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EditingCommands Class


Provides a standard set of editing related commands.

public ref class EditingCommands abstract sealed
public static class EditingCommands
type EditingCommands = class
Public Class EditingCommands


The following example demonstrates how to invoke an editing command on an object that supports the command.

For this example, a RichTextBox serves as the command target. Note that RichTextBox implements the IInputElement interface (inherited from FrameworkElement), and that it includes native support for many editing commands.

The first argument for the Execute method is a command parameter. Most editing commands ignore the command parameter; in general, this parameter should be null for editing commands.

The second argument specifies the object to which the command will be routed. This object must implement the IInputElement interface, and should include a handler for the specified command. Generally, a command is ignored when invoked on an object that does not handle the command.

RichTextBox rTB = new RichTextBox();

EditingCommands.ToggleInsert.Execute(null, rTB);
Dim rTB As New RichTextBox()

EditingCommands.ToggleInsert.Execute(Nothing, rTB)


The following table shows the editing commands and the associated default key gestures (with key names from the Key and ModifierKeys enumerations).

Editing command Default key gesture
AlignCenter Ctrl+E
AlignJustify Ctrl+J
AlignLeft Ctrl+L
AlignRight Ctrl+R
Backspace Backspace
CorrectSpellingError no default key gesture
DecreaseFontSize Ctrl+OemOpenBrackets
DecreaseIndentation Ctrl+Shift+T
Delete Delete
DeleteNextWord Ctrl+Delete
DeletePreviousWord Ctrl+Backspace
EnterLineBreak Shift+Enter
EnterParagraphBreak Enter
IgnoreSpellingError no default key gesture
IncreaseFontSize Ctrl+OemCloseBrackets
IncreaseIndentation Ctrl+T
MoveDownByLine Down
MoveDownByPage PageDown
MoveDownByParagraph Ctrl+Down
MoveLeftByCharacter Left
MoveLeftByWord Ctrl+Left
MoveRightByCharacter Right
MoveRightByWord Ctrl+Right
MoveToDocumentEnd Ctrl+End
MoveToDocumentStart Ctrl+Home
MoveToLineEnd End
MoveToLineStart Home
MoveUpByLine Up
MoveUpByPage PageUp
MoveUpByParagraph Ctrl+Up
SelectDownByLine Shift+Down
SelectDownByPage Shift+PageDown
SelectDownByParagraph Ctrl+Shift+Down
SelectLeftByCharacter Shift+Left
SelectLeftByWord Ctrl+Shift+Left
SelectRightByCharacter Shift+Right
SelectRightByWord Ctrl+Shift+Right
SelectToDocumentEnd Ctrl+Shift+End
SelectToDocumentStart Ctrl+Shift+Home
SelectToLineEnd Shift+End
SelectToLineStart Shift+Home
SelectUpByLine Shift+Up
SelectUpByPage Shift+PageUp
SelectUpByParagraph Ctrl+Shift+Up
TabBackward Shift+Tab
TabForward Tab
ToggleBold Ctrl+B
ToggleBullets Ctrl+Shift+L
ToggleInsert Insert
ToggleItalic Ctrl+I
ToggleNumbering Ctrl+Shift+N
ToggleSubscript Ctrl+OemPlus
ToggleSuperscript Ctrl+Shift+OemPlus
ToggleUnderline Ctrl+U

Caret movement commands and selection expanding commands share a common set of default key gestures, the general difference being the addition of the Shift key to differentiate selection commands from caret movement commands. For example, the MoveLeftByCharacter command has a default key gesture of Left, and the corresponding SelectLeftByCharacter command has a default key gesture of Shift+Left.

In general, the command definitions provided by the EditingCommands class do not make use of command parameters (the parameter parameter expected by the Execute method).

For more information on commands and commanding, see Input Overview.



Represents the AlignCenter command, which requests that the current paragraph or a selection of paragraphs be centered.


Represents the AlignJustify command, which requests that the current paragraph or a selection of paragraphs be justified.


Represents the AlignLeft command, which requests that a selection of content be aligned left.


Represents the AlignRight command, which requests that a selection of content be aligned right.


Represents the Backspace command, which requests that a backspace be entered at the current position or over the current selection.


