Teilen über

PaintEventHandler Delegat


Stellt die Methode zur Behandlung des Paint-Ereignisses eines Control-Objekts dar.

public delegate void PaintEventHandler(System::Object ^ sender, PaintEventArgs ^ e);
public delegate void PaintEventHandler(object sender, PaintEventArgs e);
public delegate void PaintEventHandler(object? sender, PaintEventArgs e);
type PaintEventHandler = delegate of obj * PaintEventArgs -> unit
Public Delegate Sub PaintEventHandler(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs)



Die Quelle des Ereignisses.


Ein PaintEventArgs, das die Ereignisdaten enthält.


Die folgenden Codebeispiele zeichnet Linien und Text in einem PictureBox Steuerelement.

   // This example creates a PictureBox control on the form and draws to it.
   // This example assumes that the Form_Load event handler method is
   // connected to the Load event of the form.
   PictureBox^ pictureBox1;
   void Form1_Load( Object^ /*sender*/, System::EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      pictureBox1 = gcnew PictureBox;

      // Dock the PictureBox to the form and set its background to white.
      pictureBox1->Dock = DockStyle::Fill;
      pictureBox1->BackColor = Color::White;

      // Connect the Paint event of the PictureBox to the event handler method.
      pictureBox1->Paint += gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventHandler( this, &Form1::pictureBox1_Paint );

      // Add the PictureBox control to the Form.
      this->Controls->Add( pictureBox1 );

   void pictureBox1_Paint( Object^ /*sender*/, System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventArgs^ e )
      // Create a local version of the graphics object for the PictureBox.
      Graphics^ g = e->Graphics;

      // Draw a string on the PictureBox.
      g->DrawString( "This is a diagonal line drawn on the control",
         gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",10 ), System::Drawing::Brushes::Blue, Point(30,30) );

      // Draw a line in the PictureBox.
      g->DrawLine( System::Drawing::Pens::Red, pictureBox1->Left, pictureBox1->Top,
         pictureBox1->Right, pictureBox1->Bottom );
// This example creates a PictureBox control on the form and draws to it.
// This example assumes that the Form_Load event handler method is
// connected to the Load event of the form.

private PictureBox pictureBox1 = new PictureBox();
// Cache font instead of recreating font objects each time we paint.
private Font fnt = new Font("Arial",10);
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    // Dock the PictureBox to the form and set its background to white.
    pictureBox1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
    pictureBox1.BackColor = Color.White;
    // Connect the Paint event of the PictureBox to the event handler method.
    pictureBox1.Paint += new System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventHandler(this.pictureBox1_Paint);

    // Add the PictureBox control to the Form.

private void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
    // Create a local version of the graphics object for the PictureBox.
    Graphics g = e.Graphics;

    // Draw a string on the PictureBox.
    g.DrawString("This is a diagonal line drawn on the control",
        fnt, System.Drawing.Brushes.Blue, new Point(30,30));
    // Draw a line in the PictureBox.
    g.DrawLine(System.Drawing.Pens.Red, pictureBox1.Left, pictureBox1.Top,
        pictureBox1.Right, pictureBox1.Bottom);
' This example creates a PictureBox control on the form and draws to it. 
' This example assumes that the Form_Load event handler method is connected 
' to the Load event of the form.
Private pictureBox1 As New PictureBox()
Private fnt as New Font("Arial", 10)

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    ' Dock the PictureBox to the form and set its background to white.
    pictureBox1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
    pictureBox1.BackColor = Color.White
    ' Connect the Paint event of the PictureBox to the event handler method.
    AddHandler pictureBox1.Paint, AddressOf Me.pictureBox1_Paint

    ' Add the PictureBox control to the Form.
End Sub

Private Sub pictureBox1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
    ' Create a local version of the graphics object for the PictureBox.
    Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics

    ' Draw a string on the PictureBox.
    g.DrawString("This is a diagonal line drawn on the control", _
        fnt, Brushes.Red, New PointF(30.0F, 30.0F))
    ' Draw a line in the PictureBox.
    g.DrawLine(System.Drawing.Pens.Red, pictureBox1.Left, _ 
        pictureBox1.Top, pictureBox1.Right, pictureBox1.Bottom)
End Sub


Beim Erstellen eines PaintEventHandler-Delegaten bestimmen Sie die Methode für die Ereignisbehandlung. Um dem Ereignishandler das Ereignis zuzuordnen, fügen Sie dem Ereignis eine Instanz des Delegaten hinzu. Der Ereignishandler wird bei jedem Eintreten des Ereignisses aufgerufen, sofern der Delegat nicht entfernt wird. Weitere Informationen zum Behandeln von Ereignissen mit Delegaten finden Sie unter Behandeln und Auslösen von Ereignissen.



Ruft ein Objekt ab, das die Methode darstellt, die vom angegebenen Delegaten dargestellt wird.

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