jahr 1900. Im Beispiel wird die Rest -Eigenschaft verwendet, um die Werte der achten bis vierzehnten Komponenten abzurufen, und es verwendet die Rest -Eigenschaft des geschachtelten Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,TRest> Objekts, um die Werte der verbleibenden Komponenten abzurufen.

using System;

class Example
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Tuple<int, int, int> from1980 = Tuple.Create(1203339, 1027974, 951270);
        var from1910 = new Tuple<int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Tuple<int, int, int>> 
            (465766, 993078, 1568622, 1623452, 1849568, 1670144, 1511462, from1980);
        var population = new Tuple<string, int, int, int, int, int, int,
            Tuple<int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Tuple<int, int, int>>> 
            ("Detroit", 1860, 45619, 79577, 116340, 205876, 285704, from1910);

        Console.WriteLine("Population of {0}", population.Item1);
        Console.WriteLine("{0,5}  {1,14}  {2,10}", "Year", "Population", "Change");

        int year = population.Item2;
        ShowPopulation(year, population.Item3);
        year += 10;
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Item4, population.Item3);
        year += 10;
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Item5, population.Item4);
        year += 10;
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Item6, population.Item5);
        year += 10;
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Item7, population.Item6);
        year += 10;
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Item1, population.Item7);
        year += 10;
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Item2, population.Rest.Item1);
        year += 10;
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Item3, population.Rest.Item2);
        year += 10;
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Item4, population.Rest.Item3);
        year += 10;
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Item5, population.Rest.Item4);
        year += 10;
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Item6, population.Rest.Item5);
        year += 10;
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Item7, population.Rest.Item6);
        year += 10;
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Rest.Item1, population.Rest.Item7);
        year += 10;
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Rest.Item2, population.Rest.Rest.Item1);
        year += 10;
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Rest.Item3, population.Rest.Rest.Item2);

    private static void ShowPopulationChange(int year, int newPopulation, int oldPopulation)
        Console.WriteLine("{0,5}  {1,14:N0}  {2,10:P2}", year, newPopulation,
                          ((double)(newPopulation - oldPopulation) / oldPopulation) / 10);

    private static void ShowPopulation(int year, int newPopulation)
        Console.WriteLine("{0,5}  {1,14:N0}  {2,10:P2}", year, newPopulation, "n/a");
// The example displays the following output:
//    Population of Detroit
//    Year      Population      Change
//    1860          45,619         n/a
//    1870          79,577      7.44 %
//    1880         116,340      4.62 %
//    1890         205,876      7.70 %
//    1900         285,704      3.88 %
//    1910         465,766      6.30 %
//    1920         993,078     11.32 %
//    1930       1,568,622      5.80 %
//    1940       1,623,452      0.35 %
//    1950       1,849,568      1.39 %
//    1960       1,670,144     -0.97 %
//    1970       1,511,462     -0.95 %
//    1980       1,203,339     -2.04 %
//    1990       1,027,974     -1.46 %
//    2000         951,270     -0.75 %
let showPopulation year newPopulation =
    printfn $"""{year,5}  {newPopulation,14:N0}  {"n/a",10:P2}"""

let showPopulationChange year newPopulation oldPopulation =
    printfn $"{year,5}  {newPopulation,14:N0}  {(double (newPopulation - oldPopulation) / oldPopulation) / 10.,10:P2}"

let from1980 = Tuple.Create(1203339, 1027974, 951270)
let from1910 = new Tuple<int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Tuple<int, int, int>>(465766, 993078, 1568622, 1623452, 1849568, 1670144, 1511462, from1980)
let population = new Tuple<string, int, int, int, int, int, int, Tuple<int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Tuple<int, int, int>>>("Detroit", 1860, 45619, 79577, 116340, 205876, 285704, from1910)
printfn $"Population of {population.Item1}\n"
printfn "%5s  %14s  %10s" "Year" "Population" "Change"

    let year = population.Item2
    showPopulation year population.Item3
    let year = year + 10
    showPopulationChange year population.Item4 population.Item3
    let year = year + 10
    showPopulationChange year population.Item5 population.Item4
    let year = year + 10
    showPopulationChange year population.Item6 population.Item5
    let year = year + 10
    showPopulationChange year population.Item7 population.Item6
    let year = year + 10
    showPopulationChange year population.Rest.Item1 population.Item7
    let year = year + 10
    showPopulationChange year population.Rest.Item2 population.Rest.Item1
    let year = year + 10
    showPopulationChange year population.Rest.Item3 population.Rest.Item2
    let year = year + 10
    showPopulationChange year population.Rest.Item4 population.Rest.Item3
    let year = year + 10
    showPopulationChange year population.Rest.Item5 population.Rest.Item4
    let year = year + 10
    showPopulationChange year population.Rest.Item6 population.Rest.Item5
    let year = year + 10
    showPopulationChange year population.Rest.Item7 population.Rest.Item6
    let year = year + 10
    showPopulationChange year population.Rest.Rest.Item1 population.Rest.Item7
    let year = year + 10
    showPopulationChange year population.Rest.Rest.Item2 population.Rest.Rest.Item1
    let year = year + 10
    showPopulationChange year population.Rest.Rest.Item3 population.Rest.Rest.Item2

