HealthMonitoringSection Klasse
Einige Informationen beziehen sich auf Vorabversionen, die vor dem Release ggf. grundlegend überarbeitet werden. Microsoft übernimmt hinsichtlich der hier bereitgestellten Informationen keine Gewährleistungen, seien sie ausdrücklich oder konkludent.
Konfiguriert ASP.NET-Profile, die bestimmen, wie Systemüberwachungsereignisse an Ereignisanbieter gesendet werden. Diese Klasse kann nicht vererbt werden.
public ref class HealthMonitoringSection sealed : System::Configuration::ConfigurationSection
public sealed class HealthMonitoringSection : System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection
type HealthMonitoringSection = class
inherit ConfigurationSection
Public NotInheritable Class HealthMonitoringSection
Inherits ConfigurationSection
- Vererbung
Der folgende Konfigurationsdateiauszug zeigt, wie die HealthMonitoringSection -Klasse angegeben wird.
<add name="Critical Notification"
<add name="Notification"
<add name="Analysis"
<add name="Logging"
<add name="CriticalMailEventProvider"
type="System.Web.Management.SimpleMailWebEventProvider, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
from="sender address"
bodyFooter="Please investigate ASAP."
subjectPrefix="Action required."
bufferMode="Critical Notification"
<add name="EventLogProvider"
type="System.Web.Management.EventLogWebEventProvider, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="SqlWebEventProvider"
type="System.Web.Management.SqlWebEventProvider, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="WmiWebEventProvider"
type="System.Web.Management.WmiWebEventProvider, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="All Events"
type="System.Web.Management.WebBaseEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="HeartBeats"
type="System.Web.Management.WebHeartbeatEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Application Lifetime Events"
type="System.Web.Management.WebApplicationLifetimeEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Request Processing Events"
type="System.Web.Management.WebRequestEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="All Errors"
type="System.Web.Management.WebBaseErrorEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Infrastructure Errors"
type="System.Web.Management.WebErrorEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Request Processing Errors"
type="System.Web.Management.WebRequestErrorEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="All Audits"
type="System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Failure Audits"
type="System.Web.Management.WebFailureAuditEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Success Audits"
type="System.Web.Management.WebSuccessAuditEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Default"
<add name="Critical"
<add name="All Errors Default"
eventName="All Errors"
<add name="All Audits Default"
eventName="All Audits"
<add name="Failure Audits Default"
eventName="Failure Audits"
<add name="Request Processing Errors"
eventName="Request Processing Errors"
<add name="Infrastructure Notifications"
eventName="Infrastructure Errors"
Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird die Verwendung der HealthMonitoringSection-Klasse veranschaulicht.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Configuration;
namespace Samples.Aspnet.SystemWebConfiguration
// Accesses the
// System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection members
// selected by the user.
class UsingHealthMonitoringSection
public static void Main()
// Process the
// System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSectionobject.
// Get the Web application configuration.
System.Configuration.Configuration configuration = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("/aspnet");
// Get the section.
System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection healthMonitoringSection = (System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection) configuration.GetSection("system.web/healthmonitoring");
// Get the current Enabled property value.
Boolean enabledValue = healthMonitoringSection.Enabled;
// Set the Enabled property to false.
healthMonitoringSection.Enabled = false;
// Get the current HeartBeatInterval property value.
TimeSpan heartBeatIntervalValue = healthMonitoringSection.HeartbeatInterval;
// Set the HeartBeatInterval property to
// TimeSpan.Parse("00:10:00").
healthMonitoringSection.HeartbeatInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:10:00");
// Add a BufferModeSettings object to the BufferModes collection property.
