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Gets a list of blob metadata objects under a given path for the specified service configuration, storage type and storage ID.


HRESULT XblTitleStorageGetBlobMetadataAsync(  
         XblContextHandle xboxLiveContext,  
         const char* serviceConfigurationId,  
         XblTitleStorageType storageType,  
         const char* blobPath,  
         uint64_t xboxUserId,  
         uint32_t skipItems,  
         uint32_t maxItems,  
         XAsyncBlock* async  


xboxLiveContext   _In_
Type: XblContextHandle

An xbox live context handle created with XblContextCreateHandle.

serviceConfigurationId   _In_z_
Type: char*

The Service Configuration ID (SCID) for the title. The SCID is considered case sensitive so paste it directly from the Partner Center.

storageType   _In_
Type: XblTitleStorageType

The storage type to get blob metadata objects for.

blobPath   _In_z_
Type: char*

The root path to enumerate. Results will be for blobs contained in this path and all subpaths. (Optional)

xboxUserId   _In_
Type: uint64_t

The Xbox User ID of the title storage to enumerate. Ignored when enumerating GlobalStorage, so passing 0 is acceptable. (Optional)

skipItems   _In_
Type: uint32_t

The number of items to skip before returning results. (Optional)

maxItems   _In_
Type: uint32_t

The maximum number of items to return. Pass 0 to attempt to retrieve all items. (Optional)

async   _In_
Type: XAsyncBlock*

Caller allocated AsyncBlock.

Return value


HRESULT return code for this API operation.


To get the result, call XblTitleStorageGetBlobMetadataResult inside the AsyncBlock callback or after the AsyncBlock is complete.


V1 GET trustedplatform/users/xuid({xuid})/scids/{scid}/data/{path}?maxItems={maxItems}[skipItems={skipItems}]
V1 GET json/users/xuid({xuid})/scids/{scid}/data/{path}?maxItems={maxItems}[skipItems={skipItems}]
V1 GET global/scids/{scid}/data/{path}?maxItems={maxItems}[skipItems={skipItems}]


Header: title_storage_c.h

Library: Microsoft.Xbox.Services.141.GSDK.C.lib

See also
