Teilen über

DataGridTableStyle.MappingName Eigenschaft


Ruft den Namen ab, mit dem diese Tabelle einer bestimmten Datenquelle zugeordnet wird, oder legt diesen fest.

 property System::String ^ MappingName { System::String ^ get(); void set(System::String ^ value); };
public string MappingName { get; set; }
member this.MappingName : string with get, set
Public Property MappingName As String


Der Name, mit dem diese Tabelle einer bestimmten Datenquelle zugeordnet wird.


Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird ein Array von Widget -Objekten erstellt und ein System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid -Steuerelement an das Array gebunden. Der Code erstellt dann eine DataGridTableStyle und legt den MappingName auf den Namen der Klasse plus Klammern fest.

    void BindToArray()
        // Create an array of Machine objects (defined below).
        array<Machine^>^ Machines = gcnew array<Machine^>(3);
        Machine^ tempMachine;

        tempMachine = gcnew Machine();
        tempMachine->Model = "AAA";
        tempMachine->Id = "A100";
        tempMachine->Price = Convert::ToDecimal(3.80);
        Machines[0] = tempMachine;

        // The first Machine includes an array of Part objects.
        Part^ p1 = gcnew Part();
        p1->PartId = "PartX";
        Part^ p2 = gcnew Part();
        p2->PartId = "PartY";

        // Note that the Machines.Parts property returns an ArrayList.
        // Add the parts to the ArrayList using the AddRange method.
        tempMachine->Parts->AddRange(gcnew array<Part^> {p1, p2}); 

        tempMachine = gcnew Machine();
        tempMachine->Model = "BBB";
        tempMachine->Id = "B100";
        tempMachine->Price = Convert::ToDecimal(1.52);
        Machines[1] = tempMachine;

        tempMachine = gcnew Machine();
        tempMachine->Id = "CCC";
        tempMachine->Model = "B100";
        tempMachine->Price = Convert::ToDecimal(2.14);
        Machines[2] = tempMachine;

        bindedDataGrid->SetDataBinding(Machines, "");

    void CreateTableStyle()
        // Creates two DataGridTableStyle objects, one for the Machine
        // array, and one for the Parts ArrayList.

        DataGridTableStyle^ machineTable = gcnew DataGridTableStyle();
        // Sets the MappingName to the class name plus brackets.
        machineTable->MappingName = "Machine[]";

        // Sets the AlternatingBackColor so you can see the difference.
        machineTable->AlternatingBackColor = 

        // Creates three column styles.
        DataGridTextBoxColumn^ modelColumn = gcnew DataGridTextBoxColumn();
        modelColumn->MappingName = "Model";
        modelColumn->HeaderText = "Model";

        DataGridTextBoxColumn^ idColumn = gcnew DataGridTextBoxColumn();
        idColumn->MappingName = "Id";
        idColumn->HeaderText = "Id";

        DataGridTextBoxColumn^ priceColumn = gcnew DataGridTextBoxColumn();
        priceColumn->MappingName = "Price";
        priceColumn->HeaderText = "Price";
        priceColumn->Format = "c";

        // Adds the column styles to the grid table style.

        // Add the table style to the collection, but clear the
        // collection first.

        // Create another table style, one for the related data.
        DataGridTableStyle^ partsTable = gcnew DataGridTableStyle();
        // Set the MappingName to an ArrayList. Note that you need not
        // include brackets.
        partsTable->MappingName = "ArrayList";
        DataGridTextBoxColumn^ partIdColumn = 
            gcnew DataGridTextBoxColumn();
        partIdColumn->MappingName = "PartID";
        partIdColumn->HeaderText = "Part ID";

    ref class Machine
        String^ machineModel;
        String^ machineID;
        Decimal machinePrice;