BufferModeSettings bufferModeSetting = new BufferModeSettings("Error Log",
1024, 256, 512, new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), 2);
bufferModeSetting.Name = "Operations Notification";
bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferSize = 128;
bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferThreads = 1;
bufferModeSetting.MaxFlushSize = 24;
bufferModeSetting.RegularFlushInterval = TimeSpan.MaxValue;
bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:01:00");
bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushThreshold = 1;
// Add a BufferModeSettings object to the BufferModes collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Add(new BufferModeSettings("Error Log",
1024, 256, 512, new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), 2));
// Display contents of the BufferModes collection property
Console.WriteLine("BufferModes Collection contains {0} values:",
// Display all elements.
for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Count; i++)
bufferModeSetting = healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes[i];
string name = bufferModeSetting.Name;
int maxBufferSize = bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferSize;
int maxBufferThreads = bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferThreads;
int maxFlushSize = bufferModeSetting.MaxFlushSize;
TimeSpan regularFlushInterval = bufferModeSetting.RegularFlushInterval;
TimeSpan urgentFlushInterval = bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushInterval;
int urgentFlushThreshold = bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushThreshold;
string item = "Name='" + name + "', MaxBufferSize = '" + maxBufferSize +
"', MaxBufferThreads = '" + maxBufferThreads +
"', MaxFlushSize = '" + maxFlushSize +
"', RegularFlushInterval = '" + regularFlushInterval +
"', UrgentFlushInterval = '" + urgentFlushInterval +
"', UrgentFlushThreshold = '" + urgentFlushThreshold + "'";
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item);
// Get a named BufferMode
bufferModeSetting = healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes["Error Log"];
// Remove a BufferModeSettings object from the BufferModes collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Remove("Error Log");
// Clear all BufferModeSettings object from the BufferModes collection property.
// Add a EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
EventMappingSettings eventMappingSetting = new EventMappingSettings(
"Failure Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web");
eventMappingSetting.Name = "All Errors";
eventMappingSetting.Type =
"System.Web.Management.WebErrorEvent, System.Web";
eventMappingSetting.StartEventCode = 0;
eventMappingSetting.EndEventCode = 4096;
// Add an EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Add(new EventMappingSettings(
"Failure Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web"));
// Add an EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Add(new EventMappingSettings(
"Success Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web",
512, Int32.MaxValue));
// Insert an EventMappingsSettings object into the EventMappings collection property.
new EventMappingSettings("HeartBeats", "", 1, 2));
// Display contents of the EventMappings collection property
"EventMappings Collection contains {0} values:", healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Count);
// Display all elements.
for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Count; i++)
eventMappingSetting = healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings[i];
string name = eventMappingSetting.Name;
string type = eventMappingSetting.Type;
int startCd = eventMappingSetting.StartEventCode;
int endCd = eventMappingSetting.EndEventCode;
string item = "Name='" + name + "', Type='" + type +
"', StartEventCode = '" + startCd.ToString() +
"', EndEventCode = '" + endCd.ToString() + "'";
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item);
// See if the EventMappings collection property contains the event 'HeartBeats'.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings contains 'HeartBeats': {0}.",
// Get the index of the 'HeartBeats' event in the EventMappings collection property.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings index for 'HeartBeats': {0}.",
// Get a named EventMappings
eventMappingSetting = healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings["HeartBeats"];
// Remove an EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
// Remove an EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
// Clear all EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
// Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
ProfileSettings profileSetting = new ProfileSettings("Default");
profileSetting.Name = "Custom";
profileSetting.MaxLimit = Int32.MaxValue;
profileSetting.MinInstances = 1;
profileSetting.MinInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:01:00");
profileSetting.Custom = "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator, MyCustom.dll";
// Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Default"));
// Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Critical",
1, 1024, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 00)));
// Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Targeted",
1, Int32.MaxValue, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10),
"MyEvaluators.MyTargetedEvaluator, MyCustom.dll"));
// Insert an ProfileSettings object into the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Insert(1, new ProfileSettings("Default2"));
// Display contents of the Profiles collection property
"Profiles Collection contains {0} values:",
// Display all elements.
for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Count; i++)
profileSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Profiles[i];
string name = profileSetting.Name;
int minInstances = profileSetting.MinInstances;
int maxLimit = profileSetting.MaxLimit;
TimeSpan minInterval = profileSetting.MinInterval;
string custom = profileSetting.Custom;
string item = "Name='" + name +
"', MinInstances = '" + minInstances + "', MaxLimit = '" + maxLimit +
"', MinInterval = '" + minInterval + "', Custom = '" + custom + "'";
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item);
// See if the ProfileSettings collection property contains the event 'Default'.
