
Teilen über

Type.GetMember Method


Gets the specified members of the current Type.



Searches for the public members with the specified name.

GetMember(String, BindingFlags)

Searches for the specified members, using the specified binding constraints.

GetMember(String, MemberTypes, BindingFlags)

Searches for the specified members of the specified member type, using the specified binding constraints.



Searches for the public members with the specified name.

 cli::array <System::Reflection::MemberInfo ^> ^ GetMember(System::String ^ name);
 virtual cli::array <System::Reflection::MemberInfo ^> ^ GetMember(System::String ^ name);
public System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] GetMember (string name);
member this.GetMember : string -> System.Reflection.MemberInfo[]
abstract member GetMember : string -> System.Reflection.MemberInfo[]
override this.GetMember : string -> System.Reflection.MemberInfo[]
Public Function GetMember (name As String) As MemberInfo()



The string containing the name of the public members to get.


An array of MemberInfo objects representing the public members with the specified name, if found; otherwise, an empty array.



name is null.


The following example displays all the members of the String class that start with the letter C.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Security;
using namespace System::Reflection;

// forward declarations:
void GetMemberInfo();
void GetPublicStaticMemberInfo();
void GetPublicInstanceMethodMemberInfo();
int main()
   catch ( ArgumentNullException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "ArgumentNullException occurred." );
      Console::WriteLine( "Source: {0}", e->Source );
      Console::WriteLine( "Message: {0}", e->Message );
   catch ( NotSupportedException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "NotSupportedException occurred." );
      Console::WriteLine( "Source: {0}", e->Source );
      Console::WriteLine( "Message: {0}", e->Message );
   catch ( SecurityException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "SecurityException occurred." );
      Console::WriteLine( "Source: {0}", e->Source );
      Console::WriteLine( "Message: {0}", e->Message );
   catch ( Exception^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "Exception occurred." );
      Console::WriteLine( "Source: {0}", e->Source );
      Console::WriteLine( "Message: {0}", e->Message );


void GetMemberInfo()
   String^ myString = "GetMember_String";
   Type^ myType = myString->GetType();
   // Get the members for myString starting with the letter C.
   array<MemberInfo^>^myMembers = myType->GetMember( "C*" );
   if ( myMembers->Length > 0 )
      Console::WriteLine( "\nThe member(s) starting with the letter C for type {0}:", myType );
      for ( int index = 0; index < myMembers->Length; index++ )
         Console::WriteLine( "Member {0}: {1}", index + 1, myMembers[ index ] );
      Console::WriteLine( "No members match the search criteria." );

using System;
using System.Security;
using System.Reflection;

public class MyMemberSample
    public static void Main()
        MyMemberSample myClass = new MyMemberSample();
        catch(ArgumentNullException e)
            Console.WriteLine("ArgumentNullException occurred.");
            Console.WriteLine("Source: " + e.Source);
            Console.WriteLine("Message: " + e.Message);
        catch(NotSupportedException e)
            Console.WriteLine("NotSupportedException occurred.");
            Console.WriteLine("Source: " + e.Source);
            Console.WriteLine("Message: " + e.Message);
        catch(SecurityException e)
            Console.WriteLine("SecurityException occurred.");
            Console.WriteLine("Source: " + e.Source);
            Console.WriteLine("Message: " + e.Message);
        catch(Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Exception occurred.");
            Console.WriteLine("Source: " + e.Source);
            Console.WriteLine("Message: " + e.Message);

    public void GetMemberInfo()
        String myString = "GetMember_String";

        Type myType = myString.GetType();
        // Get the members for myString starting with the letter C.
        MemberInfo[] myMembers = myType.GetMember("C*");
        if(myMembers.Length > 0)
            Console.WriteLine("\nThe member(s) starting with the letter C for type {0}:", myType);
            for(int index=0; index < myMembers.Length; index++)
                Console.WriteLine("Member {0}: {1}", index + 1, myMembers[index].ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("No members match the search criteria.");
open System
open System.Security
open System.Reflection

type MyMemberSample() =
    member _.GetMemberInfo() =
        let myString = "GetMember_String"

        let myType = myString.GetType()
        // Get the members for myString starting with the letter C.
        let myMembers = myType.GetMember "C*"
        if myMembers.Length > 0 then
            printfn $"\nThe member(s) starting with the letter C for type {myType}:"
            for index = 0 to myMembers.Length - 1 do
                printfn $"Member {index + 1}: {myMembers[index]}"
            printfn "No members match the search criteria."

