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Azure Disk Encryption scenarios on Linux VMs

Applies to: ✔️ Linux VMs ✔️ Flexible scale sets

Azure Disk Encryption for Linux virtual machines (VMs) uses the DM-Crypt feature of Linux to provide full disk encryption of the OS disk and data disks. Additionally, it provides encryption of the temporary disk when using the EncryptFormatAll feature.

Azure Disk Encryption is integrated with Azure Key Vault to help you control and manage the disk encryption keys and secrets. For an overview of the service, see Azure Disk Encryption for Linux VMs.


You can only apply disk encryption to virtual machines of supported VM sizes and operating systems. You must also meet the following prerequisites:

In all cases, you should take a snapshot and/or create a backup before disks are encrypted. Backups ensure that a recovery option is possible if an unexpected failure occurs during encryption. VMs with managed disks require a backup before encryption occurs. Once a backup is made, you can use the Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension cmdlet to encrypt managed disks by specifying the -skipVmBackup parameter. For more information about how to back up and restore encrypted VMs, see the Azure Backup article.


If you previously used Azure Disk Encryption with Microsoft Entra ID to encrypt a virtual machine, you must continue use this option to encrypt your virtual machine. See Azure Disk Encryption with Microsoft Entra ID (previous release) for details.

When encrypting Linux OS volumes, the VM should be considered unavailable. We strongly recommend to avoid SSH logins while the encryption is in progress to avoid issues blocking any open files that need to be accessed during the encryption process. To check progress, use the Get-AzVMDiskEncryptionStatus PowerShell cmdlet or the vm encryption show CLI command. This process can be expected to take a few hours for a 30GB OS volume, plus extra time for encrypting data volumes. Data volume encryption time is proportional to the size and quantity of the data volumes unless the encrypt format all option is used.

Disabling encryption on Linux VMs is only supported for data volumes. Disabling encryption is not supported on data or OS volumes if the OS volume is encrypted.

Azure Disk Encryption does not work for the following Linux scenarios, features, and technology:

  • Encrypting basic tier VM or VMs created through the classic VM creation method.
  • Disabling encryption on an OS drive or data drive of a Linux VM when the OS drive is encrypted.
  • Encrypting the OS drive for Linux Virtual Machine Scale Sets.
  • Encrypting custom images on Linux VMs.
  • Integration with an on-premises key management system.
  • Azure Files (shared file system).
  • Network File System (NFS).
  • Dynamic volumes.
  • Ephemeral OS disks.
  • Encryption of shared/distributed file systems like (but not limited to): DFS, GFS, DRDB, and CephFS.
  • Moving an encrypted VM to another subscription or region.
  • Creating an image or snapshot of an encrypted VM and using it to deploy additional VMs.
  • Kernel Crash Dump (kdump).
  • Oracle ACFS (ASM Cluster File System).
  • NVMe disks such as those on High performance computing VM sizes or Storage optimized VM sizes.
  • A VM with "nested mount points"; that is, multiple mount points in a single path (such as "/1stmountpoint/data/2stmountpoint").
  • A VM with a data drive mounted on top of an OS folder.
  • A VM on which a root (OS disk) logical volume is extended using a data disk.
  • Resizing of the OS disk.
  • M-series VMs with Write Accelerator disks.
  • Applying ADE to a VM that has disks encrypted with Encryption at Host or server-side encryption with customer-managed keys (SSE + CMK). Applying SSE + CMK to a data disk or adding a data disk with SSE + CMK configured to a VM encrypted with ADE is an unsupported scenario as well.
  • Migrating a VM that is encrypted with ADE, or has ever been encrypted with ADE, to Encryption at Host or server-side encryption with customer-managed keys.
  • Encrypting VMs in failover clusters.
  • Encryption of Azure ultra disks.
  • Encryption of Premium SSD v2 disks.
  • Encryption of VMs in subscriptions that have the Secrets should have the specified maximum validity period policy enabled with the DENY effect.

Install tools and connect to Azure

Azure Disk Encryption can be enabled and managed through the Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell. To do so, you must install the tools locally and connect to your Azure subscription.

The Azure CLI 2.0 is a command-line tool for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to flexibly query data, support long-running operations as non-blocking processes, and make scripting easy. You can install it locally by following the steps in Install the Azure CLI.

To Sign in to your Azure account with the Azure CLI, use the az login command.

az login

If you would like to select a tenant to sign in under, use:

az login --tenant <tenant>

If you have multiple subscriptions and want to specify a specific one, get your subscription list with az account list and specify with az account set.

az account list
az account set --subscription "<subscription name or ID>"

For more information, see Get started with Azure CLI 2.0.

Enable encryption on an existing or running Linux VM

In this scenario, you can enable encryption by using the Resource Manager template, PowerShell cmdlets, or CLI commands. If you need schema information for the virtual machine extension, see the Azure Disk Encryption for Linux extension article.