Console.WriteLine("Profiles contains 'Default': {0}.",
// Get the index of the 'Default' ProfileSettings in the Profiles collection property.
Console.WriteLine("Profiles index for 'Default': {0}.",
// Get a named ProfileSettings
profileSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Profiles["Default"];
// Remove a ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
// Remove a ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
// Clear all ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
// Display contents of the Providers collection property
Console.WriteLine("Providers Collection contains {0} values:",
// Display all elements.
for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.Providers.Count; i++)
System.Configuration.ProviderSettings provider =
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: Name = '{1}' Type = '{2}'", i,
provider.Name, provider.Type);
// Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
RuleSettings ruleSetting = new RuleSettings("All Errors Default",
"All Errors", "EventLogProvider");
ruleSetting.Name = "All Errors Custom";
ruleSetting.EventName = "All Errors";
ruleSetting.Provider = "EventLogProvider";
ruleSetting.Profile = "Custom";
ruleSetting.MaxLimit = Int32.MaxValue;
ruleSetting.MinInstances = 1;
ruleSetting.MinInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:00:30");
ruleSetting.Custom = "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator2, MyCustom.dll";
// Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("All Errors Default",
"All Errors", "EventLogProvider"));
// Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("Failure Audits Default",
"Failure Audits", "EventLogProvider", "Default", 1, Int32.MaxValue,
new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0)));
// Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("Failure Audits Custom",
"Failure Audits", "EventLogProvider", "Custom", 1, Int32.MaxValue,
new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0), "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator2, MyCustom.dll"));
// Insert an RuleSettings object into the Rules collection property.
new RuleSettings("All Errors Default2",
"All Errors", "EventLogProvider"));
// Display contents of the Rules collection property
"Rules Collection contains {0} values:", healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Count);
// Display all elements.
for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Count; i++)
ruleSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Rules[i];
string name = ruleSetting.Name;
string eventName = ruleSetting.EventName;
string provider = ruleSetting.Provider;
string profile = ruleSetting.Profile;
int minInstances = ruleSetting.MinInstances;
int maxLimit = ruleSetting.MaxLimit;
TimeSpan minInterval = ruleSetting.MinInterval;
string custom = ruleSetting.Custom;
string item = "Name='" + name + "', EventName='" + eventName +
"', Provider = '" + provider + "', Profile = '" + profile +
"', MinInstances = '" + minInstances + "', MaxLimit = '" + maxLimit +
"', MinInterval = '" + minInterval + "', Custom = '" + custom + "'";
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item);
// See if the Rules collection property contains the RuleSettings 'All Errors Default'.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings contains 'All Errors Default': {0}.",
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Contains("All Errors Default"));
// Get the index of the 'All Errors Default' RuleSettings in the Rules collection property.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings index for 'All Errors Default': {0}.",
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.IndexOf("All Errors Default"));
// Get a named RuleSettings
ruleSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Rules["All Errors Default"];
// Remove a RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Remove("All Errors Default");
// Remove a RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
// Clear all RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
// Update if not locked.
if (!healthMonitoringSection.SectionInformation.IsLocked)
Console.WriteLine("** Configuration updated.");
Console.WriteLine("** Could not update, section is locked.");
catch (System.ArgumentException e)
// Unknown error.
"A invalid argument exception detected in UsingHealthMonitoringSection Main.");
Console.WriteLine("Check your command line for errors.");
} // UsingHealthMonitoringSection class end.
} // Samples.Aspnet.SystemWebConfiguration namespace end.
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Web.Configuration
Namespace Samples.Aspnet.SystemWebConfiguration
' Accesses the
' System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection members
' selected by the user.
Class UsingHealthMonitoringSection
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Process the
' System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSectionobject.
' Get the Web application configuration.
Dim configuration As System.Configuration.Configuration = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("/aspnet")
' Get the section.
Dim healthMonitoringSection As System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection = CType(configuration.GetSection("system.web/healthmonitoring"), System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection)
' Get the current Enabled property value.
Dim enabledValue As Boolean = healthMonitoringSection.Enabled
' Set the Enabled property to False.
healthMonitoringSection.Enabled = False
' Get the current HeartBeatInterval property value.