    member _.GetPublicStaticMemberInfo() =
        let myString = "GetMember_String_BindingFlag"
        let myType = myString.GetType()
        // Get the public static members for the class myString starting with the letter C.
        let myMembers = myType.GetMember("C*", BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Static)
        if myMembers.Length > 0 then
            printfn $"\nThe public static member(s) starting with the letter C for type {myType}:"
            for index = 0 to myMembers.Length - 1 do
                printfn $"Member {index + 1}: {myMembers[index]}"
            printfn "No members match the search criteria."

    member _.GetPublicInstanceMethodMemberInfo() =
        let myString = "GetMember_String_MemberType_BindingFlag"
        let myType = myString.GetType()
        // Get the public instance methods for myString starting with the letter C.
        let myMembers = myType.GetMember("C*", MemberTypes.Method, BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Instance)
        if myMembers.Length > 0 then
            printfn $"\nThe public instance method(s) starting with the letter C for type {myType}:"
            for index = 0 to myMembers.Length - 1 do
                printfn $"Member {index + 1}: {myMembers[index]}"
            printfn "No members match the search criteria."

let myClass = MyMemberSample()
| :? ArgumentNullException as e ->
    printfn "ArgumentNullException occurred."
    printfn $"Source: {e.Source}"
    printfn $"Message: {e.Message}"
| :? NotSupportedException as e ->
    printfn $"NotSupportedException occurred."
    printfn $"Source: {e.Source}"
    printfn $"Message: {e.Message}"
| :? SecurityException as e ->
    printfn "SecurityException occurred."
    printfn $"Source: {e.Source}"
    printfn $"Message: {e.Message}"
| e ->
    printfn "Exception occurred."
    printfn $"Source: {e.Source}"
    printfn $"Message: {e.Message}"

Imports System.Security
Imports System.Reflection

Public Class MyMemberSample

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim [myClass] As New MyMemberSample()
        Catch e As ArgumentNullException
            Console.WriteLine("ArgumentNullException occurred.")
            Console.WriteLine(("Source: " + e.Source))
            Console.WriteLine(("Message: " + e.Message))
        Catch e As NotSupportedException
            Console.WriteLine("NotSupportedException occurred.")
            Console.WriteLine(("Source: " + e.Source))
            Console.WriteLine(("Message: " + e.Message))
        Catch e As SecurityException
            Console.WriteLine("SecurityException occurred.")
            Console.WriteLine(("Source: " + e.Source))
            Console.WriteLine(("Message: " + e.Message))
        Catch e As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("Exception occurred.")
            Console.WriteLine(("Source: " + e.Source))
            Console.WriteLine(("Message: " + e.Message))
        End Try
    End Sub

    Public Sub GetMemberInfo()
        Dim myString As [String] = "GetMember_String"
        Dim myType As Type = myString.GetType()
        ' Get the members for myString starting with the letter C.
        Dim myMembers As MemberInfo() = myType.GetMember("C*")
        If myMembers.Length > 0 Then
            Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + "The member(s) starting with the letter C for type {0}:", myType)
            Dim index As Integer
            For index = 0 To myMembers.Length - 1
                Console.WriteLine("Member {0}: {1}", index + 1, myMembers(index).ToString())
            Next index
            Console.WriteLine("No members match the search criteria.")
        End If
    End Sub


The search for name is case-sensitive. The search includes public static and public instance members.

Members include properties, methods, fields, events, and so on.

In .NET 6 and earlier versions, the GetMember method does not return members in a particular order, such as alphabetical or declaration order. Your code must not depend on the order in which members are returned, because that order varies. However, starting with .NET 7, the ordering is deterministic based upon the metadata ordering in the assembly.

