Teilen über

ListBox.MeasureItem Ereignis


Tritt ein, wenn eine Ownerdrawn-ListBox erstellt und die Größe der einzelnen Listenelemente bestimmt wird.

 event System::Windows::Forms::MeasureItemEventHandler ^ MeasureItem;
public event System.Windows.Forms.MeasureItemEventHandler MeasureItem;
public event System.Windows.Forms.MeasureItemEventHandler? MeasureItem;
member this.MeasureItem : System.Windows.Forms.MeasureItemEventHandler 
Public Custom Event MeasureItem As MeasureItemEventHandler 



Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird ein Besitzer gezeichnet ListBox , indem die DrawMode Eigenschaft auf OwnerDrawVariable festgelegt und die DrawItem Ereignisse und MeasureItem behandelt werden. Außerdem wird das Festlegen der BorderStyle Eigenschaften und und ScrollAlwaysVisible die Verwendung der AddRange -Methode veranschaulicht.

Um dieses Beispiel auszuführen, fügen Sie es in eine leere Form ein, die den System.Drawing Namespace und den System.Windows.Forms Namespace importiert. Rufen Sie InitializeOwnerDrawnListBox den Konstruktor oder Load die Ereignisbehandlungsmethode des Formulars auf.

   System::Windows::Forms::ListBox^ ListBox1;

   void InitializeOwnerDrawnListBox()
      this->ListBox1 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ListBox;
      // Set the location and size.
      ListBox1->Location = Point(20,20);
      ListBox1->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 240, 240 );
      // Populate the ListBox.ObjectCollection property 
      // with several strings, using the AddRange method.
      array<Object^>^temp0 = {"System.Windows.Forms","System.Drawing","System.Xml","System.Net","System.Runtime.Remoting","System.Web"};
      this->ListBox1->Items->AddRange( temp0 );
      // Turn off the scrollbar.
      ListBox1->ScrollAlwaysVisible = false;
      // Set the border style to a single, flat border.
      ListBox1->BorderStyle = BorderStyle::FixedSingle;
      // Set the DrawMode property to the OwnerDrawVariable value. 
      // This means the MeasureItem and DrawItem events must be 
      // handled.
      ListBox1->DrawMode = DrawMode::OwnerDrawVariable;
      ListBox1->MeasureItem += gcnew MeasureItemEventHandler( this, &Form1::ListBox1_MeasureItem );
      ListBox1->DrawItem += gcnew DrawItemEventHandler( this, &Form1::ListBox1_DrawItem );
      this->Controls->Add( this->ListBox1 );

   // Handle the DrawItem event for an owner-drawn ListBox.
   void ListBox1_DrawItem( Object^ /*sender*/, DrawItemEventArgs^ e )
      // If the item is the selected item, then draw the rectangle
      // filled in blue. The item is selected when a bitwise And  
      // of the State property and the DrawItemState.Selected 
      // property is true.
      if ( (e->State & DrawItemState::Selected) == DrawItemState::Selected )
         e->Graphics->FillRectangle( Brushes::CornflowerBlue, e->Bounds );
         // Otherwise, draw the rectangle filled in beige.
         e->Graphics->FillRectangle( Brushes::Beige, e->Bounds );
      // Draw a rectangle in blue around each item.
      e->Graphics->DrawRectangle( Pens::Blue, e->Bounds );
      // Draw the text in the item.
      e->Graphics->DrawString( ListBox1->Items[ e->Index ]->ToString(), this->Font, Brushes::Black, (float)e->Bounds.X, (float)e->Bounds.Y );
      // Draw the focus rectangle around the selected item.

   // Handle the MeasureItem event for an owner-drawn ListBox.
   void ListBox1_MeasureItem( Object^ sender, MeasureItemEventArgs^ e )
      // Cast the sender object back to ListBox type.
      ListBox^ theListBox = dynamic_cast<ListBox^>(sender);
      // Get the string contained in each item.
      String^ itemString = dynamic_cast<String^>(theListBox->Items[ e->Index ]);
      // Split the string at the " . "  character.
      array<Char>^temp1 = {'.'};
      array<String^>^resultStrings = itemString->Split( temp1 );
      // If the string contains more than one period, increase the 
      // height by ten pixels; otherwise, increase the height by 
      // five pixels.
      if ( resultStrings->Length > 2 )
         e->ItemHeight += 10;
         e->ItemHeight += 5;
internal System.Windows.Forms.ListBox ListBox1;

private void InitializeOwnerDrawnListBox()
    this.ListBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ListBox();

    // Set the location and size.
    ListBox1.Location = new Point(20, 20);
    ListBox1.Size = new Size(240, 240);

    // Populate the ListBox.ObjectCollection property 
    // with several strings, using the AddRange method.
    this.ListBox1.Items.AddRange(new object[]{"System.Windows.Forms", 
        "System.Drawing", "System.Xml", "System.Net", "System.Runtime.Remoting", 

    // Turn off the scrollbar.
    ListBox1.ScrollAlwaysVisible = false;

    // Set the border style to a single, flat border.
    ListBox1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