Dim heartBeatIntervalValue As TimeSpan = healthMonitoringSection.HeartbeatInterval
' Set the HeartBeatInterval property to
' TimeSpan.Parse("00:10:00").
healthMonitoringSection.HeartbeatInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:10:00")
' Add a BufferModeSettings object to the BufferModes collection property.
Dim bufferModeSetting As BufferModeSettings = new BufferModeSettings("Error Log", _
1024, 256, 512, new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), 2)
bufferModeSetting.Name = "Operations Notification"
bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferSize = 128
bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferThreads = 1
bufferModeSetting.MaxFlushSize = 24
bufferModeSetting.RegularFlushInterval = TimeSpan.MaxValue
bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:01:00")
bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushThreshold = 1
' Add a BufferModeSettings object to the BufferModes collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Add(new BufferModeSettings("Error Log", _
1024, 256, 512, new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), 2))
' Display contents of the BufferModes collection property
Console.WriteLine("BufferModes Collection contains {0} values:", _
' Display all elements.
For i As System.Int32 = 0 To healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Count - 1
bufferModeSetting = healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes(i)
Dim name As String = bufferModeSetting.Name
Dim maxBufferSize As Integer = bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferSize
Dim maxBufferThreads As Integer = bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferThreads
Dim maxFlushSize As Integer = bufferModeSetting.MaxFlushSize
Dim regularFlushInterval As TimeSpan = bufferModeSetting.RegularFlushInterval
Dim urgentFlushInterval As TimeSpan = bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushInterval
Dim urgentFlushThreshold As Integer = bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushThreshold
Dim item As String = "Name='" & name & "', MaxBufferSize = '" & maxBufferSize & _
"', MaxBufferThreads = '" & maxBufferThreads & _
"', MaxFlushSize = '" & maxFlushSize & _
"', RegularFlushInterval = '" & regularFlushInterval.ToString() & _
"', UrgentFlushInterval = '" & urgentFlushInterval.ToString() & _
"', UrgentFlushThreshold = '" & urgentFlushThreshold & "'"
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item)
' Get a named BufferMode
bufferModeSetting = healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes("Error Log")
' Remove a BufferModeSettings object from the BufferModes collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Remove("Error Log")
' Clear all BufferModeSettings object from the BufferModes collection property.
' Add a EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
Dim eventMappingSetting As EventMappingSettings = New EventMappingSettings( _
"Failure Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web")
eventMappingSetting.Name = "All Errors"
eventMappingSetting.Type = _
"System.Web.Management.WebErrorEvent, System.Web"
eventMappingSetting.StartEventCode = 0
eventMappingSetting.EndEventCode = 4096
' Add an EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Add(new EventMappingSettings( _
"Failure Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web"))
' Add an EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Add(new EventMappingSettings( _
"Success Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web", _
512, Int32.MaxValue))
' Insert an EventMappingsSettings object into the EventMappings collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Insert(1, _
new EventMappingSettings("HeartBeats", "", 1, 2))
' Display contents of the EventMappings collection property
Console.WriteLine( _
"EventMappings Collection contains {0} values:", healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Count)
' Display all elements.
For i As System.Int32 = 0 To healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Count - 1
eventMappingSetting = healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings(i)
Dim name As String = eventMappingSetting.Name
Dim type As String = eventMappingSetting.Type
Dim startCd As Integer = eventMappingSetting.StartEventCode
Dim endCd As Integer = eventMappingSetting.EndEventCode
Dim item As String = "Name='" & name & "', Type='" & type & _
"', StartEventCode = '" & startCd.ToString() & _
"', EndEventCode = '" & endCd.ToString() & "'"
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item)
' See if the EventMappings collection property contains the event 'HeartBeats'.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings contains 'HeartBeats': {0}.", _
' Get the index of the 'HeartBeats' event in the EventMappings collection property.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings index for 'HeartBeats': {0}.", _
' Get a named EventMappings
eventMappingSetting = healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings("HeartBeats")
' Remove an EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
' Remove an EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
' Clear all EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
' Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
Dim profileSetting As ProfileSettings = New ProfileSettings("Default")
profileSetting.Name = "Custom"
profileSetting.MaxLimit = Int32.MaxValue
profileSetting.MinInstances = 1
profileSetting.MinInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:01:00")
profileSetting.Custom = "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator, MyCustom.dll"
' Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Default"))
' Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Critical", _
1, 1024, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 00)))
' Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Targeted", _
1, Int32.MaxValue, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10), _
"MyEvaluators.MyTargetedEvaluator, MyCustom.dll"))
' Insert an ProfileSettings object into the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Insert(1, new ProfileSettings("Default2"))
' Display contents of the Profiles collection property
Console.WriteLine( _
"Profiles Collection contains {0} values:", _
' Display all elements.
