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Maintains game state updates between the title and Multiplayer Manager (MPM).


HRESULT XblMultiplayerManagerDoWork(  
         const _Deref_out_opt_ multiplayerEvents,  
         size_t* multiplayerEventsCount  


Type: Deref_out_opt

An array of multiplayer events for the game to handle. This is set to null if no multiplayer events occur during this update.

multiplayerEventsCount   _Out_
Type: size_t*

The size of the multiplayerEvents array.

Return value


HRESULT return code for this API operation.


This function sends and receives game state updates between the title and Multiplayer Manager (MPM), returning an array of XblMultiplayerEvent structures that represent significant multiplayer events, such as remote players joining or leaving. You must call this function on a regular and frequent basis, such as once per frame, so that MPM can properly maintain game state. For more information, see Multiplayer Manager overview.
The multiplayer events returned by this function are owned by MPM, and remain valid only until XblMultiplayerManagerDoWork is called again. In addition, the title must be thread-safe when calling XblMultiplayerManagerDoWork, because game state changes at the time this function is called. For example, if you're iterating through the list of members on a thread other than the one from which you're calling this function, the list may change when this function is called.


Header: multiplayer_manager_c.h

Library: Microsoft.Xbox.Services.141.GSDK.C.lib

See also