        // Use an ArrayList to create a related collection.
        ArrayList^ machineParts;

            machineParts = gcnew ArrayList; 

        property String^ Model
            String^ get()
                return machineModel;
            void set(String^ value)
                machineModel = value;

        property String^ Id
            String^ get()
                return machineID;
            void set(String^ value)
                machineID = value;

        property ArrayList^ Parts
            ArrayList^ get()
                return machineParts;
            void set(ArrayList^ value)
                machineParts = value;

        property Decimal Price
            Decimal get()
                return machinePrice;
            void set(Decimal value)
                machinePrice = value;

    ref class Part
        String^ partId;

        property String^ PartId
            String^ get()
                return partId;
            void set(String^ value)
                partId = value;

    private void BindToArray()
        // Create an array of Machine objects (defined below).
        Machine[] Machines = new Machine[3];
        Machine tempMachine;

        tempMachine= new Machine();
        tempMachine.Model = "AAA";
        tempMachine.Id= "A100";
        tempMachine.Price= Convert.ToDecimal(3.80);

        // The first Machine includes an array of Part objects.
        Part p1 = new Part();
        p1.PartId= "PartX";
        Part p2 = new Part();
        p2.PartId= "PartY";

        // Note that the Machines.Parts property returns an ArrayList.
        // Add the parts to the ArrayList using the AddRange method.
        tempMachine.Parts.AddRange (new Part[]{p1, p2});;

        tempMachine= new Machine();
        tempMachine.Model = "BBB";
        tempMachine.Id= "B100";
        tempMachine.Price= Convert.ToDecimal(1.52);

        tempMachine= new Machine();
        tempMachine.Id= "CCC";
        tempMachine.Model = "B100";
        tempMachine.Price= Convert.ToDecimal(2.14);

        dataGrid1.SetDataBinding(Machines, "");

    private void CreateTableStyle()
        // Creates two DataGridTableStyle objects, one for the Machine
        // array, and one for the Parts ArrayList.

        DataGridTableStyle MachineTable = new DataGridTableStyle();
        // Sets the MappingName to the class name plus brackets.    
        MachineTable.MappingName= "Machine[]";

        // Sets the AlternatingBackColor so you can see the difference.
        MachineTable.AlternatingBackColor= System.Drawing.Color.LightBlue;

        // Creates three column styles.
        DataGridTextBoxColumn modelColumn = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
        modelColumn.MappingName= "Model";
        modelColumn.HeaderText= "Model";

        DataGridTextBoxColumn IdColumn = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
        IdColumn.MappingName= "Id";
        IdColumn.HeaderText= "Id";

        DataGridTextBoxColumn priceColumn = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
        priceColumn.MappingName= "Price";
        priceColumn.HeaderText= "Price";
        priceColumn.Format = "c";

        // Adds the column styles to the grid table style.

        // Add the table style to the collection, but clear the 
        // collection first.

        // Create another table style, one for the related data.
        DataGridTableStyle partsTable = new DataGridTableStyle();
        // Set the MappingName to an ArrayList. Note that you need not 
        // include brackets.
        partsTable.MappingName= "ArrayList";
        DataGridTextBoxColumn partIdColumn = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
        partIdColumn.MappingName= "PartID";
        partIdColumn.HeaderText = "Part ID";

    public class Machine
        private string model;
        private string id;
        private decimal price;

        // Use an ArrayList to create a related collection.
        private ArrayList parts = new ArrayList();
        public string Model
            get{return model;}
        public string Id
            get{return id;}
            set{id = value;}
        public ArrayList Parts
            get{return parts;}
            set{parts = value;}

        public decimal Price
            get{return price;}
            set{price = value;}

    public class Part
        private string partId;
        public string PartId
            get{return partId;}
            set{partId = value;}
Sub BindToArray()
    ' Creates an array of Widget objects (defined below).
    Dim Widgets(2) As Widget
    Dim tempWidget As Widget

    tempWidget = New Widget()
    tempWidget.Model = "AAA"
    tempWidget.Id = "A100"
    tempWidget.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(3.8)
    Widgets(0) = tempWidget

    ' The first Widget includes an array of Part objects.
    Dim p1 As New Part()
    p1.PartId = "PartX"
    Dim p2 As New Part()
    p2.PartId = "PartY"

    ' Note that the Widgets.Parts property returns an ArrayList.
    ' Add the parts to the ArrayList using the AddRange method.
    tempWidget.Parts.AddRange(New Part() {p1, p2})

    tempWidget = New Widget()
    tempWidget.Model = "BBB"
    tempWidget.Id = "B100"
    tempWidget.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(1.52)
    Widgets(1) = tempWidget

    tempWidget = New Widget()
    tempWidget.Id = "CCC"
    tempWidget.Model = "B100"
    tempWidget.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(2.14)
    Widgets(2) = tempWidget