This method overload will not find class initializers (static constructor). To find class initializers, use an overload that takes BindingFlags, and specify BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic (BindingFlags.StaticOrBindingFlags.NonPublic in Visual Basic). You can also get the class initializer using the TypeInitializer property.

The following table shows what members of a base class are returned by the Get methods when reflecting on a type.

Member Type Static Non-Static
Constructor No No
Field No Yes. A field is always hide-by-name-and-signature.
Event Not applicable The common type system rule is that the inheritance is the same as that of the methods that implement the property. Reflection treats properties as hide-by-name-and-signature. See note 2 below.
Method No Yes. A method (both virtual and non-virtual) can be hide-by-name or hide-by-name-and-signature.
Nested Type No No
Property Not applicable The common type system rule is that the inheritance is the same as that of the methods that implement the property. Reflection treats properties as hide-by-name-and-signature. See note 2 below.
  1. Hide-by-name-and-signature considers all of the parts of the signature, including custom modifiers, return types, parameter types, sentinels, and unmanaged calling conventions. This is a binary comparison.

  2. For reflection, properties and events are hide-by-name-and-signature. If you have a property with both a get and a set accessor in the base class, but the derived class has only a get accessor, the derived class property hides the base class property, and you will not be able to access the setter on the base class.

  3. Custom attributes are not part of the common type system.

If the current Type represents a constructed generic type, this method returns the MemberInfo with the type parameters replaced by the appropriate type arguments.

If the current Type represents a type parameter in the definition of a generic type or generic method, this method searches the members of the class constraint, or the members of Object if there is no class constraint.


For generic methods, do not include the type arguments in name. For example, the C# code GetMember("MyMethod<int>") searches for a member with the text name "MyMethod<int>", rather than for a method named MyMethod that has one generic argument of type int.

See also

Applies to

GetMember(String, BindingFlags)


Searches for the specified members, using the specified binding constraints.

 virtual cli::array <System::Reflection::MemberInfo ^> ^ GetMember(System::String ^ name, System::Reflection::BindingFlags bindingAttr);
public virtual System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] GetMember (string name, System.Reflection.BindingFlags bindingAttr);
abstract member GetMember : string * System.Reflection.BindingFlags -> System.Reflection.MemberInfo[]
override this.GetMember : string * System.Reflection.BindingFlags -> System.Reflection.MemberInfo[]
Public Overridable Function GetMember (name As String, bindingAttr As BindingFlags) As MemberInfo()



The string containing the name of the members to get.


A bitwise combination of the enumeration values that specify how the search is conducted.


Default to return an empty array.


An array of MemberInfo objects representing the public members with the specified name, if found; otherwise, an empty array.



name is null.


The following example displays all the public static members of the myString class that start with the letter C.

void GetPublicStaticMemberInfo()
   String^ myString = "GetMember_String_BindingFlag";
   Type^ myType = myString->GetType();
   // Get the public static members for the class myString starting with the letter C
   array<MemberInfo^>^myMembers = myType->GetMember( "C*", static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::Public | BindingFlags::Static) );
   if ( myMembers->Length > 0 )
      Console::WriteLine( "\nThe public static member(s) starting with the letter C for type {0}:", myType );
      for ( int index = 0; index < myMembers->Length; index++ )
         Console::WriteLine( "Member {0}: {1}", index + 1, myMembers[ index ] );
      Console::WriteLine( "No members match the search criteria." );
public void GetPublicStaticMemberInfo()
    String myString = "GetMember_String_BindingFlag";
    Type myType = myString.GetType();
    // Get the public static members for the class myString starting with the letter C.
    MemberInfo[] myMembers = myType.GetMember("C*",
        BindingFlags.Public |BindingFlags.Static);
    if(myMembers.Length > 0)
        Console.WriteLine("\nThe public static member(s) starting with the letter C for type {0}:", myType);
        for(int index=0; index < myMembers.Length; index++)
            Console.WriteLine("Member {0}: {1}", index + 1, myMembers[index].ToString());
        Console.WriteLine("No members match the search criteria.");
member _.GetPublicStaticMemberInfo() =
    let myString = "GetMember_String_BindingFlag"
    let myType = myString.GetType()
    // Get the public static members for the class myString starting with the letter C.
    let myMembers = myType.GetMember("C*", BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Static)
    if myMembers.Length > 0 then
        printfn $"\nThe public static member(s) starting with the letter C for type {myType}:"
        for index = 0 to myMembers.Length - 1 do
            printfn $"Member {index + 1}: {myMembers[index]}"
        printfn "No members match the search criteria."
Public Sub GetPublicStaticMemberInfo()
    Dim myString As [String] = "GetMember_String_BindingFlag"

