FirstMatchCodeGroup Klasse
Einige Informationen beziehen sich auf Vorabversionen, die vor dem Release ggf. grundlegend überarbeitet werden. Microsoft übernimmt hinsichtlich der hier bereitgestellten Informationen keine Gewährleistungen, seien sie ausdrücklich oder konkludent.
This type is obsolete. See for more information.
This type is obsolete. See for more information.
Code Access Security is not supported or honored by the runtime.
This type is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. See for more information.
Ermöglicht die Definition der Sicherheitsrichtlinien durch die Gesamtmenge der Richtlinienanweisung einer Codegruppe und derjenigen der ersten untergeordneten Codegruppe, die übereinstimmt. Diese Klasse kann nicht vererbt werden.
public ref class FirstMatchCodeGroup sealed : System::Security::Policy::CodeGroup
[System.Obsolete("This type is obsolete. See for more information.")]
public sealed class FirstMatchCodeGroup : System.Security.Policy.CodeGroup
[System.Obsolete("This type is obsolete. See for more information.")]
public sealed class FirstMatchCodeGroup : System.Security.Policy.CodeGroup
[System.Obsolete("Code Access Security is not supported or honored by the runtime.")]
public sealed class FirstMatchCodeGroup : System.Security.Policy.CodeGroup
public sealed class FirstMatchCodeGroup : System.Security.Policy.CodeGroup
public sealed class FirstMatchCodeGroup : System.Security.Policy.CodeGroup
[System.Obsolete("This type is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. See for more information.")]
public sealed class FirstMatchCodeGroup : System.Security.Policy.CodeGroup
[<System.Obsolete("This type is obsolete. See for more information.")>]
type FirstMatchCodeGroup = class
inherit CodeGroup
[<System.Obsolete("This type is obsolete. See for more information.")>]
type FirstMatchCodeGroup = class
inherit CodeGroup
[<System.Obsolete("Code Access Security is not supported or honored by the runtime.")>]
type FirstMatchCodeGroup = class
inherit CodeGroup
type FirstMatchCodeGroup = class
inherit CodeGroup
type FirstMatchCodeGroup = class
inherit CodeGroup
[<System.Obsolete("This type is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. See for more information.")>]
type FirstMatchCodeGroup = class
inherit CodeGroup
Public NotInheritable Class FirstMatchCodeGroup
Inherits CodeGroup
- Vererbung
- Attribute
Das folgende Beispiel zeigt die Verwendung von Membern der FirstMatchCodeGroup -Klasse.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Security;
using namespace System::Security::Policy;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;
using namespace System::Reflection;
ref class Members
static void Main()
// Create a new FirstMatchCodeGroup.
FirstMatchCodeGroup^ codeGroup = constructDefaultGroup();
// Create a deep copy of the FirstMatchCodeGroup.
FirstMatchCodeGroup^ copyCodeGroup =
// Compare the original code group with the copy.
CompareTwoCodeGroups( codeGroup, copyCodeGroup );
addPolicy( &codeGroup );
addXmlMember( &codeGroup );
updateMembershipCondition( &codeGroup );
addChildCodeGroup( &codeGroup );
Console::Write( L"Comparing the resolved code group " );
Console::WriteLine( L"with the initial code group." );
FirstMatchCodeGroup^ resolvedCodeGroup =
ResolveGroupToEvidence( codeGroup );
if ( CompareTwoCodeGroups( codeGroup, resolvedCodeGroup ) )
PrintCodeGroup( resolvedCodeGroup );
PrintCodeGroup( codeGroup );
Console::WriteLine( L"This sample completed successfully; "
L"press Enter to exit." );
// Create a FirstMatchCodeGroup with an exclusive policy and membership
// condition.
static FirstMatchCodeGroup^ constructDefaultGroup()
// Construct a new FirstMatchCodeGroup with Read, Write, Append
// and PathDiscovery access.
// Create read access permission to the root directory on drive C.
FileIOPermission^ rootFilePermissions =
gcnew FileIOPermission( PermissionState::None );
rootFilePermissions->AllLocalFiles = FileIOPermissionAccess::Read;
rootFilePermissions->SetPathList( FileIOPermissionAccess::Read, L"C:\\" );
// Add a permission to a named permission set.
NamedPermissionSet^ namedPermissions =
gcnew NamedPermissionSet( L"RootPermissions" );
namedPermissions->AddPermission( rootFilePermissions );
// Create a PolicyStatement with exclusive rights to the policy.
PolicyStatement^ policy = gcnew PolicyStatement(
namedPermissions,PolicyStatementAttribute::Exclusive );
// Create a FirstMatchCodeGroup with a membership condition that
// matches all code, and an exclusive policy.
FirstMatchCodeGroup^ codeGroup = gcnew FirstMatchCodeGroup(
gcnew AllMembershipCondition,policy );
// Set the name of the first match code group.
codeGroup->Name = L"TempCodeGroup";
// Set the description of the first match code group.
codeGroup->Description = L"Temp folder permissions group";
return codeGroup;
// Add file permission to restrict write access to all files
// on the local machine.
static void addPolicy( interior_ptr<FirstMatchCodeGroup^> codeGroup )
// Set the PolicyStatement property to a policy with read access to
// the root directory on drive C.