For i As System.Int32 = 0 To healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Count - 1
profileSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Profiles(i)
Dim name As String = profileSetting.Name
Dim minInstances As Integer = profileSetting.MinInstances
Dim maxLimit As Integer = profileSetting.MaxLimit
Dim minInterval As TimeSpan = profileSetting.MinInterval
Dim custom As String = profileSetting.Custom
Dim item As String = "Name='" & name & _
"', MinInstances = '" & minInstances & "', MaxLimit = '" & maxLimit & _
"', MinInterval = '" & minInterval.ToString() & "', Custom = '" & custom & "'"
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item)
' See if the ProfileSettings collection property contains the event 'Default'.
Console.WriteLine("Profiles contains 'Default': {0}.", _
' Get the index of the 'Default' ProfileSettings in the Profiles collection property.
Console.WriteLine("Profiles index for 'Default': {0}.", _
' Get a named ProfileSettings
profileSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Profiles("Default")
' Remove a ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
' Remove a ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
' Clear all ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
' Display contents of the Providers collection property
Console.WriteLine("Providers Collection contains {0} values:", _
' Display all elements.
For i As System.Int32 = 0 To healthMonitoringSection.Providers.Count - 1
Dim providerStg As System.Configuration.ProviderSettings = _
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: Name = '{1}' Type = '{2}'", i, _
providerStg.Name, providerStg.Type)
' Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
Dim ruleSetting As RuleSettings = new RuleSettings("All Errors Default", _
"All Errors", "EventLogProvider")
ruleSetting.Name = "All Errors Custom"
ruleSetting.EventName = "All Errors"
ruleSetting.Provider = "EventLogProvider"
ruleSetting.Profile = "Custom"
ruleSetting.MaxLimit = Int32.MaxValue
ruleSetting.MinInstances = 1
ruleSetting.MinInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:00:30")
ruleSetting.Custom = "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator2, MyCustom.dll"
' Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("All Errors Default", _
"All Errors", "EventLogProvider"))
' Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("Failure Audits Default", _
"Failure Audits", "EventLogProvider", "Default", 1, Int32.MaxValue, _
new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0)))
' Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("Failure Audits Custom", _
"Failure Audits", "EventLogProvider", "Custom", 1, Int32.MaxValue, _
new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0), "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator2, MyCustom.dll"))
' Insert an RuleSettings object into the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Insert(1, _
new RuleSettings("All Errors Default2", _
"All Errors", "EventLogProvider"))
' Display contents of the Rules collection property
Console.WriteLine( _
"Rules Collection contains {0} values:", healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Count)
' Display all elements.
For i As System.Int32 = 0 To healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Count -1
ruleSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Rules(i)
Dim name As String = ruleSetting.Name
Dim eventName As String = ruleSetting.EventName
Dim provider As String = ruleSetting.Provider
Dim profile As String = ruleSetting.Profile
Dim minInstances As Integer = ruleSetting.MinInstances
Dim maxLimit As Integer = ruleSetting.MaxLimit
Dim minInterval As TimeSpan = ruleSetting.MinInterval
Dim custom As String = ruleSetting.Custom
Dim item As String = "Name='" & name & "', EventName='" & eventName & _
"', Provider = '" & provider & "', Profile = '" & profile & _
"', MinInstances = '" & minInstances & "', MaxLimit = '" & maxLimit & _
"', MinInterval = '" & minInterval.ToString() & "', Custom = '" & custom & "'"
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item)
' See if the Rules collection property contains the RuleSettings 'All Errors Default'.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings contains 'All Errors Default': {0}.", _
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Contains("All Errors Default"))
' Get the index of the 'All Errors Default' RuleSettings in the Rules collection property.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings index for 'All Errors Default': {0}.", _
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.IndexOf("All Errors Default"))
' Get a named RuleSettings
ruleSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Rules("All Errors Default")
' Remove a RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Remove("All Errors Default")
' Remove a RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
' Clear all RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
' Update if not locked.