It is mandatory to snapshot and/or backup a managed disk based VM instance outside of, and prior to enabling Azure Disk Encryption. A snapshot of the managed disk can be taken from the portal, or through Azure Backup. Backups ensure that a recovery option is possible in the case of any unexpected failure during encryption. Once a backup is made, the Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension cmdlet can be used to encrypt managed disks by specifying the -skipVmBackup parameter. The Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension command will fail against managed disk based VMs until a backup is made and this parameter is specified.

Encrypting or disabling encryption may cause the VM to reboot.

To disable the encryption, see Disable encryption and remove the encryption extension.

You can enable disk encryption on your encrypted VHD by installing and using the Azure CLI command-line tool. You can use it in your browser with Azure Cloud Shell, or you can install it on your local machine and use it in any PowerShell session. To enable encryption on existing or running Linux VMs in Azure, use the following CLI commands:

Use the az vm encryption enable command to enable encryption on a running virtual machine in Azure.

  • Encrypt a running VM:

    az vm encryption enable --resource-group "MyVirtualMachineResourceGroup" --name "MySecureVM" --disk-encryption-keyvault "MySecureVault" --volume-type [All|OS|Data]
  • Encrypt a running VM using KEK:

    az vm encryption enable --resource-group "MyVirtualMachineResourceGroup" --name "MySecureVM" --disk-encryption-keyvault  "MySecureVault" --key-encryption-key "MyKEK_URI" --key-encryption-keyvault "MySecureVaultContainingTheKEK" --volume-type [All|OS|Data]


    The syntax for the value of disk-encryption-keyvault parameter is the full identifier string: /subscriptions/[subscription-id-guid]/resourceGroups/[resource-group-name]/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/[keyvault-name]
    The syntax for the value of the key-encryption-key parameter is the full URI to the KEK as in: https://[keyvault-name][kekname]/[kek-unique-id]

  • Verify the disks are encrypted: To check on the encryption status of a VM, use the az vm encryption show command.

    az vm encryption show --name "MySecureVM" --resource-group "MyVirtualMachineResourceGroup"

To disable the encryption, see Disable encryption and remove the encryption extension.

Use EncryptFormatAll feature for data disks on Linux VMs

The EncryptFormatAll parameter reduces the time for Linux data disks to be encrypted. Partitions meeting certain criteria will be formatted, along with their current file systems, then remounted back to where they were before command execution. If you wish to exclude a data disk that meets the criteria, you can unmount it before running the command.

After running this command, any drives that were mounted previously will be formatted, and the encryption layer will be started on top of the now empty drive. When this option is selected, the temporary disk attached to the VM will also be encrypted. If the temporary disk is reset, it will be reformatted and re-encrypted for the VM by the Azure Disk Encryption solution at the next opportunity. Once the resource disk gets encrypted, the Microsoft Azure Linux Agent will not be able to manage the resource disk and enable the swap file, but you may manually configure the swap file.


EncryptFormatAll shouldn't be used when there is needed data on a VM's data volumes. You may exclude disks from encryption by unmounting them. You should first try out the EncryptFormatAll first on a test VM, understand the feature parameter and its implication before trying it on the production VM. The EncryptFormatAll option formats the data disk and all the data on it will be lost. Before proceeding, verify that disks you wish to exclude are properly unmounted.

If you're setting this parameter while updating encryption settings, it might lead to a reboot before the actual encryption. In this case, you will also want to remove the disk you don't want formatted from the fstab file. Similarly, you should add the partition you want encrypt-formatted to the fstab file before initiating the encryption operation.

EncryptFormatAll criteria

The parameter goes through all partitions and encrypts them as long as they meet all of the criteria below:

  • Is not a root/OS/boot partition
  • Is not already encrypted
  • Is not a BEK volume
  • Is not a RAID volume
  • Is not an LVM volume
  • Is mounted

Encrypt the disks that compose the RAID or LVM volume rather than the RAID or LVM volume.

Use the az vm encryption enable command to enable encryption on a running virtual machine in Azure.

  • Encrypt a running VM using EncryptFormatAll:

    az vm encryption enable --resource-group "MyVirtualMachineResourceGroup" --name "MySecureVM" --disk-encryption-keyvault "MySecureVault" --volume-type "data" --encrypt-format-all

Use the EncryptFormatAll parameter with Logical Volume Manager (LVM)

We recommend an LVM-on-crypt setup. For detailed instructions about the LVM on crypt configuration, see Configure LVM and RAID on ADE encrypted devices.

New VMs created from customer-encrypted VHD and encryption keys

In this scenario, you can enable encrypting by using PowerShell cmdlets or CLI commands.

Use the instructions in the Azure Disk encryption same scripts for preparing pre-encrypted images that can be used in Azure. After the image is created, you can use the steps in the next section to create an encrypted Azure VM.