FileIOPermission^ rootFilePermissions =
gcnew FileIOPermission( PermissionState::None );
rootFilePermissions->AllLocalFiles = FileIOPermissionAccess::Read;
rootFilePermissions->SetPathList( FileIOPermissionAccess::Read, L"C:\\" );
NamedPermissionSet^ namedPermissions =
gcnew NamedPermissionSet( L"RootPermissions" );
namedPermissions->AddPermission( rootFilePermissions );
// Create a PolicyStatement with exclusive rights to the policy.
PolicyStatement^ policy = gcnew PolicyStatement(
namedPermissions,PolicyStatementAttribute::Exclusive );
( *codeGroup )->PolicyStatement = policy;
// Set the membership condition of the code group.
static void updateMembershipCondition(
interior_ptr<FirstMatchCodeGroup^> codeGroup )
// Set the membership condition of the specified FirstMatchCodeGroup
// to the Intranet zone.
ZoneMembershipCondition^ zoneCondition =
gcnew ZoneMembershipCondition( SecurityZone::Intranet );
( *codeGroup )->MembershipCondition = zoneCondition;
// Create a child code group with read-access file permissions and add it
// to the specified code group.
static void addChildCodeGroup( interior_ptr<FirstMatchCodeGroup^> codeGroup )
// Create a first match code group with read access.
FileIOPermission^ rootFilePermissions = gcnew FileIOPermission(
PermissionState::None );
rootFilePermissions->AllLocalFiles = FileIOPermissionAccess::Read;
rootFilePermissions->SetPathList( FileIOPermissionAccess::Read, L"C:\\" );
PermissionSet^ permissions = gcnew PermissionSet(
PermissionState::Unrestricted );
permissions->AddPermission( rootFilePermissions );
FirstMatchCodeGroup^ tempFolderCodeGroup =
gcnew FirstMatchCodeGroup( gcnew AllMembershipCondition,
gcnew PolicyStatement( permissions ) );
// Set the name of the child code group and add it to
// the specified code group.
tempFolderCodeGroup->Name = L"Read-only code group";
( *codeGroup )->AddChild( tempFolderCodeGroup );
// Compare the two FirstMatchCodeGroups.
static bool CompareTwoCodeGroups( FirstMatchCodeGroup^ firstCodeGroup,
FirstMatchCodeGroup^ secondCodeGroup )
// Compare the two specified FirstMatchCodeGroups for equality.
if ( firstCodeGroup->Equals( secondCodeGroup ) )
Console::WriteLine( L"The two code groups are equal." );
return true;
Console::WriteLine( L"The two code groups are not equal." );
return false;
// Retrieve the resolved policy based on executing evidence found
// in the specified code group.
static String^ ResolveEvidence( CodeGroup^ codeGroup )
String^ policyString = L"None";
// Resolve the policy based on the executing assembly's evidence.
Assembly^ assembly = Members::typeid->Assembly;
Evidence^ executingEvidence = assembly->Evidence;
PolicyStatement^ policy = codeGroup->Resolve( executingEvidence );
if ( policy != nullptr )
policyString = policy->ToString();
return policyString;
// Retrieve the resolved code group based on the evidence from the
// specified code group.
static FirstMatchCodeGroup^ ResolveGroupToEvidence(
FirstMatchCodeGroup^ codeGroup )
// Resolve matching code groups to the executing assembly.
Assembly^ assembly = Members::typeid->Assembly;
Evidence^ evidence = assembly->Evidence;
CodeGroup^ resolvedCodeGroup =
codeGroup->ResolveMatchingCodeGroups( evidence );
return dynamic_cast<FirstMatchCodeGroup^>(resolvedCodeGroup);
// If a domain attribute is not found in the specified
// FirstMatchCodeGroup, add a child XML element identifying a custom
// membership condition.
static void addXmlMember( interior_ptr<FirstMatchCodeGroup^> codeGroup )
SecurityElement^ xmlElement = ( *codeGroup )->ToXml();
SecurityElement^ rootElement = gcnew SecurityElement( L"CodeGroup" );
if ( xmlElement->Attribute(L"domain") == nullptr )
SecurityElement^ newElement = gcnew SecurityElement(
L"CustomMembershipCondition" );
newElement->AddAttribute( L"class", L"CustomMembershipCondition" );
newElement->AddAttribute( L"version", L"1" );
newElement->AddAttribute( L"domain", L"" );
rootElement->AddChild( newElement );
( *codeGroup )->FromXml( rootElement );
Console::WriteLine( L"Added a custom membership condition:" );
Console::WriteLine( rootElement );
// Print the properties of the specified code group to the console.
static void PrintCodeGroup( CodeGroup^ codeGroup )
// Compare the type of the specified object with the
// FirstMatchCodeGroup type.
if ( !codeGroup->GetType()->Equals( FirstMatchCodeGroup::typeid ) )
throw gcnew ArgumentException( L"Expected the FirstMatchCodeGroup type." );
String^ codeGroupName = codeGroup->Name;
String^ membershipCondition = codeGroup->MembershipCondition->ToString();
String^ permissionSetName = codeGroup->PermissionSetName;
int hashCode = codeGroup->GetHashCode();
String^ mergeLogic = L"";
if ( codeGroup->MergeLogic->Equals( L"First Match" ) )
mergeLogic = L"with first-match merge logic";
// Retrieve the class path for the FirstMatchCodeGroup.