If Not healthMonitoringSection.SectionInformation.IsLocked Then
Console.WriteLine("** Configuration updated.")
Console.WriteLine("** Could not update, section is locked.")
End If
Catch e As System.ArgumentException
' Unknown error.
Console.WriteLine( _
"A invalid argument exception detected in UsingHealthMonitoringSection Main.")
Console.WriteLine("Check your command line for errors.")
End Try
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace ' Samples.Aspnet.SystemWebConfiguration
Diese Klasse entspricht dem <healthMonitoring>
Zum Auslösen eines Ereignisses ist eine mittlere Oder eine höhere Vertrauensstellung erforderlich.
Health |
Initialisiert eine neue Instanz der HealthMonitoringSection-Klasse mit Standardeinstellungen. |
Buffer |
Ruft eine Auflistung von Objekten ab, die die Einstellungen für die Puffermodi angeben. |
Current |
Ruft einen Verweis auf die Configuration-Instanz der obersten Ebene ab, die die Konfigurationshierarchie darstellt, zu der die aktuelle ConfigurationElement-Instanz gehört. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Element |
Ruft ein ElementInformation-Objekt ab, das die nicht anpassbaren Informationen und Funktionen des ConfigurationElement-Objekts enthält. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Element |
Ruft das ConfigurationElementProperty-Objekt ab, das das ConfigurationElement-Objekt selbst darstellt. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Enabled |
Ruft einen Wert ab, der angibt, ob die Systemüberwachung aktiviert ist, oder legt diesen fest. |
Evaluation |
Ruft das ContextInformation-Objekt für das ConfigurationElement-Objekt ab. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Event |
Ruft eine EventMappingSettingsCollection-Auflistung von EventMappingSettings-Objekten ab. |
Has |
Ruft einen Wert ab, der angibt, ob die CurrentConfiguration-Eigenschaft |
Heartbeat |
Ruft das Intervall ab oder legt es fest, das von der Anwendungsdomäne beim Auslösen des WebHeartbeatEvent-Ereignisses verwendet wird. |
Item[Configuration |
Ruft eine Eigenschaft oder ein Attribut dieses Konfigurationselements ab oder legt diese bzw. dieses fest. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Item[String] |
Ruft eine Eigenschaft, ein Attribut oder ein untergeordnetes Element dieses Konfigurationselements ab oder legt diese(s) fest. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Lock |
Ruft die Auflistung gesperrter Attribute ab. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Lock |
Ruft die Auflistung gesperrter Elemente ab. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Lock |
Ruft die Auflistung gesperrter Attribute ab. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Lock |
Ruft die Auflistung gesperrter Elemente ab. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Lock |
Ruft einen Wert ab, der angibt, ob das Element gesperrt ist, oder legt diesen fest. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Profiles |
Ruft eine ProfileSettingsCollection-Auflistung von ProfileSettings-Objekten ab. |
Properties |
Ruft die Auflistung von Eigenschaften ab. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Providers |
Ruft eine ProviderSettingsCollection-Auflistung von ProviderSettings-Objekten ab. |
Rules |
Ruft eine RuleSettingsCollection-Auflistung von RuleSettings-Objekten ab. |
Section |
Ruft ein SectionInformation-Objekt ab, das die nicht anpassbaren Informationen und Funktionen des ConfigurationSection-Objekts enthält. (Geerbt von ConfigurationSection) |
Deserialize |
Liest XML aus der Konfigurationsdatei. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Deserialize |
Liest XML aus der Konfigurationsdatei. (Geerbt von ConfigurationSection) |
Equals(Object) |
Vergleicht die aktuelle ConfigurationElement-Instanz mit dem angegebenen Objekt. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Get |
Ruft einen eindeutigen Wert ab, der die aktuelle ConfigurationElement-Instanz darstellt. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Get |
Gibt ein benutzerdefiniertes Objekt zurück, wenn es in einer abgeleiteten Klasse überschrieben wird. (Geerbt von ConfigurationSection) |
Get |