It is mandatory to snapshot and/or backup a managed disk based VM instance outside of, and prior to enabling Azure Disk Encryption. A snapshot of the managed disk can be taken from the portal, or Azure Backup can be used. Backups ensure that a recovery option is possible in the case of any unexpected failure during encryption. Once a backup is made, the Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension cmdlet can be used to encrypt managed disks by specifying the -skipVmBackup parameter. The Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension command will fail against managed disk based VMs until a backup is made and this parameter is specified.

Encrypting or disabling encryption may cause the VM to reboot.

Use Azure PowerShell to encrypt VMs with pre-encrypted VHDs

You can enable disk encryption on your encrypted VHD by using the PowerShell cmdlet Set-AzVMOSDisk. This example gives you some common parameters.

$VirtualMachine = New-AzVMConfig -VMName "MySecureVM" -VMSize "Standard_A1"
$VirtualMachine = Set-AzVMOSDisk -VM $VirtualMachine -Name "SecureOSDisk" -VhdUri "os.vhd" Caching ReadWrite -Linux -CreateOption "Attach" -DiskEncryptionKeyUrl "" -DiskEncryptionKeyVaultId "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/mytestvault"
New-AzVM -VM $VirtualMachine -ResourceGroupName "MyVirtualMachineResourceGroup"

Enable encryption on a newly added data disk

You can add a new data disk using az vm disk attach, or through the Azure portal. Before you can encrypt, you need to mount the newly attached data disk first. You must request encryption of the data drive since the drive will be unusable while encryption is in progress.

If the VM was previously encrypted with "All" then the --volume-type parameter should remain "All". All includes both OS and data disks. If the VM was previously encrypted with a volume type of "OS", then the --volume-type parameter should be changed to "All" so that both the OS and the new data disk will be included. If the VM was encrypted with only the volume type of "Data", then it can remain "Data" as demonstrated below. Adding and attaching a new data disk to a VM is not sufficient preparation for encryption. The newly attached disk must also be formatted and properly mounted within the VM prior to enabling encryption. On Linux the disk must be mounted in /etc/fstab with a persistent block device name.

In contrast to PowerShell syntax, the CLI does not require the user to provide a unique sequence version when enabling encryption. The CLI automatically generates and uses its own unique sequence version value.

  • Encrypt data volumes of a running VM:

    az vm encryption enable --resource-group "MyVirtualMachineResourceGroup" --name "MySecureVM" --disk-encryption-keyvault "MySecureVault" --volume-type "Data"
  • Encrypt data volumes of a running VM using KEK:

    az vm encryption enable --resource-group "MyVirtualMachineResourceGroup" --name "MySecureVM" --disk-encryption-keyvault  "MySecureVault" --key-encryption-key "MyKEK_URI" --key-encryption-keyvault "MySecureVaultContainingTheKEK" --volume-type "Data"

Disable encryption and remove the encryption extension

You can disable the Azure disk encryption extension, and you can remove the Azure disk encryption extension. These are two distinct operations.

To remove ADE, it is recommended that you first disable encryption and then remove the extension. If you remove the encryption extension without disabling it, the disks will still be encrypted. If you disable encryption after removing the extension, the extension will be reinstalled (to perform the decrypt operation) and will need to be removed a second time.


You can not disable encryption if the OS disk is encrypted. (OS disks are encrypted when the original encryption operation specifies volumeType=ALL or volumeType=OS.)

Disabling encryption works only when data disks are encrypted but the OS disk is not.

Disable encryption

You can disable encryption using Azure PowerShell, the Azure CLI, or with a Resource Manager template. Disabling encryption does not remove the extension (see Remove the encryption extension).

  • Disable disk encryption with Azure PowerShell: To disable the encryption, use the Disable-AzVMDiskEncryption cmdlet.

    Disable-AzVMDiskEncryption -ResourceGroupName "MyVirtualMachineResourceGroup" -VMName "MySecureVM" -VolumeType "data"
  • Disable encryption with the Azure CLI: To disable encryption, use the az vm encryption disable command.

    az vm encryption disable --name "MySecureVM" --resource-group "MyVirtualMachineResourceGroup" --volume-type "data"
  • Disable encryption with a Resource Manager template:

    1. Click Deploy to Azure from the Disable disk encryption on running Linux VM template.
    2. Select the subscription, resource group, location, VM, volume type, legal terms, and agreement.
    3. Click Purchase to disable disk encryption on a running Linux VM.


Once decryption has begun, it is advisable not to interfere with the process.

Remove the encryption extension

If you want to decrypt your disks and remove the encryption extension, you must disable encryption before removing the extension; see disable encryption.

You can remove the encryption extension using Azure PowerShell or the Azure CLI.

  • Disable disk encryption with Azure PowerShell: To remove the encryption, use the Remove-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension cmdlet.

    Remove-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension -ResourceGroupName "MyVirtualMachineResourceGroup" -VMName "MySecureVM"
  • Disable encryption with the Azure CLI: To remove encryption, use the az vm extension delete command.

    az vm extension delete -g "MyVirtualMachineResourceGroup" --vm-name "MySecureVM" -n "AzureDiskEncryptionForLinux"

Next steps