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Enumeration Description
XblMultiplayerEventType Defines values used to indicate event types for a multiplayer lobby or game. The XblMultiplayerEventArgsHandle can be used to get additional information about the event depending on the event type.
XblMultiplayerJoinability Defines values used to indicate who can join your lobby.
XblMultiplayerMatchStatus Defines values used to indicate status for the matchmaking stages.
XblMultiplayerSessionType Defines values used to indicate types for multiplayer sessions.


Function Description
XblMultiplayerEventArgsFindMatchCompleted Retrieves additional information for XblMultiplayerEventType.FindMatchCompleted multiplayer events.
XblMultiplayerEventArgsMember Retrieves additional information for XblMultiplayerEventType::HostChanged and XblMultiplayerEventType::MemberPropertyChanged events.
XblMultiplayerEventArgsMembers Retrieves additional information for XblMultiplayerEventType::MemberJoined and XblMultiplayerEventType::MemberLeft events.
XblMultiplayerEventArgsMembersCount Retrieves additional information for XblMultiplayerEventType::MemberJoined and XblMultiplayerEventType::MemberLeft events.
XblMultiplayerEventArgsPerformQoSMeasurements Retrieves additional information for XblMultiplayerEventType::PerformQosMeasurements events.
XblMultiplayerEventArgsPropertiesJson Retrieves additional information for XblMultiplayerEventType::MemberPropertyChanged and XblMultiplayerEventType::SessionPropertyChanged events.
XblMultiplayerEventArgsTournamentGameSessionReady Retrieves additional information for XblMultiplayerEventType::TournamentGameSessionReady events.
XblMultiplayerEventArgsTournamentRegistrationStateChanged Retrieves additional information for XblMultiplayerEventType::TournamentRegistrationStateChanged events.
XblMultiplayerEventArgsXuid Retrieves additional information for XblMultiplayerEventType::UserAdded, XblMultiplayerEventType::UserRemoved, and XblMultiplayerEventType::JoinLobbyCompleted events.
XblMultiplayerManagerAutoFillMembersDuringMatchmaking Indicates whether the game should auto-fill open slots during gameplay.
XblMultiplayerManagerCancelMatch Cancels the match request on the server, if one exists.
XblMultiplayerManagerDoWork Maintains game state updates between the title and Multiplayer Manager (MPM).
XblMultiplayerManagerEstimatedMatchWaitTime Retrieves the estimated wait time, in seconds, to complete a matchmaking request in progress.
XblMultiplayerManagerFindMatch Submits a matchmaking request to the server.
XblMultiplayerManagerGameSessionActive Indicates whether there is an active game session.
XblMultiplayerManagerGameSessionConstants Retrieves the session constants associated with the game session.
XblMultiplayerManagerGameSessionCorrelationId Retrieves the correlation handle for the game session.
XblMultiplayerManagerGameSessionHost Retrieves member information for the host member in the game session.
XblMultiplayerManagerGameSessionIsHost Indicates whether the specified user is the host for the game session.
XblMultiplayerManagerGameSessionMembers Retrieves member information for the members in the game session.
XblMultiplayerManagerGameSessionMembersCount Retrieves the number of members in the game session.
XblMultiplayerManagerGameSessionPropertiesJson Retrieves the custom properties for the game session, as a JSON string.
XblMultiplayerManagerGameSessionSessionReference Retrieves the session reference for the game session.
XblMultiplayerManagerGameSessionSetProperties Sets the value of a custom property for the game session.
XblMultiplayerManagerGameSessionSetSynchronizedHost Sets the host for the game session, using XblMultiplayerSessionWriteMode::SynchronizedUpdate.
XblMultiplayerManagerGameSessionSetSynchronizedProperties Sets the value of a custom property for the game session, using XblMultiplayerSessionWriteMode::SynchronizedUpdate.
XblMultiplayerManagerInitialize Initializes Multiplayer Manager (MPM).
XblMultiplayerManagerJoinability Indicates which users can join your lobby session.
XblMultiplayerManagerJoinGame Joins a game session, using the globally unique session name.
XblMultiplayerManagerJoinGameFromLobby Creates a new game session for the lobby session, or joins an existing game session if one exists for the lobby session.
XblMultiplayerManagerJoinLobby Joins an Xbox user to a lobby session.
XblMultiplayerManagerLeaveGame Leaves the game session, returning the Xbox user and all other local users to the lobby session.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionAddLocalUser Joins an Xbox user to the lobby session.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionConstants Retrieves the session constants associated with the lobby session.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionCorrelationId Retrieves the correlation handle for the lobby session.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionDeleteLocalMemberProperties Deletes a custom property from a local member of the lobby session.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionHost Retrieves member information for the host member in the lobby session.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionInviteFriends Displays the standard Xbox UI, allowing the user to select friends or recent players and invite them to the game.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionInviteUsers Invites the specified users to the game without displaying additional UI.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionIsHost Indicates whether the specified user is the host for the lobby session.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionLocalMembers Retrieves member information for the local members in the lobby session.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionLocalMembersCount Retrieves the number of local members in the lobby session.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionMembers Retrieves member information for the members in the lobby session.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionMembersCount Retrieves the number of members in the lobby session.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionPropertiesJson Retrieves the custom properties for the lobby session, as a JSON string.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionRemoveLocalUser Removes the local user from both the lobby session and game session.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionSessionReference Retrieves the session reference for the lobby session.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionSetLocalMemberConnectionAddress Sets the connection address for the local member.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionSetLocalMemberProperties Set a custom property for a local member to the specified JSON string.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionSetProperties Sets the value of a custom property for the lobby session.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionSetSynchronizedHost Sets the host for the lobby session, using XblMultiplayerSessionWriteMode::SynchronizedUpdate.
XblMultiplayerManagerLobbySessionSetSynchronizedProperties Sets the value of a custom property for the lobby session, using XblMultiplayerSessionWriteMode::SynchronizedUpdate.
XblMultiplayerManagerMatchStatus Provides the current status of matchmaking.
XblMultiplayerManagerMemberAreMembersOnSameDevice Determines whether two members are on the same device.
XblMultiplayerManagerSetAutoFillMembersDuringMatchmaking Sets if matchmaking should auto fill open slots during gameplay. This can be changed anytime.
XblMultiplayerManagerSetJoinability Restricts who can join the game.
XblMultiplayerManagerSetQosMeasurements Sets json representing QoS measurements between the current user and a list of remote clients. This is only used when the title is manually managing QoS.


Handle Description
XblMultiplayerEventArgsHandle A handle to multiplayer event arguments that can be used to retrieve additional information for a multiplayer event, depending on the type of event.


Structure Description
XblMultiplayerConnectionAddressDeviceTokenPair A connection address/device token pair to run QoS measurements on.
XblMultiplayerEvent A multiplayer event that is returned from XblMultiplayerManagerDoWork.
XblMultiplayerManagerMember Represents a reference to a member in a multiplayer game.
XblMultiplayerPerformQoSMeasurementsArgs Event arguments returned for XblMultiplayerEventType::PerformQosMeasurements events.