String^ firstMatchGroupClass = codeGroup->ToString();
String^ attributeString = L"";
// Retrieve the string representation of the FirstMatchCodeGroup's
// attributes.
if ( codeGroup->AttributeString != nullptr )
attributeString = codeGroup->AttributeString;
// Write a summary to the console window.
Console::WriteLine( L"\n*** {0} summary ***", firstMatchGroupClass );
Console::Write( L"A FirstMatchCodeGroup named " );
Console::Write( L"{0}{1}", codeGroupName, mergeLogic );
Console::Write( L" has been created with hash code({0}).", hashCode );
Console::Write( L"\nThis code group contains a {0}", membershipCondition );
Console::Write( L" membership condition with the " );
Console::WriteLine( L"{0} permission set.", permissionSetName );
Console::Write( L"The code group contains the following policy: " );
Console::Write( ResolveEvidence( codeGroup ) );
Console::Write( L"\nIt also contains the following attributes: " );
Console::WriteLine( attributeString );
int childCount = codeGroup->Children->Count;
if ( childCount > 0 )
Console::Write( L"There are {0}", childCount );
Console::WriteLine( L" child elements in the code group." );
// Iterate through the child code groups to display their names
// and then remove them from the specified code group.
for ( int i = 0; i < childCount; i++ )
// Retrieve a child code group, which has been cast as a
// FirstMatchCodeGroup type.
FirstMatchCodeGroup^ childCodeGroup =
dynamic_cast<FirstMatchCodeGroup^>(codeGroup->Children->default[ i ]);
Console::Write( L"Removing the {0}.", childCodeGroup->Name );
// Remove the child code group.
codeGroup->RemoveChild( childCodeGroup );
Console::WriteLine( L" No child code groups were found in this"
L" code group." );
int main()
// This sample produces the following output:
// The two code groups are equal.
// Added a custom membership condition:
// <CustomMembershipCondition class="CustomMembershipCondition"
// version="1"
// domain=""/>
// Comparing the resolved code group with the initial code group.
// The two code groups are not equal.
// *** System.Security.Policy.FirstMatchCodeGroup summary ***
// A FirstMatchCodeGroup named with first-match merge logic has been created
// with hash code(113151525).
// This code group contains a Zone - Intranet membership condition with the
// permission set. The code group contains the following policy:
// It also contains the following attributes:
// There are 1 child elements in the code group.
// Removing the Read-only code group.
// This sample completed successfully; press Enter to exit.
using System;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Policy;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Reflection;
class Members
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create a new FirstMatchCodeGroup.
FirstMatchCodeGroup codeGroup = constructDefaultGroup();
// Create a deep copy of the FirstMatchCodeGroup.
FirstMatchCodeGroup copyCodeGroup =
// Compare the original code group with the copy.
CompareTwoCodeGroups(codeGroup, copyCodeGroup);
addPolicy(ref codeGroup);
addXmlMember(ref codeGroup);
updateMembershipCondition(ref codeGroup);
addChildCodeGroup(ref codeGroup);
Console.Write("Comparing the resolved code group ");
Console.WriteLine("with the initial code group.");
FirstMatchCodeGroup resolvedCodeGroup =
if (CompareTwoCodeGroups(codeGroup, resolvedCodeGroup))
Console.WriteLine("This sample completed successfully; " +
"press Enter to exit.");
// Create a FirstMatchCodeGroup with an exclusive policy and membership
// condition.
private static FirstMatchCodeGroup constructDefaultGroup()
// Construct a new FirstMatchCodeGroup with Read, Write, Append
// and PathDiscovery access.
// Create read access permission to the root directory on drive C.
FileIOPermission rootFilePermissions =
new FileIOPermission(PermissionState.None);
rootFilePermissions.AllLocalFiles = FileIOPermissionAccess.Read;
// Add a permission to a named permission set.
NamedPermissionSet namedPermissions =
new NamedPermissionSet("RootPermissions");
// Create a PolicyStatement with exclusive rights to the policy.
PolicyStatement policy = new PolicyStatement(
// Create a FirstMatchCodeGroup with a membership condition that
// matches all code, and an exclusive policy.