    // Set the DrawMode property to the OwnerDrawVariable value. 
    // This means the MeasureItem and DrawItem events must be 
    // handled.
    ListBox1.DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable;
    ListBox1.MeasureItem += 
        new MeasureItemEventHandler(ListBox1_MeasureItem);
    ListBox1.DrawItem += new DrawItemEventHandler(ListBox1_DrawItem);

// Handle the DrawItem event for an owner-drawn ListBox.
private void ListBox1_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e)

    // If the item is the selected item, then draw the rectangle
    // filled in blue. The item is selected when a bitwise And  
    // of the State property and the DrawItemState.Selected 
    // property is true.
    if ((e.State & DrawItemState.Selected) == DrawItemState.Selected)
        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.CornflowerBlue, e.Bounds);
        // Otherwise, draw the rectangle filled in beige.
        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Beige, e.Bounds);

    // Draw a rectangle in blue around each item.
    e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue, e.Bounds);

    // Draw the text in the item.
        this.Font, Brushes.Black, e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y);

    // Draw the focus rectangle around the selected item.

// Handle the MeasureItem event for an owner-drawn ListBox.
private void ListBox1_MeasureItem(object sender, 
    MeasureItemEventArgs e)

    // Cast the sender object back to ListBox type.
    ListBox theListBox = (ListBox) sender;

    // Get the string contained in each item.
    string itemString = (string) theListBox.Items[e.Index];

    // Split the string at the " . "  character.
    string[] resultStrings = itemString.Split('.');

    // If the string contains more than one period, increase the 
    // height by ten pixels; otherwise, increase the height by 
    // five pixels.
    if (resultStrings.Length>2)
        e.ItemHeight += 10;
        e.ItemHeight += 5;
Friend WithEvents ListBox1 As System.Windows.Forms.ListBox

Private Sub InitializeOwnerDrawnListBox()
    Me.ListBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ListBox

    ' Set the location and size.
    ListBox1.Location = New Point(20, 20)
    ListBox1.Size = New Size(240, 240)

    ' Populate the ListBox.ObjectCollection property 
    ' with several strings, using the AddRange method.
    Me.ListBox1.Items.AddRange(New Object() _
        {"System.Windows.Forms", "System.Drawing", "System.Xml", _
        "System.Net", "System.Runtime.Remoting", "System.Web"})

    ' Turn off the scrollbar.
    ListBox1.ScrollAlwaysVisible = False

    ' Set the border style to a single, flat border.
    ListBox1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle

    ' Set the DrawMode property to the OwnerDrawVariable value. 
    ' This means the MeasureItem and DrawItem events must be 
    ' handled.
    ListBox1.DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable
End Sub

' Handle the DrawItem event for an owner-drawn ListBox.
Private Sub ListBox1_DrawItem(ByVal sender As Object, _
    ByVal e As DrawItemEventArgs) Handles ListBox1.DrawItem

    ' If the item is the selected item, then draw the rectangle filled in
    ' blue. The item is selected when a bitwise And of the State property
    ' and the DrawItemState.Selected property is true. 
    If (e.State And DrawItemState.Selected = DrawItemState.Selected) Then
        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.CornflowerBlue, e.Bounds)
        ' Otherwise, draw the rectangle filled in beige.
        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Beige, e.Bounds)
    End If

    ' Draw a rectangle in blue around each item.
    e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue, e.Bounds)

    ' Draw the text in the item.
    e.Graphics.DrawString(Me.ListBox1.Items(e.Index), Me.Font, _
        Brushes.Black, e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y)

    ' Draw the focus rectangle around the selected item.
End Sub

' Handle the MeasureItem event for an owner-drawn ListBox.
Private Sub ListBox1_MeasureItem(ByVal sender As Object, _
    ByVal e As MeasureItemEventArgs) Handles ListBox1.MeasureItem

    ' Cast the sender object back to ListBox type.
    Dim theListBox As ListBox = CType(sender, ListBox)

    ' Get the string contained in each item.
    Dim itemString As String = CType(theListBox.Items(e.Index), String)

    ' Split the string at the " . "  character.
    Dim resultStrings() As String = itemString.Split(".")

    ' If the string contains more than one period, increase the 
    ' height by ten pixels; otherwise, increase the height by 
    ' five pixels.
    If (resultStrings.Length > 2) Then
        e.ItemHeight += 10
        e.ItemHeight += 5
    End If

End Sub


Sie können einen Ereignishandler für dieses Ereignis erstellen, um die Größe anzugeben, die ein Element erstellt wird, bevor es im DrawItem Ereignis gezeichnet wird. Das -Ereignis wird nur ausgelöst, wenn die DrawMode -Eigenschaft auf OwnerDrawVariablefestgelegt ist.

Die maximale gültige Höhe eines ListBox Elements beträgt 255 Pixel. Das Festlegen der ItemHeight -Eigenschaft auf MeasureItemEventArgs einen Wert größer als 255 bei der Behandlung dieses Ereignisses kann zu unerwarteten Ergebnissen führen.

Weitere Informationen zur Behandlung von Ereignissen finden Sie unter behandeln und Auslösen von Ereignissen.

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