Gibt die transformierte Version des angegebenen Assemblynamens zurück. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Get |
Gibt die transformierte Version des angegebenen Typnamens zurück. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Get |
Ruft den Type der aktuellen Instanz ab. (Geerbt von Object) |
Init() |
Legt für das ConfigurationElement-Objekt den Ausgangszustand fest. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Initialize |
Wird verwendet, um einen Standardsatz von Werten für das ConfigurationElement-Objekt zu initialisieren. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Is |
Gibt an, ob dieses Konfigurationselement geändert wurde, seit es zuletzt gespeichert oder geladen wurde, wenn es in einer abgeleiteten Klasse implementiert wurde. (Geerbt von ConfigurationSection) |
Is |
Ruft einen Wert ab, der angibt, ob das ConfigurationElement schreibgeschützt ist. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
List |
Fügt die Fehler über ungültige Eigenschaften in diesem ConfigurationElement-Objekt und in allen Unterelementen der übergebenen Liste hinzu. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Memberwise |
Erstellt eine flache Kopie des aktuellen Object. (Geerbt von Object) |
On |
Ruft einen Wert ab, der angibt, ob während der Deserialisierung ein unbekanntes Attribut aufgetreten ist. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
On |
Ruft einen Wert ab, der angibt, ob während der Deserialisierung ein unbekanntes Element aufgetreten ist. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
On |
Löst eine Ausnahme aus, wenn eine erforderliche Eigenschaft nicht gefunden wird. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Post |
Wird nach der Deserialisierung aufgerufen. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Pre |
Wird vor der Serialisierung aufgerufen. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Reset(Configuration |
Setzt den internen Status dieses ConfigurationElement-Objekts zurück, einschließlich der Sperren und der Eigenschaftenauflistungen. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Reset |
Setzt bei Implementierung in einer abgeleiteten Klasse den Wert der IsModified()-Methode auf |
Serialize |
Schreibt bei Implementierung in einer abgeleiteten Klasse den Inhalt dieses Konfigurationselements in die Konfigurationsdatei. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Serialize |
Erstellt eine XML-Zeichenfolge mit einer nicht zusammengeführten Ansicht des ConfigurationSection-Objekts als einzelnem Abschnitt, der in einer Datei geschrieben werden soll. (Geerbt von ConfigurationSection) |
Serialize |
Schreibt bei Implementierung in einer abgeleiteten Klasse die äußeren Tags dieses Konfigurationselements in die Konfigurationsdatei. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Set |
Legt eine Eigenschaft auf den angegebenen Wert fest. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Set |
Legt die IsReadOnly()-Eigenschaft für das ConfigurationElement-Objekt und alle Unterelemente fest. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Should |
Gibt an, ob das angegebene Element serialisiert werden soll, wenn die Konfigurationsobjekthierarchie für die angegebene Zielversion des .NET Framework serialisiert wird. (Geerbt von ConfigurationSection) |
Should |
Gibt an, ob die angegebene Eigenschaft serialisiert werden soll, wenn die Konfigurationsobjekthierarchie für die angegebene Zielversion des .NET Framework serialisiert wird. (Geerbt von ConfigurationSection) |
Should |
Gibt an, ob die aktuelle ConfigurationSection Instanz serialisiert werden soll, wenn die Konfigurationsobjekthierarchie für die angegebene Zielversion des .NET Framework serialisiert wird. (Geerbt von ConfigurationSection) |
To |
Gibt eine Zeichenfolge zurück, die das aktuelle Objekt darstellt. (Geerbt von Object) |
Unmerge(Configuration |
Ändert das ConfigurationElement-Objekt, um alle Werte zu entfernen, die nicht gespeichert werden sollen. (Geerbt von ConfigurationElement) |
Produkt | Versionen |
.NET Framework | 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1 |
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