FirstMatchCodeGroup codeGroup =
new FirstMatchCodeGroup(
new AllMembershipCondition(),
// Set the name of the first match code group.
codeGroup.Name = "TempCodeGroup";
// Set the description of the first match code group.
codeGroup.Description = "Temp folder permissions group";
return codeGroup;
// Add file permission to restrict write access to all files
// on the local machine.
private static void addPolicy(ref FirstMatchCodeGroup codeGroup)
// Set the PolicyStatement property to a policy with read access to
// the root directory on drive C.
FileIOPermission rootFilePermissions =
new FileIOPermission(PermissionState.None);
rootFilePermissions.AllLocalFiles = FileIOPermissionAccess.Read;
NamedPermissionSet namedPermissions =
new NamedPermissionSet("RootPermissions");
// Create a PolicyStatement with exclusive rights to the policy.
PolicyStatement policy = new PolicyStatement(
codeGroup.PolicyStatement = policy;
// Set the membership condition of the code group.
private static void updateMembershipCondition(
ref FirstMatchCodeGroup codeGroup)
// Set the membership condition of the specified FirstMatchCodeGroup
// to the Intranet zone.
ZoneMembershipCondition zoneCondition =
new ZoneMembershipCondition(SecurityZone.Intranet);
codeGroup.MembershipCondition = zoneCondition;
// Create a child code group with read-access file permissions and add it
// to the specified code group.
private static void addChildCodeGroup(ref FirstMatchCodeGroup codeGroup)
// Create a first match code group with read access.
FileIOPermission rootFilePermissions =
new FileIOPermission(PermissionState.None);
rootFilePermissions.AllLocalFiles = FileIOPermissionAccess.Read;
PermissionSet permissions =
new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted);
FirstMatchCodeGroup tempFolderCodeGroup = new FirstMatchCodeGroup(
new AllMembershipCondition(),
new PolicyStatement(permissions));
// Set the name of the child code group and add it to
// the specified code group.
tempFolderCodeGroup.Name = "Read-only code group";
// Compare the two FirstMatchCodeGroups.
private static bool CompareTwoCodeGroups(
FirstMatchCodeGroup firstCodeGroup,
FirstMatchCodeGroup secondCodeGroup)
// Compare the two specified FirstMatchCodeGroups for equality.
if (firstCodeGroup.Equals(secondCodeGroup))
Console.WriteLine("The two code groups are equal.");
return true;
Console.WriteLine("The two code groups are not equal.");
return false;
// Retrieve the resolved policy based on executing evidence found
// in the specified code group.
private static string ResolveEvidence(CodeGroup codeGroup)
string policyString = "None";
// Resolve the policy based on the executing assembly's evidence.
Assembly assembly = typeof(Members).Assembly;
Evidence executingEvidence = assembly.Evidence;
PolicyStatement policy = codeGroup.Resolve(executingEvidence);
if (policy != null)
policyString = policy.ToString();
return policyString;
// Retrieve the resolved code group based on the evidence from the
// specified code group.
private static FirstMatchCodeGroup ResolveGroupToEvidence(
FirstMatchCodeGroup codeGroup)
// Resolve matching code groups to the executing assembly.
Assembly assembly = typeof(Members).Assembly;
Evidence evidence = assembly.Evidence;
CodeGroup resolvedCodeGroup =
return (FirstMatchCodeGroup)resolvedCodeGroup;
// If a domain attribute is not found in the specified
// FirstMatchCodeGroup, add a child XML element identifying a custom
// membership condition.
private static void addXmlMember(ref FirstMatchCodeGroup codeGroup)
SecurityElement xmlElement = codeGroup.ToXml();
SecurityElement rootElement = new SecurityElement("CodeGroup");
if (xmlElement.Attribute("domain") == null)
SecurityElement newElement =
new SecurityElement("CustomMembershipCondition");
Console.WriteLine("Added a custom membership condition:");
// Print the properties of the specified code group to the console.
private static void PrintCodeGroup(CodeGroup codeGroup)
// Compare the type of the specified object with the
// FirstMatchCodeGroup type.
if (!codeGroup.GetType().Equals(typeof(FirstMatchCodeGroup)))
throw new ArgumentException(
"Expected the FirstMatchCodeGroup type.");
string codeGroupName = codeGroup.Name;
string membershipCondition = codeGroup.MembershipCondition.ToString();
string permissionSetName = codeGroup.PermissionSetName;
int hashCode = codeGroup.GetHashCode();
string mergeLogic = "";
if (codeGroup.MergeLogic.Equals("First Match"))
mergeLogic = "with first-match merge logic";
// Retrieve the class path for the FirstMatchCodeGroup.
string firstMatchGroupClass = codeGroup.ToString();
string attributeString = "";
// Retrieve the string representation of the FirstMatchCodeGroup's
// attributes.
if (codeGroup.AttributeString != null)
attributeString = codeGroup.AttributeString;
// Write a summary to the console window.
