Freigeben über

TransactedInstaller.Uninstall(IDictionary) Methode


Entfernt eine Installation.

 override void Uninstall(System::Collections::IDictionary ^ savedState);
public override void Uninstall (System.Collections.IDictionary savedState);
override this.Uninstall : System.Collections.IDictionary -> unit
Public Overrides Sub Uninstall (savedState As IDictionary)



Ein IDictionary mit Informationen über den Zustand, in dem sich der Computer nach Abschluss der Installation befindet.


Im folgenden Beispiel werden die TransactedInstallerMethoden und UninstallInstall der TransactedInstaller -Klasse veranschaulicht.

In diesem Beispiel wird eine Implementierung bereitgestellt, die der vonInstallutil.exe (Installationstool) ähnelt. Es installiert Assemblys mit den Optionen, die dieser bestimmten Assembly vorangehen. Wenn keine Option für eine Assembly angegeben ist, werden die Optionen der vorherigen Assembly verwendet, wenn eine vorherige Assembly in der Liste enthalten ist. Wenn entweder die Option "/u" oder "/uninstall" angegeben ist, werden die Assemblys deinstalliert. Wenn die Option "/?" oder "/help" bereitgestellt wird, werden die Hilfeinformationen in der Konsole angezeigt.

array<String^>^ args = Environment::GetCommandLineArgs();
ArrayList^ myOptions = gcnew ArrayList;
String^ myOption;
bool toUnInstall = false;
bool toPrintHelp = false;
TransactedInstaller^ myTransactedInstaller = gcnew TransactedInstaller;
AssemblyInstaller^ myAssemblyInstaller;
InstallContext^ myInstallContext;

   for ( int i = 1; i < args->Length; i++ )
      // Process the arguments.
      if ( args[ i ]->StartsWith( "/" ) || args[ i ]->StartsWith( "-" ) )
         myOption = args[ i ]->Substring( 1 );
         // Determine whether the option is to 'uninstall' an assembly.
         if ( String::Compare( myOption, "u", true ) == 0 ||
            String::Compare( myOption, "uninstall", true ) == 0 )
            toUnInstall = true;
         // Determine whether the option is for printing help information.
         if ( String::Compare( myOption, "?", true ) == 0 ||
            String::Compare( myOption, "help", true ) == 0 )
            toPrintHelp = true;
         // Add the option encountered to the list of all options
         // encountered for the current assembly.
         myOptions->Add( myOption );
         // Determine whether the assembly file exists.
         if (  !File::Exists( args[ i ] ) )
            // If assembly file doesn't exist then print error.
            Console::WriteLine( "\nError : {0} - Assembly file doesn't exist.",
               args[ i ] );
            return 0;
         // Create a instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' that installs the given assembly.
         myAssemblyInstaller =
            gcnew AssemblyInstaller( args[ i ],
               (array<String^>^)( myOptions->ToArray( String::typeid ) ) );
         // Add the instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' to the 'TransactedInstaller'.
         myTransactedInstaller->Installers->Add( myAssemblyInstaller );
   // If user requested help or didn't provide any assemblies to install
   // then print help message.
   if ( toPrintHelp || myTransactedInstaller->Installers->Count == 0 )
      return 0;
   // Create a instance of 'InstallContext' with the options specified.
   myInstallContext =
      gcnew InstallContext( "Install.log",
         (array<String^>^)( myOptions->ToArray( String::typeid ) ) );
   myTransactedInstaller->Context = myInstallContext;
   // Install or Uninstall an assembly depending on the option provided.
   if (  !toUnInstall )
      myTransactedInstaller->Install( gcnew Hashtable );
      myTransactedInstaller->Uninstall( nullptr );
catch ( Exception^ e ) 
   Console::WriteLine( "\nException raised : {0}", e->Message );
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration.Install;
using System.IO;

public class TransactedInstaller_Example
   public static void Main(String[] args)
      ArrayList myOptions = new ArrayList();
      String myOption;
      bool toUnInstall = false;
      bool toPrintHelp = false;
      TransactedInstaller myTransactedInstaller = new TransactedInstaller();
      AssemblyInstaller myAssemblyInstaller;
      InstallContext myInstallContext;

         for(int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
            // Process the arguments.
            if(args[i].StartsWith("/") || args[i].StartsWith("-"))
               myOption = args[i].Substring(1);
               // Determine whether the option is to 'uninstall' an assembly.
               if(String.Compare(myOption, "u", true) == 0 ||
                  String.Compare(myOption, "uninstall", true) == 0)
                  toUnInstall = true;
               // Determine whether the option is for printing help information.
               if(String.Compare(myOption, "?", true) == 0 ||
                  String.Compare(myOption, "help", true) == 0)
                  toPrintHelp = true;
               // Add the option encountered to the list of all options
               // encountered for the current assembly.
               // Determine whether the assembly file exists.
                  // If assembly file doesn't exist then print error.
                  Console.WriteLine("\nError : {0} - Assembly file doesn't exist.",

