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WSS 3.0 support in TFS 2005 now 'official'

Jeff posted that the 'unofficial' guidance for modifying TFS2005 to use WSS 3.0 (on the AT or a remote machine) is now official. You can read his full post here.

To jump straight to the goodies (note that, right now, the Tech Notes page has a little bug where 1501 and 1502 both link to the 1501 note):

TN1501: Configuring Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 on the Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server Application Tier

TN1502: Configuring Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 on a Remote Server to work with Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server

Also bear in mind that with TFS Codename Orcas, you'll be able to target these without additional work on a clean install, and we'll even give you the option to have us install WSS3 (on the AT) for you.


OT: I'm going to keep doing random quotes from songs that are fresh in my mind. I'll plug a random Google feature I just accidentally discovered, by linking future quotes to their meta-data on the song (for the curious). If anyone's really interested, maybe I'll even go back and link the quotes from older posts...

When you're taught through feelings