Console.WriteLine("\n*** " + firstMatchGroupClass + " summary ***");
Console.Write("A FirstMatchCodeGroup named ");
Console.Write(codeGroupName + mergeLogic);
Console.Write(" has been created with hash code(" + hashCode + ").");
Console.Write("\nThis code group contains a " + membershipCondition);
Console.Write(" membership condition with the ");
Console.WriteLine(permissionSetName + " permission set.");
Console.Write("The code group contains the following policy: ");
Console.Write("\nIt also contains the following attributes: ");
int childCount = codeGroup.Children.Count;
if (childCount > 0 )
Console.Write("There are " + childCount);
Console.WriteLine(" child elements in the code group.");
// Iterate through the child code groups to display their names
// and then remove them from the specified code group.
for (int i=0; i < childCount; i++)
// Retrieve a child code group, which has been cast as a
// FirstMatchCodeGroup type.
FirstMatchCodeGroup childCodeGroup =
Console.Write("Removing the " + childCodeGroup.Name + ".");
// Remove the child code group.
Console.WriteLine(" No child code groups were found in this" +
" code group.");
// This sample produces the following output:
// The two code groups are equal.
// Added a custom membership condition:
// <CustomMembershipCondition class="CustomMembershipCondition"
// version="1"
// domain=""/>
// Comparing the resolved code group with the initial code group.
// The two code groups are not equal.
// *** System.Security.Policy.FirstMatchCodeGroup summary ***
// A FirstMatchCodeGroup named with first-match merge logic has been created
// with hash code(113151525).
// This code group contains a Zone - Intranet membership condition with the
// permission set. The code group contains the following policy:
// It also contains the following attributes:
// There are 1 child elements in the code group.
// Removing the Read-only code group.
// This sample completed successfully; press Enter to exit.
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Security.Policy
Imports System.Security.Permissions
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
' Event handler for Run button.
Private Sub Button1_Click( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
tbxOutput.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
tbxOutput.Text = ""
' Create a new FirstMatchCodeGroup.
Dim codeGroup As FirstMatchCodeGroup = constructDefaultGroup()
' Create a deep copy of the FirstMatchCodeGroup.
Dim copyCodeGroup As FirstMatchCodeGroup
copyCodeGroup = CType(codeGroup.Copy(), FirstMatchCodeGroup)
' Compare the original code group with the copy.
CompareTwoCodeGroups(codeGroup, copyCodeGroup)
Write("Comparing the resolved code group ")
WriteLine("with the initial code group.")
Dim resolvedCodeGroup As FirstMatchCodeGroup
resolvedCodeGroup = ResolveGroupToEvidence(codeGroup)
If (CompareTwoCodeGroups(codeGroup, resolvedCodeGroup)) Then
End If
' Reset the cursor and conclude application.
tbxOutput.AppendText(vbCrLf + "This sample completed " + _
"successfully; press Exit to continue.")
tbxOutput.Cursor = Cursors.Default
End Sub
' Create a FirstMatchCodeGroup with an exclusive policy and membership
' condition.
Private Function constructDefaultGroup() As FirstMatchCodeGroup
' Construct a new FirstMatchCodeGroup with Read, Write, Append
' and PathDiscovery access.
' Create read access permission to the root directory on drive C.
Dim rootFilePermissions As New FileIOPermission(PermissionState.None)
rootFilePermissions.AllLocalFiles = FileIOPermissionAccess.Read
rootFilePermissions.SetPathList(FileIOPermissionAccess.Read, "C:\\")
' Add a permission to a named permission set.
Dim namedPermissions As New NamedPermissionSet("RootPermissions")
' Create a PolicyStatement with exclusive rights to the policy.
Dim policy As New PolicyStatement( _
namedPermissions, _
' Create a FirstMatchCodeGroup with a membership condition that
' matches all code, and an exclusive policy.
Dim codeGroup As New FirstMatchCodeGroup( _
New AllMembershipCondition, _
' Set the name of the first match code group.
codeGroup.Name = "TempCodeGroup"
' Set the description of the first match code group.
codeGroup.Description = "Temp folder permissions group"
Return codeGroup
End Function
' Add file permission to restrict write access to all files
' on the local machine.
Private Sub addPolicy(ByRef codeGroup As FirstMatchCodeGroup)
' Set the PolicyStatement property to a policy with read access to the
' root directory on drive C.
Dim rootFilePermissions As New FileIOPermission(PermissionState.None)
rootFilePermissions.AllLocalFiles = FileIOPermissionAccess.Read
rootFilePermissions.SetPathList(FileIOPermissionAccess.Read, "C:\\")
Dim namedPermissions As New NamedPermissionSet("RootPermissions")
' Create a PolicyStatement with exclusive rights to the policy.
Dim policy As New PolicyStatement( _
namedPermissions, _
codeGroup.PolicyStatement = policy
End Sub
' Set the membership condition of the code group.
Private Sub updateMembershipCondition( _
ByRef codeGroup As FirstMatchCodeGroup)
' Set the membership condition of the specified FirstMatchCodeGroup
' to the Intranet zone.
