Teilen über

SoapBodyBinding Klasse


Stellt ein Erweiterbarkeitselement dar, das einem InputBinding oder einem OutputBinding hinzugefügt wurde.

public ref class SoapBodyBinding : System::Web::Services::Description::ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension
[System.Web.Services.Configuration.XmlFormatExtension("body", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/", typeof(System.Web.Services.Description.InputBinding), typeof(System.Web.Services.Description.OutputBinding), typeof(System.Web.Services.Description.MimePart))]
public class SoapBodyBinding : System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension
[<System.Web.Services.Configuration.XmlFormatExtension("body", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/", typeof(System.Web.Services.Description.InputBinding), typeof(System.Web.Services.Description.OutputBinding), typeof(System.Web.Services.Description.MimePart))>]
type SoapBodyBinding = class
    inherit ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension
Public Class SoapBodyBinding
Inherits ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension


#using <System.Xml.dll>
#using <System.Web.Services.dll>
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Web::Services::Description;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Xml;
int main()
   ServiceDescription^ myDescription = ServiceDescription::Read( "AddNumbersInput_cs.wsdl" );

   // Create a 'Binding' object for the 'SOAP' protocol.
   Binding^ myBinding = gcnew Binding;
   myBinding->Name = "Service1Soap";
   XmlQualifiedName^ qualifiedName = gcnew XmlQualifiedName( "s0:Service1Soap" );
   myBinding->Type = qualifiedName;

   SoapBinding^ mySoapBinding = gcnew SoapBinding;
   mySoapBinding->Transport = SoapBinding::HttpTransport;
   mySoapBinding->Style = SoapBindingStyle::Document;

   // Add the 'SoapBinding' object to the 'Binding' object.
   myBinding->Extensions->Add( mySoapBinding );

   // Create the 'OperationBinding' object for the 'SOAP' protocol.
   OperationBinding^ myOperationBinding = gcnew OperationBinding;
   myOperationBinding->Name = "AddNumbers";

   // Create the 'SoapOperationBinding' object for the 'SOAP' protocol.
   SoapOperationBinding^ mySoapOperationBinding = gcnew SoapOperationBinding;
   mySoapOperationBinding->SoapAction = "http://tempuri.org/AddNumbers";
   mySoapOperationBinding->Style = SoapBindingStyle::Document;

   // Add the 'SoapOperationBinding' object to 'OperationBinding' object.
   myOperationBinding->Extensions->Add( mySoapOperationBinding );

   // Create the 'InputBinding' object for the 'SOAP' protocol.
   InputBinding^ myInput = gcnew InputBinding;
   SoapBodyBinding^ mySoapBinding1 = gcnew SoapBodyBinding;
   mySoapBinding1->Use = SoapBindingUse::Literal;
   myInput->Extensions->Add( mySoapBinding1 );

   // Assign the 'InputBinding' to 'OperationBinding'.
   myOperationBinding->Input = myInput;

   // Create the 'OutputBinding' object' for the 'SOAP' protocol..
   OutputBinding^ myOutput = gcnew OutputBinding;
   myOutput->Extensions->Add( mySoapBinding1 );

   // Assign the 'OutPutBinding' to 'OperationBinding'.
   myOperationBinding->Output = myOutput;

   // Add the 'OperationBinding' to 'Binding'.
   myBinding->Operations->Add( myOperationBinding );

   // Add the 'Binding' to 'BindingCollection' of 'ServiceDescription'.
   myDescription->Bindings->Add( myBinding );
   Port^ soapPort = gcnew Port;
   soapPort->Name = "Service1Soap";
   soapPort->Binding = gcnew XmlQualifiedName( "s0:Service1Soap" );

   // Create a 'SoapAddressBinding' object for the 'SOAP' protocol.
   SoapAddressBinding^ mySoapAddressBinding = gcnew SoapAddressBinding;
   mySoapAddressBinding->Location = "http://localhost/AddNumbers.cs.asmx";

   // Add the 'SoapAddressBinding' to the 'Port'.
   soapPort->Extensions->Add( mySoapAddressBinding );