    Dim myType As Type = myString.GetType()
    ' Get the public static members for the class myString starting with the letter C.
    Dim myMembers As MemberInfo() = myType.GetMember("C*", BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Static)

    If myMembers.Length > 0 Then
        Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + "The public static member(s) starting with the letter C for type {0}:", myType)
        Dim index As Integer
        For index = 0 To myMembers.Length - 1
            Console.WriteLine("Member {0}: {1}", index + 1, myMembers(index).ToString())
        Next index
        Console.WriteLine("No members match the search criteria.")
    End If
End Sub


This method can be overridden by a derived class.

Members include properties, methods, fields, events, and so on.

In .NET 6 and earlier versions, the GetMember method does not return members in a particular order, such as alphabetical or declaration order. Your code must not depend on the order in which members are returned, because that order varies. However, starting with .NET 7, the ordering is deterministic based upon the metadata ordering in the assembly.

The following BindingFlags filter flags can be used to define which members to include in the search:

  • You must specify either BindingFlags.Instance or BindingFlags.Static in order to get a return.

  • Specify BindingFlags.Public to include public members in the search.

  • Specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to include non-public members (that is, private, internal, and protected members) in the search.

  • Specify BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy to include public and protected static members up the hierarchy; private static members in inherited classes are not included.

The following BindingFlags modifier flags can be used to change how the search works:

  • BindingFlags.IgnoreCase to ignore the case of name.

  • BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly to search only the members declared on the Type, not members that were simply inherited.

See System.Reflection.BindingFlags for more information.

To get the class initializer (static constructor) using this method overload, you must specify "static constructor" for name, and BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic (BindingFlags.StaticOrBindingFlags.NonPublic in Visual Basic) for bindingAttr. You can also get the class initializer using the TypeInitializer property.

If the current Type represents a constructed generic type, this method returns the MemberInfo with the type parameters replaced by the appropriate type arguments.

If the current Type represents a type parameter in the definition of a generic type or generic method, this method searches the members of the class constraint, or the members of Object if there is no class constraint.


For generic methods, do not include the type arguments in name. For example, the C# code GetMember("MyMethod<int>") searches for a member with the text name "MyMethod<int>", rather than for a method named MyMethod that has one generic argument of type int.

See also

Applies to

GetMember(String, MemberTypes, BindingFlags)


Searches for the specified members of the specified member type, using the specified binding constraints.

 virtual cli::array <System::Reflection::MemberInfo ^> ^ GetMember(System::String ^ name, System::Reflection::MemberTypes type, System::Reflection::BindingFlags bindingAttr);
public virtual System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] GetMember (string name, System.Reflection.MemberTypes type, System.Reflection.BindingFlags bindingAttr);
abstract member GetMember : string * System.Reflection.MemberTypes * System.Reflection.BindingFlags -> System.Reflection.MemberInfo[]
override this.GetMember : string * System.Reflection.MemberTypes * System.Reflection.BindingFlags -> System.Reflection.MemberInfo[]
Public Overridable Function GetMember (name As String, type As MemberTypes, bindingAttr As BindingFlags) As MemberInfo()



The string containing the name of the members to get.


The value to search for.


A bitwise combination of the enumeration values that specify how the search is conducted.


Default to return an empty array.


An array of MemberInfo objects representing the public members with the specified name, if found; otherwise, an empty array.



name is null.

A derived class must provide an implementation.