Dim zoneCondition As _
New ZoneMembershipCondition(SecurityZone.Intranet)
codeGroup.MembershipCondition = zoneCondition
End Sub
' Create a child code group with read-access file permissions and add it
' to the specified code group.
Private Sub addChildCodeGroup(ByRef codegroup As FirstMatchCodeGroup)
' Create a first match code group with read access.
Dim rootFilePermissions As New FileIOPermission(PermissionState.None)
rootFilePermissions.AllLocalFiles = FileIOPermissionAccess.Read
rootFilePermissions.SetPathList(FileIOPermissionAccess.Read, "C:\\")
Dim permissions As New PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted)
Dim tempFolderCodeGroup = New FirstMatchCodeGroup( _
New AllMembershipCondition, _
New PolicyStatement(permissions))
' Set the name of the child code group and add it to the specified
' code group.
tempFolderCodeGroup.Name = "Read-only code group"
End Sub
' Compare the two FirstMatchCodeGroups.
Private Function CompareTwoCodeGroups( _
ByVal firstCodeGroup As FirstMatchCodeGroup, _
ByVal secondCodeGroup As FirstMatchCodeGroup) As Boolean
' Compare the two specified FirstMatchCodeGroups for equality.
If (firstCodeGroup.Equals(secondCodeGroup)) Then
WriteLine("The two code groups are equal.")
Return True
WriteLine("The two code groups are not equal.")
Return False
End If
End Function
' Retrieve the resolved policy based on executing evidence found
' in the specified code group.
Private Function ResolveEvidence(ByVal codeGroup As CodeGroup) As String
Dim policyString As String = "None"
' Resolve the policy based on the executing assembly's evidence.
Dim executingAssembly As [Assembly] = Me.GetType().Assembly
Dim executingEvidence As Evidence
executingEvidence = executingAssembly.Evidence
Dim policy As PolicyStatement = codeGroup.Resolve(executingEvidence)
If (Not policy Is Nothing) Then
policyString = policy.ToString()
End If
Return policyString
End Function
' Retrieve the resolved code group based on the evidence from the
' specified code group.
Private Function ResolveGroupToEvidence( _
ByVal codegroup As FirstMatchCodeGroup) _
As FirstMatchCodeGroup
' Resolve matching code groups to the executing assembly.
Dim executingAssembly As [Assembly] = Me.GetType().Assembly
Dim evidence As Evidence = executingAssembly.Evidence
Dim resolvedCodeGroup As CodeGroup
resolvedCodeGroup = codegroup.ResolveMatchingCodeGroups(Evidence)
Return CType(resolvedCodeGroup, FirstMatchCodeGroup)
End Function
' If a domain attribute is not found in the specified FirstMatchCodeGroup,
' add a child XML element identifying a custom membership condition.
Private Sub addXmlMember(ByRef codeGroup As FirstMatchCodeGroup)
Dim xmlElement As SecurityElement = codeGroup.ToXml()
Dim rootElement As New SecurityElement("CodeGroup")
If (xmlElement.Attribute("domain") Is Nothing) Then
Dim newElement As New SecurityElement("CustomMembershipCondition")
newElement.AddAttribute("class", "CustomMembershipCondition")
newElement.AddAttribute("version", "1")
newElement.AddAttribute("domain", "")
End If
WriteLine("Added a custom membership condition:")
End Sub
' Print the properties of the specified code group to the console.
Private Sub PrintCodeGroup(ByVal codeGroup As CodeGroup)
' Compare the type of the specified object with the
' FirstMatchCodeGroup type.
If (Not codeGroup.GetType() Is GetType(FirstMatchCodeGroup)) Then
Throw New ArgumentException( _
"Expected the FirstMatchCodeGroup type.")
End If
Dim codeGroupName As String = codeGroup.Name
Dim membershipCondition As String
membershipCondition = codeGroup.MembershipCondition.ToString()
Dim permissionSetName As String = codeGroup.PermissionSetName
Dim hashCode As Integer = codeGroup.GetHashCode()
Dim mergeLogic As String = ""
If (codeGroup.MergeLogic.Equals("First Match")) Then
mergeLogic = "with first-match merge logic"
End If
' Retrieve the class path for the FirstMatchCodeGroup.
Dim firstMatchGroupClass As String = codeGroup.ToString()
Dim attributeString As String = ""
' Retrieve the string representation of the FirstMatchCodeGroup's
' attributes.
If (Not codeGroup.AttributeString Is Nothing) Then
attributeString = codeGroup.AttributeString
End If
' Write a summary to the console window.
WriteLine(vbCrLf + "* " + firstMatchGroupClass + " summary *")
Write("A FirstMatchCodeGroup named ")
Write(codeGroupName + mergeLogic)
Write(" has been created with hash code ")
WriteLine(hashCode.ToString() + ". ")
Write("This code group contains a " + membershipCondition)
Write(" membership condition with the ")
Write(permissionSetName + " permission set. ")
Write("The code group contains the following policy: ")
Write(ResolveEvidence(codeGroup) + ". ")
Write("It also contains the following attributes: ")
Dim childCount As Integer = codeGroup.Children.Count
If (childCount > 0) Then
Write("There are " + childCount.ToString())
WriteLine(" child elements in the code group.")