Represents the CorrectSpellingError command, which requests that any misspelled word at the current position be corrected.


Represents the DecreaseFontSize command, which requests that the font size for the current selection be decreased by 1 point.


Represents the DecreaseIndentation command, which requests that indentation for the current paragraph be decreased by one tab stop.


Represents the Delete command, which requests that the current selection be deleted.


Represents the DeleteNextWord command, which requests that the next word (relative to a current position) be deleted.


Represents the DeletePreviousWord command, which requests that the previous word (relative to a current position) be deleted.


Represents the EnterLineBreak command, which requests that a line break be inserted at the current position or over the current selection.


Represents the EnterParagraphBreak command, which requests that a paragraph break be inserted at the current position or over the current selection.


Represents the IgnoreSpellingError command, which requests that any instances of misspelled words at the current position or in the current selection be ignored.


Represents the IncreaseFontSize command, which requests that the font size for the current selection be increased by 1 point.


Represents the IncreaseIndentation command, which requests that indentation for the current paragraph be increased by one tab stop.


Represents the MoveDownByLine command, which requests that the caret move down by one line.


Represents the MoveDownByPage command, which requests that the caret move down by one page.


Represents the MoveDownByParagraph command, which requests that the caret move down by one paragraph.


Represents the MoveLeftByCharacter command, which requests that the caret move one character left.


Represents the MoveLeftByWord command, which requests that the caret move one word left.


Represents the MoveRightByCharacter command, which requests that the caret move one character right.


Represents the MoveRightByWord command, which requests that the caret move right by one word.


Represents the MoveToDocumentEnd command, which requests that the caret move to the very end of content.


Represents the MoveToDocumentStart command, which requests that the caret move to the very beginning of content.


Represents the MoveToLineEnd command, which requests that the caret move to the end of the current line.


Represents the MoveToLineStart command, which requests that the caret move to the beginning of the current line.


Represents the MoveUpByLine command, which requests that the caret move up by one line.


Represents the MoveUpByPage command, which requests that the caret move up by one page.


Represents the MoveUpByParagraph command, which requests that the caret move up by one paragraph.


Represents the SelectDownByLine command, which requests that the current selection be expanded down by one line.


Represents the SelectDownByPage command, which requests that the current selection be expanded down by one page.


Represents the SelectDownByParagraph command, which requests that the current selection be expanded down by one paragraph.


Represents the SelectLeftByCharacter command, which requests that the current selection be expanded left by one character.


Represents the SelectLeftByWord command, which requests that the current selection be expanded left by one word.


Represents the SelectRightByCharacter command, which requests that the current selection be expanded right by one character.


Represents the SelectRightByWord command, which requests that the current selection be expanded right by one word.


Represents the SelectToDocumentEnd command, which requests that the current selection be expanded to the very end of content.


Represents the SelectToDocumentStart command, which requests that the current selection be expanded to the very beginning of content.


Represents the SelectToLineEnd command, which requests that the current selection be expanded to the end of the current line.


Represents the SelectToLineStart command, which requests that the current selection be expanded to the beginning of the current line.


Represents the SelectUpByLine command, which requests that the current selection be expanded up by one line.


Represents the SelectUpByPage command, which requests that the current selection be expanded up by one page.


Represents the SelectUpByParagraph command, which requests that the current selection be expanded up by one paragraph.


Represents the TabBackward command.


Represents the TabForward command.


Represents the ToggleBold command, which requests that Bold formatting be toggled on the current selection.


Represents the ToggleBullets command, which requests that unordered list (also referred to as bulleted list) formatting be toggled on the current selection.


Represents the ToggleInsert command, which toggles the typing mode between Insert and Overtype.


Represents the ToggleItalic command, which requests that Italic formatting be toggled on the current selection.


Represents the ToggleNumbering command, which requests that ordered list (also referred to as numbered list) formatting be toggled on the current selection.


Represents the ToggleSubscript command, which requests that subscript formatting be toggled on the current selection.


Represents the ToggleSuperscript command, which requests that superscript formatting be toggled on the current selection.


Represents the ToggleUnderline command, which requests that Underline formatting be toggled on the current selection.

Applies to

See also