    DataGrid1.SetDataBinding(Widgets, "")
End Sub

Private Sub CreateTableStyle()
    ' Creates two DataGridTableStyle objects, one for the Widget
    ' array, and one for the Parts ArrayList.
    Dim widgetTable As New DataGridTableStyle()
    ' Sets the MappingName to the class name plus brackets.    
    widgetTable.MappingName = "Widget[]"

    ' Sets the AlternatingBackColor so you can see the difference.
    widgetTable.AlternatingBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightBlue

    ' Creates three column styles.
    Dim modelColumn As New DataGridTextBoxColumn()
    modelColumn.MappingName = "Model"
    modelColumn.HeaderText = "Model"

    Dim IdColumn As New DataGridTextBoxColumn()
    IdColumn.MappingName = "Id"
    IdColumn.HeaderText = "Id"

    Dim priceColumn As New DataGridTextBoxColumn()
    priceColumn.MappingName = "Price"
    priceColumn.HeaderText = "Price"
    priceColumn.Format = "c"

    ' Adds the column styles to the grid table style.

    ' Add the table style to the collection, but clear the 
    ' collection first.

    ' Create another table style, one for the related data.
    Dim partsTable As New DataGridTableStyle()
    ' Set the MappingName to an ArrayList. Note that you need not 
    ' include brackets.
    partsTable.MappingName = "ArrayList"
    Dim partIdColumn As New DataGridTextBoxColumn()
    partIdColumn.MappingName = "PartID"
    partIdColumn.HeaderText = "Part ID"

End Sub

Public Class Widget
    Private myModel As String
    Private myId As String
    Private myPrice As Decimal

    ' Use an ArrayList to create a related collection.
    Private myParts As New ArrayList()

    Public Property Model() As String
            Return myModel
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As String)
            myModel = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property Id() As String
            Return myId
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As String)
            myId = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property Parts() As ArrayList
            Return myParts
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As ArrayList)
            myParts = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property Price() As Decimal
            Return myPrice
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As Decimal)
            myPrice = Value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

Public Class Part
    Private myPartId As String

    Public Property PartId() As String
            Return myPartId
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As String)
            myPartId = Value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class


Um die DataGrid an ein stark typisiertes Array von Objekten zu binden, muss der Objekttyp öffentliche Eigenschaften enthalten. Um ein DataGridTableStyle zu erstellen, das das Array anzeigt, legen Sie die DataGridTableStyle.MappingName -Eigenschaft auf typename fest, wobei typename durch den Namen des Objekttyps ersetzt wird. Beachten Sie auch, dass bei der MappingName Eigenschaft die Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachtet wird. Der Typname muss genau übereinstimmen. Ein Beispiel finden Sie in der MappingName -Eigenschaft.

Sie können den DataGrid auch an einen ArrayListbinden. Ein Feature von ArrayList ist, dass es Objekte mehrerer Typen enthalten kann, aber das DataGrid kann nur dann an eine solche Liste gebunden werden, wenn alle Elemente in der Liste denselben Typ wie das erste Element aufweisen. Dies bedeutet, dass alle Objekte entweder vom gleichen Typ sein müssen, oder sie müssen von derselben Klasse wie das erste Element in der Liste erben. Wenn das erste Element in einer Liste beispielsweise ein Controlist, könnte das zweite Element ein TextBox sein (das von Controlerbt). Wenn das erste Element dagegen ein TextBoxist, kann das zweite Objekt kein sein Control. Darüber hinaus muss der ArrayList Elemente enthalten, wenn es gebunden ist. Ein leeres ArrayList Raster führt zu einem leeren Raster. Legen Sie MappingNameDataGridTableStyle beim Binden an einen ArrayListder auf "ArrayList" (den Typnamen) fest.

Der Standardwert ist der Name der Liste, die von für CurrencyManager dieses Raster verwaltet wird. Der CurrencyManager für wird DataGridTableStyle mithilfe des DataGridTableStyle -Konstruktors festgelegt.

Das MappingNameChanged Ereignis tritt auf, wenn sich der MappingName Wert ändert.

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