// The example displays the following output:
//    Population of Detroit
//    Year      Population      Change
//    1860          45,619         n/a
//    1870          79,577      7.44 %
//    1880         116,340      4.62 %
//    1890         205,876      7.70 %
//    1900         285,704      3.88 %
//    1910         465,766      6.30 %
//    1920         993,078     11.32 %
//    1930       1,568,622      5.80 %
//    1940       1,623,452      0.35 %
//    1950       1,849,568      1.39 %
//    1960       1,670,144     -0.97 %
//    1970       1,511,462     -0.95 %
//    1980       1,203,339     -2.04 %
//    1990       1,027,974     -1.46 %
//    2000         951,270     -0.75 %
Module Example
    Sub Main()
        Dim from1980 As Tuple(Of Integer, Integer, Integer) =
            Tuple.Create(1203339, 1027974, 951270)
        Dim from1910 As New Tuple(Of Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, _
            Tuple(Of Integer, Integer, Integer)) _
            (465766, 993078, 1568622, 1623452, 1849568, 1670144, 1511462, from1980)
        Dim population As New Tuple(Of String, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, _ 
            Tuple(Of Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Tuple(Of Integer, Integer, Integer))) _
            ("Detroit", 1860, 45619, 79577, 116340, 205876, 285704, from1910)

        Console.WriteLine("Population of {0}", population.Item1)
        Console.WriteLine("{0,5}  {1,14}  {2,10}", "Year", "Population", "Change")

        Dim year As Integer = population.Item2
        ShowPopulation(year, population.Item3)
        year += 10
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Item4, population.Item3)
        year += 10
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Item5, population.Item4)
        year += 10
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Item6, population.Item5)
        year += 10
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Item7, population.Item6)
        year += 10
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Item1, population.Item7)
        year += 10
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Item2, population.Rest.Item1)
        year += 10
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Item3, population.Rest.Item2)
        year += 10
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Item4, population.Rest.Item3)
        year += 10
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Item5, population.Rest.Item4)
        year += 10
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Item6, population.Rest.Item5)
        year += 10
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Item7, population.Rest.Item6)
        year += 10
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Rest.Item1, population.Rest.Item7)
        year += 10
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Rest.Item2, population.Rest.Rest.Item1)
        year += 10
        ShowPopulationChange(year, population.Rest.Rest.Item3, population.Rest.Rest.Item2)
    End Sub

    Private Sub ShowPopulationChange(ByVal year As Integer, ByVal newPopulation As Integer, ByVal oldPopulation As Integer)
        Console.WriteLine("{0,5}  {1,14:N0}  {2,10:P2}", year, newPopulation,
                          (newPopulation - oldPopulation) / oldPopulation / 10)
    End Sub

    Private Sub ShowPopulation(ByVal year As Integer, ByVal newPopulation As Integer)
        Console.WriteLine("{0,5}  {1,14:N0}  {2,10:P2}", year, newPopulation, "n/a")
    End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'    Population of Detroit
'    Year      Population      Change
'    1860          45,619         n/a
'    1870          79,577      7.44 %
'    1880         116,340      4.62 %
'    1890         205,876      7.70 %
'    1900         285,704      3.88 %
'    1910         465,766      6.30 %
'    1920         993,078     11.32 %
'    1930       1,568,622      5.80 %
'    1940       1,623,452      0.35 %
'    1950       1,849,568      1.39 %
'    1960       1,670,144     -0.97 %
'    1970       1,511,462     -0.95 %
'    1980       1,203,339     -2.04 %
'    1990       1,027,974     -1.46 %
'    2000         951,270     -0.75 %


Die Rest -Eigenschaft gibt ein geschachteltes Tuple Objekt zurück, das den Zugriff auf die achte, aber n th-Komponentedes Tupels ermöglicht. Abhängig von der Gesamtzahl der Komponenten im Tupel können die Werte der achten bis vierzehnten Komponenten aus den Übereigenschaften Item7 des Item1 geschachtelten Tuple Objekts abgerufen werden. Anschließend können Sie die Rest -Eigenschaft eines geschachtelten Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,TRest> Objekts verwenden, um das Tuple Objekt auf der nächsten Ebene der Schachtelung abzurufen.

Sie können die Anzahl der Komponenten in einem geschachtelten Tuple Objekt, die von der Rest -Eigenschaft zurückgegeben wird, dynamisch bestimmen, indem Sie die Ziffer aus ihrem Typnamen extrahieren. Dies wird im folgenden Beispiel veranschaulicht.

Imports System.Reflection

Module Example
    Sub Main()
        Dim from1980 As Tuple(Of Integer, Integer, Integer) =
            Tuple.Create(1203339, 1027974, 951270)
        Dim from1910 As New Tuple(Of Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, _
            Tuple(Of Integer, Integer, Integer)) _
            (465766, 993078, 1568622, 1623452, 1849568, 1670144, 1511462, from1980)
        Dim population As New Tuple(Of String, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, _ 
            Tuple(Of Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Tuple(Of Integer, Integer, Integer))) _
            ("Detroit", 1860, 45619, 79577, 116340, 205876, 285704, from1910)
   End Sub
   Private Sub ShowComponentCount(tuple As Object) 
      Static ctr As Integer = 0
      Static totalComponents As Integer = 0
      Dim components As Integer = 0
      ctr += 1
      Dim name As String = tuple.GetType().Name
      components += Int32.Parse(name.Substring(name.IndexOf("`") + 1))
      If components = 8 Then
         totalComponents += 7
         Console.WriteLine("The tuple at level {0} has 7 components.", ctr)
         totalComponents += components
         Console.WriteLine("The tuple at level {0} has {1} components.", 
                           ctr, components)
         Console.WriteLine("Total components in tuple: {0}", totalComponents)
      End If      
   End Sub        
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       The tuple at level 1 has 7 components.
'       The tuple at level 2 has 7 components.
'       The tuple at level 3 has 3 components.
'       Total components in tuple: 17

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