The following example displays all the methods of the myString class that start with the letter C.

void GetPublicInstanceMethodMemberInfo()
   String^ myString = "GetMember_String_MemberType_BindingFlag";
   Type^ myType = myString->GetType();
   // Get the public instance methods for myString starting with the letter C.
   array<MemberInfo^>^myMembers = myType->GetMember( "C*", MemberTypes::Method, static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::Public | BindingFlags::Instance) );
   if ( myMembers->Length > 0 )
      Console::WriteLine( "\nThe public instance method(s) starting with the letter C for type {0}:", myType );
      for ( int index = 0; index < myMembers->Length; index++ )
         Console::WriteLine( "Member {0}: {1}", index + 1, myMembers[ index ] );
      Console::WriteLine( "No members match the search criteria." );
    public void GetPublicInstanceMethodMemberInfo()
        String myString = "GetMember_String_MemberType_BindingFlag";
        Type myType = myString.GetType();
        // Get the public instance methods for myString starting with the letter C.
        MemberInfo[] myMembers = myType.GetMember("C*", MemberTypes.Method,
            BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
        if(myMembers.Length > 0)
            Console.WriteLine("\nThe public instance method(s) starting with the letter C for type {0}:", myType);
            for(int index=0; index < myMembers.Length; index++)
                Console.WriteLine("Member {0}: {1}", index + 1, myMembers[index].ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("No members match the search criteria.");
member _.GetPublicInstanceMethodMemberInfo() =
    let myString = "GetMember_String_MemberType_BindingFlag"
    let myType = myString.GetType()
    // Get the public instance methods for myString starting with the letter C.
    let myMembers = myType.GetMember("C*", MemberTypes.Method, BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Instance)
    if myMembers.Length > 0 then
        printfn $"\nThe public instance method(s) starting with the letter C for type {myType}:"
        for index = 0 to myMembers.Length - 1 do
            printfn $"Member {index + 1}: {myMembers[index]}"
        printfn "No members match the search criteria."
    Public Sub GetPublicInstanceMethodMemberInfo()
        Dim myString As [String] = "GetMember_String_MemberType_BindingFlag"

        Dim myType As Type = myString.GetType()
        ' Get the public instance methods for myString starting with the letter C.
        Dim myMembers As MemberInfo() = myType.GetMember("C*", MemberTypes.Method, BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Instance)
        If myMembers.Length > 0 Then
            Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + "The public instance method(s) starting with the letter C for type {0}:", myType)
            Dim index As Integer
            For index = 0 To myMembers.Length - 1
                Console.WriteLine("Member {0}: {1}", index + 1, myMembers(index).ToString())
            Next index
            Console.WriteLine("No members match the search criteria.")
        End If
    End Sub
End Class


Members include properties, methods, fields, events, and so on.

In .NET 6 and earlier versions, the GetMember method does not return members in a particular order, such as alphabetical or declaration order. Your code must not depend on the order in which members are returned, because that order varies. However, starting with .NET 7, the ordering is deterministic based upon the metadata ordering in the assembly.

The following BindingFlags filter flags can be used to define which members to include in the search:

  • You must specify either BindingFlags.Instance or BindingFlags.Static in order to get a return.

  • Specify BindingFlags.Public to include public members in the search.

  • Specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to include non-public members (that is, private, internal, and protected members) in the search.

  • Specify BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy to include public and protected static members up the hierarchy; private static members in inherited classes are not included.

The following BindingFlags modifier flags can be used to change how the search works:

  • BindingFlags.IgnoreCase to ignore the case of name.

  • BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly to search only the members declared on the Type, not members that were simply inherited.

See System.Reflection.BindingFlags for more information.

To get the class initializer (static constructor) using this method overload, you must specify "static constructor" for name, MemberTypes.Constructor for type, and BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic (BindingFlags.StaticOrBindingFlags.NonPublic in Visual Basic) for bindingAttr. You can also get the class initializer using the TypeInitializer property.

If the current Type represents a constructed generic type, this method returns the MemberInfo with the type parameters replaced by the appropriate type arguments.

If the current Type represents a type parameter in the definition of a generic type or generic method, this method searches the members of the class constraint, or the members of Object if there is no class constraint.


For generic methods, do not include the type arguments in name. For example, the C# code GetMember("MyMethod<int>") searches for a member with the text name "MyMethod<int>", rather than for a method named MyMethod that has one generic argument of type int.

See also

Applies to