' Iterate through the child code groups to display their names
' and then remove them from the specified code group.
For i As Int16 = 0 To childCount - 1 Step 1
' Retrieve each child explicitly casted as a
' FirstMatchCodeGroup type.
Dim childCodeGroup As FirstMatchCodeGroup
childCodeGroup = _
CType(codeGroup.Children(i), FirstMatchCodeGroup)
Write("Removing the " + childCodeGroup.Name + ".")
' Remove the child code group.
WriteLine("No child code groups were found in this code group.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub WriteLine(ByVal message As String)
tbxOutput.AppendText(message + vbCrLf)
End Sub
Private Sub Write(ByVal message As String)
End Sub
' Event handler for Exit button.
Private Sub Button2_Click( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub
#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "
Public Sub New()
'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call
End Sub
'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.
Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
If disposing Then
If Not (components Is Nothing) Then
End If
End If
End Sub
'Required by the Windows Form Designer
Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer
'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer
'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
Friend WithEvents Panel2 As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
Friend WithEvents Panel1 As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
Friend WithEvents Button1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button
Friend WithEvents Button2 As System.Windows.Forms.Button
Friend WithEvents tbxOutput As System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> _
Private Sub InitializeComponent()
Me.Panel2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel
Me.Button1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button
Me.Button2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button
Me.Panel1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel
Me.tbxOutput = New System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
Me.Panel2.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Bottom
Me.Panel2.DockPadding.All = 20
Me.Panel2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 320)
Me.Panel2.Name = "Panel2"
Me.Panel2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(616, 64)
Me.Panel2.TabIndex = 1
Me.Button1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Right
Me.Button1.Font = New System.Drawing.Font( _
"Microsoft Sans Serif", _
9.0!, _
System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, _
System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, _
CType(0, Byte))
Me.Button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(446, 20)
Me.Button1.Name = "Button1"
Me.Button1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(75, 24)
Me.Button1.TabIndex = 2
Me.Button1.Text = "&Run"
Me.Button2.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Right
Me.Button2.Font = New System.Drawing.Font( _
"Microsoft Sans Serif", _
9.0!, _
System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, _
System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, _
CType(0, Byte))
Me.Button2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(521, 20)
Me.Button2.Name = "Button2"
Me.Button2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(75, 24)
Me.Button2.TabIndex = 3
Me.Button2.Text = "E&xit"
Me.Panel1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill
Me.Panel1.DockPadding.All = 20
Me.Panel1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0)
Me.Panel1.Name = "Panel1"
Me.Panel1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(616, 320)
Me.Panel1.TabIndex = 2
Me.tbxOutput.AccessibleDescription = _
"Displays output from application."
Me.tbxOutput.AccessibleName = "Output textbox."
Me.tbxOutput.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill
Me.tbxOutput.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(20, 20)
Me.tbxOutput.Name = "tbxOutput"
Me.tbxOutput.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(576, 280)
Me.tbxOutput.TabIndex = 1
Me.tbxOutput.Text = "Click the Run button to run the application."
Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(6, 15)
Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(616, 384)
Me.Name = "Form1"
Me.Text = "FirstMatchCodeGroup"
End Sub
#End Region
End Class
' This sample produces the following output:
' The two code groups are equal.
' Added a custom membership condition:
' <CustomMembershipCondition class="CustomMembershipCondition"
' version="1"
' domain=""/>
' Comparing the resolved code group with the initial code group.
' The two code groups are not equal.
' * System.Security.Policy.FirstMatchCodeGroup summary *
' A FirstMatchCodeGroup named with first-match merge logic has been created
' with hash code 113155593. This code group contains a Zone - Intranet
' membership condition with the permission set. The code group contains the
' following policy: None. It also contains the following attributes:
' There are 1 child elements in the code group.
' Removing the Read-only code group.
' This sample completed successfully; press Exit to continue.
Code Access Security (CAS) ist in allen Versionen von .NET Framework und .NET veraltet. Aktuelle Versionen von .NET berücksichtigen CAS-Anmerkungen nicht und verursachen Fehler, wenn CAS-bezogene APIs verwendet werden. Entwickler sollten nach alternativen Mitteln suchen, um Sicherheitsaufgaben zu erledigen.
Codegruppen sind die Bausteine der Codezugriffssicherheitsrichtlinie. Jede Richtlinienebene besteht aus einer Stammcodegruppe, die über untergeordnete Codegruppen verfügen kann. Jede untergeordnete Codegruppe kann über eigene untergeordnete Codegruppen verfügen. Dieses Verhalten erstreckt sich auf eine beliebige Anzahl von Ebenen und bildet eine Struktur. Jede Codegruppe verfügt über eine Mitgliedschaftsbedingung, die anhand der Beweise für diese Assembly bestimmt, ob eine bestimmte Assembly dazu gehört. Nur Codegruppen, deren Mitgliedschaftsbedingungen mit einer bestimmten Assembly und deren untergeordneten Codegruppen übereinstimmen, wenden eine Richtlinie an.