   // Add the 'Port' to 'PortCollection' of 'ServiceDescription'.
   myDescription->Services[ 0 ]->Ports->Add( soapPort );

   // Write the 'ServiceDescription' as a WSDL file.
   myDescription->Write( "AddNumbersOut_cs.wsdl" );
   Console::WriteLine( " 'AddNumbersOut_cs.Wsdl' file was generated" );

using System;
using System.Web.Services.Description;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml;

   class MySoapClass
      public static void Main()
         ServiceDescription myDescription =
         // Create a 'Binding' object for the 'SOAP' protocol.
         Binding myBinding = new Binding();
         myBinding.Name = "Service1Soap";
         XmlQualifiedName qualifiedName =
                     new XmlQualifiedName("s0:Service1Soap");
         myBinding.Type = qualifiedName;

         SoapBinding mySoapBinding = new SoapBinding();
         mySoapBinding.Transport = SoapBinding.HttpTransport;
         mySoapBinding.Style = SoapBindingStyle.Document;
         // Add the 'SoapBinding' object to the 'Binding' object.

         // Create the 'OperationBinding' object for the 'SOAP' protocol.
         OperationBinding myOperationBinding = new OperationBinding();
         myOperationBinding.Name = "AddNumbers";

         // Create the 'SoapOperationBinding' object for the 'SOAP' protocol.
         SoapOperationBinding mySoapOperationBinding =
                                          new SoapOperationBinding();
         mySoapOperationBinding.SoapAction  = "http://tempuri.org/AddNumbers";
         mySoapOperationBinding.Style = SoapBindingStyle.Document;
         // Add the 'SoapOperationBinding' object to 'OperationBinding' object.

         // Create the 'InputBinding' object for the 'SOAP' protocol.
         InputBinding myInput = new InputBinding();
         SoapBodyBinding mySoapBinding1 = new SoapBodyBinding();
         mySoapBinding1.Use= SoapBindingUse.Literal;
         // Assign the 'InputBinding' to 'OperationBinding'.
         myOperationBinding.Input = myInput;
         // Create the 'OutputBinding' object' for the 'SOAP' protocol..
         OutputBinding myOutput = new OutputBinding();
          // Assign the 'OutPutBinding' to 'OperationBinding'.
         myOperationBinding.Output = myOutput;

         // Add the 'OperationBinding' to 'Binding'.

          // Add the 'Binding' to 'BindingCollection' of 'ServiceDescription'.

         Port soapPort = new Port();
         soapPort.Name = "Service1Soap";
         soapPort.Binding = new XmlQualifiedName("s0:Service1Soap");

         // Create a 'SoapAddressBinding' object for the 'SOAP' protocol.
         SoapAddressBinding mySoapAddressBinding =
                                       new SoapAddressBinding();
         mySoapAddressBinding.Location = "http://localhost/AddNumbers.cs.asmx";

         // Add the 'SoapAddressBinding' to the 'Port'.

         // Add the 'Port' to 'PortCollection' of 'ServiceDescription'.

         // Write the 'ServiceDescription' as a WSDL file.
         Console.WriteLine(" 'AddNumbersOut_cs.Wsdl' file was generated");
Imports System.Web.Services.Description
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Xml

Class MySoapClass
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim myDescription As ServiceDescription = _
      ' Create a 'Binding' object for the 'SOAP' protocol.
      Dim myBinding As New Binding()
      myBinding.Name = "Service1Soap"
      Dim qualifiedName As New XmlQualifiedName("s0:Service1Soap")
      myBinding.Type = qualifiedName

      Dim mySoapBinding As New SoapBinding()
      mySoapBinding.Transport = SoapBinding.HttpTransport
      mySoapBinding.Style = SoapBindingStyle.Document

      ' Add the 'SoapBinding' object to the 'Binding' object.

      ' Create the 'OperationBinding' object for the 'SOAP' protocol.
      Dim myOperationBinding As New OperationBinding()
      myOperationBinding.Name = "AddNumbers"

      ' Create the 'SoapOperationBinding' object for the 'SOAP' protocol.
      Dim mySoapOperationBinding As New SoapOperationBinding()
      mySoapOperationBinding.SoapAction = "http://tempuri.org/AddNumbers"
      mySoapOperationBinding.Style = SoapBindingStyle.Document
      ' Add the 'SoapOperationBinding' object to 'OperationBinding' object.