               // Create a instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' that installs the given assembly.
               myAssemblyInstaller =
                  new AssemblyInstaller(args[i],
                  (string[]) myOptions.ToArray(typeof(string)));
               // Add the instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' to the 'TransactedInstaller'.
         // If user requested help or didn't provide any assemblies to install
         // then print help message.
         if(toPrintHelp || myTransactedInstaller.Installers.Count == 0)

         // Create a instance of 'InstallContext' with the options specified.
         myInstallContext =
            new InstallContext("Install.log",
            (string[]) myOptions.ToArray(typeof(string)));
         myTransactedInstaller.Context = myInstallContext;

         // Install or Uninstall an assembly depending on the option provided.
            myTransactedInstaller.Install(new Hashtable());
      catch(Exception e)
         Console.WriteLine("\nException raised : {0}", e.Message);

   public static void PrintHelpMessage()
      Console.WriteLine("Usage : TransactedInstaller [/u | /uninstall] [option [...]] assembly" +
         "[[option [...]] assembly] [...]]");
      Console.WriteLine("TransactedInstaller executes the installers in each of" +
         " the given assembly. If /u or /uninstall option" +
         " is given it uninstalls the assemblies.");
Dim options As New ArrayList()
Dim myOption As String
Dim toUnInstall As Boolean = False
Dim toPrintHelp As Boolean = False
Dim myTransactedInstaller As New TransactedInstaller()
Dim myAssemblyInstaller As AssemblyInstaller
Dim myInstallContext As InstallContext

   Dim i As Integer
   For i = 1 To args.Length - 1
      ' Process the arguments.
      If args(i).StartsWith("/") Or args(i).StartsWith("-") Then
         myOption = args(i).Substring(1)
         ' Determine whether the option is to 'uninstall' an assembly.
         If String.Compare(myOption, "u", True) = 0 Or _
            String.Compare(myOption,"uninstall", True) = 0 Then
            toUnInstall = True
            GoTo ContinueFor1
         End If
         ' Determine whether the option is for printing help information.
         If String.Compare(myOption, "?", True) = 0 Or _
            String.Compare(myOption, "help", True) = 0 Then
            toPrintHelp = True
            GoTo ContinueFor1
         End If
         ' Add the option encountered to the list of all options
         ' encountered for the current assembly.
         ' Determine whether the assembly file exists.
         If Not File.Exists(args(i)) Then
            ' If assembly file doesn't exist then print error.
            Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Newline + _
                     "Error : {0} - Assembly file doesn't exist.", args(i))
         End If

         ' Create a instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' that installs the given assembly.
         myAssemblyInstaller = New AssemblyInstaller(args(i), _
                        CType(options.ToArray(GetType(String)), String()))
         ' Add the instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' to the 'TransactedInstaller'.
      End If
   Next i
   ' If user requested help or didn't provide any assemblies to install
   ' then print help message.
   If toPrintHelp Or myTransactedInstaller.Installers.Count = 0 Then
   End If

   ' Create a instance of 'InstallContext' with the options specified.
   myInstallContext = New InstallContext("Install.log", _
               CType(options.ToArray(GetType(String)), String()))
   myTransactedInstaller.Context = myInstallContext

   ' Install or Uninstall an assembly depending on the option provided.
   If Not toUnInstall Then
      myTransactedInstaller.Install(New Hashtable())
   End If
Catch e As Exception
   Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Newline + "Exception raised : {0}", e.Message)
End Try


Rufen Sie diese Methode auf, um eine zuvor abgeschlossene Installation zu entfernen. Diese Uninstall Methode ruft die Uninstall Methode jedes Installers in der -Eigenschaft auf, um alle während der Installers Installation festgelegten Ressourcen zu deinstallieren. Alle Ausnahmen während der Deinstallation werden ignoriert.


Obwohl die Install Methoden und Commit den Zustand des Computers nach den Installationen speichern, wurde die Datei mit dem IDictionary aus dem savedState -Parameter möglicherweise irgendwann nach Abschluss der Installation gelöscht. Wenn die Datei gelöscht wird, lautet nullder savedState Parameter .

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