Teilen über

SiteMapNodeItem.ItemIndex Eigenschaft


Ruft den Index ab, den das SiteMapPath-Steuerelement zum Verfolgen und Verwalten des SiteMapNodeItem in seinen internen Auflistungen verwendet.

 virtual property int ItemIndex { int get(); };
public virtual int ItemIndex { get; }
member this.ItemIndex : int
Public Overridable ReadOnly Property ItemIndex As Integer


Eine ganze Zahl, die den Speicherort des SiteMapNodeItem in den internen Auflistungen des SiteMapPath-Steuerelements darstellt.


Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie Die ItemIndex Eigenschaft abgerufen und zum Erstellen eines Pfadtrennzeichens SiteMapNodeItem verwendet wird. PathSeparator Knotenelemente werden mit demselben Index wie der vorherige Knoten erstellt. Dieses Codebeispiel ist Teil eines größeren Beispiels, das für die SiteMapPath-Klasse bereitgestellt wird.

private void AddDropDownListAfterCurrentNode(SiteMapNodeItem item) {

    SiteMapNodeCollection childNodes = item.SiteMapNode.ChildNodes;

    // Only do this work if there are child nodes.
    if (childNodes != null) {

        // Add another PathSeparator after the CurrentNode.
        SiteMapNodeItem finalSeparator =
            new SiteMapNodeItem(item.ItemIndex,

        SiteMapNodeItemEventArgs eventArgs =
            new SiteMapNodeItemEventArgs(finalSeparator);

        // Call OnItemCreated every time a SiteMapNodeItem is
        // created and initialized.

        // The pathSeparator does not bind to any SiteMapNode, so
        // do not call DataBind on the SiteMapNodeItem.

        // Create a DropDownList and populate it with the children of the
        // CurrentNode. There are no styles or templates that are applied
        // to the DropDownList control. If OnSelectedIndexChanged is raised,
        // the event handler redirects to the page selected.
        // The CurrentNode has child nodes.
        DropDownList ddList = new DropDownList();
        ddList.AutoPostBack = true;

        ddList.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(this.DropDownNavPathEventHandler);

        // Add a ListItem to the DropDownList for every node in the
        // SiteMapNodes collection.
        foreach (SiteMapNode node in childNodes) {
            ddList.Items.Add(new ListItem(node.Title, node.Url));

Private Sub AddDropDownListAfterCurrentNode(item As SiteMapNodeItem)

   Dim childNodes As SiteMapNodeCollection = item.SiteMapNode.ChildNodes

   ' Only do this work if there are child nodes.
   If Not (childNodes Is Nothing) Then

      ' Add another PathSeparator after the CurrentNode.
      Dim finalSeparator As New SiteMapNodeItem(item.ItemIndex, SiteMapNodeItemType.PathSeparator)

      Dim eventArgs As New SiteMapNodeItemEventArgs(finalSeparator)

      ' Call OnItemCreated every time a SiteMapNodeItem is
      ' created and initialized.

      ' The pathSeparator does not bind to any SiteMapNode, so
      ' do not call DataBind on the SiteMapNodeItem.

      ' Create a DropDownList and populate it with the children of the
      ' CurrentNode. There are no styles or templates that are applied
      ' to the DropDownList control. If OnSelectedIndexChanged is raised,
      ' the event handler redirects to the page selected.
      ' The CurrentNode has child nodes.
      Dim ddList As New DropDownList()
      ddList.AutoPostBack = True

      AddHandler ddList.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf Me.DropDownNavPathEventHandler

      ' Add a ListItem to the DropDownList for every node in the
      ' SiteMapNodes collection.
      Dim node As SiteMapNode
      For Each node In  childNodes
         ddList.Items.Add(New ListItem(node.Title, node.Url))
      Next node

   End If
End Sub

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