      ' Create the 'InputBinding' object for the 'SOAP' protocol.
      Dim myInput As New InputBinding()
      Dim mySoapBinding1 As New SoapBodyBinding()
      mySoapBinding1.Use = SoapBindingUse.Literal
      ' Assign the 'InputBinding' to 'OperationBinding'.
      myOperationBinding.Input = myInput
      ' Create the 'OutputBinding' object' for the 'SOAP' protocol.
      Dim myOutput As New OutputBinding()
      ' Assign the 'OutPutBinding' to 'OperationBinding'.
      myOperationBinding.Output = myOutput

      ' Add the 'OperationBinding' to 'Binding'.

      ' Add the 'Binding' to 'BindingCollection' of 'ServiceDescription'.

      Dim soapPort As New Port()
      soapPort.Name = "Service1Soap"
      soapPort.Binding = New XmlQualifiedName("s0:Service1Soap")

      ' Create a 'SoapAddressBinding' object for the 'SOAP' protocol.
      Dim mySoapAddressBinding As New SoapAddressBinding()
      mySoapAddressBinding.Location = "http://localhost/AddNumbers.vb.asmx"

      ' Add the 'SoapAddressBinding' to the 'Port'.

      ' Add the 'Port' to 'PortCollection' of 'ServiceDescription'.

      ' Write the 'ServiceDescription' as a WSDL file.
      Console.WriteLine(" 'AddNumbersOut_vb.Wsdl' file was generated")
   End Sub
End Class


Diese Klasse gibt an, wie Nachrichten, entweder abstrakte Typdefinitionen oder konkrete Schemadefinitionen, innerhalb des SOAP-Textelements der Übertragung angezeigt werden.

Weitere Informationen zum Angeben von Protokollen für XML-Webdienste finden Sie unter XML-Webdienste mit ASP.NET. Weitere Informationen zur Web Services Description Language (WSDL) finden Sie in der WSDL-Spezifikation .



Initialisiert eine neue Instanz der SoapBodyBinding-Klasse.



Ruft eine Zeichenfolge ab, die eine durch Leerzeichen getrennte Liste von URIs enthält, oder legt diese fest. Die URIs stellen die Art oder Arten der Codierung dar, die für die Codierung von Meldungen im SOAP-body verwendet werden sollen.


Ruft einen Wert ab oder legt einen Wert fest, der angibt, ob die ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension durch den Importprozess verwendet wird, wenn das Erweiterbarkeitselement importiert wird.

(Geerbt von ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension)

Ruft den URI ab, der den Speicherort der Spezifikationen der Inhaltscodierung darstellt, die nicht ausdrücklich durch die Encoding-Eigenschaft festgelegt sind, oder legt diesen fest.


Ruft das übergeordnete Element von ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension ab.

(Geerbt von ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension)

Ruft einen Wert ab, der angibt, welche Teile der übertragenen Meldung sich im SOAP-Body-Teil der Übertragung befinden, oder legt diesen fest.


Ruft einen Wert ab, der angibt, welche Teile der übertragenen Meldung sich im SOAP-Body-Teil der Übertragung befinden, oder legt diesen fest.


Ruft einen Wert ab, der angibt, ob die ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension für den Vorgang erforderlich ist, auf den sie verweist.

(Geerbt von ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension)

Gibt an, ob die Teile der Meldung mit angegebenen Codierungsregeln codiert werden, oder definiert das konkrete Schema der Meldung.



Bestimmt, ob das angegebene Objekt gleich dem aktuellen Objekt ist.

(Geerbt von Object)

Fungiert als Standardhashfunktion.

(Geerbt von Object)

Ruft den Type der aktuellen Instanz ab.

(Geerbt von Object)

Erstellt eine flache Kopie des aktuellen Object.

(Geerbt von Object)

Gibt eine Zeichenfolge zurück, die das aktuelle Objekt darstellt.

(Geerbt von Object)

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