Wie jede Codegruppe gilt nur, FirstMatchCodeGroup wenn deren Mitgliedschaftsbedingung mit Beweisen für eine Assembly übereinstimmt. Wenn eine Übereinstimmung vorhanden ist, wird die Mitgliedschaftsbedingung jedes untergeordneten Elements in der Reihenfolge überprüft und beendet, wenn die erste Übereinstimmung auftritt. Das Ergebnis von FirstMatchCodeGroup ist die Union der Richtlinienanweisung der Stammcodegruppe und der Richtlinienanweisung der ersten untergeordneten Gruppe dieser Codegruppe, die übereinstimmt.
FirstMatchCodeGroup ist für die programmgesteuerte Verwendung durch Anwendungsdomänenhosts zum Festlegen der Domänenrichtlinie vorgesehen.
First |
Initialisiert eine neue Instanz der FirstMatchCodeGroup-Klasse. |
Attribute |
Ruft eine Zeichenfolgendarstellung der Attribute der Richtlinienanweisung für die Codegruppe ab. (Geerbt von CodeGroup) |
Children |
Ruft eine sortierte Liste der untergeordneten Codegruppen einer Codegruppe ab oder legt diese fest. (Geerbt von CodeGroup) |
Description |
Ruft die Beschreibung der Codegruppe ab oder legt diese fest. (Geerbt von CodeGroup) |
Membership |
Ruft die Mitgliedschaftsbedingung der Codegruppe ab oder legt diese fest. (Geerbt von CodeGroup) |
Merge |
Ruft die Zusammenführungslogik ab. |
Name |
Ruft den Namen der Codegruppe ab oder legt diesen fest. (Geerbt von CodeGroup) |
Permission |
Ruft den Namen des benannten Berechtigungssatzes für die Codegruppe ab. (Geerbt von CodeGroup) |
Policy |
Ruft die der Codegruppe zugeordnete Richtlinienanweisung ab oder legt diese fest. (Geerbt von CodeGroup) |
Add |
Fügt der aktuellen Codegruppe eine untergeordnete Codegruppe hinzu. (Geerbt von CodeGroup) |
Copy() |
Erstellt eine tiefe Kopie der Codegruppe. |
Create |
Beim Überschreiben in einer abgeleiteten Klasse werden die für eine abgeleitete Codegruppe spezifischen Eigenschaften sowie der interne Zustand serialisiert. Die Serialisierung wird anschließend dem angegebenen SecurityElement hinzugefügt. (Geerbt von CodeGroup) |
Equals(Code |
Bestimmt, ob die angegebene Codegruppe mit der aktuellen Codegruppe übereinstimmt und überprüft, sofern dies angegeben ist, auch die untergeordneten Codegruppen. (Geerbt von CodeGroup) |
Equals(Object) |
Bestimmt, ob die angegebene Codegruppe mit der aktuellen Codegruppe übereinstimmt. (Geerbt von CodeGroup) |
From |
Rekonstruiert aus einer XML-Codierung ein Sicherheitsobjekt mit einem angegebenen Zustand. (Geerbt von CodeGroup) |
From |
Rekonstruiert aus einer XML-Codierung ein Sicherheitsobjekt mit einem angegebenen Zustand und eine Richtlinienebene. (Geerbt von CodeGroup) |
Get |
Ruft den Hashcode der aktuellen Codegruppe ab. (Geerbt von CodeGroup) |
Get |
Ruft den Type der aktuellen Instanz ab. (Geerbt von Object) |
Memberwise |
Erstellt eine flache Kopie des aktuellen Object. (Geerbt von Object) |
Parse |
Rekonstruiert beim Überschreiben in einer abgeleiteten Klasse die spezifischen Eigenschaften sowie den internen Zustand einer aus dem angegebenen SecurityElement abgeleiteten Codegruppe. (Geerbt von CodeGroup) |
Remove |
Entfernt die angegebene untergeordnete Codegruppe. (Geerbt von CodeGroup) |
Resolve(Evidence) |
Löst für einen Beweissatz Richtlinien für die Codegruppe und deren untergeordnete Elemente auf. |
Resolve |
Löst übereinstimmende Codegruppen auf. |
To |
Gibt eine Zeichenfolge zurück, die das aktuelle Objekt darstellt. (Geerbt von Object) |
To |
Erstellt eine XML-Codierung des Sicherheitsobjekts und seines aktuellen Zustands. (Geerbt von CodeGroup) |
To |
Erstellt eine XML-Codierung des Sicherheitsobjekts und seines aktuellen Zustands sowie die Richtlinienebene, auf der der Code sich befindet. (Geerbt von CodeGroup) |
Produkt | Versionen (Veraltet) |
.NET Framework | 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 (4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8) |
Windows Desktop | (3.0, 3.1, 5, 6, 7) |